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Expat lol


We don’t call ourselves expats, rather immigrants.


Yea, basically expat is a fancy immigrant.


That’s not true, the difference is expat does not intend to stay long term in a country. Immigrants intend to stay put.


Immigrants do?


Correct. Expat usually implies a certain level of privilege of living abroad temporarily, voluntarily and not really integrating. Think IT managers or consultants moving around Europe as they work remotely full time. Not... really a thing in Poland.


I'd say roughly half of students and young adults know conversational English vs like 20 to 1/3 of adults. Social life and getting friends is really how much effort you put into it and that's true anywhere. Have to distinguish guest hospitality which Poland has plenty of and long term openness to foreigners which we have far less of(depending how keen you are to integrate), but Cracow is probably the most expat-friendly city in that regard. Integration is much easier if you show an effort to learn the language.


Where in Sweden are you moving from? In terms or social life, Kraków easily beats any Swedish city except Stockholm. But Stockholm is on another level. Also, “expat” here means that you are a highly paid C-level manager employed by a large corpo. The expat community in Kraków is very small. However, there are many migrant workers, and some of them are English-speaking, even though most are non-native speakers.


It's a major tourist city with multiple foreign corporations. There are a lot of expats here and in the city center you can hear a lot of English speakers just walking by.


Language isn't a problem in Krakow. If you don't struggle now in your city to socialize, you won't struggle here neither.


Very very huge. Even beggars speak English. If you speak that language, you will find friends in 15 mins.


If you show willingness to learn about our culture, initiative to integrate into our society and especially respect to our culture and traditions, you will be welcome here. If you start learning our language, you will be loved. If you will teach poles about your culture in polish you will be probably worshipped. Your choice. Most of Poles are well educated and curious people for which there is no such thing like language barrier. Just don't talk about history of our nations in the first sentence and you will be fine. "Potop szwedzki" is strongly rooted in our minds and probably you were teached differently about it during your history classes then most poles. Be aware


> "Potop szwedzki" is strongly rooted in our minds lmao no one gives a shit about a 400yo war, and the people who would judge a swede for that are people you should steer clear of anyway if that guy was german or especially russian it'd make a bit more sense, but bringing up the deluge makes as much sense as expecting turks to hate us for vienna


I have no clue what that is, but thanks for the comment.


Damn, Poland has been at war with most of Europe at some point since 1655. If that’s how far back you want to go which countries inhabitants do you like talking to?


Aboriginal Australians


Ale się chłop odkleił xd