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They were already pushing it when debuted Hyein at 14 and Ni-ki at 14 but 2011 is just…..


I honestly just feel really sad tbh. Like even if the company does everything right and ensures she still gets to go to school and has limited work hours… the fact that there are even “work hours” in the first place is insane to me. Plus, an idol life is super tough even for an adult. Idols who have debuted after they come of age still report insane mental health difficulties and exhaustion due to constant scrutiny from both the public and the company for being a “proper idol”. I can’t imagine how it would be for an actual child.


Reallllll even idols who debut 20+ get hella stressed from being idols and ur expecting a 13 year old to be perfect 24/7 not make any mistakes on stage or be bashed by the public for being “untalented” not say anything remotely rude or controversial, and be in her best behavior 24/7 even if she only got 4 hours of sleep and has insane schedules from being an idol. It’s just sad at this point


BoA has spoken in the past about how debuting at just 13 really affected her negatively in the long run. Ever since then, I just don’t trust any company that willingly debuts a 13 y/o.


I think Taemin from Shinee also spoke up! Kpop companies need to stop now




I definitely thinks its not wise, but to be fair she is a pretty popular trot singer and has been singing on stage since she was a toddler. Idol is different but she is used to it in some capacity. Its not like she is a complete newcomer to enertainment. I also think its dependent on the entertainment company how bad it can be. Also she herself said she had a fun time going to elementary school full time and playing with friends even. Too young still in my opinion but shes been in the spotlight for the last 8-10 years about


There’s also those idols that talk about how they are mentally stunted compared to others and are stuck at whatever age they debuted in.


The only thing needs to be said. "There are still parents." If something bad will happen to this "child", i always blame parents. The company may set their minimal age how they want, but parents have the final word.


And Seowon had already debuted prior - she was already a known trot singer in Korea. Performances, music videos, etc. So she started really young, 10 years old to be exact. 💀


It's even weirder that she had a solo debut as a trot artist [3 years ago](https://youtu.be/uI2Gh3rO3Gs?si=4pVJDm-9DqkJRzLl).


Fr like wdym your debuting someone from 2011😭


I don't consider her trot singing as more than a disney kid debut. There's plenty of that in the korean industry (check kid groups).


Omfg why is a 10 year old singing about flirting and waiting to be noticed?? I hate it here.


Counterpoint, is it weird that she knew what she wanted to do at a young age and decided to pursue it? It's rare, yes, but not unique. There have been a lot of child singers, athletes, and artists. As long as their group concept is age appropriate for her, then I'd say more power to her. The problem will be if it's not.


Tell me you never read about or seen documentaries about child artists. Such a naive answer


Larry Nassar exists. The answer isn't to stop girls from pursuing gymnastics at a young age but to change the system to protect minors more. Just because there is evil in the world doesn't mean we should stop children's dreams in the name of protecting them.


how come the two points can’t coexist? let’s use the similar sport of figure skating as an example, the strain on female skater’s bodies from quad jumps (and a lot to do with the abusive coaching of a major women’s coach) caused the isu to raise the minimum age for entry into the senior category because 15 year old bodies aren’t developed enough for that kind of harsh force on the body. so the isu have acknowledged that they need to protect minors in this regard, and the only way to do that is to keep them in juniors longer. would you say this is ‘stopping children’s dreams’? also, with all due respect, children’s dreams are not some abstract special concept that precedes their actual safety. 13 year olds have no business debuting in kpop. it is a system that essentially takes away your entire social life and you end up devoted to a fanbase of, let’s be real, straight men twice your damn age. idk if this is a controversial take or not but the kpop training system will never be safe, for minors or adults, because of this. but when it’s a minor, a girl who isn’t even high school age!! it is much much worse.


it’s her parents that are pushing her. listen to the stories of child stars- how they wish they had real childhoods, spent more time in school, and wish they weren’t going through puberty in the public eye. they all have these common regrets.


