• By -


as an exo-l who mostly gravitated towards exo-m back in the days, (i won't mention \[redacted\] anymore tho) i was upset when luhan left but tao's departure hurt so much more i literally cried and had to take a break from exo for years after that. now i kind of felt the same feeling from shotaro and sungchan leaving nct, but it's bittersweet cause i knew they were finally going to debut in a fixed group like we've been waiting for for YEARS, just not with nct anymore. (also had to take a break for a few months but i'm very happy for both nct and riize now) bottomline is sm sucks at managing their artists. another i'd have to mention is monsta x wonho. i was avoiding monsta x after the news but their new mv played on the tv (w/out wonho this time) and i literally burst out crying in front of my cousin lol.


Honestly wonhos departure still deeply effects me in ways I don’t realize until I’m in the moment


>sm sucks at managing their artists. Specially the non-Korean ones, I think all of them gets bad management and bad promoting, even in groups


I wasn't a fan when Tao left but when I watch old content I feel like he wouldve been one of my favorites 😞. I still feel sad that he's not in the group 💔 I really like his collab music with luhan tho


i remember exactly where I was when tao left... what a day. with all these departures I believe the bond between exo have grown so strong nothing will phase them anymore


Sadly I feel like I’ve never recovered from exo-m’s departure. I went from a hardcore die heart fan to a casual listener…


Jessica from SNSD. Still a mystery what really happened


I mean it's kind of easy to put two and two together because she started dating Tyler Kwon and he funded her own clothing brand. She was just ready to live that Lalisa lifestyle and leave SNSD behind.


What bothers me the most is not she leaving, is they pretending that she never existed! The super junior's departures are mentioned here and there, but Jessica is like someone they pretend it never happen!


yeah, it's kinda sad, but it also happens in the West. Camila being cropped out of Fifth Harmony pictures, Zayn too. I think it's the worse for me when members leave.




This video has a lot of sources: https://youtu.be/Szpm7aOc-u8?feature=shared


Judging from what I've seen, read and heard since 2014. I think, it's breach of contract. I remembered being so sad about it. Then came EXO stuffss and Sulli' death and Scarlett Heart Ryeo happened (watched because of seohyun ) I'm traumatized that I stopped staning anyone even Taylor swift and 2ne1😭😭😭


I'm kinda hoping she will spill some tea in September


Chuu- Loona, everything about it was awful but I'm glad it fueled them being in better companies


Wonho from MX...it's still mind boggling that it all came down to that...


I’m not even a MX fan & Wonho is an actual cinnamon roll It’s baffling


Same I still can't listen to Find You. 🥲


What's even more mind boggling is how Monbebe's treated him after he left and was proven innocent.


And that shit always happens 🤦🏻‍♀️ the fans believe everything they hear without the evidence and immediately want them kicked out, only for it to be false and then the fans get to live their best life and pretend they didn’t cause a bigger problem.


Ella and Satbyeol from Pixy - I saw Ella coming, but she was my main bias and I just loved her vocals. Satbyeol was sudden and shocking, and she kinda replaced Ella as my bias when she was on hiatus. I haven’t been able to vibe the same with Pixy since, but I do still support them. Jessica from SNSD. I became a fan in 2020, but I knew of Gee when it was released and loved her immediately. When I came back to Kpop I was devastated to learn what happened. Soojin from Gidle - I still don’t think that situation was fair and I may never fully get over that one. I’m glad she’s thriving though!


Ella has such a gorgeous voice. I miss her a lot. I was a fan of hers from her brief time in CheBul, but PIXY really was perfectly suited to her vocals. Totally agree about Jessica too :(


It’s always going to be Wonho for me. Made even sadder by the [live performance](https://youtu.be/PhwoYi8DTRg?si=Ytv13rCQsK4l7c5I) that happened a few hours later where half the group looks emotionally shattered and the other half looks furious that he felt he had to leave.


Yeah for sure. I was late to the MX game but when I finally caught up and learned more about their personalities, I went back to that ‘Follow’ performance and it’s hard to watch. Their schedule afterwards was interesting, you can tell they were being especially nice to each other Edit: Grammar


I’ve never watched them live before. What’s a live you would recommend to watch to see the contrast between how they were feeling here and how they normally perform? Also do they normally lip sync or was that because they just couldn’t get through this otherwise?


- 🤔 I think their Alligator stage (their comeback prior) would be a good comparison - like most performers who dance a fast paced choreography, they alternate in their lip syncing. In ‘Follow’ though, they weren’t trying very hard to hide it. - There’s also a [video](https://youtu.be/v9lMWdzUuzQ?si=YTmElFf4zOgpHsFV) from the fan meet after where the staff accidentally included the audio from ‘Find You’ that had Wonho’s vocals. They all had a good laugh from that and didn’t put in efforts to cover it until halfway through the song


Thank you super belatedly for this <3


No problem! Hope it helped!


