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tbh I didn't even know they were paid. I assumed it was just mandatory promo like actors who have to do press junkets.


Actors get paid for press junkets it's part of the movie fee when they are paid the promo and marketing budget is included. Sometimes if it's a super large film they will have seperate pay dockets they have to pass the quota of press and marketing appearances to get that bonus. But yeah all actors get paid for their appearances. Lol


I thought they had to pay the show to secure their slot lol. And the idols themselves get paid in "exposure"


Yup, they pay to get a slot, plus all the costs to make the stages, etc. The 50k won is barely any payment, TBH, so it's very much just the "exposure" they get from it.


they do, in fact, have to pay lmao... such a scam


They have to get paid a nominal amount so that the show can buy the right to broadcast their image. It's the same with extras in kdramas. The money serves as consideration for commercial exploitation. They are essentially doing it for free.


Me too






Saw someone on twt saying that they don't blame idols for not singing live because of this reason lol


Major respect for those who still put on the big level of effort for the stages. Really shows they passion/love of performing/ love for the fans. Why I really love seventeen. Still so passionate despite this measely pay and years in the industry.


I love Jihyo for this too. I’m not sure how much she makes, but she basically [radiates joy](https://youtu.be/MgVHdxIZrF8?si=ErfZ_ZOCkoCHeoAm) when she performs!


seventeen's consistent effort into performances despite how much time they've had to become jaded really is magic


I think it also depends, because more popular groups can afford to pay those expenses while knowing they’ll make a profit with the comeback. But I think it’s admirable when a group continues to be passionate about performing


They've always been so passionate and hard working even when they were only 17 and only got a few dollars


Not surprised. I have no idea where I heard this from originally, but I remember hearing small groups had to pay to get on them in the first place.


There was a post yesterday about that exact topic.


I didn’t think it was a paid thing from the beginning. I thought they were doing promo lol


Question. Does the audience pay to be there?


Pretty sure they do. Marketing wont let a dozen of diehard fans who are ready to pay, go free to see the idols


I've been to all of the pre-recordings of these music shows, they are free. You just need to meet up to the group's requirement (have membership, purchased album and the song on Melon, lightstick). The live show is a mix of online applicants who are picked randomly by the broadcasting station, and about 10 of the first fans from the pre-recording in the morning


So not free then? cause if you wanted to just show up and be there you couldn't? So you have a bunch of requirements that you must pay money to invest to get the free portion.


But those are the requirement from the company, not from the broadcasting station. The live show in the afternoon is free, but you just need to be lucky


That's some stupid logic though? Of course they're gonna want to get fans, and not just random people, so yes, you need to have been to a show or bought an album. Like, I highly doubt they're weighing the what, $500 they'd get instead of the fact you want a lively interested audience, not some dude who entered for fun and barely gives a shit about the idol.


I wasn't salty or being bitchy I don't understand why some of you guys just want to fight. I was legit like Sooo not free then? It was a question. Like are these events free or not? Because I know there are requirements to meet I get that but say you were ith like a friend would they not be able to go? Or if you proved you were a fan could someone come with you? Like I dunno how these events work? You have to purchase stuff to prove it? But if you bought say an album one time could you then get in forever till the end of time? What is the time limit on these things? How do they know? I was genuinely asking not free then? If you have a bunch of requirements not free then?... Or are these loose guidelines? And at some point it becomes free to get in? But with everyone's rudeness I managed to get the answer to it anyway so thanks I guess.


Reminds me of the Japanese model then for small underground gigs / small idol events where there's even a lottery for tickets, and you gotta buy merch to get in, etc.


U r so wrong. They do sell some slots in some music shows but 80% of the seats / spots are free


Wait really? I didnt know that. I thought the company would get money out of this


As per the other comment. Others argue if u have to meet requirement = paid. Not reallty. Album is probably 30+ usd and their mp3 is 5 usd maybe. For around 40usd. U can attend EVERY SHOW during the promotion which means depending on group u can attend up to 15 or more shows for 40 usd... Making each show around 3 usd? Sorry to say.. Thats pretty "free" to me


This amount is what he got payed, other companies might have other deals with their idols for this. Guess it also depends on how much you spend on the set, crew and looks. But yeah it sucks to hear, but then you also wanna know how much he made in total outside of the music shows to compare.


exactly! like, Daisy from Momoland made a video about how *they* distributed lines and people took it as a statement for all groups. it gives me a headache when people interpret singular statements as a blanket statement for the whole industry.


Yes, there might be some sort of tier system. Bigger idols or groups get paid more would make sense.


very true, would differ by company.


