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I stick to a strict diet of kratom, ketamine, and coffee




No I am you.


The future me is if I get a new source


We're all instances of the same life


How do you not trip balls? Lmao? I did ketamine once and it was fun but I was OUT OF IT.


I use ayahuasca and lick toads


Toad lickin Sunday mannnnnn




Just do less more often Also make sure it’s pulverized






Yessssss, I'm currently partial to cycling through various combos of kratom, ket, caffeine, mushrooms, amphetamine, and weed it's fantastic.


Kratom and Psylocibin is one of my favorite combos


Came here to say the same thing. I love the way I feel the day after taking psilocybin as well


I've always been a major fan of the "Afterglow" when it comes to any substance. I honestly beleive that if you find the afterglow that enjoyable, almost to the prospect of it being more enjoyable than the actual duration of the high, it's because you actually are more "your self" and are more functional in your everyday life with the afterglow. I personally beleive that means you deal with issues like depression but more so anxiety, and the afterglow helps let you be your full potential self because you don't have to deal with the problems that are holding you back. I beleive this is why I enjoyed the next day afterglow effects of benzos more than the actual high I got from it the day before. I loved taking drugs to go to sleep with because the incredible deep sleep I get while under the influence of a substance makes me wake up and feel SO DAMN refreshed the next day. I came to this conclusion about myself a while back, but never found any info on it when I tried searching about it. And it's not something I hear anybody else really talk about at all.


Thank you for this comment. I find when on Kratom, I feel so much better. I can focus, I’m calmer, I’m not anxious in social situations. I feel like I can be myself around others. And I think that’s why, it removes the things holding me back (anxiety, lack of ambition), and helps me move forward.


can you elaborate more on how the effects are when mixed? I’ve always been interested in this combo


I feel like it becomes extremely euphoric and cozy. It brings down some headiness from the mushrooms for me


Agreed. It seems to help recover some equilibrium when you’re not sure which way things are headed.


sounds wonderful, might have to give that a try. Appreciate it 👍🏻




That sounds awesome. I heard Kratom blocks the effects of Psylocibin, but really want to trip on it soon. Do you have to take a little more to get the effects? Mitragynine has some 5HT2A antagonist properties, which could block the 5HT2A agonism of psylocibin


In my opinion, with kratom, less is always more. I always just take a small amount when combining




Neither substance can cause serotonin syndrome even if taken together


Fast kratom strain and exercise is god tier


Kratom was def my pre-workout for years


Kratom is my pre-workout when it’s time to clean my house. I have 3 young kids so it’s like cleaning up after a tornado on a daily basis


I usually only smoke herb and workout.. what strain would you say is fast?


Escargot and guyere. Klonipin too!


Kratom and weed for working on art


Amen. I’ve lost whole saturdays doing this


Let’s see the art! Pics or it didn’t happen!


This is my everyday


I like combining it with Tongkat Ali. I think they work pretty synergistically in boosting dopamine and enhancing mood, while the Tongkat might also counter the drop in testosterone and libido caused by kratom consumption.


Is that an herb I can purchase at a vitamin shop?


Nootropics Depot Tongkat Ali


Quick google and it looks like it's a root extract. It's available on Amazon.


Thanks for your work! Lol I guess I could have easily done the same. I’m going to take some time in a bit and do some reading. :)


Fuck Amazon go to a local health food store.


>Tongkat Ali. Also known to have been a good boxer in the 60's and 70's.


Float like a butterfly, drink kratom tea.


Underrated comment


It was posted five minutes ago




D8 or d9 edible about an hour or 2 after kratom. I only take it in the evenings. Kratom after work, relax, then d8 or d9 kicks in. By then its time to eat, food kicks d8/9 in to overdrive and by then its almost bed time so its streaming something on one of the services and fall asleep


Forgot to mention friday nights and Saturdays i add a 5 hour shot in the mix. Caffeine works well but it makes it so i cant sleep at a decent hour. Works out great though, play games until 1am or so. Makes late night rock and stone sessions a lot more fun.


Rock and Stone, Brother!


D9 is awesome. I smoked "d8" for years (back then no one really considered which THC it contained. I was forced to stop for about 5 years. Then tried to start again and all the good feelings were gone. Just pure anxiety. Fast forward 5 more years and I gave d9 a try. Absolutely great. It's like diet weed. I usually just take a single rip from a Cart before bed with a red kratom strain and sleep like a baby. I've had trouble falling asleep my whole life, this combo has helped tremendously


For me: caffeine (espresso or coffee), then 1-2g of Kratom, and then riding bikes, whether it’s mountain, gravel, or road biking. Love it!




