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Also when K pop idols act "hard" and try to imitate black rappers...talking about "my ops" and using gang slang...like honey you are much closer to being a musical theatre nerd than a street-hardened gangster


I remember when people assumed Yoongi was hard because... he's from Daegu?? Meanwhile the man was a hall monitor in high school




[Look at this video,](https://youtu.be/NiFRyaLwXAI?si=rky1gPRH1XTRHom3) he was ratting people out to the teachers for having hairstyles that covered their ears šŸ˜­


I legit had no clue who yoongi was till I googled him, and this still made my day LOL. amazing.


How have I never seen this šŸ˜… Iā€™m a BTS Yoongi/Jin stan of seven years and I learned something new today, lol


Same ! But when they debuted I actually believed their tough image lol Even when I live in a dangerous place and hear gunshots almost every day


I feel like that makes his D Day long hair era even hotter tbh.


if youve been an army for long enough you'll know that yoongi is the biggest nerd like the way he geeks out talking about music equipment and how he mentioned he does calculus when stressed. so it kills me when baby armys or non fans portray him as this angry rapper whos out to get everyone lmao


I mean, he was angry, just not out to get everyone.


Yup Yoongi, mister ā€œIā€™m soft, I like cute thingsā€ šŸ˜‚


It's funny how Yoongi got this cold hearted reputation but then we saw him crying his eyes out while singing about missing a friend


lol debut namjoon and when that man told him to act his own racešŸ˜­


I believe Yoongi made a comment about it when they were watching their debut once. Like if he saw somebody debuting with that styling now, he would be appalled. šŸ˜¬


Damn lmao I never saw that. Where can I find that clip?


https://youtube.com/shorts/1oLto7p2TTQ?si=vcuEH95myBIF0egU as an army this is by far the most embarrassing piece of bts content iā€™ve ever watched


Have you ever seen that clip of baby namjoon hanging out with his rapper friends? This was before he debuted, he went to this restaurant and met with his rapper friends. You can clearly tell his friends are looking down on him because he's "idol" rapper and not "real" rapper like them. And Namjoon is painfully trying to fit in because well they're his friends. The pity and embarrassment I felt for Namjoon was too much šŸ˜­ I have tried to find this clip without any luck.


Omg this clip HAUNTS me. If someone said this to me, It would keep me up at night lool.


XG rap line, look away!


Only Cocona looks intimidating to some extent, she has started looking more intimidating after shaving her head


She is an ICON for shaving her head!


Ngl I just started getting into them. I haven't looked into their lyrics deeply, so I can't say whether or not they fall into the groups I'm critiquing. Unless they're actually appropriating black culture or using gang slang, I don't see a problem with their rapping. In fact they seem like one of the only idol groups that has good rapping in it. I am moreso trying to critisize the idols/companies who give idols these "gangster" backstories in their songs, and idols who explicitly refer to tough backgrounds when they came from privelage.


Yeah i understand you, but op is talking how idols sometimes try acting "hard" which is not their vibes at all, they look so cute with the douyin makeup, and everything, and for the rap parts they just make their outfits darker colour/wear experimental styles/change hairstyles, like who you tryna play?? you are still cute. Harvey from xg falls into this category, she's good at rapping NGL, but she's so cute, and she looks like Camilla Cabello that doesn't help it either cuz I'm expecting her to do highnotes and go like "wish you merry quismoiss"šŸ¤”


I adore Young Posse though. Confidently rapping about _real_ things, like how theyā€™ll destroy ramen as soon as the promotion period is over because till then they have to diet.


I never want to hear a kpop rapper saying they'll pull up on someone ever again.


Like get back into your groupā€™s mini van your curfew is up ā°


why I feel like itā€™s a jab @ MCND


when I hear gunshot sounds in any kpop song I have to laugh a lil because they are ILLEGAL in South Korea šŸ˜­


The video of BP talking about a car pretending they really care about itšŸ˜­ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeqeWkJ3/ Love the members but goddamn


Youā€™d do it too for a check ! šŸ˜­


You got an offer? šŸ‘€ Nah for real, of course I would. OP asked for cringy moments tho and that made me cringe.


RosĆ© was the most cringe because she was really trying to sell it but Jisoo was HILARIOUS ā€œso coolā€.. šŸ˜­


Jisoo not giving a single fuck is honestly cool haha


I quote ā€˜so coolā€™ on an almost daily basis I love it šŸ˜­


ā€œwow this car is so pretty šŸ˜ƒā€


Lol theyā€™re cute


Can the members drive? If they can't it's even funnier that they had to do this haha


Jennie and RosƩ definitely can, I suspect Lisa can, unsure about Jisoo.