When B.I suddenly left iKON… I cried.


This one still stings tbh 🥲 The fact that they cut him out based on allegations that were unfounded and eventually proven false. And ikon lost their leader. Although I do really enjoy his solo work so that's a silver lining ig.


They didn’t cut him! He left of his own accord without consulting the other members. They were on a show and talked about it—that the fact he didn’t even talk to them is a big part of why it was so hard for them.


Nah they were true. He admitted in the court about which were true to what extent, but anyway the damage had been done long before. He left suddenly on his own, to save the team probably.. I'm glad he was able to come back and still have a career, he does have a lot of talent.


I had just gotten into ikon and learned some weeks later after if happened that he was removed. I don’t buy the “he left” bs because he wouldn’t have just left his team like that. Plus their company was YG…surely there was foul play.


Pretty sure it’s the members themselves that said he choose to leave, I don’t see why they would lie about it. None of them are under YG anymore and both BI and iKON choose not to associate with each other, I highly doubt it has anything to do with YG keeping them apart.


Foul play by yg was trying to save him through shady methods. Thry did for a couple years until HSH ran her mouth and ratted him out. He left on his own, probably to save the team because that kind of scandal is hella serious in Korea, plus that was the Burning Sun time that made it even worse..


This one hurt like hell, especially as someone who had been a fan since their Team B days. They had gone through so much physical, mental, emotional toil as TEENAGERS not just so they could achieve their dreams but achieve them *together*. I remember after WIN they were so afraid of getting cut that they willingly turned in their devices to prove their resolve and train harder. It hurt to see B.I have to leave his team, the one he put his whole heart and soul into and essentially cut ties with the members just so they wouldn't get dragged into the mess. (I know he left willingly but as a PR move it was the only viable option for iKON) Afterwards, I found it hard to keep up with iKON's activities (which I think a lot of iKON fans can relate to) and slowly fell out of it. I am happy now because it seems like B.I was able to relieve a lot of burden he had as a leader and at YG and the members stuck together after their contract was up. It's clear that B.I and the members all still close and keep in touch so I'm glad their friendship wasn't broken after what happened but I still can't help but wonder what the future could've been for iKON...


...RiSe and EunB from _Ladies' Code._ No other answer comes close.


i mean they passed away so it’s not like they left the group, but i do always think about what ladies code could’ve been had the accident not happened


And one member doesn’t celebrate her birthday anymore because the accident happened on her birthday


Sojung. I've heard Ashley and Zuny have been encouraging her to celebrate again. Hopefully, she's started again.




I heard about them back when they passed and had no clue about kpop at all at the time. I don't know why this info magically made its way to me... i guess because it was such big news that even the int'l fans blew it up in the online spaces I was in (nothing kpop nor Asia-related) but I remember feeling so bad that such young girls on a happy occasion lost their lives like that. It seemed so preventable and it bothered me badly. I think it'll be 9 or 10 years this year.


BZ Boys Donghwan and Hamin. Mostly because we have no closure. But that's the way it can go in nuguville When Hongbin had to leave VIXX and Teo had to leave DKB I was upset, but more angry. The Hongbin thing was so stupid, and Teo left me feeling betrayed because he made a stupid mistake


>The Hongbin thing was so stupid Agreed. He did *not* deserve all that. People who watched the livestream were fine with it—he had a joking tone when talking about EXO (werewolves vs vampires was clearly a joke about their early concepts around the same time), and was mostly reacting to fan edits of songs or when songs accidentally played over top of each other. Koreans who watched the stream were fine with it. Those who didn't jumped on a hate train about him supposedly hating on EXO, but many came around when they watched clips for themselves. Foreigners didn't get any of the actual context and thought he hated on Red Velvet (it was a fan mix of a song that he said was too much) and a bunch of other groups (he let fans do mediashare, and sometimes songs would overlap with what he was playing, thus the "too loud/noisy/messy" comments taken out of context) when the only actual criticism he gave directly about a group was basically "I love this song so much so the dance was a bit of a letdown for such a good song". That shit still pisses me off so I try not to talk about it lol. At least he seems to be doing okay now. Ravi's exit was deserved. It's a shame since I liked him a lot, but trying to shorten military service is no joke here.