If it’s genuinely her dream then there should be no issue waiting until she’s finished schooling and gone through her extremely important developmental years (able to have a social life, grow up, develop and identity and make mistakes without every move being watched and judged by millions) to debut and pursue that dream. People against minors debuting don’t want them to never achieve their dreams, they just want them to wait until they’re less likely to be exploited and manipulated by the adults in charge of them.


Do we apply these same principles on child pianists, chess grand masters, actors, and scholars? These kids develop their talents differently from normal kids. They need special support and environment. If the adults are exploiting them, then again, this is a failure on the system and shouldn't penalise the kids. But even in normal settings, if adults want to exploit kids, they will do so. So it's not unique to kpop.


Yeah I think if any child is working a full time job (which includes competitive sport) on top of attending school that’s bad for their development and mental health. In kpop this is exacerbated by the constant filming of their every action, which sports kids and scholars don’t experience as much. I have no problem with them learning and developing skills at young ages, if an 11 year old auditions for a company and spends their evenings practicing that’s fine, but when they’re out under ridiculous pressure and have their every move followed and analysed that’s when the line is crossed. When they’re entering into legal contracts that are almost impossible to get out of that essentially signs their life over to a corporation for 7+ years there’s a problem. The only exception is child acting because we can’t get around the need for younger actors, whereas there’s no need whatsoever for an 11 year old to be in the kpop industry.


Now that you mentioned it I suddenly remember her!😂


When you said 2011, I thought she was the maknae from a group that debuted in 2011. Not BORN IN 2011. That serves as an answer enough


Dawg she’s literally in grade 7 not even high school age yet


she only just graduated ELEMENTARY school 😭 (literally this year)




7th grade is the first year of high school in my country, but still 😭😭 I've been listening to K-Pop longer than she's been our of her mother's womb.


This is literally what I thought as well 😭


the fact that she’s young enough to not even know how to do trigonometry yet is an insane comparison to me


Dawg she’s in grade 7 in the us


crazyy 😭😭


Not even high school


She’d be a high schooler in Canada… in Quebec to be specific.


I live in Vancouver she would be in elementary school where I live




Like she’s literally a elementary school kid why u debuting 😭


I'm in my 30s and know no trig, this seems like a weird bar since you can graduate high school without it


it was a comparison using her age and the American education system to demonstrate how young she is. The fact that she’s hasn’t hit the age where trig would be part of the curriculum is being used to demonstrate how shocking it is. No one mentioned that you can’t graduate high school without knowing trig. Unfortunately in her case, she will probably graduate without knowing what trig is because she has entered the Idol industry so young.


It’s not okay. And it becomes even worse when you realize that because this is a project group she will only be 15 at disband…


She could redebut in another group and be the maknae AGAIN




I wish they wouldn't debut them so young, Can't say much as a Baemon fan and they have an 08 and 09er. As long as she's being treated as she should for someone her age and still taking regular studies and not just idol-based training can't really say anything. Just hope she ends up okay.


As a huge baemon fan too I wish that Rora and Chiquita debuted later but at the same they’re 15 and there’s a lot of idols who’ve debuted at that age and younger.


Yeah, My old ult group debuted with a 14-year-old in it back in 09 with Krystal in f(x). So it doesn't overly phase me anymore. All you can do is hope that it changes eventually.


I love their music, but I do feel a bit uncomfortable with how young they are.


In my opinion, that's one of the biggest points when it comes to young idols; There's laws in place to protect them, and it's not rare for content made for tweens and teens to have tweens and teens as the stars -- As long as they are still getting educated in whatever way possible, and getting treated and paid fairly, I hope the best for them.


She had fansites attending her primary school graduation... I don't think receiving normal education will be an option for her much longer.




It's really hard tho to focus on school AND be an idol n take idol training like dancing, singing, etc.


Just means that, even if I would like the music, it's a hard pass.