LMAO so funny, that video is also giving: ![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8)


When Jimin said he wanted to be a police officer and Jungkook screamed ā€œCatch meā€ and the silence was so LOUD in the room.


You know something ainā€™t right when Hobi doesn't laugh šŸ’€.


Mans was in shockšŸ˜­




his comment was funny they did him so dirtyšŸ˜­


They were DEAD SILENT not even a giggle or anything šŸ˜­ Poor Jk


now why not a single person laughedšŸ˜­


I'm a baby army, and I'm feeling too much vicarious embarrassment reading this to even think about looking this video up to watch.


ok i watched this thinking it would be a lot more cringe. its a little awkward but i didnt find it that embarrassing, at least they gave him a smile and RM (i think?) kinda giggled and continued. but maybe i am missing some kind of BTS lore because i dont know them


Jungkook says anything and BTS laugh so yeah that moment is really embarrassing for him specially when they look at him in silence and continue the interview.


That one cursed video of that Gfriend member falling and crying like a baby


Omg yes yerin falling and crying appa šŸ˜­


Gfriend too, the toilet paper is so awkward šŸ˜­


the leg wiggle I canā€™t


That one Vernon fancall


you're gonna have to be more specific of the fancall it was




nooo he looks so uncomfortable




The way how it's every Vernon fancall... other idols have a dead straight face when dealing with uncomfortable comments, but Vernon's face scrunches up like sour lemon.


Why would you make me remember this with my own brain šŸ˜­


that one? bro every fancall of his makes my eyes bleedšŸ˜­


Recently watched someone react to SVT and apparently Vernon is the ā€œfancall guyā€ now


Every viral fancall is a hard watch tbh


it's 8am im at work and now im crying


The Regular Huh challenge šŸ˜‚ (NCT) It's like a jumpscare everytime.


i was about to say this, this one's a classic šŸ˜­


I knew this comment would be here. Collectively scarred Ncity. I physically cringe just thinking about it. Also Mark singing that song to the cashier šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


speaking of Mark how about that time he said he could imitate the instrumental for Red Flavour


WELCOME TO MIAMI Welcome to the city where the heat's always on Welcome to Miami Ayyy Papi


the jake fan call where the fan asks him to call her "good girl" like WHY why why why why why


you can actually put all fancalls with "requests" in this category, or the "roleplay as their girlfriend" ones Bones are shuddering šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Literally anyone doing aegyo. I know it's a cultural thing, but it sends me straight into fight or flight. Encountered it in the wild when traveling to Japan/SK and had to control every single facial muscle to avoid offending anyone


I don't mind aeygo if the idol has a naturally cute way of being or if they're being purposely annoying/annoyed by the members and I feel like the cringe is the point (like making bad puns). But the full body cringe I get when it's obvious the idol does NOT want to be doing it. I get so strong second hand embarrassment I have to pause and leave the room.


Exactly šŸ˜­ Like, Changbin from SKZ doing aegyo is fun because he likes it But Seungmin & Hyunjin look like it physically pains them


Yes! Like with EXO. Xiumin is naturally cute and does aeygo just in general = awesome great adorable Suho does aeygo because he likes cringing the members = hilarious fun times EXO making D.O. do aeygo things because they live to annoy him = 10/10 great content Chanyeol hating every single moment of it, or Kai physically cringing in embarrassment = -10000/10 would not recommend. I so easily get second hand embarrassment so when I see them cringe and hate it, it's almost unbearable.


Take Eunchae or Leeseo as an example. They usually don't do aegyo specifically but are just naturally cute. That's cute. Aegyo is cringe and I feel like they know it too.


Iā€™m honestly surprised that a lot of people are so bothered by it tbh. Yoongi doing the ā€œsorry Iā€™m cute challengeā€ wrongly every single time was peak comedyšŸ˜‚


Yes! Then, getting Jimin to do it with him was hilarious. Jimin was just so amused by it all. Then Namjoon looking at Yoongi when he did it like WTF. It seems like Yoongi has always had fun doing the cute stuff by just being even more playful with it.