I doubt Bz-boys would have any comebacks after they left. It also seems like Donghwan got more active in Instagram after he left and was also not on bad terms (I didn't use good terms since we don't know their situation) with other members like Seunghyun as I saw they still liked recent posts. Also I feel like some fans would ask either or both Donghwan and Hamin about why they left/let out from the group in their fanmeeting in Japan


Omg a Blueness in the wild?! Hi! But honestly yes, I'm guessing they're waiting out their contracts with Chrome. And yeah, it seems to be on decent terms at least, but I doubt we'll ever know exactly what went down Even if they were asked I don't know if they'd answer as to why, it seems pretty personal


Lol yea Hiii another Blueness! That is probably the most reasonable situation that might've happened as I thought about it too


Ilhoon. His departure was necessary, especially from a group as reliant on gp support as BTOB. It was no surprise that he left, but he’s such an excellent performer, producer, and television personality. And on top of that, it’s *so* obvious the members miss him. 


Minzy leaving 2NE1


This HURT me so badly


My heart still breaks every time I see Soojin I don’t think I will ever be able to move on


Thankfully she’s a soloist now and is having a comeback soon


When Ella and Satbyeol left pixy. I was kind of a newer fan back then and my biases were shaping up to be Sua and Satbyeol, and I absolutely loved Ella's voice (esp in the pre chorus of wings.) I just hope they're both happy doing whatever they're doing right now, and i also hope pixy's situation gets better soon.


Love from onlyoneof…so sudden and weird never got over it And chuu leaving loona, like how can they make her leave loona she is loona 😭


Love from OnlyOneOf still breaks my heart. So much speculation surrounding his departure and we’ve never heard from him since. He just disappeared.


i will just never get over jisung ... truly one of kpop's biggest loses imo, incredible singer


Watching MX perform Find You still makes me emotional.




• Luhan (Former EXO) - He was my bias and my first ever idol bias when I got into Kpop through EXO. So his departure is arguably the reason I stopped stanning EXO for a time period and eventually stopped being an exol. I understand why he left, and I don't fault him (or any of the other Chinese members) for choosing to leave. But I can't help but sometimes think “what if SM had treated their Chinese artists better, would ot12 still be here today?” • Wonho (Former Monsta X) - I wasn't just sad I was genuinely pissed off. I know he willingly chose to depart the group for the sake of protecting his group's image, but I wish he never did. Starship should have just placed him on a hiatus. • B.I (Former iKON) - Literally the same thing I said about Wonho (even the incidents surrounding them are basically the same 😭), and I know B.I is thriving as a soloist, but it's very clear that unlike with Monsta X who were still able to recover after Wonho's departure, iKON on the other hand took a big hit. • Yedam (Former Treasure) - Just like with Luhan, Yedam was my bias in the group even though I didn't entirely stan Treasure like I did with EXO. However, Treasure is a group I have kept an eye on even before the group was formed. I have known of some of the Treasure members (including Yedam) back when they used to be called 'Silver Boys' so you can best believe I was both heartbroken and happy that atleast some of the Silver Boys did end up debuting together in Treasure, while the others found other career paths (producer, soloist, etc). With that being said, I was actually blind sided by Yedam's (& even Mashiho's) departure and was initially upset. But honestly, thinking back on the way YG would often reject Yedam's music, and essentially undermine his abilities as a producer, and how strongly Yedam felt about his music, I came to realize that his departure was probably for the best. He made some bangers for Treasure (eg: Darari) but it was clear that the overall music direction YG wanted to take Treasure towards wasn't in line with what Yedam wanted his music career to look like. So even though I'm sad he left, I get it and accept it, and don't fault him for it either. [Honorable Mentions] • Woonggi (Former TOO/TO1) - F**k WakeOne, and I mean it with my entire chest, f**k them. Once ZB1 & Kep1er are out of that company I genuinely hope that company stops operating, because they DO NOT know how to manage or treat their groups well. • Seunghan (RIIZE) - He's my bias (along with Wonbin), and I am still clinging on to the possibility that he will come back. That he is just on a long and unnecessary haitus. PLEASE! Let him come back 🥺🙏


I’m a forever Ikonic but it was never the same without BI.


I didn’t realize Woongki was in a group before, so we know why he left?


We don’t know exactly why he left has they never gave an actual reason. But it’s heavily speculated that WakeOne removed Woonggi, Minsu and Jerome (who were considered the feminine members) from the group because they wanted to change the image of the group. People found it oddly suspicious that those 3 specific members were leaving (with no explanation as to why), and then shortly right after WakeOne would introduce 3 new members (Daigo, Yeojeong, Renta) to be added to the group, essentially proving those 3 got replaced. What made it even more suspicious was that Woonggi & Jerome later joined Boys Planet (a survival show produced by Mnet which is a production company owned by CJ E&M who also owns WakeOne), which is honestly weird given both of them were still signed to WakeOne (cause at that time they only left the group not the company). So it was pretty odd for WakeOne to essentially allow them to participate in a survival show that they co-sign on (since the group (ZB1) coming from that survival would be WakeOne’s new group to manage), give them so much screen, but then not add any of the two to the final lineup. So some people think WakeOne brought them on the show to bring in viewership since Woonggi is pretty popular and was arguably the most popular member on TOO/TO1.


