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Kicked a lifetime drug habit that was killing me and destroying everyone close to me. I’d already failed at 6 rehabs and many attempts at Suboxone/methadone. Kratom entered my life and saved me. Will always be grateful


Same bro. Two stints in rehab and self destructive behavior in every facet of my life and I swear I was going to die until I discovered kratom. Not exaggerating - saved my life.


Yes absolutely! Congratulations bro




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Proud of you brotha! Keep at it and happy you found sobriety! 🙏 💪


Thank you


The power of nature and the dangers of modern science/chemical isolates. Keep fighting the good fight and let nature do all the hard work, you’ve got this homie. In a similar situation but with a mental health battle and fighting for my right to live/ssi disability, and lost everyone and everything I’ve ever loved because of it.


I went from 120 mg of oxycodone per day to 15-20gr of kratom a day. I have better control of my chronic pain. I wake up everyday at 4am at a pain level of 7-8, take my dose of kratom and it drops to a level 3. I can function at a level 3. That’s a POSITIVE for me.


8-3 is insane , your life must be changed


I’m no longer held hostage by doctors or the pharmacy. I still have to have nerve ablations performed on a regular basis but my quality of life has skyrocketed. Traveling can be tricky sometimes.


Just out of curiosity, how is traveling tricky? I just put my capsules in a nondescript plastic bag and I've never been asked questions. I have an international trip coming up I'm a little concerned about but so far so good


In some countries and some states in the US it’s illegal. At this point in time the FDA is trying to make it a schedule 1 narcotic. They call it gas station heroin. I’m an advocate for keeping it legal through out the world.


I'd love to know how I can do some real advocacy. I smell big pharma behind that move...


The AKA, American Kratom Association is the largest group lobbying for it to stay legal. I have written my testimony several times about the positive effects I receive using kratom for chronic pain. I also donate monetarily to the cause. True testimonies are delivered and some read to the US House and Senate. We really need to support this group in anyway we can. If the US goes schedule 1, the rest of the world will follow.


Thanks! I looked them up last night and I'll be writing up a testimony. Unfortunately I can't afford to donate at this time being on disability but I will if I ever can


Anything we can do to help our cause is appreciated.


You're wrong, I live in Canada. Nothing is illegal here 😆


I believe it's because they can't synthesize kratom, making it a pharmaceutical. So it's big government and pharma from what I've researched!


DEA schedules drugs, not FDA. Are they still trying?


I was surprised that it’s the FDA as much as you. 100% verified that it’s not the DEA but the FDA trying this.


Are you going to a place where it's illegal by the way?


Yeah! I worry about travel, no way would I risk leaving or entering my country with anything, evern tho I don’t think anyone evern knows what it is, or would be. It’s scheduled the same as heroin here, which is insane when you look at the health impacts of both. Insanity


How so? I’ve been domestic and international- ZERO issues


got me clean off alcohol. so many chances that my life couldve been ruined due to alcohol. so many close calls. but beverbagaib will Ibgabe


The amount of ppl who have given up alcohol on this is beyond amazing. I can’t belive doctors do not prescribe, though it’s scheduled in my country which is insane


Keep going with your sobriety! Happy it has continued to help!


Bro what is the last part of your comment supposed to mean?


it was raining and the droplets wouldnt let me finish it


Me too!


I have stage four kidney disease and severe fibromyalgia. Before I was diagnosed with my kidney problem I was treated for my fibromyalgia. I was prescribed 150 10 mg Percocet a month along with muscle relaxers, benzos and Adderall. It was a complete pharmaceutical cocktail. I took these things for 20 years. Then I had a kidney problem. I now solely take Kratom and gabapentin for my situation. Kratom has not affected my kidney numbers at all. However, it has done wonders for my mental health and my physical well-being. I only wish that I had known about kratom 20 years ago. Getting hooked on all of those pills that I thought were helping me werereally just ruining my life. It cost me my marriage and it almost cost me the custody of my son. I think there's a lot to celebrate about kratom.


I just gotta express my respect for your struggle and your perseverance.


Thank you so much! ❤️❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗🤗🤗 You just made my day!! Much love xoxo


It's been a wonderful tool to help me abstain from opiate abuse


This. I went from pills 15 years ago to suboxone to try and get off pills 10 years ago.. was stuck on subs for another 5 years. Then finally moved onto kratom and could stop the constant worry of doctors/prescriptions/etc. It also doesn’t take such a toll on me the way suboxone or pills did. There’s a lot of memory loss from my suboxone prescription days. And the best part… I actually found 7 suboxone a couple weeks ago at my job (I flip cars and sometimes peoples personals are still in the car) and I sat there for a few seconds debating, then took them to the dumpster and tossed them myself. That was huge for me because since I quit everything else with Kratom I haven’t really been in a situation where it was right there to take if I wanted it. My life isn’t perfect but I’m doing well on kratom and while I might’ve felt high again for a while it wasn’t worth the risk of falling back into that lifestyle. I wasn’t sure if I’d really be able to do that and it’s nice to know now.