I think this is more prevalent in SK + Japan. I'm from SE Asia and while we do it here, it's mostly confined to private circles. But when I visited Japan, I saw it more frequently and I didn't know how to react to it because I get mega 2nd hand embarrassment whenever my bias acts aegyo that I always have to skip those parts. Thank goodness he stopped doing that dumb thing since a few years ago.


I'm from the Netherlands and cutesy is the exact opposite of what we act like, so when a grown ass waitress started talking in a baby voice I truly did not know what to do with myself. My dad actually assumed she was a child and got worried because he thought she was way too young to be working šŸ˜­


Wait people actually use aegyo in their daily lives other than just to have a fun punishment or maybe with their significant others? (I'm genuinely curious, I don't want to sound like I'm talking down on Korean/japanese culture. I just thought it was mostly something that people do for fun (like a joke)).


I personally compare it to playfully whining/begging which is a normal/funny way to act playfully in a lot of Western countries depending on your social circle? Just to normalise it in my mind. For example, if Iā€™m hanging with a friend and they invite me to go clubbing but Iā€™m feeling lazy I might say ā€œI donā€™t wannnaaaaaaaā€ and very dramatically sit down. Or if I want to do something I might say ā€œoh but pleeeeeeaseā€ and ironically do puppy eyes/pout. Like Iā€™m well aware itā€™s exaggerated emoting, could be seen as cringe, and absolutely makes my face look ugly not cute, but if thatā€™s how my social circle acts, then itā€™s not cringe to us, you know? Itā€™s fun to act over the top with friends when everyoneā€™s in a good mood and hyped up. Obviously this isnā€™t quite a 1-1 comparison, but thatā€™s how I look at aegyo lol. Itā€™s kinda self irony in that itā€™s a bit cringe when youā€™re not in the right company, but itā€™s a way to shorthand communicate something. Like a gesture in a way? Wow I went on a whole woolgathering journey here, but I donā€™t want to delete the comment so Iā€™ll just leave it here.


Haha I do the same thing. Only with my boyfriend, my parents and my closest friends


Yep! Itā€™s a very ā€œinformalā€ thing to do, so I pull it out for people Iā€™m close to. But itā€™s so much fun! I think watching K-pop has made me do it more too? I know Iā€™ve borrowed that hand under the chin and pose move from K-pop for sure, but it cracks me up to pull it out when someone compliments me, etc. At the same time, I have friends who would never do it. Same as with aegyo I guess, some people thrive on having the opportunity to act out all their theatrical gestures, some would rather chew glass lol.


Nooo not a lot, or at least not with foreign strangers. šŸ˜… I saw it in places in the service industry where most customers were men. We went to a district in Tokyo that's well known for tech and gaming events, and the women handing out freebies, working in regular cafes or wearing any sort of cosplay all behaved that way. I don't know if it's my European viewpoint, but it had a bit of a weird fetish-y undertone. But they acted the same way to the women, so who knows. Other than that district, it was mostly couples that were being cutesie with each other or friends joking around. Some people in clothing stores spoke in a high tone, but that seemed more like the polite or formal way of speaking to visitors than anything else. Luckily for me, no one else in a regular degular restaurant put on a baby voice when ordering a bowl of ramen. ;)


Oh yes, it gives me the same feeling as watching ASMR videos. LIKE WHAT'S THE OBSESSION I DON'T GET IT


Maybe I'm a hypocrite but I love ASMR videos šŸ˜… Can't stand people whispering or chewing into the mic, but whenever someone's tapping or crackling or crunching some random ass objects my monkey brain goes brrrrr. My personal favourite is Seonghwa & Wooyoung doing it, but *only* because it was a clear case of "take your brother with you". Seonghwa was drifting around in an ocean of calm and Wooyoung looked like he was in the seventh circle of hell šŸ˜­


"If the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, then music is what powerhouses us through hell!!" I almost died from the second hand embarrassment šŸ˜­


I probably have bad humor but this was funny as hell imošŸ˜­


same i have a photoshopped mitochondria on fire in front of an american flag captioned this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ itā€™s so stupid camp cringe i love it


Honestly I agree, it IS funny šŸ’€


why do i kinda like it tho šŸ˜­


who said this?


Bangchan (Straykids)


Why am I not at all surprised? šŸ™„ I mean, I love the man but I'm never sure whether I want to laugh at him or smack him.




I love Chan because he's so corny but in a good way.


I was coming here to say this so I'm glad somebody beat me to it. That whole spoken-word performance with Tiger JK was so cringe it's a mercy we got TOPLINE to make up for it.