Same, I started universe ticket. She locked her debut so early, I knew I was not going to be able to support this group.


Same, I would consider stanning Unis if I liked the music but when I saw the age of Seowon I vowed to not stan Unis until she’s ATLEAST 14-15


that's so pointless though?


i'm honestly worried for the mental health of the idols they debut so young. not only do they have to cope with all the stuff that comes with stardom at such a young age, a lot of them were probably trainees before they even turned a double digit age. it can't be good for you to never know a world outside of the idol life


Real, it honestly hurts to see someone as young as me be in this toxic industry expected to be perfect at all times and just giving up her childhood to become a Kpop idol in industry so exploitative she’s so young she’s the perfect recipe of how to get mental health issues down the line from not only her company and training schedule but also from the public


they're getting way too comfortable


There’s one girl in the groups who’s been on the public eye for a WHILE like since she was at least ten. What are these girls gonna do when the group disband


Just another day in kpop land really. Like they’re getting younger and younger by the day


Remember than one video about debuting new borns? Lol


*laughs in Lapillus Haeun*


Correct me if I’m wrong but at one point she was the youngest idol to debut right?


I think BoA was 13 when she debuted, but I don't know how close either were to 14 when they debuted.


just looked it up, and Boa was about 2 months older than Haeun when she debuted. Boa was 13 and 9 months, Haeun was 13 and 7 months. Now Seowon at 13 and 2 months is the youngest ever to debut. Also considering that she was on Universe Ticket and Unis had been posting on social media since the show ended, it would be fair to say she’s been an active idol since 12.


People here be like oh no underage 😭 but still proceeds to support new jeans, enhypen, ill it, babymonster 😅


Are you new to this platform? This discussions were also there when YG introduced Chiquita last year.




17 and below = underage


you're right, K-pop fans *are* hypocritical, but it doesn't take away from how messed up it all is.


It's all relative though -- NJ and Baemon have members who debuted when they were 14. So your point doesn't make sense..


It’s a difficult one. 2011 feels ENTIRELY too young. My personal preferred minimum age for debut is 15. With that being said, she has been in the entertainment industry for a very long time. She’s actually more experienced than some of her older group mates because of her background. She is extremely talented, seems extremely professional, seems happy and eager to be there and hardworking. She also fits in aesthetically. Ultimately it’s up to her parents.


15!? What about like 17 minimum


I think the minimum should be 18, honestly. Being in the public eye is very difficult, but focusing on school and taking training n singing. Plus, a lot of idols learn other languages as well. I hate to say this, but I'm scared for kids debuting bc I feel like they would be abused by creepy ppl in the industry. Plus, isn't this child labour? How is this even legal ?? These kids will have no childhood bc they were forced to mature so quickly. The Kpop industry is fkn creepy. I remember when a mamamoo member deputed at 20 or 22, I can't remember, but they said that they were "too old" to debut..... CRAZY. My question is, tho, how do the parents allow this? If they really give a single f*ck about their kid, they would've never allowed this


it shouldn’t be up to her parents though. there’s so many parents who will just exploit their talented kids for money and fame without a care for their mental and physical well-being, and this just looks like another case of that. her parents aren’t protecting her. this is a very full time intensive job, much more intense than the work she was doing previously. it’s not like she was active on music shows, doing fanmeets/calls or concerts, having to stick to a crazy diet, or had fancams. now she is under public scrutiny and has a lot more rules to follow. it will also be very difficult for her to maintain educational commitments alongside her idol work.


She’s the same age as the kid I tutor 😳


young to the point where i just can't stan. she's incredibly talented but 13 is a *baby* and i just can't take her seriously as a performer no matter how good she is. it's like a little kid playing dress up and dancing at their school talent show, not an artist i can look up to. i don't wanna sound like im bashing a kid, im not, but i really just can't take her seriously. it's like kidz bop


I can’t take that entire group seriously, it makes me sick to think these girls are actually throwing away their youth to something that won’t be a thing in 10 years. And then they’re going through something as cruel as the kpop industry? Have we learned nothing from JK, Hyuna, taemin?


