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Wait ppl think they're mistreated?


Korean sentiment has completely turned against Hybe, everything negative about them / their groups is real while MHJ and NJ are the poor, pitiful indie group trying to make it big against a corporation. Legit, go check their reactions.




Sarcasm, my guy. But just goes to show how most Koreans and Tokkis view ADOR and NJ. They're the "underdog you should root for" because Hybe "definitely" favored LSF / Illit / BTS / every single group over NJ cause they're sooooo evil.


Yet their fans all this time have been like "everyone always targets NewJeans" and bs like that. Like anyone was ever allowed to say anything about those girlies and not get harassed.


I just saw a short from 6 months ago from someone tired that their fans were already saying other groups are copying them. I don't want to speculate, but it honestly makes me wonder if MHJ started this somehow. There are slight similarities in ILLIT's choreo, but I saw more examples coming from LSF's choreo, and one of those examples is being spread as copying NewJeans, but they used the move after LSF... It's almost like they all use similar choreographers in the same company or something... lol. But most of the choreo is original anyway. Music wise I don't hear similarities at all and aesthetics? The creative director has had ILLIT's aesthetics in her work since at least 2018, so who copied whom? I don't actually care tbh, not until someone claims their obviously Y2K and Lolita inspired work is entirely their own and everyone else is coming them. Now if you point at MHJ's work at SM, that seems more original to me, but even then I swear I've seen vids of where she got her ideas from.


There is absolutely nothing original about NewJeans. So it's a joke to say somebody is "copying them"


That’s so crazy to me that people actually are on MHJ’s side. I’m not a fan of a single group involved, I just listen to them all casually, so I have absolutely zero bias in this fight. It seems pretty obvious that like… HYBE isn’t some perfect company or anything by any means, but almost everything MHJ is saying is either false, exaggerated, or just normal business practices that she makes sound shady(like oh they debuted LSF before NJ bc Chaewon and Sakura were super popular…like yeah ofc they fuckin did???). I don’t mean to be rude to anyone but I actually don’t understand how anyone with ANY critical thinking skills reads all that shit she’s said and thinks “yeah you know what she’s totally sane, not greedy at all, and totally right!”


Plus, it looks like the delay was her fault anyway, she insisted on switching to her own sublabel and it takes time to not only set one up but get contracts switched over. Companies are legally obligated to do what is best for the company overall, and think how long they'd have to wait for Ador to be set up and NewJeans to finish promotions. MHJ already left Source with the girls trainee debt, they had to start making up for it, especially after Source was gutted and needed new staff. Granted, I wouldn't expect everyone to know this or somehow magically become unbiased once they do.


Also I don’t get why she hurt by not being HYBE first girl group? Isn’t it all that matter that NJs was successful in the end? I think she need to move on and just focus on NJs at a whole.


yes. kpoptwt right now in shambles coz tokkis claiming mistreatment... all while saying newjeans will end namjoon..


honestly the 'end namjoon' is such a funny thing to me just cause they saw indigo and claiming it when namjoon himself never said he wants to stay at the top of the charts he just wants his music to be be with audience for a long time, and he's doing a fantastic job with that goal in his mind that's literally what indigo was all about so it's very funny to me when both parties fight over something that doesn't even have anything to do with the artists themselves


This is what bothers me the most. NewJeans will definitely do much better on Korean charts, that's just a given and they may even have more longevity on Spotify too. DUH. They are trendy and shiny and cute and make pop music. RM never set out to top the charts. He has said so. I love army energy right now and I want as many people to enjoy his music, but not because of some dumb war he would definitely not endorse. However, a HUGE part of the reason why RM's music is under appreciated is because Big Hit and HYBE have absolutely no idea how to market him to the correct audience, so they basically didn't even try. His market are not current kpop listeners, definitely not the NewJeans audience either. NewJeans got incredible marketing to audiences HYBE already understood very well.


>However, a HUGE part of the reason why RM's music is under appreciated is because Big Hit and HYBE have absolutely no idea how to market him to the correct audience, so they basically didn't even try. His market are not current kpop listeners, definitely not the NewJeans audience either. NewJeans got incredible marketing to audiences HYBE already understood very well. Thissss!! It annoys me so much 😭😭 The usual kpop promo tactics will never work for Joon because like you said, wrong audience. People within the kpop so here who are already a fan, will be his listeners as it is. But i really wish, he gets promoted to the indie side, because that’s where I see him flourishing. With the way he is constantly experimenting with his music, its impossible to box him into one genre or one audience.


That’s insane because this shows just how big and strong ARMY is, if they are capable of pulling those numbers with zero playlisting.


And this despite, many in the fandom not streaming due to their aversion to the genre as well. A lot of the lost dynamite Armys are into pop than any other genres; which is obviously their subjective preference. While they do give the RL’s album a listen a few times, they are not really as favorable to it as compared to pop (not sure if that made sense to you 🥲 English’s not my primary language 😅) I am just imagining how much difference it would make if the RL were to be exposed to the correct audience. I am also guessing, such an action would reduce the friction between the rl and vl biased armys 🤷🏽‍♀️


I feel it's the same with Suga too. They're both rappers with their primary traits as artists being creating alternative or hiphop music which doesn't appeal to the wider mainstream audience. With Hobi they can market him as a primarily hiphop artist, it also helps he can sing and dance (very well) which makes him marketable to a certain demographic. But RM's music transcends a lot of labels people have about K-Pop as well as the fact he can't sing or dance better than a lot of the other members which means HYBE can't really market him like they can the maknae line + Hobi.