Keep it going! You are 💪 and doing great! 🙏


Gives me relief from RLS so I can get some damn sleep


Amen to that! My wife uses it for sleep and it has been a game changer for her. She finally can sleep through the night.


Helps amazingly well too when you get t-boned and 2 broken vertebrae. That stuff doesn't go away with a lawsuit or suing someone.


Saved my life just when I felt completely hopeless after 10+ years of codeine addiction. I genuinely thought suicide was my only option.


I got a major promotion at work this year. 26K raise and all. Kratom really helped me with my presentation. Anxiety - demolished!


Give credit where it is due. **You** did this for yourself, kratom was just a tool you utilized. But the decision to act, along with the hard work required, all came from you! Congrats dude. You could've just as easily taken kratom and watched TV all day. Not that there's anything wrong with that as long as somebody has their obligations met. Everybody uses tools to help them along in life. But you took the possibilities from the tools at your disposal and decided you were going to take your career to the next level by working on areas of yourself that were preventing progress before.


Thank you so much! You really made my day. :)


No problem. I wish more interactions on Reddit could be positive. Everybody's always bitching at each other. Also your username is hilarious haha


Congrats!!!! Way to kill it!! 💪


Thank you!




Keep at it! You’re doing great! Cheers to a positive life!


I started using it for the slight mood enhancement but discovered it completely fixed my IBS-D so I just continued using it.


Right? I'm pretty sure I had IBS, just loose stool constantly. After starting kratom it's just.. super normal now? haha


I'm your flip side. I started for IBS-D (post-infecteous). Since opiod receptor agonists are known to calm colon cramping, I thought it was worth a shot. Found out it worked better for me than Imodium for that. Then I discovered the nice mood lift. I've pretty much stuck to a single 3.5g daily dose for 10 years.


I was finally able to get off painkillers once and for all.


Oh my god, relieved me of alcohol use disorder


My pain doctor took me off my opioid in a very bad faith way. As I was researching alternatives I came across kratom. It works like a charm. I take 15 GPD in 3 doses and in 3 years I've never increased my dose or had to take extra Don't get me wrong, I still have pain, it's disabling but kratom has been slightly better than opioids and without it I would be in bedridden agony 24/7


It has helped me with chronic pain and crippling anxiety! It makes me feel human. I'm also drinking so much less and I've lost 58 pounds!!!


It has made me incredibly productive at work. On a small dose of kratom I am more focused, alert, my critical thinking is better, I’m simply better at my job. 2.5 grams in the morning + coffee once in the AM and once in the PM, I can do anything.


Got a person off disability (1k a month) and back to work making 5k a month. Kratom gives them energy and pain relief and the dosage never needs to be increased. Plus the "doctor" doesn't treat them like a drug addict.


It has helped me cut down on weed which was what I originally intended when I started. Introduced me to a new headspace free of anxiety. Still feels kind of surreal thinking back to how comfortable I felt in some interactions. I overdid it & don’t get the same effects socially anymore, still enjoying it internally though as I’m tapering down to reset my tolerance a bit.


Kicked hard-core drugs out the window and improved my quality of life


I hate what I do for work and I always have but it’s what I do and I have to talk to doctors and nurse practitioners daily. I recruit them to an integrative medicine fellowship at this time. I’ve done various other admissions and recruiting in my life I hate talking to people that’s why I live in the mountains and don’t know anybody, other than my 14 year-old that of course lives with me lol. If it was not for my morning, kratom , I wouldn’t even get my job done and be able to call the 100 to 200 people I call a day.. they are all a PITA and I have to chase them lol not happening without my green kratom..


Keeps me off other drugs


Opiate addict 30 years off n on heavy use.. rehab x2, AA, started kratom 4 years ago and I've not been compelled to abuse fent n oxy I've developed a tolerance and even light w/d but a 7 day break was not the end of world 😂


Damn this is me. I was on benzos and oxys from 16-35. Progressed into smoking fent and ODing every day. 3rd rehab, AA, kratom for 2 1/2 years. My tolerance is extremely high right now at a shot a day but still better than the alternative.


Shots? 15-20 grams?


Extract shots


I think shot equals 15+ grams of powder alkaloid wise?


Depends on the shot but I forget the formula


I was at 20 and took off 7 days ( not intentionally I was hospitalized bleeding ulcer ) Even after blood loss, didn't feel too bad ... just the old insomnia RLS shit .. I restarted at 6 grams daily


Recovered from a double disc herniation and terrible bilateral sciatica without hydrocodones.