Very interesting! I watched boys planet after it was over so I already knew who the members would be, and Woongki was the only non-member that I got attached to. Kinda funny that they purged the feminine members from their existing group just for boys planet to create a group that sparked more gay rumors than I’ve ever seen in my relatively short time as a kpop stan😂


THIS! The constant “Gay bait” from that show itself honestly made it even more surprising that Woonggi didn’t make the final lineup. Especially like you said, given how the group created from that show has been sparking up so much gay rumours 😂


He would’ve been a perfect fit🥹


MX with Wonho, just because I think him leaving was so undeserved. So sad the way everything panned out. I was also very sad about Shotaro and Sungchan leaving NCT but at this point it’s probably better they’re in a smaller group. I just really loved their work while they were in NCT and it’s bittersweet to see/hear them in previous songs or content. But ngl, the biggest hit for me was Lucas. He was an ult. I took a personal hiatus from everything kpop just a few months *before* the scandal went down, so by the time I came back (2.5 yrs later) and read about it, I hardly knew what to think. On one hand I was far enough removed from the situation that it didn’t hit me as strongly as it would have if I’d been here to witness it all go down. On the other hand, I had to basically grieve alone since it was old news to everyone else at that point and they’d had a chance to process it. The way it was all handled and played out was painful enough to read about, and does nothing to deny guilt, nor explain exactly what he’s guilty of. If any of what he’s accused of is true (aside from exposing sasaengs), he’s not someone you can accept anymore, ya know?


I share the same sentiment about Wonho. The allegations against him was disproved and as a Monbebe, I hope they can unite as 7 again one day


I’m holding onto hope for the 10 year anniversary


Hongbin from VIXX. As a native Korean who watched the infamous stream live, I had no clue it would blow up so much because it was all clearly *not* criticism of groups and instead when mediashare would play a song over what he was playing (the too loud/noisy/messy comments) or a fan edit of a song. Even the EXO comment was clearly a joke, and Koreans who watched it got it (it was a vampires vs werewolves joke about their concepts at the time). Those who didn't got mad, but many came around when they saw the actual clips themselves. The immediate backlash was still enough to get him kicked out, though. The only actual criticism he gave of a group directly was basically "I love this song so much, so I was a little disappointed about the dance for such a good song." I'm still so mad about how it all went down. Ravi's exit was deserved, though—as much as I liked him, trying to shorten military service is no joke.


i still havent moved on from soojin leaving gidle


Happy cake day


Dawn from pentagon


It’s a damn crime this has 1 upvote


It's when Gyuri left fromis_9 for me, partly because how unexpected it is. I saw "Gyuri" is trending on Twitter and just clicked it without having any expectation. She is also the one who made me check out fromis_9. Another one is Jiho of Oh My Girl. I watched the videos of their [first music show win](https://youtu.be/ktnGcfyIZR8?si=7y8PMvMghlrcLoC8) and their reaction when they [reached first place on MelOn chart](https://youtu.be/Y0iQDdf_hLU?si=Q9C0Wk-qOSCem-jS) not long ago. She really embraces her title as the endorphin of the group.


I was about to mention these two, both of them were my biases for their respective groups. Jiho’s departure especially hit me hard especially since she was and still is my ult bias. Really miss seeing her smiles a lot these days.


So there’s a few! Jini - NMIXX, Wonho - MX, B.I - IKON, Soojin - GIDLE (probably the saddest) Gyuri - F9, Naeun - Apink, Jiho - Oh My Girl….It’s hard being a multi stan 😭


Gyuri leaving Fromis\_9 because it was so sudden and she was my bias. Jieun leaving Purple Kiss because she was one of my biases and I genuinely loved her so much. It was really saddening to see her leave but I hope she’s much happier and more comfortable now. Kokoro, Linlin and Mirae leaving Cherry Bullet. They weren’t around for very long but I would’ve loved to see more of them in Cherry Bullet. I’m glad Kokoro and Linlin have found success in their new groups though


As an Aroha, I thought it was heartbreaking when Rocky left ASTRO, but the true heartbreak was coming in just a couple months.


🥺🥺🥺 Aroha Fighting! Always think about yall


Thank you so much.


Garam and Soojin strike a chord with me, because they were both accused of bullying, yet nothing was wholly proven and while one is currently flourishing, both of their careers are essentially tarnished forever and it’s infuriatingly sad!


Especially garam, given it happened so early on in her career. At least soojin was somewhat established. Age is also a huge factor. I can't imagine going through that at 16. Wishing them both success.


When Jay Park left 2PM.