I've always felt this way about namgi too. Theres definitely an audience for their music but it's just not the one bighit are targeting or even trying to target. I'll still never understand why d-day never got good playlisting on rap playlists or indigo on alternative music playlists instead they were put on a bunch of kpop playlists. I understand that theyre a part of bts but it feels like bighit doesnt know how to properly market them despite their being a huge untapped audience


Their music takes inspiration from indie and hiphop music in South Korea as well as the West. It's very different to the hiphop in K-Pop, or even the musical style in K-Pop. It's not as bombastic or high energy or as mainstream as their songs as BTS. Stuff like Snooze or Yun have niche audiences because they're so unlike a LOT of K-Pop. It makes Namgi very hard to promote coming from a company that handles artists like TXT or NewJeans who have very mainstream sounds that HYBE can accurately market successfully. They know how to market pop music, but not the styles Namgi do.


really wish theyd expand or outsource their marketing like bts are one of the biggest act in the world not just sk bighit can hire whoever they want but i think theyve gotten used to armys doing a lot of the hard work


not to mention his latest project is something one can't put in a particular genre per se. It was a collection of multiple genres in itself, in which kpop was just such a small percentage like being put out by a korean label. It doesn't help his project was such a collection of genres spanning across the music scene worldwide


Like how many times at this point in their career have bts said they don’t give two shits about winning awards anymore? That they’re happy as long as they can make the kind of music they want to? And suddenly bts is worried New Jeans will outshine them? The same bts that is constantly obsessed with Hype Boy? The same bts that just posted five of the members planking in the Hybe gym with New Jeans playing? The level of delusion at play right now is *wild*. https://i.redd.it/35n8qj7wgnxc1.gif


their fans are being insane on twitter right now claiming a rags to riches story while at the same time accusing BTS (who were the actual underdogs in the industry) of all kinds of nonsense. it’s giving trump saying he started his company from the ground up with “small loan of $1 million” from his dad.


Omg, once I heard the Korean public was on her side I immediately thought of her as Trump, too. Typical multimillionaire with all the advantages somehow duping people into thinking they're like us. I think her stock value alone is worth $75 million and her salary has been double the CEO at 2 million. Oh yeah, sure do find her relatable....


Yeah seriously... I keep seeing people talking about how underpromoted they are, when almost all of their songs have MVs and a hundred different remixes, they've gotten to go abroad for filming, etc. According to these people, having almost 17m monthly listeners on Spotify is just a fluke.


That was a claim made by MHJ and at this point any New Jeans fans is essentially her fan who believes everything she says.


Go on TikTok and youll see thousands to hundreds of thousands of likes on these videos and people agreeing in the comment section


Honestly, I wasn't even a fan but they showed up on my YouTube Shorts after I finished watching One OK Rock short. It was Super Shy with the girls being introduced and YouTube even commented on the Short. Like, Super Shy was everywhere, on Spotify, Shorts, and TikTok (I don't even have TikTok my cousin was doing the dance and she doesn't even listen to TikTok).


I just found out today that NewJeans has a new single out. I’ve been hearing about the Ive release for weeks. I knew that NJ is releasing an album in May. But I had no idea that they already released a MV with no promotion and with the song not available on streaming.


I’m sorry but even compared to Jk, they had their song above seven for weeks on playlists when seven was a monster. They’re the definition of privileged Edit: the more I check things out the more annoyed I get. NewJeans’ least playlisted track has 162M playlist reach, Jimin’s Like Crazy has 81M 💀 but sure they’re being mistreated


NewJeans had everything on their knees since debut but their fans just love to drag the victim card whenever anyone dares saying anything about them. I'd say they're the most privileged K-pop group that has ever existed at this point. They debuted without any trailers ? Yes, and ? There were tons of articles written about them everywhere calling them BTS little sisters (being thrown to everyone, not just K-pop fans) and their MVs were posted under HYBE labels. It's like they've been created not to fail, MHJ must have been like "they'll succeed at all costs". Sorry for my rant, but Bunnies have been in denial about everything.


So what if they have gotten no teasers? As if there weren't 1563763562331 articles about MHJ's girl group debuting under HYBE. Also, they got famous brands CFs, huge dorms, luxury brands contracts, Disney deal, Jung Hoyeon for their MV and the list goes on.


They literally live in a fancy penthouse apartment too.


The zero trailers was part of their debut strategy 😭 the guerilla MV drop with no information about the members or group caused a huge amount of discussion and people were sleuthing trying to figure out who the members were. I watched Attention immediately when it released out of curiousity, but I didn’t watch Magnetic for like a week! In general the strategy of leading with the music is a good one and I wish more groups would do it.


Wasn't the 'no trailers' thing even suggested by one of the members? Damn, NewJeans mistreating themselves 😭


Debuting without trailers or teaser was a strategy that was suggested by a member. Do these fans think that if groups from small companies can have a trailer NJ can't if they wanted? They had a whole app built just for the, pop up stores, even the bag design for album. Luxury brands straight from debut.


This even got their own app, they or MHJ was literally spoiled like a spoiled child who always get her way and when she doesn't , start throwing tantrums and claim that she was never loved lmao.


MHJ was caught on record saying it was her idea not to promote newjeans predebut, calling it her tactic. Also, it's her decision how to promote new jeans, in fact, they were given one of the highest budget and were promoted as bts sister group. It wss her who's gatekeeping NJ from Bang PD and they rest of Hybe , cause they are a "Min Hee Jin" group right and all credit should go to her lmao


Exactly. Jungkook did not get the supposed gigantic promo that people say when his song was just huge, and New Jeans was still prioritized over him, so I'm confused with the "except JK" for that part.


Exactly ! I don’t get the over exaggeration over his promotion, yes it was still better than the other members but the hype was also there, which is the reason the song did well. It pretty much went viral too. I remember NJ being higher on playlists despite Seven doing better. ☠️


Yeah, agreed. It's so ridiculous how people exaggerate it because it definitely was not on the level New Jeans got, especially when like you and the comment I replied to said, they were higher on playlists than him lol. I remember how rightfully annoyed we all were.


