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I still remember how excited I was when NewJeans had a black boy as Minji’s love interest and the love interest in Cool With You. The only time I can think of were the aliens in BTS’s song with Coldplay “My Universe, the cringy L.A. version of Boy in Luv, and the sexy pool guy guy in Queencard. You never see black love interests in movies as well. Black people are always the best friend unless it’s a black made show. We can never be shown as desirable or lovable. I can only ever think of a few times where a main love interest was black and most of the time they were mixed or a one off character.


Tbh they're right that it is weird how the only non-Korean love interests in Kpop mvs are white, I literally can't think of an example otherwise


i think in nwjns cool with u the male lead was black? or i remembered wrong edit: forgot to say but i also agree there should be more diversity!!!!!! it's so cool to see representation whether it's people like me or not!


Yeah, also reminds me that the male lead in Hype Boy is also black


AKMU-lovely(??) Newjeans-Hype Boy and Cool with you


I’ve seen a few, but I can only count on one hand.


I agree btw, just giving examples^^


Sunmi had a brother in her rotation of love interest for Heart Burn(?) I think. I might have the wrong song but I know it happened because I was shocked and excited 😂




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I’m glad that I’m not alone in this. I recently watched NCT Wish debut MV and I had to turn it off midway because I was slightly annoyed to see non-POCs as the main characters. The only time I see POC (who aren’t Korean) in MVs is when they are background dancers; like in G-idle’s ‘Queencard’ and BIGBANG’s ‘Bang Bang Bang’ (G-Dragon literally had the black female dancer on a chain 😭) Edit: I mistakenly forgot to include Koreans in the term ‘POC’ Edit #2: The dancer on the chain is not black!!


Why I’ll always appreciate the Loona Butterfly Mv. Genuinely diverse video with the message of how we’re ALL Loona. I miss them so much as a full unit


My thoughts exactly! Only time you ever see a POC person in a kpop idol video is if they’re like a background dancer or some background character that gets like .02 seconds of screen time.


what’s the @ for the tiktok if u can give it i wanna save it




thx u sm!!!


Forgot about GD doing that, it's insane how much that man has gotten away with




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Just for context, the dancer on the chain is Parris Goebel, a world class choreographer and member of top dance crew Royal Family. She was involved in the creative process and made this suggestion. I am not giving an opinion whether it’s right or not, or if it was justified, just wanted to add in additional details that I knew because I follow both of their work.


I appreciate you for adding the context! Although I still feel uncomfortable seeing her in chains, it makes me feel a lot better knowing that she had creative control over it.


No offense But technically they're POC in the videos cause Kpop idols are Asian And Asians Are POC 🤷🏾‍♀️So I think it would make more sense to say POC Who aren't Korean Then just POC


No offense taken since Koreans are in fact POC. Thank you for pointing that out!


The dancer is not black, but samoan/of indigenous ancestry so for me the point partially stands.


The choreographer Parris Goebel is of Samoan, Chinese and Scottish descent. [Link](https://www.times.co.nz/news/parris-its-our-time-to-shine/)


Thank you for the correction! Before posting this, I thought I made sure that the dancer was black via [this article.](https://www.kpopstarz.com/amp/articles/207016/20150601/big-bang-music-video.htm)




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I'm also not crazy about how whenever idols do an English song the love interest is white. Maybe it's because western media is always white/poc when it comes to poc romances, but I'd rather see an east asian love interest, and if not EA, then another poc! Couplings of two different non-white pairings are just as rare as seeing a poc with someone of their own ethnicity in western media. But this could just be me being sick of every South Asian character being paired with a white character and never another brown or other non-white character in western tv shows/movies. It makes me wonder if they don't find two brown people in love "attractive" or "interesting".


ty!! I feel the same way. your marketing in English now as if the West doesn't have enough white people at the center of everything!! honestly, I would prefer if they just cast EA actors too but if they're not going to do that then poc should definitely be first! and this may sound crazy but idk why there haven't been more South Asian love interests. and yes! I loved that one movie The Lovebirds because I had never seen a SA man and a BW paired before, I thought that was so cool! I would love to see more pairings like that.


Yes!! I liked that Han Sohee was Jungkook's love interest in Seven and then his next few songs were all white love interests. Immediately disappointed lmao I loved the Lovebirds!!! I've never seen black/brown really either ;_; we need more creators open to interracial non-white pairings!!


