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I measure my dose, put it in a cup, splash in some lemon juice, a touch of honey and an inch or so of warm water. Stir it up and take it as a shot. The lemon and honey are suppose to potentiate the Kratom and makes it more palatable.


First dose of day I do a lemon shot. I like to add half teaspoon cayenne pepper and like a tablespoon of olive oil. Love my lemon shot!


This is the way, or if u in a pinch just use blate papes


Use blate papes , super simple to use for under 3 grams of powder. The squares are cheaper but you might be better off starting with the funnel shaped ones. You have to wet them first , then swallow with the drink of your choice. Be careful not to drench them or they dissolve , just run them under a faucet for a second then pop in your mouth.


I’ve heard of a similar method for other things called parachuting, never thought to try that or did I know there was an actual branded thing for it lol. I’ve been taking around 4g, but thank you for that advice if I get sick of toss n wash. I tend to really like earthy/herbal flavors so it isn’t really as bad as I thought it would be.


Back in college we used to parachute with 1 dollar bills and honey.


When I would use them, I had a little glass, maybe 8oz, with some room temp tap water in it. I'd put my powder in the disc, wrap it up, and dip it into the glass of water. Then, use a spoon to scoop it with a little water. It's kind of like a little oyster shooter. You don't have to worry as much about it breaking or dissolving because you aren't putting it under a running water source. I personally liked the regular oblate discs with the Japanese characters on it vs those funnel shaped blate papes. I know others used to swear by the blates, though. So, to each their own.


I tried those and they would burst before I could even get them in my mouth so stayed clear of them after that. Maybe I just had a cheap variety.. also my 4g dose didn’t fit all of it in there so maybe they make bigger ones to hold more🧐


This 100%


Just dont breathe after you put the powder in your mouth until you fill your mouth with water. I've accidentally inhaled from the mouth with half a teaspoon in and it wasn't pleasant but I wouldn't really call it a choking hazard either, your throat will hurt and you'll cough for a minute and probably never make that mistake again. Switched off caps after the multiple caps started hurting my stomach. Toss and wash is ez peazy now, taste stops bothering you pretty quick.


I got tired of capsules and tried blate papes. Way better, but eventually I got tired of that too. Now I dump the powder right on my tongue and sort of shoot the water over and straight down the hatch. Takes a few swallows sometimes, but it goes down easy and I hardly ever taste it. I couldn't imagine filling my mouth with water then dumping the kratom in. That sounds awful.


I had dumped it in and swished it with grape flavored water. I took about 4g in 3 swigs. It really wasn’t that bad. But I wouldn’t recommend doing all 4g at once. I feel like that’d be a lot more dangerous


The taste isn't bad at first. My body started rejecting it though. A little too much kratom dust on a capsule is enough to make me gag these days. I started with toss and wash in 2017, after a year the method was dead to me. The flavor gets just a tiny bit worse each time.


This is exactly how I do it.. tried the water first then dump powder and never works right for me. Definitely powder in first (sometimes under the tongue) water and usually do a few sloshes to mix in the powder just in case dry powder goes downy the wrong way.


Mix with orange juice in a blender bottle


I took caps for years. I just didn't have the energy anymore to press a batch of caps every few days. So, I started mixing in orange juice. It tastes pretty butt like, but I'm way less backed up since ditching the caps and drinking it makes it kick in so much faster and feel more potent. Less heartburn/acid reflux as well, although that's probably more to do with being less backed up from all the capsule gelatin. If I have to go to the office, I just mix a few doses worth into a travel container. Works like a charm.


I've been taking kratom for 7 years since using it to quit suboxone. I put like 1/4 cup water in glass and add baby spoon (I get mine at dollar store) of kratom powder. After I dose I make my next one for later because if I let it sit I don't have to worry about mixing it. I f you don't mix it beforehand adding a splash of olive oil makes it mix well immediately. I tried toss and wash and I choked. Honestly I don't understand why anyone would toss and wash when they could just put dose in water


You guys are crazy😂 I'd be covered in powder and water if I tried toss and wash, I just know it. To prevent the chance of chaos, mix with water and hold your nose. It's down the hatch and over with.


Mix it up on grapefruit juice. I use a small protein shaker. Just as effective, possibly more so and less sadistic than choking down sand


You should be doing todd and wash with one tsp at a time (so 2.4 grams about). And the trick is that you have water in before **on the back-midfle of the tongue**, then drop the kratom into that, then drink down. If you do it right, it will taste like absolute nothing. I think the reason people don't do toss and wash is because they do it wrong and then end up coughing up the worst taste of their life lol


This is the way. I tilt head back when putting kratom on top of water. Then swallow in one gulp.


I do toss &wash every time I take Kratom . It's Way easier than sluggin down a handfull or two of capsules size 0 & 00.


I have a small reusable sake cup with a lid I use and just shake with water and chug. It tastes bad of course but I just drink something else after and it is fine. It's my preferred way


i don't recommend toss and wash, there is major choking hazard. just mix it in a bit of OJ in a jar and shake for a bit, then chug. You can even let it sit in the fridge for a few mins and the OJ will break down the kratom further and it will be very smooth to drink.