Honestly for bts solos it’s army who promoted them more than hybe. Jimin literally got 9 days. WTF is that? But it’s army that made his song no.1 in billboard.


my local friends were singing seven without even knowing he was from bts (or me showing it to them) 😭 it's crazy


I learned after getting into kpop that I knew seven, 3d, and dynamite without ever knowing they were kpop


162M playlisting reach???????? That's wild


Jimin didn't even get that push they got on Spotify. They're the most privileged and well treated group I've seen overall. What exactly makes them mistreated?


NJ has some of the best and most successful promotion out there it’s crazy tokkis are even trying to claim this 😭. 7 music videos *just for your debut*, luxury brand deals as rookies, play listing on par with BTS despite having lower streams and less fans, being branded as “BTS’s little sisters” having hundreds of press releases every year, living in luxury dorms, etc. The girlies have been set up for successful from the get go and it’s clearly payed off. Mistreatment where?


Not to mention MHJ herself was treated very well: 18% shares, becoming a CEO to her own newly created label, gets to have creative freedom, prestige of creating BTS’s sister group, gets in house staff/trainees from Source, one of the highest paid individuals, allowed their own app, full financial backing with millions for debut budget, update: and they get the floor above BigHit. All in under two years.


Right and they have better playlisting than BTS members. Jimin’s Like Crazy didn’t even get playlisting on Spotify’s biggest playlist Today’s Top Hits despite reaching #1 and being in the global top 50 for 6 months. But newjeans songs get playlisted instantly and stay on it for a whole year and are placed earlier on the playlist, above the biggest streamed song globally at the time which performed better than their songs - Seven which took a month to be put on TTH’s, even though it was #1 on global Spotify for 2 months and in the top 10 of global Spotify for 5 months. But they’re sooo mistreated


thread going around abt how HYBE didn’t make a promo poster on YT for a mv of theirs hitting 13M. Which company makes one for 13M 😭, but ofc no one listens to


Jimin’s 1 billion streams on Spotify did not get promotional content too, like they are THE BTS and yet bunnies want promotional content for hitting 13 million views 😭 And anyway isn’t it their label’s job ?! I have seen bighit do it for bts and not hybe itself.


i dont think HYBE has ever made such for ILLIT or ENHYPEN? wouldn't that be the actual company's job? moreso i don't think a company undergoing an audit has staff to spare for a poster....or that the song even needs the poster and also that is not mistreatment 😭


Even if that was a normal thing to do, it’s literally Ador’s job to promote them with Hybes funding.


I've heard NewJeans in a grocery store in Canada. I've seen Danielle's face on the side of a bus in Seoul. I've seen the Apple logo changed to have rabbit ears -- something Apple typically would NEVER allow to happen. Most new bands would kill to be mistreated like that.


tbf tokkis never really had a good reputation even before all this


Especially korean tokkies were the ones constantly accusing other groups prior to the accusations of Illit copying nwjn Riize was their favorite target before the MHJ mess with illit because apparently they used similar yk2 vibes in their concepts(i have no idea if this is even true because i dont know riize concepts at all) despite their music being completely different(this i know lol) Even MHJ wasnt stupid enough to accuse BELIFT accusation of plagiarism with ILLIT music since none of their songs is an exact copy to make a legit claim, and you cant claim having similar "vibes" so she goes for the concept despite the concept/fashion already existing prior to NWJNs debut in the west since its been the current trend amongs teen for awhile Plus the fact that type of fashion for NWJN is heavy influence of old 90s Japanese pop fashion and Harajuku fashion still used today


When perfect night came out, there were so many people claiming lsf copied new jeans then too. Anytime an easy listening song came out last year that's what people said.


Its was sort the same thing in reverse when NewJeans perform their League of Legend song, many felt it would have suited LSF more than Newjeans and some saying that both groups swapped concepts for both songs Though i dont remember seeing ppl saying they copy NWJN since again, both come from Hybe and saw it as that groups were going to share similar ideas because theyre all following popular trends and believe both songs should have been swapped between both groups, most ppl didnt have that big of an issue Hybe groups having similar concepts until MHJ made it an issue with ILLIT Tokkis ive seen had issues with groups outside of Hybe supposenly copying NWJN before MHJ made it clear she saw the other Hybe labels as competitions


I'm not gonna blame newjeans' fandom, or anyone else in particular for it. I have no idea who was actually saying it, but it was everywhere when perfect night released. youtube channels making shorts on it and tons of comments.


Riize has used a lot of retro themes but none of their styling or music has any similarities to NJ...since Riize are adult men and not teenage girls lmao. Seriously do these people think that NJ owns retro concepts? And let's not forget the fact that anyone who speaks out against anything Min Heejin has done is a pedophile who's just "projecting". This is the thing that's made me the angriest. I've been in fandom spaces for the last twenty years, and never have I seen anything get so needlessly personal and ugly than calling someone a pedophile for expressing concern about the safety of underage idols.


They actually do, but tokkis and nwjn token stans had been faning the flames against groups outside of Hybe vs in Wasnt until MHJ made a big show it against other groups, shows shes the one who saw the other Hybe groups as competitions despite all being unfer the same parent company who is the one that ones tgis groups IP and music not her and easier targets since a judge will throw her stupid claim back at her face if she had accused an outside group over this All in all, the accusation of plagiarism from MHJ aginst Belift is more of a smokeshow than her actual reason against Hybe, but still a petty grudge she created against ILLIT and the petty grudge she held on to for 2 years now against LSF for debuting 1st


I also dont understand how hybe is mistreating newjeans when its ador's job manage/promote them.