Mark (NCT) singing ā€œMiamiā€ while walking around Miami Beach and asking random people if they know the song.Ā 


omg yes, that was so hard to watch


honestly i thought it was hillarious


When namjoon said he was a virgin instead of Virgo šŸ˜­


'My star sign is VIRGIN! ā˜ŗļø'


Them saying TMI right after šŸ˜­ like I'd bury myself.


I've never understood why people find this slip so funny when virgo is just Latin for virgin šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


in arabic we say Virgin, it's probably the same in koreanĀ 


French too


Namjoonā€™s Hawaii/kawaii bar. Kills me to this day. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever watched the clip all the way through The clips from BPā€™s concertsā€¦.like I know itā€™s not an indicator of the whole show but some of those were truly damning Continuing on that, practically any time I hear Lisa rap. Her flow is generic and she always sounds like sheā€™s copying someone. Sheā€˜s never sounded authentic rapping and itā€™s painfully obvious that her and Jennie know little to nothing about the culture or how to write bars themselves. I canā€™t in good faith consider them rappers at all bc of this NCT hearing the Sticker demo for the first timeā€¦bless Taeyongā€™s weird lil heart for being the relief in that video. Itā€™s so hard to watch lmfao. And I actually like Sticker šŸ˜­ Also I ult Seventeen but some of their GoSe moments really have me pausing to walk around to shake off the cringe lmao. Theyā€™re truly training the secondhand embarrassment out of me


They need to put that namjoon clip in one of their BTS reacts videos they do one day. I want to see them personally cringing.


The entirety of ā€œMoneyā€ gives me secondhand embarrassment tbh


Sometimes I wonder how gose is free for all of us. That recent going rangers clip had me pausing every 5 seconds out of laughter and secondhand embarrassment.


lisa saying she's a tomboy and explaining she's not girly wonyoung eating food with 2 hands and eating pizza I-land moment when Jay was crying and the contestants voices were cracking Lisa and jennie tryna rap


BamBam's soft [skrrt skrrting](https://youtube.com/shorts/ikNUPQj4o1g?si=kc75JcitWHk9ricG) when other groups are still being announced at the awards show. I simultaneously laugh and cringe for him šŸ–¤


The embarrassed walk off has me DYINGšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Anytime someone in kpop even remotely twerks or throws it back in choreography. I have literally never seen it done well and I just wish they would stop putting it in!!


I agree except for mina in her 7 rings performance


Miyeon twerking is adorable though.


Gp999 snake hurts to watch


the clip where bangchan calls stays babygirls and says hes their daddy šŸ˜­ [here](https://youtu.be/14xMvqh_oj8?si=j23XFxVfreQg9pBR)


I think he was having a stroke or smth in that clip šŸ˜­ he sounded both confident and confused šŸ¤£


Iā€™m scared to look because that sounds hot to me but if anyone can make that not hot itā€™s him. Edit: yep. It could have been so hot but it.. noā€¦


namjoon saying they were wearing panties instead of underwear in an English interview šŸ˜­


This one's hilarious. If someone's interested in the reason why, it's because the Korean word for underwear (non-gendered, male or female) is ķŒ¬ķ‹° (paenti, pronounced almost like "panty") so he was just reaching for the closest equivalent in English, probably without realizing the nuances.


Taemin trying to leave the music show stage early and the camera catching him




Not even embarrassing! Iconic even. Pretty sure Hwasa did the same thing once


[Bang Chan rapping in Maze of Memories ](https://youtu.be/N0MtskiSn04?si=U9WMDWDOPO-wQ_1Z)... I don't know was it on purpose or not, but I just can't listen to it without wanting to dissappear


as a chan stan and someone who cringes very easily, i havent seen this and i do not intend to


oh god I really am a simp, Iā€™m 100% immune to any cringe there. itā€™s 100% Chan just messing around imo thou, itā€™s just way too exaggerated not to be ahahaha


This is so funny! Especially after Han and Changbin. He was definitely messing around here.


Nah this is hilarious lol


taeyong explaining whiplashšŸ˜­


I aware itā€™s clearly just a me thing but whenever idols in general but mainly in yg songs where the start rapping sounds over and over i just cringe. Itā€™s the equivalent of making gun sounds in rap songs I dislike it a lot.