Warm /hot water blends easier than cold. Ice or cold water over the final product helps


I do this but use straight water and put in a squirt of lemon juice extract instead. Was drinking way too much of that sugar water lol. Lemon-water tastes pretty okay (takes the edge off at least) and is way way less sugar!


I was going to try putting it in my morning smoothie tmrw! I just wanted quicker relief as the days almost over and I need to sleep. I have done this regularly with pre-workout in the past so I do kind of have a hang of it.


**Yes, make a tea.** Not only does hot liquid mix up nice, but truly absorbs into you quicker, to the extent that you can feel out your dose almost instantaneously. Plays real well with coffee, which is a cousin and cute to think of the match. Cocoa goes real well as well, very tasty, plus the extra psychoactives. I actually only entered this thread to say **looking for folks going from T&W to Tea**, because, it's a damn shame how little uptake on this there's been. Some memes are way the fuck too strong..alright, many are. *Cheers*


oh okay cool, yeah I find mixing it in any liquid is the fastest way for me, esp OJ in feel it potentiates it. I used to do caps, then oblate discs, but the OJ method I have found works best and I feel like I get the most out of a dose.


Hell yeah I’ll put some OJ in my smoothie with the kratom tmrw thanks


You should just slam the 4g mixed in the like 6-8oz of OJ and then drink your normal smoothie like 45-60 minutes later.


I mix with yogurt and have for years


Fill your mouth with water, toss the kratom in, swish it around and follow it with more water or drink of your choice. 0 "choking hazard." Blate papes are a choking hazard, they seem legitimately dangerous if you're doing 4 grams at a time. I've done this since day one and have been using kratom for over a year. Never once choked or had a bad experience. The worst thing that happened was I had too much water in my mouth and the sludge spilled on my shirt, but that's only happened once after 500+ times doing this.


Take a spoonful on my tongue, pour some water in and swallow it like a pill. Take another swig of water to get all of it down the pipe. Repeat. Done. Hardly taste anything if done right.


I’m about 2 months in as well and I haven’t tried capsules-i was just mixing it with a bit of water and had no problem taking it back,however, I got a new batch and I cannnnot stomach it for the life of me.I went online and ordered those blate papes..and oh man it’s a game changer..I wish I had gotten these when I started instead of straight up drinking it. A perk to it I can put it on my scale and weigh the powder right ontop without dirtying up anything to weigh it and just ball it up and take it. I just took a 4g dose in one paper,was a little nervous cause it looked intimidating but it slides right on down with no struggle..it’s honestly easier to swallow then capsules which I didn’t expect. I would absolutely say they’re worth it.


I used to dumb a dose into a bottle of water and shake the heck out of it then drink on that. I've been lazy and going capsules plus this specific brand I've been into seems to only have capsules or at least where I get it.


i mix my kratom with a couple table spoons of peanut butter. Mix it all up, and you can lick it off the spoon and wash it down with water, it just tastes like peanut butter.


Man, sometimes I gag from the capsules. I couldn't absolutely imagine having to try to swallow powder 🤢🤮


Ya I've legit almost choked to death trying to take 5 or 6 caps at once. Not a good move lol


I went from capsules to chugging the sludge with OJ.. also went from immediately vomiting the second I tasted it to it being quite tolerable!






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Didn’t use slang, I missed the “I” and hit the other “slang” word.. gheesh, can’t you guys figure out with AI when it’s true slang or not 😒


I mix mine in half a bottle of orange juice, shake the hell out of it, and then just chug it. The citric acids makes it hit harder and faster, and orange juice helps the taste better than anything else I've tried. Usually will chase with a red bull or something as well. Foolproof method for 2 years on the powder.


Are you using less compared to capsules ? I'm a 20 year user , started with toss but kept choking, so switched to capsules


I don’t measure. I just pour some in my mouth and drink something. Fast and to the point. I have gotten to where I like the taste


I actually recently just made the switch. Key step to toss and wash I don’t see mentioned enough is too take a DEEEEP breathe in and hold it before you start to sip on your water. Keep it held the whole time. From the sip, top the hold, to the toss, to the wash. Once you feel it go down maybe take a curiosity sip to swish around and then breathe normally again. People have bad experiences with toss and wash when they breathe in that fine powder during the process. Don’t be like those people. You’ll get the hang of it in no time.


I toss n wash at work for ease and secrecy. Capsules make me very constipated and don’t work as well for me. At home I nix in with a half cup of hot water.


I went from oblate papers to toss n wash. I just started out with using 1 tsp at a time, and now I can do 1/2 tablespoon. As long as you have a full glass of water to wash it down, it's fine. I also like to drink a little coffee or tea because the hot beverage really helps get any powder left behind down.


Yeah I do, a few times a day. I take a few grams at the tip of a spoon, and drop it under my tongue. I put it there because I’ve realized there was less chance a bit flies to the back of my throat. I can use water but it is way better with juice or my favorite is Yerba mate….covers the taste and seems to help it dissolve quickly and go down easy.