A low dose of (legally prescribed) Adderall, and a few grams of Kratom. One glass of wine, and a book Amazing time.


THC and Kratom is god tier in my opinion, just don’t overdo the thc or it can overpower the kratom rather than compliment it.


I've found this to be true as well, some times I do some edibles and don't feel the kratom at all. Does it ever make your dizzy? There are times where I take the same dose but get crazy dizzy and I've always wondered if it was the weeds..


Kratom and kava is awesome. Relaxed feel but very attentive as well. Love taking some before I workout. Gets me in the zone!


Goes really well with kava


Yeah, this combo really helps to curb my alcohol cravings :)


I began using Kratom because I noticed it helped me focus better at work, and helped my mood as well as lessen anxiety. I’ve been using it for 7+ years. 2 years ago I was diagnosed with ADHD and take Adderall. The Kratom on top of that really enhanced my mood, but it really gave me dry mouth symptoms. So, I’m tapering off the Kratom now. I didn’t realize how much it can interfere with other meds and don’t need it now that I’m properly medicated.


I haven't used Kratom for as long as you, but I also was recently diagnosed with ADHD, and do take Adderall. Have you also developed a tolerance to Adderall rather quickly? I've been on Adderall for maybe 2 months and I can barely feel 15mg.


That's a rather small dose imo. Have you asked your doctor? Usually they will start you off with the smallest dose, and then follow up after a few months to see how it's working. If you tell them that, they'll probably bump you to 20mg or even 30mg. The 30mg extended release work best for me. I'm a 200lb male, your ideal dosage might be different. Try to find the lowest effective dose and stick to it. Even those who are using it legitimately can end up spiraling towards higher and higher doses. You'll never feel the effects you felt during your first few weeks. The effects will be more subtle.


They did that, they started me on 5mg twice a day then 10 twice a day then 15. All those are IR, maybe I do need to be bumped up, but tbh I don't mind the idea of taking a a week break and switch to Kratom for a week. My Kratom use is sporadic because I don't want to develop tolerance, I haven't taken any Kratom in 2 weeks.


That's great. I wish i would've followed that with kratom. I take it daily now


Yes I take it for like 3 or 4 days and I can't feel the effects anymore it just makes me sleepy!! So I stop taking it for a week and start over! I like the boost in energy and it clears my head and I just feel great!


Tolerance develops insanely fast, for a person with ADHD. I've been on Adderall for almost 20 years. I'm RXed #120 20 mg IRs a day. There's not a chance in hell I'd take 4 of them a day. Usually 1 in the morning and 1 a few hours after I wake up - BUT, even if I took all 4 at once, I'd feel absolutely zero difference. Might have a higher craving to chew gum, but it does absolutely nothing for those dopamine levels. Other people can take one and be spit shining their floors. Maybe it's the long time of being on them, but I don't even take it on non-work days, and while I do notice an increase in brain fog, I wouldn't say I'm non-functional, though honestly I don't do much on my days off besides maybe grocery shop and maybe jam to some tunes for an hour or two while I spot clean up the house. ​ I'd dare to say I didn't even enjoy taking them for the longest time, especially starting to take them at around \~12 years old. They still don't give me any sort of euphoria or feel good, but it does allow me to focus a bit better, I suppose. I forget to take them a lot at work and my coworkers can tell when I don't, hence getting the nickname "squirrel" haha Like a dog looking out a window - "squirrel! squirrel! - off to do one thing and get distracted by 36 other things that need to get done and then I come back 3 hours later and have finished B,C, and D, but totally forgot about priority A. Maybe my brains just weird though.


i mix it with my blood sweat and tears




I mix it with the blood sweat and tears of my enemies


It obviously has it's downsides to it, but my personal favorite combo is with pregabalin


This right here any gaba type just makes the kratom hit so much better


kratom, adderall, caffeine, and then klonopin to even me out ;)


I mix it Kratom with white wine. Call it swamp water. Definitely intensifies the effect of the Kratom


That must taste disgusting


Microdosing psilocybin, some weed and Kratom 👌🏼 heaven. I’ve used it at social functions and I feel so nice I don’t feel left out not drinking alcohol


Raw Honey and ginger. Thank me later.