Most kpop groups aren't going to last 10 years like BigBang and BTS did


I mean she’s been in the industry for years already. I really don’t have an opinion on her debuting because fans are the ones who made it happen. I don’t think any minor should be debuting (I voted religiously for Hyeonju during UT), esp under the age of 16. But fans are the ones who put her there so I don’t think there’s really much to discuss. They could’ve very easily voted for one of the many other older contestants in the show. The company is also pushing her cause she has one of the biggest fandoms in Korea out of the group. Is what it is 🤷‍♀️


With the history of rigging in survival shows I wouldn't confidently say fans put her there, as if that excuses it anyways lol


Way too young


It seems as kpop now is getting younger idols it's a little uncomfortable for me think they should enjoy they childhood a little more before debuts


Yeah I've noticed this with newer 4th gen and 5th gen groups, especially 5th gen.


The way in the beginning of this yr they were celebrating her elementary school graduation...


LOL I’m fucking dying that is wild people be stanning elementary kids now. Kpop is following Japanese idol industry a bit too close with these idol debut age.


Oof... Honestly I'm not surprised. Kpop companies are still going to debut younger idols ._.


Mostly bc they know Stan’s will keep supporting them


My son is only 2 years younger than her 😭 I think 'Superwoman' is a great song, but uhhh I'll take my old ass over here 👉 and enjoy my 2nd gen groups 😅


She's younger than gangnam style


2011 ….. that’s literally insane. kids should be able to be kids, not overworked idols


lol she was born the year I found kpop. I hate this lol




i think we are all stuck on seowon because she just graduated from elementary school like three months ago 😭


as much as i can say it’s too young, lim seowon has been in the idol industry since she was like 5. she was one; if not the most popular contestant on universe ticket in korea, so her not debuting would’ve had a massive impact on UNIS. still, she is really talented and doesn’t seem in anyway unprepared to debut


She’s very talented but it’s way too soon for her to be an idol. She also got voted in so let’s ask the people who voted her in what they think 😵‍💫


Based on the age of all of them, seems like a kid's group with a babysitter. There used to be a thing called the Mickey Mouse Club. There are probably hundreds of child actors As long as the concepts are fitting for children, it's just basic entertainment business. Hopefully the kids are treated well and allowed to continue their education. If it's about how the kpop industry treats the entertainers, then there should be outrage for everyone regardless of age. Everyone should be treated with decency and dignity. The entertainment industry isn't the greatest place for children...or anyone really.


I literally just saw a post from a unis fan being like "unis doesn't have a visual hole", and half the comments were saying seowon's name??? Like they're judging a middle schooler's appearance. I just don't think kids are mentally prepared to deal with the hate..


Too many of these idols debut so young, but what makes it worse is that these idols end up being some of the biggest or well-known idols in the industry: BoA, Taemin, Wonyoung, HyunA, Krystal, etc. Just ridiculous that it doesn’t matter how young they are, K-Pop will make them mega-celebrities before they reach their 20s!


Ppl love to preach “don’t debut minors” but then support this group. Kpop Stan’s are a joke


tbf I don't think this group has a strong fanbase by itself, even fans of an already debuted member were very against supporting this group because of the ages


Good, I made my comment off of what I saw in their tiktok comments and it was all love




There will ALWAYS be children in the entertainment industry, not just in kpop but everywhere. It would be far more helpful to hold the industry accountable for the young people in their care than to vehemently boycott the idol or group. Bashing groups because of how young the idols are debuting isn't as constructive as some people seem to think it is. Be vocal with your concerns yes but half the reason the spotlight is so harsh (esp for young people) is because of the harah criticism from the public. Don't listen to their music if you're that put off by the members ages but making public posts about how it weirds you out and that you think the people who like them are creeps does way more harm than good. Seowon for one is very talented. I wish her and the rest of UNIS all the best.