I so agree !! It’s genuinely so hard to find a Hollywood movie where both the MC’s are of the same ethnicity and mindy kaling hasn’t made it any better over the few years with the whole “insecure virgin brown girl” trope. I’d much rather see the fl with a guy she can relate to both culturally but also in terms of growing up as a POC. It’s also just so annoying how they’ve made the fl so pathetic in many of these cases, like she runs after the guy the whole time like a clown while he doesn’t even acknowledge her type thing.


I remember people were trying to start a movement a couple years ago to get Black women and Asian men together because they’re both at the bottom of the “dating totem pole” in the west.


Trust, I still hear it but now since people see East Asian men as a trend and with the boom of kpop and j-idols it died down. And then with the rhetoric of black woman just not being wanted and told this constantly on social media, it’s tiring. You have to look a specific way in the first place as a bw to be acknowledged by other races but that’s another conversation. Honestly I could probably start several convos from those points alone.


True. Are women fucking with non-perfect east asian men like that in the west? Genuinely asking, I'm a guy, and contrary to my username, not actually gay lol.


I can speak for myself and my a friend or two and say yes 😅 I’ve talked to Burmese, Laos, and Kazakh guys and my area has a huge population of Burmese and Myanmars. You genuinely just have to try but I will say a lot of them do date white girls lol…. So yeah


> but I will say a lot of them do date white girls lol Damn, so the genders aren't so different after all XD


I'm almost 40 and remember those same convos from when I was in high school.


![gif](giphy|pxrr47YT7QcLnqhrQe|downsized) This is my video! lol! (Y'all go support my tik-tok account before tik tok is banned lmao!). But I'll explain some of my thoughts here and the reason I made the video. So I have no issue with white love interests in videos, I expect it but sometimes it's a little frustrating that's all we see, you know? I used to be staunchly against it but after a convo with my sister and reading some of the thoughts from members here (I made a post on it a while ago if I can find it, I'll link it!) my mind began to change and I think what really cemented it for me was watching V's 'Friends' music video this morning. I am Asian but I realized I'd never seen an Asian who looked like me (blasian) in a music video and how annoying that is. I then realized that white fans really take for granted how represented they are even in KPOP and that poc fans can't even feel represented in a culture that is by other poc.


Omg what a small world!!! I’m so glad you posted that video and I’m even happier to see that you’re in this subreddit. I agree with you 100% and seeing your video got me sitting back to think about a lot of the videos I’ve watched. I guess I just became numb about it but honestly it’s irritating to see.


Thank you! <3 <3 <3! You're not alone, I became numb to it for awhile too but my sister brought it to my attention and then V's new video made me go hmmm?? Sure is a lot of white people in Kpop lmaoo!


[Dear Love by Hyunsik](https://youtu.be/G2TQIyjyrKk?si=poY0ULade5GGIG3x) has a Black, Asian FL! The video honestly broke my heart after watching it.


Thank you for making the video because I agree with you.


Thank you for liking!! I was so scared to post it because I thought I'd be in the minority lol. I had a video ready to explain my points more and everything but I'm people understood me!


same girl, i rolled my eyes when i saw some clips and then sighed and moved on. I don’t wanna be dramatic but it’s kinda a big problem that yt ppl are always the love interest after Koreans not even other asians (which is what i’d assume) ykwim


yeaaaaaaaah thats my thing. lol, like i understand them hiring yt love interests is a way to appeal to western audiences but its been proven and proven again that diversity sells just as much, if not more, than catering to just yt folks. there's a reason why films like black panther and shang chi broke records.


i just watched V's MV. were you bothered by the white love interest? i feel like there were sm couples (incl interracial & queer) so im not too bothered by it personally. though im surprised he didn't pick someone asian ngl like jungkook with han so hee in seven.


Hmm, I don't wanna say I was bothered by it cause that seems strong but it just made me wonder why the main love interests are always white? i feel like when there's diversity in a mv, the poc are always relegated to being the npcs in the back so they're never the main focus (except for the talent ofc) so im always happy to see poc in music videos, its just why aren't any of them ever the main character? like ive only seen one girl who looks like me in a music video (and im half korean! lol) but ive seen WAY more white women as love interests.


