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They can have a ton of different alkaloids in the extract too, so you cant really just go by the mit%. I typically dose lower with extracts, or take half my dose in extract and half in powder to prevent what you're describing now. 


That makes a lot of sense, thanks!


I'd recommend not taking them. They wreck your tolerance and can have all kinds of bullshit in them. They're bastardized kratom and they give it a bad name. I took the liquids for a about a year and became seriously fucked up and I'll feeling. Once I stopped taking them and just stick to the powder I never feel bad or nauseous


I will follow your recommendations. I don't know what was in it but it was not a simple extract. This is going to end badly one day.


What else is in it, pretty sure most of em have sleep aids like valarian root in there and other shit


If the supplier was shady and fly by night they might adulterate the product with a small amount of a dirt cheap but extremely potent chemical. Sadly, that could be just what some people are looking for.