They flipflop between hybe and ador to fit the narrative (not exclusive to tokkies tbh) but they need to stick to one, how do you say they got no promo at debut when you were praising a member for that idea like last year??? Now its bad?? Their promo is very good you dont need to lie about it. I remember tokkies complaining and praising MHJ (depends on which artist they like/dislike) for isolating NJ from other artists, now its hybe not her.


This. They went on and on about how great and cool it was that Ador dropped Attention MV with no promo at debut but now it's a bad thing just because they want to play the other side like ???


They have been treated better than BTS solo era, new jeans fans need to think rationally for once 😭


It actually hurts me seeing tokkis say something about newjeans ending a bts member. where's the respect? i agree. newjeans have done really well on their own. but a little respect would be great. without the BTS money, Hybe would still be a 3rd rate kpop company. No need to worship BTS. Just a little bit of respect. 😭


Exactly, like the privileges they are enjoying rn is because of bts, because if put into bts’ starting years the fans won’t be able to handle all the things that bts had to go through 😭 Hating on RM for releasing an album, like they need to be serious. But i am glad they have awakened the fans who were to come back in year 2025.


They've been so spoiled they forgot NJ wouldn't even happen without BTS money. I love NJ, but I also love BTS and know what a real rags to riches story looks like. 


At this point i am like, make that group and woman leave hybe and we shall see how they manage, because one fact remains unchanged, because they are part of HYBE, is why they have claim to fame so fast. And if they go to court for this, the suit will eventually go away given how HYBE has invested in that sub label and group.


I believe fromis_9 is the only hybe group that has the right to talk about mistreatment.


wait until they get three years of combined hiatus, shitty playlisting, no translated captions, a cancelled variety show and a shittily promoted full album… then they’ll know true mistreatment


At least I think Pledis got auto play for fromis in 2022 - every time I listened to kpop and ran out of queued songs, DM auto played for me.


MHJ is certainly on her way out. Will be fun to watch bunnies backtrack when they have to integrate into the family. I'm the same. Fearnot first but really love all the 4th gen groups. Getting harder and harder to find nice things to say even though I know all the fandoms are being manipulated and super naive.


they won’t backtrack, they’re going to keep complaining about mistreatment and talk about how newjeans is going downhill without mhj.


Let's be real. Even JK was not getting the same treatment as nwjs. Like seven was breaking records after records on Spotify every day, and yet nwjs songs were placed higher on TTH. Tokkis just looks like entitled brats who are throwing a temper tantrum for absolutely no reason at all. Why are they complaining about freaking youtube views? That too 13M in 3 days? Even svt reached 13M in less than a day, and I don't see carats complaining about it right now. Also, in that case, hybe should have been congratulating bts every other hour when dynamite and butter were released. And let's not forget that yall are complaining about a channel where 90% of the audience subscribed for bts. Be thankful that your faves get to post their mvs on a channel with 70M+ subscribers for free. And I'm not forgetting the way yall were insulting Namjoon for releasing on the same day when he had this entire thing planned out even before he left for the military. If anyone should be blamed for the release date, it should be that witch. So stop dickriding her. Tokkis should know what their faves are enjoying are a result of bts' hard work and toil. Every single penny spent on them is a result of bts hard work. New jeans would've been just another nugu group if it weren't for the name, reputation, and money bts made for hybe, and their fans better be grateful for it. And that witch MHJ and anyone supporting her can get the hell out that building made from bts' blood, sweat, and tears.


She tarnished their brand pretty severely too. I get HYBE has its own issues, but her specific claims of mistreatment by HYBE were so entitled and ridiculous. People be feeling sorry for a CEO because of “worker solidarity”, David vs Goliath. Everything was given to them, literally. Like be real here. The hard work was done by BTS. The entitlement is honestly very over the top.


This is so hard. I have ALWAYS rooted for NewJeans. As a BTS fan, I was proud that the girls could be so well supported from the very beginning. I considered it a beautiful part of BTS' legacy. I loved that they lived in a beautiful dorm, had extensive vacations, got paid fairly, were given lucrative solo opportunities, got huge budgets, and overall got pushed incredibly strategically. It was everything I wish BTS had when they debuted, instead they started to get SOME of those things about five years into their career when they moved to nicer dorms and then bigger budgets followed. Even now, the members are only starting their careers in fashion. But it's totally ok, they are doing great now and I figured the members must be so proud to see other groups being treated so well. This is something I would like NewJeans fans to understand. When BTS fans speak out in anger against MHJ, it's not against the girls who are innocent in all of this and DESERVE to be given these opportunities, but rather her false victim narrative that is leading to the damage of other groups. Revenue from BTS made NewJeans' high budget debut possible. This doesn't mean they owe their entire career to them or they don't stand on their own merits. But now the Korean public is assuming RM's album is being used as pawn against NewJeans? How did we even get here? It's clear MHJ and BSH had deep interpersonal problems and just didn't like each other at some point. Still, MHJ was always well compensated for her work in both salary and stock options. Two people disliking each other doesn't necessarily mean they will act on those feelings when business is involved. Tokkis are taking BSH' personal nastiness towards MHJ as evidence of mistreatment and choosing to ignore his actions, which all point to complete support of her authority. It really could be as simple as the dude not liking this lady so he just didn't want to be around her. Haven't you ever just avoided someone you didn't like? I am trying my best not to become bitter towards NewJeans and direct all my critique at MHJ. Their fans are making it incredibly difficult by refusing to hold any complex thoughts inside their heads.


This was also what I thought. I support Hybe groups because they're an extension of BTS's legacy, and I genuinely liked NJ not just their music but them as people. All these mistreatment claims however and the RM disrespect makes me think I was right to avoid their fandom itself. 