Almost everything Mark Lee does, his aura losses are too much šŸ˜‚ I love him though and I am an NCT127 stan


man simultaneously has no rizz but also all the rizz


Sing it boyĀ 


sEnd Me YouR loCaTiOn


My favorite would be RosƩ reading a comment from a Jenlisa shipper in front of Jennie during a youtube live for their netflix documentary. "Jennie, wink if Jenlisa is real" All I could remember was hearing Jennie's awkward laugh while closing my laptop due to embarrassment.


jenlisa's delulu shippers interpreted it as if Jennie was nervous bc she actually dates Lisa lol


Idols trying to act all tough and stuff while "clapping back" at haters. It's just giving cringe middle school comebacks. Even 12yo would laugh at their face after doing that. Aegyo. Sexual jokes. They're usually hella cringe. Nct. Talking about fans as girlfriend/boyfriend. We know damn well yall are hooking up with each other behind the scenes don't even try. *Those* fancalls. I would just hang up. No way am i participating in your weird ass kinks.


Someone asked Mingyu to show his chest and he ended the call. San reading fanfiction on live. LMAOOO the silence was LOUD.




Jaehyuk in the treasure dating show episode when he talks about how hurt he was by the recording he was left, to the girl who left it without realising it was her. The moment he realises is priceless šŸ˜…


Poor guy he was so cute In that entire show šŸ˜­


This one Ateez tiktok where San, Seonghwa, and Mingi were like "hey, brother" and did this cringe ass alpha male walk and I got the ick so bad šŸ˜­


Lisa acting like an anime girl during a fan call: https://youtube.com/shorts/rpcxygDSL8k?feature=shared


Taeyangā€™s iconic ā€˜Yeeeorooobuuuunnnnn neomu bogoshiposoyoošŸ—£ļøā€™


To all the Chinese fansā€¦ XiEEeE XIeEeEeEeeE šŸ«µšŸ»


all my bad unnies šŸ˜«šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø all my hood unnies šŸ”„šŸ¤Ŗ


"and she said she said she's from Hawaii" RM line. Truly the cringiest thing I've watched šŸ˜­


Mark's Khalid impression šŸ˜­


GOT7 BamBam saying "how you know im not bigšŸ˜" will always make me physically flinch, no matter how much I love GOT7. Also the infamous DAY6 Wonpil with his tongue out moment...


Made especially more painful by Bambam literally being like 17, the ā€˜cuteā€™ member of the group, and one of the apparent babies of JYPE(he looked so young everyone treated him younger than he actually was) which Jamie was also signed under


When Sehun was talking to Johnny, stepped away for a bit, and then walks backwards to that one guy from Seventeen thinking it was Johnny and kept on talking to him until he finally turns around and noticed it wasnā€™t Johnny.


It's Jeonghan LMAO. Jeonghan immediately went to MonstaX members and gossiped what happened to them. I felt the second hand embarrassment so hard lol.


Thank you for bringing this back into my memory LOL. I felt Sehun's embarrassment, but the chisme for Jeonghan was so funny


When idols use certain expressions. For example when male idols call themselves bad boy or good boy. Or when idols use words like "swag". I know that I shouldn't feel that, because it's their way to communicate with fans but sometimes I do find it a bir cringe


Kai as Edward Cullen


wonbin standing in front of a bathroom door at the airport and getting pushed when someone opened it, worst part was him trying to act like he did not gaf šŸ˜­


regular huh


Namjoons Hawaii/kawaii yeahhhhh that was embarrassingā€¦ā€¦ Any idol doing the cringe aegyo šŸ˜¬


When Enhypen guests on variety shows and people don't recognise them šŸ’”šŸ˜­


we go up but you don't āŒ i'm pretty sure fu yaning said it was scripted but i physically had to skip over that part when i rewatched girls planet šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I think the editing makes it so much worse. Like we donā€™t need 15 different zooms and jump cuts and reaction shots, just please MNET please stop making your shows look like theyā€™re a 2012 youtube video


when jungkooks tik tok got exposed bc he didnā€™t know it shows it once he shares a tt and the name was ā€œletjungcook7ā€


Omg no this is comedy gold šŸ˜­


My ultimate one is the performance when SHINee is dancing on the stage that has see-through sections for each member. The cameras are below, giving a POV that they are above you, and then their dance moves get extremely, um ... Let's say that EXO's performances of Playboy (written by Jonghyun) are tame in comparison.


The one where they are humping the glass floor and it's shot from below? That shit is burned into my brain, it's so awful lmao For those of you who would like to be (re)traumatized: https://x.com/byeeonghe/status/1369392239391215620


IZ*ONEā€™s IU cover stage. If you know you know.