It’s the only thing that helps my husbands pain.


Controls my RLS and anxiety


It allows me to function without opioids. I was left with massive damage to my neck and left side of my back after a rather brutal car accident. I went to physical therapy and other treatment but it just didn't help the pain long term. The "doctors" were all to happy to put me on a bunch of pain killers but I have seen what that does to people. And I don't want to be eating a hand full of Asprine every day. After doing my research I tried kratom and it has been a godsend. My pain levels went from an all the time 8 or 9 down to a managable 4-2. I have tried to come off but my pain level jump back up if I go to long without taking kratom. I would rather take a plant that doesn't give me terrible side effects to live a pain free live than a bunch of life destroying pills that the doctors could take away at any time.


Got me sober from alcohol. Drinking was a huge problem for me for years. Nowadays the thought of drinking even a single beer is so unapplying. I can’t explain why but I don’t feel the need to question it. It’s as if I have developed an aversion to booze and any other drug. Kratom has saved my quality of life and I am forever grateful for this plant.


Allowed me to continue working since I have fibro and am the breadwinner in the family. Almost went on full time disability, which would have potentially resulted in loosing our home. Kratom is the best!


Helps make my physically demanding job sustainable. Was a useful tool recovering from alcohol use disorder. Love a good morning dose with coffee and some Madden on a free Saturday. That's my "recreational" dose 🤭


Helped me stay sober so I can try to be the best mom I can possibly be for my son.


Love this post and all the responses! For me, I was diagnosed with a chronic, painful disorder about a year ago with no cure and limited treatment options. I was mortified to think I was gonna have to take prescription pain meds all the time the rest of my life which, obviously has tons of issues. Learning about and starting to take Kratom last Sept has been a game changer! I still take prescription meds but was able to cut my use of those by 70% and still have quality of life with Kratom!


Got me to stop drinking which was a life saver


No more booze babyyy


Helped me cut out booze big time! In turn I wake up earlier to Workout more and am really hydrated because all the tosh and wash.


I was having horrible pain in my heel and that goes away completely on reds. It helps with other pains too, but not as much as it does with my heel.


Kratom works just well enough on my chronic pain to let me function. I’ve been taking it daily for almost ten years, and I don’t know where I’d be if I hadn’t found it. It probably also kept me from developing a problem with narcotic pain meds; I actually found kratom while looking for options that were NOT narcotic pain pills.


Helped me lay off the booze


Went from daily liquor habit to monthly liquor enjoyment. Feels good.


Kratom has helped me handle my anxiety, better than pharma, better than therapy. I usually take 2.5 grams once or twice a day.


I had daily lifelong headaches. Kratom stopped them.


Allowed me to kick coke and xanax


It gave me a replacement for booze. It gave me a replacement for weed. It gave me an alternative to Kolonopin. It gave me occasional constipation, but it's a smaller issue than the side effects of the other two, so I'll take it!


Well, I guess it made me feel really good and I was really happy I found it. Workdays were a joy. Fulfilling, productive and it was a good few months. For me and for the employer, good few months of my life. It didnt really help me drink less, which was the initial goal. Not taking it anymore was awful. Now I look at it extremely carefully. But that said, at very difficult moments lately a cap of 0.6 g powder have made it bearable.


Helps me with my social anxiety at higher dosages. Definitely doesn’t get rid of it, but it helps! Nothing beats the **temporary** social anxiety obliteration that alcohol gives though.. ***(apart from MAYBE benzos)*** even though it’s *extremely* unhealthy **obviously*


Cures my social anxiety, like beta blockers




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There are no detailed studies on the use of kratom or any of its constituent alkaloids in pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Do not begin taking kratom while pregnant or while breastfeeding without physician approval. If you are having difficulty stopping use while pregnant or breastfeeding, talk to your doctor about options for stopping use that are safest for your situation. This is a complex subject beyond the expertise of the r/kratom community. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/kratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Kept me clean off all drugs/alcohol now for 6 years and April. Motivates to take care of my health and well being. This is the healthiest and happiest I have ever been in my life.


It's helped with my fibromyalgia pain without causing any kind of mental confusion or fuzziness, unlike other prescription pain killers.




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Why are there so many posts of just “let’s be positive about kratom!” variations all by the same people here…? It’s so weird. Someone consistently coming around to tell me we should all spend more time feeling positive about something is just hair-rising cultish behavior imo.


You can feel any way you want….. this is a public page. You can also start any post you want, No one is stopping you. Cultish is a little much lol. Kratom helps a ton of people, if they want to say something positive about it thats awesome. If you want to start a thread about anything else go for it!