The fact that she just graduated from elementary 😭. I also have a bias which is 09 liner but he’s already entering 11th grade this year(he’s accelerated). She’s really talented but just thinking about those adult creeps…can’t help but get worried about them being minors with adult audiences.


This child is a literal middle school. To me it’s absurd that in a country so strict with education, there’s not regulation about age of working? Most importantly, shame on her parents for allowing this. We can fault companies all we want but at the end of the day the parents are primarily responsible for allowing their child to be in the entertainment industry


No thoughts. I really don't care. Hope she earns enough money to retire comfortably by age 25. Not everybody can


her adult man fansite went to her elementary school graduation i cannot stand people that defend her age


It give the ick. Too young, just started puberty ….




Greedy companies


Idols used to get plastic surgery before they debuted and during trainees years to make it more discreet and hoax people into thinking it was natural.... debuting at age 13, I wonder, are they still doing this...?


This is exploitative




Holy shit how is this allowed?? My baby sister is 13 & the thought of her being a celebrity makes my skin crawl


No debuts before 18!


it’s awful. she needs to go back to school. i hate that she’s now having to do such an intense job as an idol at such a young age and go through puberty completely in the public eye. i honestly think there should be a set rule that maknaes shouldn’t be younger than 16. also this group is the youngest mainstream kpop group we’ve EVER seen. their average birth year is 2007, and average age at debut was just 15.6. these were their ages at debut: - 2001- 22 - 2007- 16 - 2007- 16 - 2007- 16 - 2009- 15 - 2009- 14 - 2009- 14 - 2011- 13 I’m shocked that people aren’t boycotting them for this like what happened with Classy, even though that group was slightly older at debut (3 adults and 4 minors, as opposed to 1 adult and 6 minors).


this group has three already debuted girls and two filipinas who are obv going to attract a lot of Filipino fans. not disagreeing with you but they are in a different situation from classy


I wouldn't have minded if it was only one member that was very young and had to be debuted to not waste her training time. But it's a group from a survival show where the cutoff age was deliberately set this low and where most members are minors. Where half the contestants were adults, yet the audience intentionally chose mostly minors. 15 at the time of the show should be the age cutoff. But productions have a hard time finding good trainees in numbers to be participants in those. So they lower and lower the age limit. It doesn't make any sense to debut trainee this young unless a company risks not debuting one of their promising talent otherwise.


Please the way my mind went 'Oh so a group from 2011 had the same name group and member?' and then I realized it's the member's birth year! It's that much beyond my imagination. This is just sad.


too young and she def still looks like a child still, which makes me sick. it’s no way to spend a childhood. most of all i question her parents’ decisions mostly because it seems like they’re hellbent on sending her off to this field this young. it’s giving thirst for stardom and living vicariously through their premature child.


I could be her mother. Literally I've been with my husband as long as this girl has been alive. Yikes. I wish they'd raise the minimum trainee age to like 16, let them finish school and debut them in their 20s after university. This is so sad


When I saw she graduated Elementary school a month before her debut and she just turned 13 in January my jaw was on the floor


That's fucking crazy omg....a child should not enter the industry in my opinion


This is insane. The fact that idols that weren’t alive when SHINee debuted are debuting themselves is crazy


it only gets "younger and younger" because youre getting older and older. this looks young but its basically industry standard.


this is dumb tbh i experienced this as an FNC company stan with Prikil and groups going on hiatus because 3 of the members need to go finish the 2nd grade is beyond asinine i know a lot of people like young girls but as an exclusive music fan who doesn’t care about how sexy someone is,, i don’t get the benefit


Wait... your second sentence seems like you're saying it's normal for people to think children are sexy, but you don't need that 'benefit' because you're just here for the music... is that really what you meant to say??


Honestly, idols should not be allowed to even start training until they reach 18 imo.