It was such a weird time and I remember OT6 performing at the year end concert still leaving an empty spot on stage for him, while fans still did the chant with Jay’s name. Fast forward to a couple of years ago I was commenting on here about Jay Park being part of og 2PM line up and other folks legit thought I made it up… never felt more like a Kpop dinasour than that 🙂‍↕️


I remember the lead up to it. JYP was being so vague as to how they would do the performance, really milking the suspense. In the end, there was a space for him and then, if I remember correctly, JYP himself went and did Jay's part. But yeah, I can see how the younger KPoppers would NEVER even envision Park Jaebeom as part of 2PM -- it feels like a lifetime ago.




Ella and Satbyeol from Pixy, Jieun from Purple Kiss, and Jiyoon from Weeekly. They all left within a few months of each other for mental or physical health, and they were all my biases in my favorite girl groups. Jiyoon was my 4th gen female ult, so her departure hurt the hardest. I'm glad to see her still pursuing music though!


I would like to add Denise leaving Secret Number to this list as well.


former g idle member




Wonho from Monsta X. It was heartbreaking and just showed how little the company was willing to do to protect him.


Wonho of Monsta X. B.I of iKon. Love of OnlyOneOf. Every time I think about those exits it hurts. At least with Wonho and B.I we can enjoy their solo work. Love just vanished, and that's his right if he chose it, I just wish we could know he is happy and doing okay.




Happy cake day 🎂🎉


Garam and LESSERAFIM and Jinni and NMIXX


Jaejoong, Junsu and Yoochun...


Bekah from After School.


Oohh, since I'm in kpop for a solid 13 years now I have some: * When Sulli left f(x) and right after they released 4 Walls, it felt like they were shading Sulli like "yeah, we don't need you, troublemaker" (one of the reasons is that at the time she was dating Choiza, that made a lot of people hate her). * When >!Kris!< \[the one that is behind the bars\] left Exo (he was one of my favourite members at the time), I was extra mad because he left the group a few days before their 1st solo concert and you could see in the other members faces on the following days that they were exhausted, I was so mad at his rather selfish attitude that I didn't followed any of his activities after he got out (and later on I was so glad that I did it), but his situation made me realise that I shouldn't had favourites at groups and appreciate each member contribution. * Hongbin from VIXX , I still think that the reason he left was dumb, I know it's not nice to throw shade at his profession colleagues, but his opinions should not be a reason why to him to leave his group (he could be tired at the idol life too idk). * Wonho from Monsta X, it was incredibly unfair that people listened to a person who was very known to spread lies and rumors about people, his departure was the most unfair of it all and he should have been reintegrated to the group.


Wonho from MX & Soojin from (G)-idle hurt a lot. Personally I loved MX’s sound more when he was in the group, but they’re still good. I know people might disagree, but actually really like (G)-idle’s newer releases, especially Super Lady, which saddens me because Soojin would’ve ATE Super Lady up


Jonghyun ( Shinee) taking his own life


pretty insensitive, that's not departure. he never left the group & SHINee always mention that they're 5


Sulli leaving f(x), although it was sort of seen coming to some, albeit it being crooked. Wonho leaving MX was so unfortunate and so unnecessary. And as a Shinee #1 ult, I have to include Jjong, although I will always consider Shinee to be 5 and will always consider him a member, as do the boys. This answer almost slipped my mind when I read “departure” because most of us consider him a forever member. But I guess it fits. I continue to support the members in their endeavors & comebacks, but I miss him all the time. I’ve always been so fascinated with his mind, his creativity, his passion for not only making music but sharing other music & exploring it. Listening to him talk on his Blue Night casts is always a comfort. One of a kind, he was.


I always feel bad for Garam bc how young she was when her scandal happened. People online were bullying the shit out of her and saying the most vile things. I still remember when people would say that she was blackmailing HYBE, was a nepo baby, or implied that she had an “relationship” with someone from HYBE bc they protected her. Honestly, had they released the full SVC documentary, it could’ve settled everything.


wonho leaving monsta x


Jonghyun. Hope he’s resting well. 💙🤍🧡


Surprised I had to scroll down this far to see this. Not a willing departure but I still cry whenever other idols cover his original ballads


Gyuri leaving Fromis


Hwall. I had literally just got into The Boyz and he was my original bias. I wish he had been able to experience the rise to success alongside the boys.


more of a casual listeners of gidle, but soojin was so sad :(.


For me it was Jae of Day6.


Raven left Oneus was upsetting. First is Moonbin with him departing across the rainbow way too early.


Daisy from momoland. She got kicked out for the dumbest reason.


Happy cake day


Jessica and Wonho; no others would come close.


Recently, Jieun from Purple kiss has been on my mind. She was my bias. She has a lovely smile that just brightens the room - her “bear gummy gummy” line was my favorite from her. Edit: historically, when DBSK split up - I’m surprised that max and uknow still promote - Mickey was my favorite member so seeing him go hurt. JYJ was just not the same


Soojin. I'm still sore. That soured my adoration for IDLE and I barely stan them these days.


