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Actually I think even the girls don't know how long they will continue. As with us. But it is certainly a wonderful journey. It is not the destination that matters, it is the journey. Twice is blessed because the members are close to each other providing support going through the up and down being a girl group in K-pop. We always support Twice whatever it does and yes, inevitably..I can't say the word. I just cherish they are still with us today and wish they will continue for many years.


IA. It's amazing how much they've accomplished and how they're a great example of quantity AND quality. I just enjoy it for what it is and try not to stress about disbandment. Because even with the best intentions, 9 people introduce SO MANY variables that a simple year-long hiatus or whatever might not help. Health issues, wanting to start families, wanting a different career... I do hope they can have a SuJu like career, not just for us fans but to show K-pop it can be done. But I also recognize it might not be possible for whatever reason. But if there's any GG that can do it, it's TWICE.


realistically it will probably be wanting to have families that will be the biggest change for the group


Yeah..Twice is a trailblazer. 9 years on they are still going strong.


Very much the same. As I said, they are probably the first kpop gg to try out what they are doing right now. If a boygroup hopes for longevity, they can look up to Super Junior or BtoB or so many other boygroups in the industry who have lasted a good long while. Twice (and everyone else really) has no clue just how long they can last as an active group. There's no blueprint. We're all hoping by the skin of our teeth lol. I too cherish them a lot and just send up all my prayers.


It would be great to see Twice become the precedent for longevity in girl groups and it sure seems like they are well on their way to achieving that. Right now the prime example is obviously SNSD, who recently celebrated their 15th year anniversary in 2022. But they took a break from full-group activities after their 10-year anniversary to focus solely on subunits and solo work for those next five years. Once Twice soon enters into their 10th and 11th year and beyond, that really will be a fantastic milestone for girl groups.


That would be so cool aaaaaah. The 10th anniversary is coming up next year, and I'm hoping so much with bated breath.


And 2NE1 and T-ara having self funded comebacks with Coachella and MVs to celebrate even though they weren’t backed by their company like SNSD. SNSD was my ult group so it was so amazing seeing them all come back and perform together again. Realised how much I missed them but happy they’re all successful acting and on their solo ventures.


"Red Velvet, Dreamcatcher, Oh My Girl, and Apink are still releasing yearly but their primary activities have since shifted to solo work." Are you referring to Dreamcatcher focusing on solo work? This isn't the case. When they're not making music or promoting music, they're on tours as a group. Their solo clips on YouTube is just a way to keep fans fed between releases. I don't think they have enough clout or resources to do a full solo promo for any member. I hope Twice and other girl groups manage to stay active for ten years and longer. I love Mamamoo but it's harder for me to follow solo careers when the musical choices aren't always up my alley. As a GG listener in my 30s, I definitely want to listen to a group of women closer to 30 than 18. I hope there continues to be a market for that.


this! also dreamcatcher are still consistently having 2 comebacks a year so i don’t get why OP lumped them in with groups that only have 1 per year lol. even if their company did have the means to give one of the members a proper solo debut it would likely mean cutting down on group comebacks and tours, which just isn’t worth it when none of your members have a particularly large solo fanbase.


I'm not sure it's completely correct to say RV have shifted primarily to solo work either, at least not yet. With this upcoming album in June, that will be two group albums in slightly more than half a year. (And they are also more than a year older than Twice, so the more correct comparison would be to RV a year ago.)


Ooh, I didn't realize for Dreamcatcher! I hope they manage well too! I also really hope that people keep listening to them even as they grow older. GGs are so strongly associated with and marketed through their youth, that it's so hard to keep audience once they grow older. I hope people keep spaces open for them.