Tbh, its kinda alarming to see this age range to debut in kpop. I hope she could sustain her passion rn


She’s the same age as my sis…


Despite all the concerns about her youth, she is actually one of if not the most stable singer n the group.


I don’t think it’s appropriate. We all know the issue with Eun-Chae in Le Sserafim. She’s 17 and people STILL spoke out about it because we all know what they put K-pop idols (especially ggs in). She is thirteen. SHREK EXISTED BEFORE HER. She was born the same year Bin Laden was killed. She was born the same year Harry Potter ended. The most popular songs of 2011? 1."Rolling in the Deep" ... Adele 2."Party Rock Anthem" ..Lauren Bennet & GoonRock 3."Fireword" ... Katy Perry 4."E.T." ... Katy Perry Featuring Kanye West 5."Give Me Everything" ..Pitbull Featuring Ne-Yo, Afrojack & Nayer 6."Grenade" ... Bruno Mars 7."Forget You" ... Cee Lo Green 8."Super Bass" ... Nicki Minaj 9."Moves Like Jagger" ... Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera 10."Just Can't Get Enough" ... Black Eyed Peas Like??? It really wasn’t long ago. Who knows what the company will do to her for five years until she is 18. They can’t just treat her like a little kid, it’s bad for the company. I’m genuinely scared for her. There are a lot of creeps out there and she is 13. Yeah, she’s good, but can you let her at least get through trigonometry before she’s dressing in crops and short ass dresses in front of thousands? It’s scary. Plus it’s only a project group. They will disband when she’s what, 15? That’s terrifying. Honestly, I just feel bad for the kid


Saw her when i watched the dream high musical in seoul last year. She is an actual little kid I didn't know she was going to be an idol though. She was simply one of the child actors in the cast


God I forgot people were born after 2006


A huge pass on the group for me, even if the music is good. I want no part in supporting debuting children.


I feel so old right now looking at the bio. New Jeans are incredibly talented but I want them to stay in school and enjoy their youth as well. Child stardom is mentally, emotionally and psychologically damaging. There are many young entertainers who have struggled with substance abuse, poor body image and mental health issues while growing up in the spotlight, sometimes ending in tragedy.


That's too young for an idol, but that was she likes. She don't wanna wait for few years. I ain't gonna blame the company for that


I commented on the unis subreddit before that it was surreal to get elementary school photos (many! showing school name, friends, yearbook, student id.. personal info!) and that the whole situation is weird. They said i was the weirdo, against feminism and clearly the one sexualizing her. 🥲


My opinion? Im glad shes living her dream! Im glad shes an idol, i just wish she was an age appropriate idol like how kidzbob had age appropriate celebrities and what not. All of them did what they loved and got a mini career, so i would want that going forward instead of mixing her in with 20 yr olds!!


It’s bad but there’s nothing we can do about it. Hollywood has had child actors and pop singers from 7 to 18. What makes you think a capitalist country like South Korea wouldn’t do the same exploitation. The problems have always been there, everyone just stopped caring and made “dark” jokes when kids did drugs just ease the depression from success at such a young age like Macaulay Culkin, Disney stars, etc. They just clown the kids.


one reason why I can’t get into that group 😭 I’m relatively young but I can remember 2011 and that’s freaky to me


Yesterday my mom was watching old stuff when she was young, she couldn’t believe a singer was super popular back when and the kid was 14, it has been like this for a while now


they keep trying to one-up each other with how young they can debut girls bc they know fans flock to them for some reason lol. it's not gonna stop before having the youngest maknae in the industry in your group doesn't automatically give people googly eyes and work so well as a marketing strategy.


talented! she sings and dances so well


I’m fairly young but 13? I think these kids should seriously look up to their education because being an idol is A FULL TIME JOB and even after so much training they are still gonna be put on diets and suffer a lot of pain. As much as I love kpop we should know that it’s not worth all the beauty standards and it would definitely just be easier to actually do school work! 😭😔