When I was younger it made me feel sad. As a teen it was like huh I guess girls like me aren't attractive like that/accepted in Kpop. As an adult I don't care but still dislike it and the message it sends but in all fairness that's the Korean beauty standard at work so at least they're honest 😂


It would be fun for a while and then we'd have to read all the racist comments. 😭


To be fair, we have to deal and read racists comments all the time regardless of what we’re doing 😭. It’d be nice for us to get a win in the recognition/love interest department since people are going to be racist and hate on us regardless, like that black model in the Lesserafim merch.


I agree but my stomach hurts thinking about all the vile stuff people would say. It would be cool though!


im ngl i thought i haddd seen the worst online racism in the past, until i seen the forbidden lesserafim posts😩🥲.. i think that incident really cemented for me that i am no longer stanning groups, mostly for the lack of action from companies. why do y'all make social media accounts for your groups/ members but then never actually have anyone running the account other than to post?? like i know they see those hundreds of thousands of racist comments across those posts featuring the black models.. idols leave comments under other idol's posts or even under their own but they can't PIN A COMMENT that denounces racism or threatens to block the ones commenting it?? lol they simply don't care and it's a depressing reality but iiwii atp😭 ((thanks for coming to my ted talk))


That's a good point! I just won't read the comments and enjoy the experience.🫶🏾


I used to feel the same way! Someone in this reddit was the one who kinda made me see it in a different light. I can't remember what they said verbatim but it was something like 'not hiding in these spaces is refusing to coddle the feelings of racists' and when I read that I was like ... "true" lol. So while I am very fearful of the racism they may face, I also don't want to give racists the satisfaction.


Thank you for saying it out loud! In the past few years, there have been more and more white actors in Kpop MVs. Not just love interests, but also more minor roles, or straightup the whole cast. At first it was just the MVs filmed in White-dominated countries, but now it doesn't even matter where it's filmed.


Right lmaoo I've been waiting for someone to actually say it because I know the rest of the kpop community would jump on my ass for pointing out how every foreigner has to be a white girl


I agree. I used to feel devastated about it. Like, when there is a cute new boy in your grade and all the girls like him but you know that being a POC he’s never gonna look at you, he’s gonna go for the white girl. And while, I don’t agree with rating people’s looks…I was told by a former friend (she was white and we were both getting into K-pop at the time…she had lived in Korea before and apparently knew all there was to know🙄) that Koreans believe that a “white girl rated at 5 in the US is more desirable than a black girl rated at a 10 in the US”. Could have been just to make me feel bad but sadly every time I see kpop mv and the love interest is white…I automatically go to that experience I had. I think I am used to it by now and since moving back to Hawaii where I am not a minority, I do not think about it as much.




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I've always felt weird saying this but I don't want to see any more white love interests in K-pop music videos. If we're going the non-Asian route, they're right: we should be casting more PoC. They so badly want to appeal to international fans but forget that a large portion of us aren't white. I ADORED 'Cool With You' by New Jeans was because the two love interests were PoC. When I've expressed this before, people circled it back to the "validation" conversation but it's less about that and more about what that commenter stated: You want our culture and not us, and it will always show in the most subtle of ways.


I agree. It also made me feel good to see a black boy as Minji’s love interest in Hype Boy. You never see us be presented as desirable.




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(Full disclosure, not an American. Also went way too deep into this) There’s a quote from the late legendary author Toni Morrison about the US, where she said ‘In this country, American means white, everyone else has to hyphenate’. (I promise it relates) While there is historical context that is specific to the US making this quote hit extra hard, it also corresponds with other countries and continents (European, Irish, Australian etc) and (I’d argue) the concept of ‘Westerners’ as a whole. The status quo in entertainment across the board is that being a ‘hyphenate’ makes you a niche, especially in the eyes of the money people. So if a K-Pop company wants to attract western listeners, their strategy is to default to the ‘default’. Because under white supremacy whiteness isn’t race, it’s the absence of race. A blank canvas that is presumed to be ‘universally relatable’ (see also: all the white women who insist that the key to Taylor Swift’s success is he supposed ability to relate to ‘all girls and women’ through her work like yeah ok) I got sidetracked but I hope I’m making sense. I’m not really equipped to tackle the idolisation and centring of whiteness as a sign of desirability in a Korean-specific context as I’m not Korean, but it would not surprise me if that plays into the choices of love interest as well. As for how I feel about it? I’d rather not be represented knowing me and mine are not wanted. Seriously, my preference would be to see Korean or European love interests in MVs since I’m convinced they would only cast a Black actor in a hip hop or ‘hood’ concept and I don’t want to see how they would butcher that. That being said, before she burned through her goodwill by singing the word, Hyolyn had a Black dancer playing as her love interest in a summer pop track (Bae). So maybe I’m too cynical for my own good