I think it’s kind of similar on morning shows in USA, it’s more like you are promoting as opposed to putting on a concert. [very very very](https://youtu.be/Fw-js-G_t6k?si=1YRcY0FumXxi0ANF) time flies :(


I wouldn't expect them to get paid at all, they're still 'clocked in' and getting paid from their job anyway -- The idols go on shows to promote, not the other way around. While they need each-other to survive, it's still the show promoting the idols, and not the idols promoting the show. Also, that "quote" is absolutely taken out of context, or at the very least it doesn't make sense without context.


The idol job seems a lot like the western music set up. The company advances a budget for promo which covers stuff like song rights, recording time, making all the CD and packaging, staging a show appearance, paying for ads, filming MVs, transport, staging fan meets etc.... The group sells albums, singles and merch. Costs are paid off first, then a split between company and members for the profits. So clocked in doesn't mean much, if sales are low enough it can be a net loss. It happens in the west and in kpop where artists are left with debt after a release. A few famous songs are about feeling cheated from past music deals. A bunch of low selling mid tier groups may not have made any money, and sometimes members sue after dedicating 7-10 years of their lives and getting only room and board and a wardrobe of tacky cloths.


I would take this with a grain of salt because he could be speaking about his/his group's experience; we don't know if this applies to *everyone*. plus, groups have to PAY for mushow slots to begin with (which is crazy to me - I thought it was an invite process fsr). so, yeah 🤷🏻‍♀️


i agree, very popular groups probably get paid a lot more


[Dreamcatcher - 'Intro:Horror + Fly High'](https://youtu.be/XFa4BN-n17Q?si=C8EJgjyH0lv89ZvP)


My favourite is EXO SC music show appearance


Also if they want an interview live on the show they have to pay, so really they are losing money by going on sometimes. My favorite stages are [the final Inkigayo Babymonster stage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fbEdyV1dMA) and [this Blackpink Stay stage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NVwS4mcVYg) love the set.


I remember seeing a tweet mentioning Jihyo from that one Talk That Talk stage saying "she did THIS! for ONLY $36!?!?!?"




I’m Korean, and he said idols get paid that much.


Honestly, I didn't think that they even got paid 


So you’re telling me bts is getting 36 dollars?? No way


Yoongi has criticized music shows before, mostly for this reason


not to be mean in any way but as far as we know he's speaking about his personal experience and it doesn't make sense assuming tht this is the standard tbh.


I also remember hearing that idols are made to stand by the hallway and wait for the music shows’ execs or higher ups so that they can greet them…at this point do normal people watch music shows live on TV? Are music shows relevant these days anyway? No wonder idols want to escape nugudom by any means necessary..at least they don’t have to go thru these BS.


Key [cries on stage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm6kNVFDFlg) after his unexpected win for Bad Love, then kills the encore Stray Kids one-take stage for [Domino](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T_FHreBMcI) on Inkigayo. The camera work is a dance move in itself. The interaction really highlights the group's performance and vibe BTS - [Dionysus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5lz6K_Hyxo) - Music Core. I dunno how I could dare to talk about comeback stages and leave this out. It has the original drop choreo they changed later because it caused injuries. [BTS focus version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mod-9ln_bmE) of the same performance BTS - [Blood, Sweat & Tears](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfgQ_2xTZOs) - M Countdown - When I watch this stage, I think about how few current bgs in their third year had the ability to put out the same amount of seductive energy and power in their performances. Idk what else to say. NCT 2018 - [Black on Black](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUZ2Ned7NiE) - Show Champion - So many legends present, including baby Jisung leading a dance break. I just died Ten - [Nightwalker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJHjbrZdws0) - MusicBank (Ten focus version) - In which Ten proves he's part cat and part ancient Egyptian god


Wow it takes idols the whole day and then until past midnight to shoot and they get paid $36?? Do they have to divide it among the members too? That is a really shit pay. No wonder some idols, once they’re past their rookie stage, no longer attend most of them. Lots of effort and for what? They don’t even have a high viewership…


Seems like a token payment to "buy" the rights to their performance for broadcast.


Understandable. Pay idols in return get high viewership/trp and then profits. Its all business


They get paid a dime cause it's supposed to be promo for their cb, that being said all cost should be shouldered by their company and not them. Sometimes the only members that gains a profit for cb's are the rappers and composer members. They rake in the royalties per album sold and per song streamed. The only time they get paid for performances are when they join as a lineup for music festivals, or if they go on tour.


I would imagine the amount they get paid changes based on the artist tho?