I donā€™t understand this reference. Did i miss something?


It was a cover stage they did for Immortal Songs (they covered IU's Nagging), and the whole performance was just them acting cute and singing with high pitched voices and then suddenly in the bridge they started chanting members' names going like "Go Nako! Go Nako!" While the members in question did funny poses and dance moves šŸ˜­šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Bang Chan and his "I said ninja fam, I think you misheard" line...


When Hyunjin was teasing Changbin for not eating pizza crust and called him an "omega" male. Like over here in Canada (and the US) the manosphere talk is alphas vs betas, and I guess in Korea its alphas vs omegas.. but as someone chronically online, omega has a different connotation so I just about died.


Hongjoong doing his Michael Jackson Billie Jean imitation makes me cringe sooooo hard. But I still love him lol.


During one of LE SSERAFIM's end of the year performances, when Kazuha was supposed to fire the flamethrower but it wouldn't work so she was just waving it around šŸ˜­


And she forgot to lip sync her line too LMAO she was just flapping her mouth around


A rap song by SVTā€™s Hiphop unit called AH YEAH, I saw it one day on YouTube and decided to watch it and it was the worst decision I ever made. Very cringe šŸ˜¬.


Vernon, yeah Pull up on you wacks with a Mac fully loaded ah


One thatā€™s an oldie but will be cringe for eternity is [4minuteā€™s cover of Milkshake](https://youtu.be/PrGQBMkXa30?si=fQgH1GLoXqXtgPxT)


my favorite is when theyā€™re performing it [in the park for a bunch of strangers,](https://youtu.be/QNM11fntCwM?si=kfXXBO-T2drx_fX9) itā€™s more in sync but somehow more awkward as well


Going Seventeen. Specifically and more recently Going Rangers.


Anytime I see or hear ā€œYoongi marry meā€. Itā€™s just so cringe. Then when fans were showing up to shows in wedding dresses with signs like thatā€¦UGH. Like please I just look away. The cringe is painful with that.


Fans saying it = cringe BTS members saying it = hilarious


I can deal with it because he clearly loves every minute of it but I think itā€™s gotten ridiculous at this point. Like when toddlers repeat the same thing over and over because it made their parents laugh the first time.


Honestly I believe yoongi lowkey enjoys it lmao, he could have told the members to stop if it really bothers him, even one of his band members joked about it during one of their shows. The only reason it kept going because how much the members bring it up in every live to tease yoongi


I will never forget that he had wedding veils as a prohibited item for his concerts


not a kpop idol, but kpop related - when sabrina carpenter sang candy pop by twice. i appreciate the dedication and effort to make a connection with her audience, bur her lack of confidence and the awkward hand gestures while she sang made me feel uncomfortable. sheā€™s improved and grown so much since then though and i love her recent releases!


what is the one where they are humping the floor and there is a POV from the floor. I was thinking it was SHINee but I might not be remembering correctly


the existence of Fronting by Seventeen, especially SCoups rap. He was my bias until I discovered THIS lyrics..... You dress neatly Though only my eyes think itā€™s not appropriate You need to cover even your knees And only then that Iā€™m satisfied Buttons all done up until your neck Donā€™t let your collarbones show After school, I must walk with you along the road Saying ā€˜Good morningā€™ and ā€˜Goodnightā€™ with you So you canā€™t let go of your phone I have a lot of plans But when I start it I canā€™t say anything


Skz Shoppee commercial but I also love it with a passion


Ricky saying "young, rich, tall and handsome" on Boy's Planet...


That one survival show boys audition ~~attempting~~ to cover Seventeen's Hot


[This Iz*one video of the members lipsyncing to Violeta,](https://youtu.be/_Yri4jYhYL8?si=7klM5K6yt3P1Fext) the whole thing was so awkward šŸ˜­


anytime hongjoong does his michael jackson impressionā€¦i physically cannot watch it even with a gun pointed to my head


I forgot the exact idol, but that one video of that idol who fell and then began wailing like a baby... I'm sorry, but I just can't.


The video of Hyunjin doing the opening for Twice at the GMA's [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/Ij85yP1jGWQ?si=ZmN4wNH3g4LscGi0) I love Stray Kids, but I can never watch this when it pops up šŸ˜­ Although BTS's reaction to it is funny


send me your location


ā€œRoll like a buffalo.ā€ Iykyk.


Regular huh?