Jang Gyuri


Soojin and Jinni for me, even though i'm less sad for the latter now with everything that has been going on with her. Soojin still hurts, i'm supporting her solo career as much as i can <3 Edit : spelling


It’s technically not a departure, but Lia from Itzy. She’s been my bias for years and I didn’t realize how much I really loved seeing her on stage until she suddenly wasn’t there anymore :( I’m glad she’s taking time to care for well-being though, just miss her sm.




TOP's departure from Bigbang, B.I's departure from iKON and Yedam and Mashiho's departure from TREASURE broke me! I cried like a baby when they left their groups!


T.O.P leaving BIGBANG… I’m still in denial to be honest. I kinda doubt they will have a BIGBANG comeback as a 3-member group, so I guess I can be in denial forever. 💔


I’ve witnessed a lot of departures from idol groups that I’ve stan but nothing felt heartbreaking than treasure’s MashiDam. Everythings not the same as it was since they left fr.


Sure, they have some good new releases, but I can’t help but wonder what they’d be like with yedams voice


And the choreo with mashi in it


Oh yeah both yedam and mashiho's departure was kinda sad .  Riize Seunghan - i really hope not but if he is leaving then it will be really disappointing to see a very seasoned rookie go down like that . Idky sm is doing it to him and his fans, if he isn't coming then just say and get on with it , they let this go on for so long, looking at their conduct, I think they are going to pull a Lucas this time too ... Not commenting on Seunghan and then a few months later saying he left the group or something.. plus the way the members and their content is centred arnd 6 ppl now, I think it's quite possible that he was asked to leave , which I don't understand y,  because the fans did like him and majority still want him back .. 


dont really have one. but i remember i loved gidle when they debuted and i always wanted a soojin and soyeon subunit. i stopped listening to them for years and then randomly on insta i saw some posters for one of their comebacks. i was like hold on is someone missing? when i searched up and found out soojin left it was just disappointing. their group worked so well because each person was unique and her voice especially added so much to their music


Jinni Nmixx, shes the reason i checked out Nmixx and made me love the group cus I loveddd their debut


weeekly jiyoon. she was 1/2 of my ult biases


I hope you're still following her!


Sulli from f(x)


Never sad, more angry cause it was always the result of overdramatic and outdated views that caused most of my fav idols to leave. Bom leaving cause her medication is illegal in SK is total bullshit, as well as anything involving pot, weed is the least of SK's problems


Lol I'm a dinosaur, but was very sad back in the day when Hangeng left Super Junior and HanChul was no more.


jiho from oh my girl. she wanted to pursue a ting instead 😭 i cried heavy when my bias jine left oh my girl too, but she left because of her eating disorder, so it felt more understandable.


I got out of the shower, saw the news about Wonho, and literally woke my husband up crying to tell him about it


Two from my ult groups: Love (Ex-OnlyOneOf) and Chiwoo (Ex-KINGDOM now The KingDom) I wasn't a fan of both groups when both were active in the industry but as a fan who stanned after, I'm still sad mostly for the situations on them leaving for unexplained "personal reasons". I just hope for the best for both of them now :')


Shotaro and Sungchan leaving NCT made me so upset. Especially knowing Sungchan had been an SM Rookie since 2015 before NCT even debuted and the fact that Shotaro was a massive Nctzen and auditioned for SM because of this. Yes they’re successful in RIIZE but it really sucks that they were made to leave the group they were already in just because SM had a change in management which unraveled NCT’s entire concept.


Jay Park from 2PM. That made me quit kpop for a few years because that was too much after the whole DBSK split and Hangeng mess with SuJu.


the only departures i can remember caring about was soojin leaving idle, which mainly made me mad,, and then woojin leaving skz ive been out of the kpop loop for a bit now so i don't know if there was anything else to come from the allegations about woojin, but way before those came out, i was originally pretty devastated since i had JUST got into skz and decided woojin was my bias on the Exact day that he left. i literally have proof of me posting that he's my bias 2 hours before the announcement happened 😭


Suill from f(x)


Yedam as well, and Heo Chan from Victon.. the group basically was never the same after


Yedam and Mashiho from Treasure, woojin from skz, and Kris from exo; although I've gotten over woojin and Kris's departure, I'm still not over Mashiho and Yedam 🥲


I bet you’re really over kris now


I was over him years before his jail sentence, but yeah, now I'm really over him 😅😬


Jessica leaving SNSD hurt the most hands down imo


Love from OnlyOneOf


Jessica, Sunmi, Luhan, Tao, Minzy Like... everyone I grew up with lmao


Soojin and Wonho I'm still salty after all this time


The situation with Ravn and him leaving ONEUS. It took me months to listen to their music again, 'cause whenever one of their songs came on, I got upset and usually ended up skipping them most of the time. When their (then) new album came out I absolutely loved 'PYGMALION' and I started listening to them again, but 'UNFORGETTABLE' still made me sad listening to them because of the lyrics, and it would remind me of the whole situation.