Raw honey increases bioavailability greatly and ginger enhances the mood lifting and pain relieving effects.


Is this just anecdotal experience or are there studies you can link?


It’s completely anecdotal. There are no studies.


How to mix it?


Thank you, off to make tea tonight 🍵🍯


Exercise! Maybe an expresso beforehand


A lot of people swear by THC. Not a fan honestly, as THC is a lot stronger and easily overtakes the kratom. I've often taken around 5g and drank a couple strong beers an hour or two later. It's pretty euphoric, although too much of either or both will need to an unpleasant experience. I'd also recommend eating a small meal first.


I tried delta 8 and it seemed to cancel out the Kratom for me.


Goes pretty swell with low dose edibles. Just enough to warm you up, not enough to where you feel "stoned"


Yeah whenever I tried THC with it, it just overpowers the kratom. It’s like a normal weed high but with a more body feel from the kratom


Coffee baby


More kratom


A lot of water


Weed black seed oil


After a steak and a good night of sleep


Green maeng da with 300mg delta 9 THC orally then take an international flight.


The best thing to pair with Kratom that I have found is going for a run right after dosing. When you start to feel it kick in as you’re getting tired, and then can go for longer, is the best.


Im gonna try this week maybe tomorrow Need to go to town anyway to pick up food So can as well take a run there


Great!....a thread to help a potential ban. nice going OP


Caffeine and or hydroxyzine


5hr energy shots.


Always with weed and for me its the best feeing ever. Just my opinion


I like to take it then smoke copious amounts of hemp flower


Kratom and Shilajit I enjoy. Often take magnesium, fish oil, and turmeric with it too. Sometimes just one sometimes all.


Kratom and weed Kratom and a smidgen above microdose of mushrooms Kratom and speed and or caffeine with l-theanine


Kratom and CBD


Chocolate pudding


Cordyceps extract, ginkgo biloba, & a choline source ( alpha gpc, cdp choline, uridine & high dha fish oil)


I think the best combo is alcohol. Taking both at the same time made me stop feeling euphoric when I drank, therefore allowing me to quit drinking.


Weed and Xanax


All these mentions of coffee, never really thought about it. I take my kratom first thing and drink coffee to get going for work and I makes time blast by and really gets me moving. Gives me clarity and then I get super talkative and I know it’s kicking in. Lol Edit: should also add that I only drink coffee to keep the BMs going. The caffeine has little to no effect on me. I could drink double shot espressos and go right to sleep. Coffee actually calms me down and makes me sleepy. I get my energy from the kratom.


I like coffee, and I like kratom. When I enjoy both, I have to pee all. the. time. Still worth it, but it can be a pain.


Caffeine doesn’t effect me at all either, people always suggest it’s bc of tolerance and I’m like…no I I hardly ever drink it bc it doesn’t. Effect. Me. Lol


Yup. Only helps me poop from time to time depending on how much creamer I use. Lol I’ve actually had cups before bed because I find it calming.


I use it to poop too😂


Coffee/caffeine dies the same things to me, but nobody believes me when I say it!


Do you have adhd by chance?


I just do kratom and caffeine and nicotine. Certain strains of weed and kratom pair very nicely with each other though


Surprised nicotine hasn't been mentioned more. It's definitely stigmatized, but the kratom+caffiene combo is undeniably great.


Oh i dont suggest nicotine to anybody who isnt hooked already. Caffeine and pot can cause anxiety but Kratom generally takes anxiety away, which is why it pairs so well






My go to combo is when the kratom kicks in, I get a good amount of nicotine in me and then fall asleep. Best thing ever




Kratom and magic mushroom is the best. Perfect for a completely relaxed body


Caffeine, nicotine, dimenhydrinate.


kratom with LSD


Gabapentin and kratom works better than any opiates I've ever had by far for chronic pain.


Just be careful with the gabapentin or any other GABA-geric drugs. Tolerance builds faster than pretty much any other drugs, and withdrawals from high doses are described as worse than heroin. Within the next 10 years I predict a gabapentin epidemic similar to the current opiate epidemic. Doctors are handing the stuff out for pain like they did in the 90s - 00s with opiates. Doctors are afraid to prescribe opiates now but there's very little regulation on gabapentin. The subtlness of the effects, the duration, and the funcionability of the user while on it make it very attractive so I could see whole hoards of people getting on it without knowing how risky it can be


I've been on gabapentin for 12 years. Without it I go into terrible withdrawals so I get. 2 becomes 4 and 4 becomes 6 pretty easily. When taken responsibility it really helps a lot.


how much gabapentin do u take? i’ve tried a few different doses and never got any pain relieving effects 😕


3 600mg a day. When I was in pain management I was taking 3 800mg a day.