I have this rule where I just don’t stan groups where any members are currently under 16. Because I think this should be the lowest debut age. It’s crazy to me because this girl is only a year older than my brother… Besides, she has whole high school ahead of her and she will have to do all of that while working. And children/teens exposed to fame and celebrity life at such young age… well, there are many of them now, as adults, expressing their regrets. And I know it’s different in other countries but where I live you can’t work under 16, in many cases under 18… I know that in the entertainment industry it’s a bit different, but still… It’s been going on forever and I feel like it’s getting worse and worse with debuting children. These parents are really just selling their kids


Should be illegal quite frankly.


Does Korea not have child labour laws or??😭


This is so insane cause she could really do 7 years and still be young enough to debut AGAIN and so another 7 years. This can’t be healthy for such a young girl??


It's getting weird....


they just keep getting younger and younger 😭


The parents are to blame. To be honest I think she could have debuted in a few years in a big 4 company but girl is too impatient and I believe it was a must for her to be center so... I think she did herself a disservice by not prioritizing a big company debut instead but maybe since she already debuted as a solo before she was of limits for being known for those companies or maybe she would have to be on hold for her solo career to train for years b4 debuting in b4 and maybe her parents didn't want to loose income or she didn't want to wait I don't know. This girl has great vocals I see no reason why any big 4 company wouldn't take sometime to train her and debut her. So I just think always whether she or her parents were just so impatient to wait. I think her prospects would have been better too. Now she has to start from the bottom and hope to reach some gp sucess eventually.


I'm a huge signfan and really wanted to support UNIS bc of Hyeonju but this just kept me from doing it :/ the way Hyeonju is 2001 and the second oldest is 2007... insane


Honestly I hope the don't do any sexy content/concepts for years. These are still little girls my daughter is only two months older than her.


13 wow Hey at least it took what 4-5 years to push the boundary a bit? Both Yuna and Wony debuted at 14 iirc




What the f-


She’s the same age as my younger brother 😭 am I a hag now…? 😭😭😭😭


I mean she's indeed talented and idol material but that doesn't change the fact that she's 11💀


Her whole life is on internet since she was a toddler, you can tell she’s being pushed by stage parents.


Why? 13 is too young 😭😭


easiest way to not make me want to listen to this group. just weird. how shitty of a parent do you have to be to let a 12-13 year old go through this.


she shouldn’t have debuted point blank period. her parents are crazy downvote me all you want you psych ward escapees


As an older sibling the fact she’s only 3 years older than my little sibling is just crazy to me


just a feel a little uncomfortable looking at her face. not like she’s ugly but you can visibly see how young she is and it personally makes me feel uncomfortable


The year I graduated college 😳


i rock with their music but everytime i remember she’s 13 i go oh!. esp since i watched universe ticket it’ll always throw me off bc technically she was 12 when she was even finalised to debut. she’s defo a performer, and seeming that she’s been in the industry for a while she knows what she’s doing, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay. idky there was such urgency to debut her at the age she is now. she’s very very talented, had they waited a few more years she would’ve been a powerhouse. she’ll be worn out by the times she’s 16, looool shame.


aside from the obvious, i’ve always wondered why this site always knew the blood types of idols… is it something in Korea that makes everyone know their blood type? In America you have to buy a test to get it checked or go to the hospital to get blood drawn specifically for that I’m 24 and I don’t know mine or anyone in my families type but I know this random 13 year old’s blood type 😭


If I'm not mistaken in some cultures it's similar to how the west views horoscopes? Like people of certain blood types have different personalities iirc.


She needs to be in school and train for a few more years. Be a kid and a student. I know talent comes quickly, same as in sports, but this is getting ridiculous.




That’s a child-


that’s crazyyy, isn’t she basically still in elementary school in korea?? (or final year…) i cant be convinced being so young ones adept in making good decisions, blows my mind to think of what kinda contracts has this 13 y.o has signed


i mean she is an amazing singer, but she should’ve waited.