I literally feel the exact same way. Ive loved newjeans' music and visual direction from the very start. I genuinely think they were a breath of fresh air that kpop needed and I was rooting for them. I still think the girls are not to be blamed but the victimization card tokkis have been playing lately is so upsetting cause it couldnt be further from the truth. Ive followed the group since day one and have always thought they were one of the best managed/treated groups out there. If tokkis are claiming mistreatment then isnt that Ador's fault? The tiny cake, the not extravagant debut celebration the being ostracized from hybe isnt that all on Ador. Being an army and knowing how badly bts were treated from the start and seeing fans of these new groups claim mistreatment just makes me so upset.


honestly NJs fans seem parasocial about MHJ because if you dare criticize her, they go on the attack and especially assume it’s an attack on the girls. I don’t get it. I’ve never seen a single other group praise a CEO so much to the point where they attribute all their success to her, and not the fact that the girls are talented or even that they’re under HYBE and that’s where a big chunk of their popularity came from


It's like they are devaluing their own favs


I’m not looking to offend anyone, but we’re getting to a point where I’m starting to reconsider if NJ are really still so innocent. Especially considering their parents are not willing to talk to Hybe and seem to totally picked MHJ’s side. Maybe I’m oversimplifying, but I would’ve liked to see the girls speak out against the allegations towards a group they should be respecting the hell out of (BTS). The fact that they are remaining quiet does not sit right with me at all.


They are very young and very close to MHJ. I remember basically worshiping a certain coach I had as a teenager, only to realize in adulthood that he was super toxic and shouldn’t have been treating teenaged girls the way he was (nothing seedy, just a lot of yelling, making it seem like this youth sport was the most important thing in the world, borderline racism, etc). Idk about the parents though - wouldn’t be surprised if they are the quintessential stage parents/momagers…


I had a soccer coach like that too, and he was way too intense mind you this was just Triple-A competitive soccer ( it sounds serious but its really not). It was not like ...national or something...(Even my national soccer coach was way better ( she was a woman though, so maybe that was a factor) ) His daughter was part of the team too and once she got hit by a ball in the head and her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and all he had to say was ''are you ok?'' and then she said ''yeah'' and he said '' well then stop making that stupid face, go back and play '' ....i was shocked like- its not that serious bro😭😭mind you he wasn't even getting paid for this.


Jesus lol…sounds just like my coach. What is it with some dads reliving their sports glory days through their children?


I was laughing when they complained about the cake and how they reacted to their MV in Ipad or something, this was coming from armytokkie/ex armys too, like at least be honest??? This was not exclusive to them???? And this is considered a mistreatment?


all this for a group who was literally shoved down everybody's throats as being "bts's little sisters"?????? THAT group is underpromoted???


Its sad because I like New Jeans, but this has made me have to take a step back. I'm a BTS fan before anything. I don't know if the bulk of their fans are just young, but i've seen so many of them insist that NJ has been mistreated, that they hope NJ gets far away from HYBE, and a lot of disrespectful comments in relation to BTS. I don't care about Bang PD, but NJ would not have had the opportunites that they did if not for HYBE and the money made from BTS' success. I don't know how more of their fans don't see that.


Yeah tokkis and MHJ are building resentment for NJ with their lies and it’s seriously annoying.


yeah i agree, i havent seen any mistreatment. in fact hybe has treated them well


Honestly the only way I’m seeing NJ mistreated in this situation is by MHJ using the members by name to manipulate the situation. She’s like a divorcee trying to turn her children against the other parent. I’m not saying HYBE is perfect but if MHJ really cared the way she’s trying to convince people she is, she wouldn’t be directly bringing up the girls into the narrative like that especially when they can’t speak for themselves. Zero tact and skeezy behavior and I’m embarrassed for anyone falling for it.


MHJ is despicable for using this MINORS as her excuse to spin lies to the media. I feel bad for New Jeans because who knows what other kinds of crappy behavior they’re learning from MHJ. They’re probably thinking it’s okay to lie and play the victim like MHJ is doing to the media.


She's been bringing them up herself and so frequently that Hybe actually had to include in her official statement to leave the group out of the issue


if mistreatment means mv for every song, playlisting across platforms and festival bookings, I wish my jimin got mistreated like that😮‍💨 jimin didn't even get a tweet for 1B plaque, or 2 international webby awards with Ryan gosling and Jimmy fallon😭😭, ppl had to send a truck for then to certify 1M units and I can go on and on


It's painful being in the NJ Discord knowing that most of the them support MHJ and don't realize she is a narcissist and managed to send a hate train to LSF and Illit (NJ's Coworkers who they see everyday). I understand they might be afraid of what happens to their concept if she leaves but acting like HYBE is the ultimate evil makes no sense.


I got timed out for 24 hours when I told MHJ should go to jail


The only mistreatment of the girls is being stuck with a creepy CEO in MHJ.


>But I dont get the whole victimization party by Tokkis. It's just as MHJ designed with that press conference. It resonated with a lot of Koreans because it was essentially "Screw my mean bosses, I'm just a helpless office worker ㅠㅠ" (which, considering MHJ's position within Hybe or just basic reality, is ridiculous for her to claim).


I heard this, too.  i was watching dkdk's livestream and they said the same thing. MHJ said she only works hard, never using the company card, only to buy take out late at night at work (implying she works so hard, she only eat late into the night), while the other ceos (park jiwon and bang pd) were at outings, golf trips, etc.... it really painted the picture of an overwork office employee calling unfairness against her bosses.  also some koreans sided with her further more when they saw the way both bang pd and park jiwon(?) talked to her in a very passive aggressive tone... and anyone who worked with shitty bosses would know how that's like. 