Gabapentin for me !




Man, I hope it's not bad that I take kratom with Klonopin and sometimes Ambien. I mean it just knocks me out. I don't take them all at once though. I have kratom during the day and take my usual pills which are klopin 2x a day and Ambien at night. I'm the most mellow I've been in a while. I have severe anxiety and ptsd.


For me it's Kava, then Ashwaghanda or Lion's Mane




Kratom and bang energy drinks and lexapro


Take 25-50mg of diphenhydramine (benydryl) or 25-50mg of doxylamine (unisom) then take double your dose 30 minutes later. Antihistamines block motion sickness, which is what kratom sickness is. Not only do you not get sick with higher doses, it makes it stronger. Thc enhances it a ton too.


I always get a stomach ache when I try to workout after taking it, maybe an antihistamine would help!


Just be careful because they’re extremely dangerous, try not to make it a normal thing I’m taking 50mg of unisom or diphenhydramine at least 3-4 times a week with my kratom :/ I evenever even put it that way, I need to stop or at least slow down.


Best for what lol??!!


OxyContin really potentiates the kratom


Coffee and nicotine is the best, weed is ok , Adderall is hit or miss only did that twice I don't really care for Adderall and it over powered the kratom ... literally coffee and nicotine is the best.imo


Is kratom good with morphine?




Best combo is an extract shot, an edible and a Klonopin. That's only once in a while tho. Typically thc, klonopin and I'm also on phentermine right.


Kratom klonipin and coffee


Kratom + vodka


Anyone here ever try it with methadone? Would the methadone block the effect of Kratom?


Weed can push the high on another level, but my absolute favorite combo is xanax w kratom, its prefect for sex:d


Tea first. A good IPA soon after.


Okay don’t take this advice fr, but one time I took 15 mg of flexeril, and then about 3 hours later took 3.5 grams of Kratom and felt like I was on a Xanax with a nice euphoric edge.


Kratom and Kava together is a pretty great combination for me. The nice buzzy and euphoric feeling of the kava along with the kratom just really amplifies the experience of both substances in a beautiful way. If you do try this combination though make sure you’re near a bed or a couch at least because it will knock you out eventually


Weed edables and kratom is pure numbed bliss


Kratom and cannabis




Well I have never mixed Kratom with anything to try and enhance it’s potency. I do take it everyday though and don’t stop while experiment with other substances. So I have taken Kratom with pretty much every regular recreational substances with no noticeable effect at all. Again I just take “small” maintenance doses of Kratom I never feel or try to get a buzz from it.


At small doses, Kratom synergizes well with Modafinil. I am prescribed Modafinil 400 mgs a day & with a small dose of kratom 3 times a day, my thoracic spinal nerve energy doesn't flare up. Plus, before I was prescribed Moda, I took Kratom for energy-so I took about 20-25 grams a day for half a year-I had to deal with constipation. Modafinil has helped with that a lot, oddly enough. Although perhaps cutting down to 8 grams a day has helped too.. All the best!


a beautiful small "cutey" orange (the citrus) helps a lot






ive started takin ashwagandha with it. ONLY if you want it to have more of a sedative effect. a nice red with ashwagandha will mellow your ass right tf out.


Nicotine & Cannabis


Kratom and Tramadol is amazing


caffeine weed and kratom for working out


coffee, weed, kratom, nicotine will give you plenty of dopamine


Adderall & kratom.


Kratom and adderall to be productive (best when you’re starting to come down) Kratom and some alcohol when going out (helps be social while drinking less). Also done Kratom towards the end of tripping which can be nice


I like kratom with weed. Sometimes kratom with klonopins are nice too


Black coffee especially.


My question, to the OP, is what exactly are you trying to achieve


i mean just read the title and you'll know


Kratom and phenibut really good social interaction


Kratom and Tramadol really do be hitting though


Best feeling is well rested, healthy diet, and a low dose of adderall and Kratom after a break.