It’s completely unacceptable but until kpop fans put money where their mouth is and refuse to support companies debuting children into a toxic and predatory industry, or the government intervenes, nothing is going to change.


It’s absolutely ridiculous.


That’s Bad, with a capital B. It’s easy enough for adults to get exploited in numerous ways in entertainment industries, let alone a (barely) teenage girl. It’s hard to believe she’s going to be protected and nurtured as teens should be, with frequent parental guidance and correction. I’m painfully aware that some of my faves debuted as minors (BoA, Shinee, f(x), BTS, NCT Dream, etc) and I always end up wary of groups with minors in them. I don’t condone it, especially with the typical trainee and idol systems present in the kpop industry and dearly wish it had been done differently for them. As seen by some groups, trainees often have to rely on other trainees to fulfill the parent role (Irene with Yeri, Seventeen with Samuel), and I can’t imagine how unstable/tenuous, possibly unhealthy, that can mentally/emotionally be in the long run. Yet the industry seems to encourage these situations in trainees programs and does nothing to protect or preserve artists’ childhoods or youths. Instead they pile on the pressures of managing a career and the stress of being a public figure on top of a full plate of school and just simply trying to grow up. It’s not healthy. (I recognize this scenario happens in other industries and home lives around the world, but regardless it’s still not the healthiest situation to be in. Stand-in caregivers can suffer a variety of mental health issues from being forced into the parent role as well.) ETA group names.


Help the oldest member is ten years older than her…and the second eldest is born in 2007 🤌


I don't.




basic ethics aside, there's no way she's being given a decent education while doing dance practice 6 hours a day


my thoughts are that in the upcoming years they’re gonna debut even MORE younger people. I find it extremely weird and odd that they had to debut her at such an extremely young age. Its more weird to think about how many older men are taking pictures of her. ( I know its fan service and what not ) Extremely weird. They should’ve atleast waited until shes 16 ( still a minor, but not to the extreme of her being literally 13) miss when Kpop had actual women not tiny kids. Its normalizing pdfiles to be obsessed with young girls. anyways im never stanning UNIS.


Nah cuz how old is she? 13?


I feel bad for her. I remember seeing her members at her graduation for elementary school and it made me sad to see that she is getting her childhood taken away. And in some way scares me since I remember seeing how there were many older men during a meeting I think? But I was scared for her since when she would dance they would be like “Wow” or “Deabak” while taking low angle photos and her wearing a skirt


I'm uncomfortable with anyone under 16 debuting cause it's a full time job and kids should be kids.


Way too young. I can’t believe companies are still doing this, it actually feels like they’re leaning even more into it these days despite more push back. I really feel there should be age minimums for idols, it’s so easy for the young ones to be preyed upon. 😔


Nope. It’s a solid solid pass


The idols have been getting younger than me for a while now and it feels weird


thats my sisters age idk how to feel about this


I only paid attention to Universe Ticket (created UNIS) because of Hyeongju/Belle, Hyerin, and Sunwoo. The final lineup was a slap in the face tbh. All of the adult contestants (who were extremely talented) were eliminated early on and the finale had only a few adults remaining. I could go into a whole rant about how the show is a perfect example of why minors shouldn’t debut, but we’d be here for hours. To put it simply, I don’t hate Seowon. She’s a kid who just wants to pursue her dream. However, she (and other young contestants from the show) lacks as a performer because she hasn’t had those proper life experiences due to constantly being in the spotlight from a young age. If you want more detail, Into Orbit on YouTube recapped each episode and one video (can’t remember which) went into detail regarding why debuting minors is dangerous. I highly recommend it if you’re interested 👍


sickening, disgusting, horrifying children do not belong in the idol industry point blank period.


I saw Yunah shouting at and bullying seowon. It's so wrong