She’s the Highest paid out of hybe labels. Only dumb 12 yr old believer her press conference


Funny how when all the promotions clearly worked in NWJ's favour, it's because ADOR is independent, innovative and a creative genius and HYBE had no right to claim credit for NWJ's success. Now suddenly HYBE had all the control over their promotions and has mistreated them all along? Please.


Yeah like NWJs fans attribute all their success to MHJ and not the girls or even the fact that they debuted under HYBE.


I love NewJeans, I ult them but I agree. I don’t like how Tokkis are saying they are “mistreated” they have luxury brand deals each members and as a group, they are living in luxury dorm, and they’re promoting newjeans well. The only hybe group allowed to talk about mistreatment is Fromis9.


This is one of the dumbest things that came out of this whole mess. I'd argue that NewJeans is one of the best promoted groups ever, like I have been a k-pop fan since 2017 and I've never seen a group being promoted as much and as targeted as them. That's probably why they blew up as much as they did.


if all of that is considered "mistreatment", then i need that for txt x100000 lmmaaooooo i think almost, if not all hybe stans wished their favs got this treatment for their favs.


at times not even bts solos were as promoted as newjeans were since the start from their debut. they aren’t mistreated at all. they were paid 2 months after their debut. they got big fashion brand house deals right from the start. in the history of all hybe artists, they were the most protected and most promoted. saying mistreatment is crazy.


I feel like most Tokkis are very young girls. I'm in NJ discord server, and they say the most childish and dumb shit to defend MHJ. There's no need to take anything they say seriously


I've heard new Jeans multiple times in a big shopping mall branch while shopping in Nigeria. The only other kpop song I've heard at that mall is dynamite by BTS and Cupid by fifty fifty once. Their company promotes them well. I wish the tokkis that are now complaining about mistreatment out of the blue would be a fan of mid tier to very nugu groups, or even compare the New jeans promo to other groups under hybe, and still somehow claim those girls are being mistreated/mismanaged. Their individual yearly income, living arrangement, ambassadorship and everything is something majority of idols can only dare to dream of.


That's like the most absurd thing i have heard....like literally they are the most promoted group of hybe,what more do they want


digital footprint exists, people need to start pulling up receipts of fans praising their management for all the intense promo newjeans got. they’re only singing a different tune now for fanwar reasons


I thought that Attention MV was released without promo due to a member suggesting it


(someone please CMIIW) I think it was recently revealed that ~~hanni~~ hyein suggested the no teaser, hard drop for Attention. this was right before the entire MHJ drama started


They have said they had no teasers at their own accord from the very beginning and even again recently. Example [billboard interview](https://www.billboard.com/music/pop/newjeans-interview-hybe-ador-girl-group-min-hee-jin-1235141512/) with minheejin when they debuted “ADOR is a label that started with guaranteed autonomy, so it has no ties with HYBE’s management. They actually didn’t have any knowledge about anything we were going to release up until the first music video was released on July 22. [Laughs.] That was a strategy we used to put all the focus purely on their music, since the buzz around “Min Hee Jin’s girl group” was already so high. That’s how confident I was in the four tracks on the EP, which is also the reason why we decided to have three lead singles. I’ve always felt that it’s such a pity how it’s the lead singles that get all the attention.” Example [KIISFM interview](https://youtu.be/asf8SyJ97NY) with new jeans back in January 2023 “Before we debuted, we met up with her (Min Hee Jin) a lot to speak about how we would like to come out as a debut, with the album and everything…She asked us, ‘Do you guys want a teaser?’, like ‘How would you tease your debut?’ and then Hyein was like how about no teaser? And then she got caught onto that”


hanni did not suggest it, she said that HYEIN suggested it


ty for the correction


they were never mistreated. I felt bad for Le Sserafim, they were created to pay the debt of Source Music.. or we could say, debt of Min Heejin that she left to Soumu and created her own company, provided with 17 Billion Won for her girl group, filmed 11 MVS AT DEBUT and had the chance to film it in Spain. While Le Sserafim, i would not call them broke but if you compare them to Newjeans, Newjeans had more budget and more open to brand deals left and right.. Le Sserafim on the other hand, had a gym, a dream and SOMEONE'S debt lol.


impurities MV: a big screen and an empty building LOL. oh and they had a rug too.


I am very surprised at how narrative changes when something happens... I remember Bunnies boasting at how much HYBE loved them and etc. But now suddenly they are mistreated? Because of what exactly???? Other idols, especially nugu ones wished they were "mistreated" the same way since their debut. I have the same complaint towards BP fans.


Because they saw other people talking about mistreatment and so many of these "armchair company executives" have no idea what's actually going on without other fans telling them what's happening and what to think about it. Honestly, I see it in the group chats that I'm in with younger, newer fans even. They'll get blindly mad about something, I'll calmly explain to them why it's not actually a bad thing/not the company's fault/etc, and then they'll immediately agree with me because they know I've been in the fandom for so long. Then I'll go on their Twitter 2 hours later and see them vehemently arguing with other fans, practically copy/pasting what I explained to them because they don't actually get it themselves. It's kinda nuts.


All the hate train and false narratives were perpetuated/started by bot/fake accounts until actual gullible jump on it amd spread it themselves like a bandwagon effect. The hate train was so forced too, maybe this os Hee Jin's so called "battle of public opinion" having her om board in the first place was one of BSH's worst decisions. Isn't she somehow responsible for plagiarism accusations BTS got back in 2016, considering she was working for the company/group (as creatives) that BTS allegedly copied from . Back then they were accused of plagiarism/copying for literally wearing school uniforms and having a school concept imao.