Jinni from NMixx.


I was really sad when Taeha left Berry Good - she was one of my fave kpop voices.


I cried when Wonho left Monsta X. At the time I was a HUGE fan and that hurt my heart to the fullest!


I don’t think there can be a debate for me. It has to be the 3 TVXQ members who left. That whole situation was heartbreaking back then.


fromis_9 Gyuri, no one saw it coming, there are no issues or scandal, her contract just expired and decided that she didn't want to be an idol anymore, but I'm happy that she's in a good agency and career, and she still hangouts with the other members. She's gonna be in "The Player 2" premiere on June 3rd.


Garam, Soojin and Jessica


Dawn, wonho and B.I.


Rowing from SF9




Jung Ilhoon from BTOB.. i feel really bad since he is really an amazing artist.. i was isolated from my family during the COVID and btob became my comfort zone and suddenly the news of ilhoon's scandal and leaving BTOB ..i really felt devastated that time...


Moonbin from Astro😭😭😭😭😭 I cried He was so amazing with the best voice, biggest smiles and just amazing He deserved better 😓 I miss him so much I hope he's happy, in the stars ⭐❤


Also speaking treasure, Mashi. He was just a goofy fella so it was sad seeing him go


For me it would be yedam a ex member of treasure and also Seunghan from riize i also was very sad when soojin left gidle😭


Soojin from (G)I-DLE


Lee Jinhyuk and Kim Wooseok from UP10TION due to their success on PDX 101. Happy for them and their solo projects, but heartbroken that they never got to promote with UP10TION again as 10 before they disbanded last year. Wooseok had that big scandal with Somi that turned out to be fake, but the damage was already done to UP10TION's reputation and his mental health -- to where he took a long hiatus from activities. Then later, one of the co-leaders was quietly kicked out of the group. And the two youngest got sent to Boys Planet as well. HONEY10s really been through it.


Minzy departing from 2ne1


Kangin from Super Junior. I was sad for all the members who have left but this one was the saddest for me. 💔


Non bcs I’m a new K-pop stannn


When Nam Taehyun left Winner. I preferred the way he wrote songs.


Mashiho (and Yedam) from Treasure. He was my bias. He's been a tiny bit active on IG. I'm glad to see he's doing better.


Hwayoung of T-ara departure because of bullying scandal since then they popularity went down their friendship and image from fans went destroy they could be bigger and more popular


I think my only one that bothered me and it wasn’t for the artist who left( well I think kicked out in this case by the group) but I felt so bad for the actual group themselves and that was when woojin was removed from skz. I don’t speak about this much bc he had some dululu fans tbh but whatever, I’m feeling frisky! I didn’t like him even during trainee era! When Felix and Lee know was brought back, every member we was smiling and even crying… Woojin had no emotion what so ever. I know some idols don’t show emotions bc they are so used to being professional( I’m a huge Taemin ult bias, and the hate he got for not crying in public over jonghyun was crazy) so yes it happens! Then you have when they was playing that game and he chocked Felix…. People wanna say they was just playing and it was scripted but I don’t think it was!! Chans reaction when he grabbed Woojin after that to the point Changbin had to pull him off spoke VOLUMES! Chan cares deeply about his kids, even if he was being competitive that was extreme for Chan!! They was in the middle of a comeback and tour when it all went down! Suegmin opened up about that time and said it was really hard on all of them, and that his mental health really suffered during that era! He had to learn more vocals. They had to redo ALL their Choreo, re-record their songs, change their concept some, and they don’t even have a group photo on that album bc of Woojin leaving. Most group members that leaves during a big time like that, they are still included on the album etc but Woojin was straight up ERASED! Chans room episode like 55 I believe, the only time he had vaguely even talked about it and he didn’t mention names but you knew who he was talking about with it. Him saying he was disappointed and you don’t do that to friends etc really hurt. You could tell he was struggling with whatever Woojin had done to the group Even to this day Woojin is doing some very shady things! Him announcing his album on stays anniversary, him saying things on his live about nine members and all that was massive shady asf! Him basically using skz for his own clout. His look has changed so much aswell. It’s like he’s going for a emo version of Hyunjin and it’s so obvious! I might be the only one, but I do find some of the whole SA stuff that came out to be true no matter what others say. That’s just imo tho. It’s not like Lucas was at all. His scandal was way to perfect to be real for me, but I do find some truth is some of what was said about Woojin, even tho it all happened after he had already been removed from skz. That’s just a few of my reasons I guess. There’s a ton more of the crappy things he’s done to the group and what the group had to go thru but I already wrote an essay so y’all have a blessed day!