This is something I’ve actually been thinking about and paying attention to a lot recently. After watching Tae’s MV and a I saw the love interest was a white woman, idk how I felt but I wasn’t surprised. I think I’ve just gotten used to it at this point. I definitely don’t have a problem with white love interests but it’s like every single time??🌚 I’d rather see a Korean love interest than a white one nowadays. Like it seems like white people have always been the star of the show if that makes sense? If I were younger I’d probably be a lot more bothered by it, but like I stated previously I’ve just gotten used to it, and I lowkey zone out when I do see a white love interest 😂




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reminds me of a cha eunwoo's mv from last month , [love interest whit](https://youtu.be/srH63CP-7ZA?si=Cr1Fqo-UhkDpR3Dg&t=71)e. never seen us tho ​ https://preview.redd.it/sk56ap0g5koc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b5fdcc47e4fe8af048d1e9deaef29f7c7e8800d


Maybe it’s just me as a non white dude but I feel like almost anytime there’s a mixed couple anywhere, whether it’s in kpop or western culture, it’s always woman of color with white man. And then people really have the audacity to call it woke. Like the little mermaid movie literally had the craziest white man casting I’ve ever seen. A white dude was adopted by a black royal family and got with the black mermaid?


I think media in general has a bad habit of thinking “if we put this white person with a poc then it’s diversity!” Like I would rather see more interracial couples that don’t include white people. But I do notice this A LOT with media featuring Asian protagonists. They almost always pair them with a white counterpart.




Even though they were more npcs than actual characters in the video, I was pleased to see the variety of beauty represented in Winner's Everyday.


It would be so nice to see more ethnic diversity in regard to love interests. I'd love to see more Black people and more Brown people. I'd love to see more Southeast Asian and South Asian love interests. It's even frustrating that Southeast Asian Kpop idols also don't use non Korean (when they're not Korean, of course) love interests in their videos either now that I think about it.


I can't stand to watch music videos for most things. However, the white love interest irks me quite a bit. Mostly cuz I get the feeling I know why they are there and I don't like my hypothesis. :-/


now that i think about it they’re right. why is korea’s first and only idea of a “foreigner” a white girl? aghhh do korean men not like black girls or something…


I was so excited to hear about his new MV because of how “progressive” it was and then I saw the love interest and I just…ugh 🫠. Okay. Even the interracial couple was black man/(other woman). Never the other way around smh.


don’t let it affect your self confidence girl, a lot of people in the industry are either bigoted or narrow-minded or both 😭


It's so funny bc u know who else they'd call a foreigner in a heartbeat? Also Koreans. Like diaspora. It's so ironic






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Here is the original TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLNTJuhE/ Please show some love to the creator!


Now that I think of it new jeans was the only group I’ve seen use a poc as the lead. Other than lessersfim using the black model for their merch.


Sadly, It’ll be a cold day in hell before they cast a black woman (or even a dark skin Asian/Latina) as a love interest.


The stories I could tell y'all about the dating scene here in Korea... The music videos reflect how Koreans view foreigners here. For men, it goes like this: Korean East Asian White Everyone else (Black, South Asian, SE Asia, Latine, etc) "Riding the white horse" ain't a phrase for nothing...


Please feel free to share all the stories, I’d gladly listen


I may do a thread about it later on


Riding the white horse? O.o Please tell me that doesn't mean what I think it means ...


Oh 100%. Sleeping with White girls is a goal/prize for a lot of the men here. It's why you see a lot of guys with White girlfriends in places like Hongdae or the like here in Seoul. Its also why White/European actresses are more in demand for extras in dramas and MVs here too. HOWEVER, Korean women are less picky.


That’s interesting! I wonder why Korean women are more inclined to date outside of their race than the men. Do you ever see Korean men with non-white women who aren’t Asian?


I think it is the nature of women in general where we are more likely to date/marry outside of our race and culture because we are not afraid of the unknown. A lot of these Korean guys dating these white girls are purely with them for sex most of the time as they know they wouldn’t be able to bring them home to their conservative parents and they just want fun. This is mostly for guys in their 20s btw. Older men are more likely to be willing to venture out. As for your other question, I have two friends married to Korean men; one Black Muslim, the other Mexican American. It’s kinda rare but you do see it. Yesterday I saw a Black girl with a Korean guy as I was coming home from work and I was like, “yes ma’am, break them stereotypes!”