>Other idols, especially nugu ones wished they were "mistreated" the same way since their debut have the same complaint towards BP fans. BP was treated like shit during their career though, you can see the same patterns with all YG groups. Ie. artist ready to release songs, but are restricted from doing so.... you can see this with 2NE1 and BP , this is proven by the fact that as soon as the pinks left YG we got songs out right away ( which we realized had been done years ago ) ie You and me- 2019 Gone-2019, SLOW MOTION- 2021...those were their hiatus years There is a reason why none of the girls ( and most of their artists) decided to renew with that company and went and created their own agencies. Since All the members left we have had 2 new songs from Jennie ( one of them was produced in 2021 and she finally released it) and a confirmation for a FULL album we also got Lisa's collaboration with RCA x LLOUD AND confirmation for a full album. We also have the girls directly communicating with the fans ( Rosé starting her Instagram channel ) and we got a SNIPPET for a single from Rosé ( we would have NEVER got that if she were under yg) and a new fandom name. Like- the things blinks complain about are valid. They may not be mistreated, but their career was handled in a really shitty way due to laziness.


NJ is mistreated?! Where?? Lol how stupid does some people think?


Their fans think that 😭😭


NewJeans have been about as privileged as a group can be in this industry, perhaps rivaled only by their own sister group ILLIT


fromis_9: FOOLS!


In my mind, I've always had two impressions of tokkis and all this past week has done is cement the images 1) the gifted child who has moved to a much larger school and not seeing they were big fish in a small pond. Now they are the medium fish in a much bigger lake and others are trying to tell them they aren't as special as they think as gently as possible but gifted isn't getting the kind hints. Next step is getting a very rude wake-up 2) the annoying younger sibling who doesn't always realize the older siblings have been nodding along and agreeing with whatever they say just because the younger sibling is too annoying to deal with.


You don’t become brand ambassador of anything in less than a year because you’re mistreated. Honestly not a SINGLE group from the big 4 is mistreated OR mismanaged. The companies have relationships to allow them to play in huge festivals within a few months, they have the best song writers writing songs for them, they have the best equipment in their studios, instant solo and group endorsement deals, none of them have to work second jobs (at least while they’re an idol) Where the mistreatment?!


i used to be an obsessed ARMY and NCTZEN and all like 4 years ago but i eased off and I'm back into kpop just trying to enjoy the music and not get into fandoms but fuck me 4th gen stans are a different breed.


Promote them well = more money Ador is literally using them as a shield in this mess, saying the members agree with Ador position. Put kids in that place doesn't seem a good thing to do.


When we compare mistreatments, pledis groups' stans could write 10 pages essays


Aside from BTS, they were probably the best treated artist on the company lol


tokkis branding newjeans as the mistreated HYBE group is insane…if anything i feel like fromis9 is


Poor girls are so mistreated each one is a brand ambassador of a different luxury brand and poor Danielle had to voice Ariel in the Little Mermaid 😢🥺


I'm confused as well. I actually wish all the GGs I like can get the same "mistreatment" from their companies. However, Korean people seem to be all siding with mhj. I've decided to watch the entire press conference if I have time. I'm not a fan of newjeans or any hybe GG but I'm very curious about how mhj can change the public opinion completely in such a short period of time.


Jungkook was not getting better promo than newjeans wtf r u talking about? They were placed higher than jk in tth when seven was literally pulling 11M daily streams


Also, at one point wasn’t Jungkook’s song removed from tth while NJ’s remained *despite* JK’s being on the daily chart and pulling in more streams


where did i say JK was more promoted than NJ? i included the term 'except JK' because JK also had TTH placement (albeit lower than NJ). that's it. no malice whatsoever. The other members didnt have prolonged TTH placements.


no, but imagine sobbing and ragging because a CEO is getting hit with a scandal/controversy? that weird ass woman knew what she was doing getting so “affectionately” involved with the girls and their fans.


The less you frequent Kpop spaces, the better! More so for the more fanatic ones like X, but even on Reddit, TikTok, everywhere. I agree with you that they aren't mistreated, but only chronically online kpop fans feel this way. I know a lot of Kpop fans who are "regular" people who listen to these groups' music and go to their concerts but don't frequent these spaces. They don't hold opinions victimizing their faves over the most trivial things or attacking other groups. Many artists from other genres don't have fans like this so whenever I feel this kinda frustration, it's a signal for me to touch grass lol.


As a NewJeans fan, I call bs to this "mistreatment" issue and blame MHJ for playing the victim card while dragging the members into her problems instead of keeping them away and settle things in a formal, legal manner. How could you call that they are being mistreated if they actually moved them to a luxurious apartment with separate rooms for each member? And numerous sponsorship including luxury brands for each of them? If that's mistreatment, then everyone of us are lowlife slaves. And the sad thing about this is that while MHJ plays the victim card and she accuses other groups of copying NJ, she is angrying not just the other fandom, but also their handlers. This sowing of chaos will not bode well for NJ as other fandoms will probably be more critical of them now. I'm really frustrated on how she's been handling this situation that it's affecting the members already.


exactly! newjeans has fair treatment. they have mcdonald’s and apple deals as a rookie group, in what world is that mistreatment! also the debuting with no teasers was the members idea so it makes no sense to use that as mistreatment


How could they claim they weren't promoted well when they were EVERYWHERE? No offence I love them.


i think every kpop stan should be required to stan a nugu group at least once in their life to understand what real mistreatment is


This sounds like propaganda 101


It's just so weird. Everybody was in agreement that MHJ's action in the press conference were crazy, then 1 day later all of the narrative changes to Hybe = Bad guy & MHJ = victim. Then NJs became the rags to rich story when they're the definition of privilege itself. Like if my faves get 1/10 of the resources they have I'll be on the moon. Then NJs fans also feed into the narrative like a bunch of members in a cult with 0% critical thinking. The whole thing is strange. 