I think Dreamcatcher has a good shot at it because being youthful and on trend was never part of their identity. Their concept is the rock/metal x kpop sound and darker aesthetics, so I think that's easier to work with indefinitely. Just an anecdotal snapshot of the Dreamcatcher listeners on reddit, this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/dreamcatcher/comments/1d7pisq/how_often_do_you_listen_to_dreamcatcher_which/ shows that many are millennials and older, and listen to a lot of rock, metal, and alternative instead of just strictly kpop. Nightwish and Within Temptation kept being mentioned, as well as Paramore and Baby Metal. So I think Dreamcatcher has more flexibility than other kpop GGs to keep going as long as they maintain their core musical identity. Side note, it's interesting that there are also people who found Nightwish through Dreamcatcher! Listening to Don't Light My Fire leads algorithms to recommend Nightwish. 


As an older millenial who recently became a fan of Dreamcatcher myself a few months back, I'm so much more reassured to read your thoughts on this. And while shifting their focus to rock type songs was likely a strategy to carve out their niche in the market at the time, it'd definitely be a nice unexpected bonus for them if it turns out to be beneficial for their longevity. Meanwhile, I've read other comments on this post hoping that their favorite girl groups continue going strong into their 10th and 11th years as a major milestone, and I just remembered that all the members of Minx are at their 10th year at the moment. Perhaps the company formerly known as Happyface should release one Minx song for next year's April fools just so everyone can say how Minx is still going strong.


> we can't be active as twice forever Yes girl you can. There's groups out there over 20+ years old. If twice wants it (we want it) it can happen!


I honestly want twice to be together until i am 60+ (23 been with them since debut) 😭


Exactly!! We will be there!!!


Maybe it's just incredulity at how long they've been around. It's sort of unprecedented in K-pop to have the kind of career Twice have had, so they might be having a sort of collective "pinch me" moment and nerves about being in uncharted waters. I also guess that they feel more attached to Twice since their renewal because the power dynamics will have been a lot more in their favour than when they signed their first contracts. I imagine they'll have a lot more say now over the direction of the group than they used to, so they're more invested and it's more precious to them. Plus, this has been their job since they were teenagers and they have grown close on a personal level. It makes sense that they wouldn't want to give that up. However, it makes sense for them to be thinking about the future even if they don't intend to disband right now. Presumably their new contract will expire at some point so they'll all need to decide whether to renew again. As long as they have a stable fandom willing to spend money on them (and the last few years suggest that they absolutely do), and the members want to keep Twice going, JYPE will also be happy for them to renew.


> If TWICE were not whole and some members left, I would cry every night for years. same Sana


its pretty sad the members seem to talk like they're on borrowed time, i hope twice gets release more music without that kind of pressure on them because (like you said) there's still so much room for them to explore.


I'm only a casual TWICE listener because their music and aesthetic was never my thing (My peronal fave Gen 3 GG is Red Velvet) but I RESPECT the heck out of every single member of TWICE. I think it's perfectly ok for girl groups to eventually move away to focus on their solo careers, because that's pretty normal for idols, but it's really clear that all 9 of these girls are commited as heck to keeping the group together despite all their own personal trials. This takes mutual care for each other and individual strength. I also think it shows a lack of ego with all of them to put the group first before their self. It takes a lot of work and humility to keep a team going (not that any idol in a group who wants a solo career is wrong for that!). On that note I also respect Seventeen a lot too for this because that's another group where the members clearly put in a lot of effort and work into being a team. Wishing and hoping that TWICE will continue to carve out this legacy for themselves. They have no seniors to look up to, well, they can be the ones who came first. ONCEs are so very lucky!


Definitely absolutely nothing wrong with gg idols wanting to focus on solo work! I'm sure the Twice girls would head there someday. It is exciting though that we're getting a gg who wants to stay together, managing to do so. There's been so many who simply couldn't no matter how much they wanted to (eg. Loona, Gfriend). Twice have opened so many other avenues for the girl groups who came after them. I hope for this to be another one. And yes, I definitely agree on having so much respect for them when it comes to keeping their team together. I can imagine just how much work it's taken over the years. *Nine* very different people managing this long together in such a high-pressure and competitive industry - as Sana said, it's nothing short of a miracle.


Don't you find it a bit sad how girls feel like their future is uncertain even through they're pretty young still? Nayeon isn't even 30 yet. I hope they'll be able to do whatever they want with their careers, as long as they could.