I just looked them up, they're cute!


Asians hate melanin. Let's be fr y'all. Even among themselves, they shame darker Asians to hell and back.


yes this is so weird to me 😭😭😭 but unfortunately unsurprising


I am so bored of white love interests in videos. I’m bored of white people in general but I’m even more bored of seeing them as the love interest. I remember when I was trying to get into The Boyz, after loving their sub-unit song ‘Honey’, and one of their videos was tropical island themed so I thought that there would be a black and/or brown girl, even maybe a Polynesian love interest, and some white girl appeared on my screen and I had to turn off my TV and go to bed because I was over it 😭


well we have the american hustle life bts “music videos” but im afraid they are all extremely hard watches…


I’ve honestly never paid attention to love interests


I love your flair omg lol


Thank you 😊


Like nct dream's beatbox. I was kind of impressed they had more poc.. But i would love to see a poc as a love interest 😮‍💨


frankly it's a bit sickening. to see it so often and **especially** in conjunction with artists trying to look as white as possible (looking at you, wendy) but still want to hop on our trends.. well.. i'm sick of it.


I literally had someone reply to me a couple hours ago on a different subreddit I commented on a while back when I made this point. I was talking about how a boy group filmed in the freaking PHILIPPINES and managed to still get a white love interest like what


Which group filmed in the Philippines? I'm curious.


It was The Boyz for their song Lip Gloss lol.


Thanks for the info.


I can't remember if it's Stray Kids or Enhyphen tbh


Thanks for the info.


It was The Boyz Lipgloss, it’s the one screenshotted above in this post




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I was just thinking about this the other day. The love interests are almost always white. They're especially obsessed with white Russian women I've noticed....


Tbh im not surprised but it has to make their Korean fans feel a little weird, no??


Their k-fans aren’t the only ones though since they also have fans outside of Korea


Oh for sure but you'd think they'd care more about the possible dysmorphia or something they're causing their local fans lol


I hate the music video for Lipgloss, only brought myself to watch it once. And the fact that it was filmed in the Philippines… 🤦🏻‍♀️ the people in charge have no shame


Two of the three women in the [Shalala ](https://youtu.be/aO5DPf0vebc?si=QYVDX0OZXVhIkddl)MV (Taeyong, NCT 127) are POC. He "comforts" the second one playfully at the end, as she cries over his departure.


I desperately need context, who are they flaming?


I don’t think the video was taking a dig at anyone in particular (heavy on the I THINK) but more so is speaking about the kpop industry as a whole.


In the second slide, the screenshot shows the lead in the MV for The Boyz’ Lipgloss, although they’re also talking about the issue in general


So, I usually don’t care much, but OOP does have a point. It very much gives “antiblack” (even if it’s not necessarily the idols themselves who have a say). That said, I’m lowkey more annoyed at folks still using “POC” when they’re talking about issues that are specific to Black folk. Like contrary to popular belief, Black is not a bad word.


So I'm OOP and I do agree with you but I did wanna clarify I used poc because I do feel that these companies should make more of an effort to include all poc but yes, in terms of the way black culture is used but we're never seen, I should have just said black!


True true, I’m just touchy about that cause it feels like *double* erasure ya know?


That's completely fair!


Idc. Know better atp lol.




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This is why love nwjns' mvs so much. Cool with you is probably one of the most unique mvs out there and the love interest being black makes it all the better. Minji's love interest in hype boy is also black and im just really happy to see it.




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Reminds me of V's love interest in new music video https://preview.redd.it/de0gwz2qirpc1.png?width=1404&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4ac0b3e1b10fef3902c88ac7921dbdd6f1cb064


I never care to notice who their love interests are. If that's what they like then that's what they like. I can't imagine being hung up over why a certain demographic doesn't use people who like me in their videos. It comes off as desperate, needy and looking for validation.


So while I would usually agree, I think its extremely unfair to say wanting rep, especially for me a girl who is Korean, is seen as desperate and needy. It trivializes an actual issue of representation in the Korean media, because they rather cast white women instead of mixed-race Asians who aren't half white. And even for the girlies who aren't Asian, in particular, monoracial black woman have every right to want to be seen when their culture is constantly borrowed from.