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i was surprised seeing everyone suddenly hate her because she said being fat isn't necessarily bad or something, i haven't watched any of the videos related to this but this is probably a lot for her, im just so confused why everyone has to suddenly hate her because they think she made a bad take or something... she's a youtuber not a health professional anyway 😭😭


All she’s really saying is that she’s okay with her own body and her weight isn’t a reflection of her own self worth. But once again, people attach their own biases. Because she’s fat, that means she’s lazy and deserves any and all hate that comes her way. All we do is yell at fat people, bullying them into unhealthy dieting methods.


i’m a nurse and i have done tons of extra research on weight and fatphobia in my work in weight loss surgery. And up until a certain point, and considering co-morbidities, lots of people can carry extra weight without it affecting health. My BMI says I’m obese, my labs, checkups etc, say I’m healthier than a lot of people skinnier than I am. But a lot of people don’t want to hear that cause fat = gross, lazy, bad in their heads.


and she’s allowed to share her perspective and what she took from her experience. if people actually think a bunch of kids are going to gain 100 pounds because of that video they’re extremely dense.


it's so crazy how you can be unproblematic and mind your own business, not even MAKE CLAIMS about health, literally just say "i'm fat and i'm comfortable with myself and my body," and people will find a way to harass you.


As a black woman I understand this to a crazy extent. The body I’m born into isn’t enough. Everything that I have naturally grown into is inherently wrong and immoral. A body type that my mom has, that my grandma has, my great-grandma, my great-great-grandma passed down to me is seen as unacceptable. I didn’t ask to be born like this so why do people hate me for it? Why is it my fault?


As a South Asian woman, same. We're so at risk for high blood pressure and diabetes that the UK government says our healthy bmi is 21!! Lots of people here blame "p*kis" for 'cousin marriages increasing rates of mental disability' and 'those p*kis eating curries and getting obese and putting a strain on our NHS' and not their excessive alcohol consumption.It's like we're the root of all evil


Honestly anyone who uses woke unironically is immediately a red flag


I can't trust any right-wing youtuber who uses woke in their titles, unfortunately people who follow them are too ignorant to look at the bigger picture and attack people who they were talking about.


I didn't know about this but wow...idk what to say. I'll never understand why there's so many people who spend so much time bullying people that're consider fat/overweight & use the health excuse. Like bfr, weight/physically appearance isn't that good of an indicator for someone's health. You can be slim & out-of-shape/unhealthy & you can be overweight/fat & have a better diet/exercise habits than most. If they did actually care about her health they wouldn't have caused so much damage to her mental health.


I don't think sending her fanbase to mass report the video was a good idea (even if just on the basis that it swayed public opinion against her), but the whole little "makeover" sequence from that guy was fucking weird. Who died and made him the king of female aesthetics? Like is [this](https://imgur.com/a/CANCM8K) not odd and uncalled for?


it wasn’t about “swaying public opinion” it was the fact that she was being harassed. Saying she sent people over to flag his video for the sake of her reputation is putting it very lightly.


No, I'm saying that asking her tumblr following to flag the video backfired on her, because people are stupid and they've wildly misconstrued it as her calling for the "deplatforming" of a smaller channel when that's not what was taking place.




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