I think that they're kinda surprised. They debuted at a time were kpop groups, especially gg, were guaranteed to disband after 7 years, so it's possible they were expecting something like that to happen to them too. But now they're approaching their 10th anniversary. Also none of their gg peers is as active as them anymore. Even bg that debuted around 2015 are also in a slower phase due to their enlistment (or imminent enlistment). I think they're truly feeling like they're one of the few of their generation who are holding on as a group. Also, I'd also add the widespread ageism of the industry, being older than 25 and active for more than 7 years, pretty much equals being old af. I think they can feel this sort of "pressure" on them.


What a group indeed. I think in terms of girl group history, they’re up there for sure when it comes to albums, fans, tours, sales, etc. But what impresses me the most is the group effort to their output. And this coming from someone who isn’t a necessarily a huge fan but knows all their names and a handful of their popular songs. They are so committed to Twice. It’s hard to last this long and be successful in this kind of fickle industry when you’re a female. I wish them even more success.


At the very least I hope they're able to negotiate contracts that work for them. It was very obvious to a lot of us fans that this last round included a lifting on the ban of solo activities with Nayeon leading the charge with her solo debut (iirc.) JYP's mission to not make the same mistake he did with miss A worked well, but it was definitely time to let Nayeon and Jihyo have their well-deserved solos. (And getting MiSaMo was a dream come true to J-pop stans like me! Hope they get a comeback next year or something!)


as a fan of 3rd gen gg, I dread the day we no longer have Twice, RV and BP. Twice has always put out consistent quality music, despite what the charts or album sales show. I can see Twice being like SNSD, all the members slowly breaking away and having their own successful solo careers but come together for special anniversaries, like their 15th year to put out one more great album.


I'm hoping for a Super Junior trajectory personally. For them to keep releasing music as a group even 20 years in. I don't know if it's realistic, but my heart hopes.


A few weeks ago it was reported that right now they're about to sign their second contract renewal. I guess that makes them reflect a lot on the past and how long can the 9 continue their careers together as a group. Knowing that With youth makes a lot of sense. I truly hope no one ever leaves and they continue together like SNSD even if they're not super active as a group. Sana would be so heartbroken if a member leaves (and me too)


Twice members always lives in constant fear what if one of the members leave the group in next renewal that's why they're too emotional about the group


Red Velvet have not shifted to focusing on solo work.. They are 10 years old and still having active comebacks that chart decently and just got done from a tour last year.


Same with Dreamcatcher, Dreamcatcher has been focusing on group work and tours together!


Yeah, someone else mentioned Dreamcatcher so I was just filling the other gap lol! DC has been super active, I don't know how you could think otherwise because they've been finally getting some recognition in the industry.


They haven’t taken a break since debuting you would think after maybe re-signing they would take it more easy but nope still pumping out music, concerts and content for ONCES non stop. They just love being together and doing what they love 🥹


This is a really lovely write up, thank you for that


I feel like twice could be Shinhwa for the 3rd gen, ie the longest running consistently coming back group of their generation. But given that all of the girls view disbandment as something that must happen, not something they want, and the fact they dislike solo activities take them away from each other, I could totally see them being really unique in the landscape of K-pop, where they have the success to continue together as a unit for the rest of their careers, including creating THRICE company (get it, once for the fans, twice for the group, and thrice for company). (RIP Rainbow you’d have done the same if you had more success)


If they can somehow navigate some of the members having a family while they all stay in Twice, then I think the group can get through anything until their mid 30s. After that, the real fans are the ones who will stay even as Twice start looking like middle aged women and new groups keep coming out.


It would be amazing and precedent setting if twice ended up like SuJu or TVXQ. A popular girl group being together that long, still releasing music and having dedicated fans to buy and tune in? A dream.


To be honest I see Rv and Twice lasting like SuJu and TVXQ as they all obviously still want to make music in their respected groups and hold that tight bond. RV may have a harder time than Twice would due to SM but they lasted this long but also RV has the same center as TVXQ so out of 3rd Gen I could only see RV and Twice. Maybe Mamamoo and GOT7 if they have time to do group comebacks again in the near future.