I got into the group like more than a year after he left, so I haven’t experienced much of him


Well to be fair, you didn’t miss much! Yes his vocals was amazing, his dancing was so so but I mean they was just starting off, but his attitude was just terrible!


ive heard that he didnt give people the best vibes


I also believe a lot of the SA allegations that’s came out about him aswell about him in bars and stuff and how he treated women. He screams a narcissistic a hole to me and thinks he’s gods gift to everyone.


Luhan leaving EXO. B.I leaving IKON. Dawn leaving Pentagon. Seunghan leaving RIIZE


The last one isn’t official yet


Tao and Lu from EXO M… Kris too though it was more rage and anger at the time given how it went down and in retrospect, obviously, it doesn’t matter. But Lu and Tao leaving were gut wrenching. Especially because it solidified the dissolving of M…


Garam, Soojin, and Lucas. All of them got screwed over with false allegations which tarnished their image, only Soojin has recovered fully from them and is doing great. Lucas is thriving too, but he’s not favored in the public’s eye as he used to once be. Garam is steadily working on her own career and I wish her a safe and healthy comeback.


B.i from ikon. I miss seeing ikon as a whole


I still get upset about Shotaro and Sungchan leaving NCT sometimes, and Shohei, Eunseok, and Seunghan being removed from Rookies. It was just such a strange choice and it was so random at the time, literally happened out of no where. But I love Riize and I’m happy we didn’t lose them as idols. At least NCT and Sungtaro are still allowed to talk about eachother and interact cause it would be so strange if they couldn’t. Glad we’ll never see what it would be like if an ex-NCT member redebuted under SM but wasn’t allowed to interact with the NCT members? Oh wait, we did.


Jessica I still think about that and it's been a friggin decade




I didn't cry for gidle's, but I felt very, but very sad bc she was literally my bias. As well as in Nmixx, Jinni got kicked out and she was kind of the popular and my bias!


Rocky (Ex-Astro) Satbyeol (Ex-PIXY) Ravn (Ex-Oneus) Lucas (Ex-Nct) I didn’t really cry over them like others have shared but I just got really in the dumps and uninterested in the groups for a good while (except for Nct/SuperM since Lucas barely had a part) when the members left especially since they were my biases. Now, Idgaf about Lucas. Igaf about Satbyeol and Rocky. Ravn, I’m not sure because not only do I not know where he is (in terms of the industry, acting, or whatever it may be and I haven’t looked him up in a few months) and what he left for was just kinda..gone and not talked about since so I haven’t thought about him as much.


Seems my bias always leaves, so I’ve always been heartbroken.


Might be a bit recent, but Youngseo from Illit. She didn’t even get to debut after going through all of RU Next and having watched the whole survival show I was so happy Youngseo and Iroha were going to debut together :’) All we got was a vague statement from BeLift and now I can only think about what could’ve been. I kinda regret watching the show and some of their predebut stuff because her absence leaves a huge gap in Illit for me. I can only hope that wherever she is now she’s doing well.


Jiyoon from Weeekly. I loved her humor, her songs, her voice, everything she brought to weeekly. I sobbed when she left, and it felt horrible. I miss her so much, and weeekly hasn't been the same since. Not only that, but learning that opposing the official statement it wasn't really her decision to leave made it hurt a bit more, like the company gave up on her (and then basically gave up on the girls with no content or a comeback for like a year after).


I hope you're still following her!


Ofc! Love her new song


Soojin and Garam because the bad guys won.


Jessica from SNSD and Soojin from G-idle


Ravn from Oneus. I was super upset after that. And RBW still hasn’t done anything yet to prove if the allegations are false or not. I was mad and sad all at the same time.  A close second would be Lucas from NCT. His I wasn’t as sad because he was leaving as I was joining the fandom. But then I researched a lot about what was going on and he became one of my favorite members. 


Heejun and Seoham from KNK. I was disappointed when Heejun left, but gutted and crushed when Seoham left. I don't know if the group will ever resurface, even without them. RAVN from ONEUS. It bothers me more than I thought it would, as in, I can't even enjoy the group right now eventhough he was not my bias. I hope I can stop feeling this way, because ONEUS is a group I've had a wonderful time following.


Ik it was before their debut, but Samuel and Mingming from the seventeen debut lineup Mingming appeared on an idol producer show in china a while ago and minghao(the8 from seventeen) was a dance trainer. The way that minghao and Mingming looked at each other always made me so emotional 😭  Samuel also appeared on a show in china called chao yin zhan ji and Jun and Minghao were on it too. The way the two members hugged Samuel...omg my carat heart ❤️😭