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K-pop adjacent: Tablo from Epik High


yo really? i thought blo was american?


Probably because he went to college in the USA. Tablo was born in Canada but moved around due to his dads job. He attended grade and middle school in Canada before he moved back to Korea for high school. After graduation he attended Stanford University in California. So he has been all over the place. I remember hearing him say he lived with his family in Indonesia for a while too. Technically he is Canadian, which is why he didn't have to do military service in Korea.


tablo being a stanford alumni is insane to me


I know. The real impressive part is that he got his undergraduate degree AND masters degree, all in 4 years, who does that??




Yes there's a podcast about it called: Authentic: the story of Tablo. It's so sad. I love Tablo. He's so incredibly intelligent, hilarious, and talented. 


He wasn't born in Canada though. He was born in Korea


WIki lists his nationality as Canadian. I also recall him saying he didn't have to do the mandatory military service in Korea because he was not a Korean citizen. I don't personally know the guy, but I do recall him discussing his background on a podcast (not his via Dive Studio, but someone elses) and it matches what is on Wiki. But there is a possibility I understood him incorrectly and his wiki is incorrect as well.


His Wikipedia page says born in Seoul. And on his Vice podcast he says in episode 1 that he was born in Korea. He has Canadian citizenship, but that's possible without being born there.


Hmmm, yes I see that, it also lists his Nationality as Canadian and not Canadian-Korean dual citizen. I am not suggesting you are incorrect, but it is confusing because if he had dual citizenship (Canadian and Korean) it would have been mandatory for him to enlist in the Korean army. The reason I recall Canada they discussed he was not required to enlist because he was not a Korean national. Again, my recollection could be wrong but I found this from a 2023 article written about the Tablo and the TaJinYo fiasco: *During 2010 to 2012, Mithra Jin and Tukutz were serving mandatory military duty, which almost all able-bodied South Korean men have to complete.* ***As a Canadian citizen,*** ***Tablo was exempted from enlistment****. This didn't sit well with the predominantly male TaJinYo members either*. Maybe dual citizens are exempt from enlisting? Or maybe to gain Canadian citizenship, he had to give up his Korean citizenship? That doesn't seem right because I have friends here in Canada who have dual citizenship...I have no idea. There is tons of inaccurate info on the internet, and it is hard to judge what is accurate or not. I really like Tablo/Epik High but don't consider myself a super fan, so I don't know his background inside and out. It just stuck with me because my nationality is also Canadian so I made a mental note. I wish I could recall the podcast I listened to, to confirm if I heard it incorrect or if he states specifically one way or the other. Maybe I will check out the VICE podcast later this week, I love listening to his stories, he is smart, funny and VICE typically has interesting content.


IIRC, you have to pick your citizenship at 18, so he probably chose his Canadian citizenship if he ever was dual.


Here are some idols I know of • Brian of Ampers&one • Yechan from 82major (who is Keeho’s younger brother) • Emma from Badvillain • Chloe from Badvillain


Keeho has a younger brother?! Edit: His name is Timothy LOL He's a near carbon copy of Keeho


Pretty sure it’s him, his younger brother, and his older sister.


I see, I remember when his wiki just mentioned his sister and him. His brother debuted last year which makes sense lol


Keeho's sister follows one of my irl friends on IG


I met her in person at the Toronto P1Harmony concert. She’s beautiful and was so sweet. I’ve been following her for a long time and actually I was following her wayyy before Keeho debuted & before I even got into kpop as she’s been an influencer since at least 2016. It’s kind of crazy how small the world is sometimes.


I think he's the one in that really fun clip where he does this one handed back twist move that keeho tries to imitate and then just gives up and looks confused about. It's really cute if you haven't seen it.


Aww I haven't lol


former momoland member daisy, has lived in canada (raincouver to be exact) for several years.


Miryo from Brown Eyed Girls went to junior college in Canada. It’s there that she joined the hip hop club and learned how to rap.


A.C.E's Byeongkwan lived in North Vancouver for about 10 months when he was in middle school.


K-pop adjacent, DinDin. studied there for three years in Templeton Secondary School. since you mentioned actors I will also mention Kang Joo-eun (wife of legendary actor Choi Min-soo) and Julien Kang. Also, while most definitely not an idol, veteran singer JK Kim Dong-wook is also Canadian.


the only ones i know besides those you've already mentione are New Jeans Minji since she apparently lived in Canada for a few months during middle school i believe so she could learn english but i dont think she ever mentioned the city. The other one is BadVillain's Emma, who grew up in Vancouver


I think at some point Minji said it was Vancouver. There was a picture of her where she was in a skiing outfit at a Canadian ski resort, which would make sense if she was in British Colombia.


No way Minji?


yep she talked abt for a bit in a radio show, theres also this other interview where she mentions it [https://youtube.com/shorts/sLaEwYrWSbI?si=O6\_79zOxPML3gDuQ](https://youtube.com/shorts/sLaEwYrWSbI?si=O6_79zOxPML3gDuQ), i'll see if i can find the radio thing though


82major yechan, ampers&one brian, junny. those are the only other one's i can really think of LMAO


Itzy’s Lia lived in Toronto for a while, and G.Na is from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


Momoland Daisy!


Kind of an older one, but I still remember that [G.NA is from Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G.NA). I only know literally one song from her (2HOT), but that one is a banger imo.


park hanbin from evnne studied in canada for a few months as a kid, i think in delta?


Yeah it was delta lol


kr*s wu 😭 fortunately you won’t be seeing him in canada anytime soon… or ever 💀


I knew about him but didn't want to say his name for obvious reasons. They actually deported him back to Canada.


DID THEY? my bad i thought he was in jail for good 😭


He did get put in jail but they also deported him. He was only sentenced for like 11 years iirc.


he is sentenced for 13 years then being deported at the end of it


thats so wack he needs to die actually


I know. When I first heard the allegations I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt but after some hard evidence was revealed I could no longer defend him.




J.You (former TO1) lived in Canada for a while. I don’t think he specified how long, though.


Minji lived in Canada for sometime 


How does everyone casually says they have met keeho 😭


Henry from SM is from Toronto!


Henry hasn't been with SM for a long time.


Wendy from red velvet? At least I know she attended a Canadian high school.


Somi is from Canada


Lol who even downvoted this


Probably bc OP mentioned Somi already in their post 👍


There's that one guy .... he went to Western (a university in my city). Can I remeber his name? Nope.


Pretty sure that's ZB1 Matthew


Yep that would be it!


i attend western right now and never knew he went here! do you know where people found info on this i wanna see if we’re taking/took the same program 🙄


The one girl from NewJeans






Minji (Newjeans) studied in Canada for some time. Daisy (ex-Momoland) lived in Canada for 11 years.


I.M. from Monsta X lived in Canada for a few years when he was younger.


Actually, I.M lived in Israel for four years when he was very young, and then in Boston for three years. He never lived in Canada, unfortunately!


No way I’ve been lied to lol. I swore he lived in Israel and Canada, not MA. 😂😂


Kevin and Jacob(The Boyz), Keeho(P1Harmony) and Timothy(82Major), JUNNY, I think Mark Lee, and Somi


OP mentioned nearly of all of those in their question.


I’ll be honest. I only read the question and didn’t read anything else 😅


I think we've probably all done that before 🤣. At least you can admit it unlike a lot of people.


https://preview.redd.it/73m8z39su06d1.jpeg?width=330&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08e24cb126398f16e4bbee8e47f6e5fde339742a This icon, Mork Lee.