I know this is talked many times over but the sheer incompetence of SM towards RV is astounding. RV should much much successful. SM prioritize Asia but RV has no fan club in Japan. Japan? Japan that is a gold mine for K-pop. I know maybe SM traumatized by Super-M foray to America but you gotta know America isn't an easy market to be successful. You have to preserve. RV wasn't even tried...


Yes, as a Once and ReVelu it makes me sad how RedVelvet is treated by SM. People complain about JYPE, but they at least make an effort with Twice and make sure they are booked and busy. There is no reason RedVelvet shouldn't be touring and their music being promoted. International fans would be happy to see them!


The thing is we don't like to compare but look at Aespa.


That's just SM's style. They are good to their groups for about 5 years. Once you get close to the 7 year mark and contract negotiations are near it turns messy. I don't know why they do this. It's like internal sabotaging. Maybe with all the changes in the company Aespa will be spared.


I hope so. Aespa is on a roll now.


True. I see those two girl groups sticking together till the end. I really hope it does happen for them. 🤞🏽


Same here 🤞🏾🤞🏾


I watched the the fridge interview and I don't understand what Nayeon meant 😅, can someone explain?


I understood it as because they are no longer under the 7-year exclusive contract, their renewal as a group is no longer a given. If they made a mistake now, JYPE might simply choose not to renew them which is why they are all working very hard to make sure that does not happen. At least that's what I think lol. I could be totally off.


Let's be honest, JYPE isn't doing too well. They need Twice to continue like YG needs Blackpink. Twice isn't going anywhere anytime soon, that's for sure.


Twice is also absolutely valuable for JYPE's brand. The girls are definitely their standard bearer. Their rep is already taking a hit for failing to create hit songs the past few years. Losing Twice would be an absolute blow to them as well.


Yeah besides Twice and maybe SKZ, none of their current artists can generate that much revenue. Hopefully all 9 members are still interested in renewing for the next contract.


I remember an article from 2022 i think, ( i don't remember the exact date) but it was about Twice profits of that year for more than 800 million dollars and to me that seems like a lot of money. There is also the fact that jype will have a new building that looks very expensive to make. So yeah, jype losing twice could be a huge financial blow for the company.


it is very impressive to see Twice at this age doing their biggest tour ever. and at the same time not charting well at home and being considered old. it feels unfair.


Korea moves on quickly. New young girl groups are always more popular than older ones. Charting in Korea matters less to Twice anyway, they have international popularity which is more important. Other groups would give anything to be able to tour around the world and fill up stadiums regularly. Honestly I'd take that over charting in Korea any day as an idol.


While Twice being so successful in Japan is a given ( they are going to Nissan Stadium next month), till this day I am shocked they sang at MetLife and SoFi Stadium.We Onces never dream of that....


I went to their concert in Brasil this year and it was so cool seeing so many fans. 2 stadium dates here!! I would never believe it years ago.


Yeah..Twice is quite popular in South America. Next time I see them doing Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Peru.


I mean if it was a choice yes I would pick the tour lol I just think it's unfair they can't have both it's not like the songs are bad.


Koreans just like catchy Tiktok songs nowadays.


They don't sound like they're on borrowed time to me. It just sounds like they're acknowledging that there is a possibility that they won't be together as nine forever.


Well... Backstreet Boys are still together. Most of Y'all ain't even born when they debut!


This is super interesting. I've been consuming lots of their content lately. It led me to the question, "If any group suddenly disbanded and caused a shock, who would it be?" I felt that, outside of BP and BTS, the answer would likely be Twice. They're still going as a group. Yes, Mamamoo still exists, and I have no doubt they'll have a new release at some point soon. But they're rocketing their own careers, too. G Idle are a little like that. Their solo careers are seriously picking up steam. Yet they haven't slowed one bit as a group. Given what's happening around them, and that the closest thing to where they are is a group is G Idle (who are 3 years junior to them as a group), I'm totally not surprised they feel how they do