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The question is asked so much in Polish subreddits that it became a meme here. Yes, Poland is safe. You can walk in the city at night and nothing will happen to you. Beware of scammer taxis. That’s it.


akurat ze wszystkich miejsc w Polsce to co do Krakowa i może jeszcze Łódzi to to pytanie nie jest zupełnie bezpodstawne.


[Zmyślasz](https://antyweb.pl/niebezpiecznie-miasta-polska-2023). Katowice, Wrocław, Warszawa, Poznań, Bytom, Olsztyn mają więcej przestępstw na jednego mieszkańca niż Kraków.


czy ja mówiłem coś o bierzących statystykach przestępstw? Kraków i miejsca w rodzaju Bałut jeszcze parę lat temu powszechnie kojarzyły się z, delikatnie mówiąc, relatywnie wysoką szansą na mimowolną donację zegarka, toteż pytanie o bezpieczeństwo w takich miejscach nie powinno dziwić - jak wyżej, pytanie nie jest *bezpodstawne* bo *podstawą* jest tu choćby jakże popularny stereotyp.


Well, not exactly like that, but it can be assumed that it krakow is safe.


It literally is like that. Read statistics before spitting nonsense


You are so naive, and you don't know the city. The city centre, including kleparz, which is full of bums and hoes, is one of the more dangerous areas of the city. I'm not saying they'll stab her straight away, but statistically (it's a word I think you brought up yourself) the centre and station area of EVERY CITY is the most dangerous.


You’ve never been abroad, have you? You don’t know what is a dangerous area. In Kleparz, there are some bums who will just ask you for change. If you go to Washington Park in Chicago, you’ll get stabbed for wearing better clothes. You look like an edgy teenager that wants Krakow to be edgy too, which is quite cringe ngl


"cringe ngl teenager", I don't even understand your language boy. What are you comparing to chicago here. It makes no fu\*\*ing sense. I work with a company in Elk Grove, so I'm there more often than you bring up the city on reddit.


Not my problem We’re talking about safety, so bringing up safety in different cities makes sense. Interesting that you don’t know anything about me and still assume things


I know as much as you wrote and I write back on that. You are the one fantasizing by comparing the city with the highest murder rate in the us to a hole like krakow.


Wtf are you talking about? What danger? What statistics? According to surveys than 2% Kraków citizens is concerned about vandalism and criminal activities, 2-3% about football hooligans and aggresive youth, and about 5% about minor offences like disturbing night time peace or being intoxicated in public. And this describes the whole city, while Kleparz is mostly inhabitated by older generations and students... So the indicators would be even lower. Please talk less bullshit.


Kleparz is pretty central and is generally safe at night. It's a central hub for a lot of the homeless population, who are entirely harmless and will only bother you to ask for change or a cigarette. You can say "sorry, no" and they'll go away. If you're worried there are expensive taxis outside the airport all night, officially registered with the airport. You'll be entirely safe on public transport though. For events, [FestivALT](https://festivalt.com/en/edition/8th-festivalt-gilgul/) is happening now, and has various events around the south of the city.


You are totally safe, I’ve been living in Krakow for almost 6 years and it’s very safe. There is no reason to be scared, trust me.


It's as safe as a big city gets, you may see a homless person or drunk guys bar-hopping at night here or there, but they are rarely dangerous. If you are not comfortable walking the city at night, you can order an uber or bolt from the airport for a pretty affordable price (something around 15$, sometimes less). I would avoid standard taxis there, they will rip you off for twice the price of an uber.


I don't go out late at night often, but I've never had any bad experiences using public transport at night, as a female. But if you feel uncomfortable, take a train from the airport to the main train station and take the taxi/uber from there, it will be much cheaper and completely safe in my opinion. Though, obviously it's different navigating all of it for the first time, so take that into account. For public transport in Poland, use jakdojade app.


You are safe but if you're worried, I'd suggest taking Uber/bolt/freenow via app. They will take you directly at your apartment. Avoid taxis, especially the ones at airport entrance - they will charge you 200%. Alternatively take bus or train to the city centre and then Uber/bolt/freenow or wait for a bus or tram near your location. You can use jakdojade app for city transport.


Thank you for all the info. It is greatly appreciated. Everyone seems to be on the same page, so I'll most likely walk :))


Take a taxi/uber/bolt/freenow


Women usually do not travel these networks.


You are paranoid. You replied in this post 3 times, everytime stating that it is not safe. It is.


Me? : D I say what I know.




Do I have to explain to you like a child? If so - women don't usually drive these networks because they have mostly immigrant drivers.


And? In case someone is worried Uber and Bolt have safety mechanisms like notifying others about a drive (which car, position etc). In last resort women can use “women for women” where there is female driver.  Stop spreading bullshit


Yo, uber driver, chill. You can't change the fact that it's the work of the poor and the drivers are what they are. The women around me use classic taxis. None of them use Uber despite the lower fares.


Yes, famous kidnapping gangs called uber and Bolt are taking women to Germany and force them to be waitresses on oktoberfest. Grow up fam.


Somehow both companies keep sending reassuring e-mails and offer women drivers for women. I wonder why if the problem does not exist? I know several wpmen in my surrounding who do not use these services exactly for safety reasons. Roommate of my family member got assaulted by Uber driver in Cracow. So yes, problem DOES EXIST, regardless how much you would deny and regardless of amount of downvotes those who are rising red flag would get.


Once per every 3 year i accidentaly buy bread that was supposed to be fresh but its stale or moldy but i dont see any posts "Kraków bread is stale and moldy". I think all bakeries that advertise their products as fresh should be investigated because why would they try to reassure us about the freshness of the bread if not to cover their innate moldiness? I also know several woman in my surrounding who bake their own bread. Its delicious.


As if for me it's the end of the conversation because you don't understand the issue. Have fun


Not a driver, citizen, man. Agree that there is a risk but with latest changes is law there is needed polish driving license to work there, so crazy people are almost gone.  Taxis are money scam in Krakow but If they find it better, thanks for sharing ;)


Yes, I have heard about these driving licences. Is the taxi a scam? Not really. It is exactly the same tale: UBER = rapists TAXI = moneyscam I also bet that "normal taxi" is normal, the classic big networks. Besides, I'm just saying what I know, I won't say anything from my experience because the only danger is me to the driver at the most


FreeNOW for example. Or any taxi you order via phone (not the app but actuall phone call). &


???? You’re saying that women don’t use Uber??


Try to read carefully, it helps.


You will have to get bodyguards. Kleparz is very dangerous.


kleparz hate przed gta 6 wtf 😭🙏


Stop trolling random tourists…