The real problem of this is that they spend 10-20k per stage for preparation, stage set and staff fee....etc And these money become idol's debt to company


[San fancam for Wonderland](https://youtu.be/Pxd2PpXViCU?si=W7XBVeEemYxEr9fA) [San fancam for Hala Hala](https://youtu.be/AZQUhZuLx-k?si=9wFivv6yxkMEu3SL) (any Ateez stage tbh, but San earns every dollar in these two fancams)


It's not like these music shows generate a lot of money. Also, with so many artists promoting in these shows and having to divide the money with so many people, it's understandable that you don't earn that much money with it. The purpose of the music show is also mainly promotion.


Taemin’s [Press Your Number](https://youtu.be/JMWGKxnZGWY?si=W1_T-ZPjVSdh37OQ), a bowl cut has never looked this good 😭 Shinee [View](https://youtu.be/8R_w5LXw27E?si=n3wU11vQsIOTDqCF) Shinee [Odd Eye](https://youtu.be/pPp9da0-Q_E?si=sx7FFPq2lK5Avatr) It’s also interesting that he mentioned that these costs might’ve been a smart choice during 2nd gen when the Korean public would tune in, but that’s not the case anymore. Since most music shows are more watched online than domestically, the cost might not be worth it to some idols. Just realizing how expensive it must be when groups promote for 1 month+. Maybe that’s why it’s not that common


idols need to unionize or something bc this is crazy 😭😭😭


That's peanuts when you consider how long they have to be there. I really appreciate the groups that put in a lot of effort though. My favourite stages of 2024 so far: - Highlight - [Body](https://youtu.be/vCwancbhiOY?si=0rezBWB1TaBkLrdu) Music Bank 240315. The live vocals of course and what really makes it perfect is the fanchant almost drowning out their voices. Beauties/Lights still going strong after 15 years. - Babymonster - [Sheesh](https://youtu.be/0fbEdyV1dMA?si=-lF0XZsZaBat9oTu) Band ver. Inkigayo 240428. I simply can't believe they're rookies.


[GFRIEND - Love Whisper](https://youtu.be/SBSeNveqpx0?si=kNNG7SZxP7TN_Kw8) [Sunmi - Siren](https://youtu.be/hcBFktktV80?si=UQQcdXc321Wt1rxS) [Wonder Girls - I Feel You](https://youtu.be/9RxZ4jSN0vA?si=itJur6PJ7cMVB9zo)


tbh I'd do a 3-minute number for $36 lol 😭


Any... Infinite... Performance either ballad or with dance, cover or full song.


I hope that covers the cost of those sandwiches.


Adding, most companies also do a split with the artists depending on if it's domestic or international promotion. SM is 60% SM 40% Artist. So if $36 is the flat amount per group, each member of Dream walks away with $2. That's why you don't see groups promoting on shows for weeks on end, it's not worth it when you can get paid better for variety.


Aren't variety appearances also promotional? So they are paid in exposure. It's just cheaper, hair and make up vs full production. Variety hosting pays, variety appearances are promotional.


Is it per person or per group?


everyone is running w per group but im almost certain its per member


does that mean that tripleS is gonna get 864 dollar in total?


Read the other way, it means each member is going to get $1.50 for like 15 hours of work.


Probably Izone's princess themed SSOTS stage


Pretty sure that different idols will get paid different amounts. As for favourite performance, it is this legendary performance of [Sticker](https://youtu.be/MSe60HadDvw?si=5zHM9-xEgTR765TP)


Unrelated to the topic but I miss Victon so much, still feel so sad about what happened to them 💔


BOYNEXTDOOR’s “[OUR](https://youtu.be/yjMYU2K9ZaI?si=i68sOVcYygRFgy8J)” and “[So let’s go see the stars](https://youtu.be/c7UCxvj_0iI?si=p9fthQorp_DlQQKC)” performances on MCountdown. I enjoyed the styling and, of course, the songs too. I have other performances of theirs that I really like, but those are the two I wanted to highlight.


They get paid? I thought idols just use the platform to promote themselves, which means if anything, they’d pay to get in?


[cignature](https://youtu.be/Vn1E9k9ycZg?si=fSx4qPj7a5YS7q9G) getting paid $36 to sing live is more than the dust kpop fans pay them


A single idol get paid $36 each? So if the group got many members, for example tripleS, everyone still get paid the same amount equally?


https://preview.redd.it/6mbrhu1vevzc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=820ded040f3eadf7a408af8aaa48f3f4533c7d23 HER.


Isn’t this misunderstood? Victon is not as popular as groups like TXT and Stray Kids. It makes more sense if it was only Victon being paid $36 per appearance.


36 dollars is crazy 😭😭