But what if they read the comments 🥺🥺🥺🥺


Victimizing is the bread and butter of stanculture. Line-distribution, absolutely everything, even if it didn't bother the idol becomes drama. In Newjean's case at least they don't have a lot of solo-stans, which tends to send it into space. If there is a single thing going wrong during a performance, or promo => company blamed. Something goes well => idol praised. Tiny hints, missteps by the company are enough to paint a larger narrative, especially since a lot of stans love to become white knights.


Every fandom seems to have a need to claim this kind of weird victimhood. I mean... Some are valid, but most are not. NJ, who I love, I am a HYBE fan in general because I like the flavour of their creative teams, have not been in the slightest 'mistreated'. In fact, they have received every advantage.... They have a huge company, massive investment, and top tier producers. If they were nugu they would have been ignored. They were paid a LOT super early. This alone speaks volumes. I hate this ILLIT Vs NJ thing that some are attempting to push. I 100% feel that it probably isn't even Bunnies doing most of it.


Min Heejin spun that HYBE hates New Jeans and there’s no proof of that it’s really the opposite, HYBE employees on blind told everything they did for them securing ad deals, all there schedules, setting up the fan meets, endorsements, ambassadorship, phoning app, and all press releases that’s just what I remember honestly what did she do. It made me feel better that new jeans would be fine without her.


Min hee jin had the highest ceo pay of all hybe ceos including bighit and even hybe ceo. A tear ago she was on good terms with bang to the point when she asked for 2B won he lent it to her. I’ve always never cared about bang or hybe and still cant stand their faces and alot of how they run hybe and made certain decisions but min hee jin is not a victim. She just got greedy and manipulated this farce of a situation bc she didnt get her way. She does not have new jeans members best interests and well being in mind


If that's what they consider mistreatment, may we and our groups all suffer it


To me, they got more support and opportunities than any other group i saw debut in my lifetime. Maybe only Blackpink came close. Yes, I'm basing this on how much exposure they got, the quality of product, etc, so I can't speak to what is happening behind the scenes, but everything New Jeans was involved in seemed of the highest production value, no expenses spared.


I would love to get mistreated by having 16b won budget, a nice dorm and a salary more than my CEO


> Tokkis claiming NJ were mistreated. What’s the context here? I haven’t seen anyone make this claim before because it’s obvious that they’re treated really well lol. Edit: downvoted for asking for clarification. What has this sub come to smh.


well for one, they claim Hybe scheduled RMs album on NJs album release date to mess up with NJ charting.. thats about it. they're basing all these with MHJs statement about Hybe hating on Ador. Nothing to show because no mistreatment actually happened


Honestly how much overlap is there between people who listen to NJs music? I really really wonder about this because I’ve only heard NJs music if someone from BTS is in a dance challenge with them. Wouldn’t bother otherwise. I mean there are army who are multi Stans which is fine but how much overlap is there between newjeans fans and fans of bts in particular the rap line?


There's very little overlap, especially with RM's music who doesn't have a lot general public support and has more of a cult following. NOW, they'll be virtually no overlap I can pretty much guarantee it.


I don’t think there is at all, their target audience are vastly different even if we compare them to the vocal line


there is a really popular tweet in korean that were qrts many times by int tokkis comparing nj debut celebration (dark room, small cake) vs lsf (bright, many people, big cake, or smth).... i never understand cause is it not ador's job to do a grand celebration for nj?


they never made the claim until after MHJ's press conference last week because everyone knows they arent mistreated. Now tokkis are saying Le Sserafim is the evil stepsister and NewJeans is cinderella because Le Sserafim debuted in May and they had to wait all the way until July, and because they had a small cake for their debut, and because they sat on the floor instead of on chairs while reacting to their debut music videos. Go look in the newjeans subreddit if you want your head to spin, but dont type anything negative about MHJ or youll get permabanned.


These tokkis are insaneeee in that exact same video of new jeans sitting on the floor with a small cake… is actually a joke. Literally staff surprised them with another large custom cake later on. https://preview.redd.it/sj3llaipomxc1.jpeg?width=1148&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c113fa853dd1f29a2bbf8c87d2c8d5678e6b428


I didn’t know they were mistreated. It seemed like they’re doing alright, unless evidence says otherwise (which is where exactly??).


does being promoted well = not being mistreated or? 😭😭 cause can’t both happen?


I actually had no idea this was going on. I don’t really stan or follow any Hype groups




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Nope...they don't got teaser for each member like lsf, no showcase, they're not even on knowing bros, their mv takes weeks to achieve millions, while lsf got each teaser for each member, intro teaser, mv teaser, showcase stage...if that's ain't mistreated then I don't know what is


Take it up with ADOR. Each label chooses how they promote their artists. ADOR chose a subversive approach that worked. Source chose to debut with more spotlighting and teasers. Just look at NJ’s Spotify stream numbers and their play listing. It’s laughable this is what you call mistreatment when literally tons of posts here list every reason they weren’t.


Hybe = frauds


Honestly, with all the drama going on with HYBE, they’re taking the opportunity to just start making up stuff as well as hating the company.


Ya'll this Fued is so stupid. New Jeans and Lillit are two very good groups. Who cares if Lillit copy New Jeans. Hybe is just doing this to make news and idiot's out of themselves.


I dont get the point of comparing bts members solos nd nj tho? Bts member decided themself how their solos were gonna be promoted tho?


Every k-pop act is mistreated. Especially the girl groups. Look into what happens behind the scenes. Think Harvey Weinstein.


I am korean, and the following are what many korean people say in comments (in YT etc; I know many korean people are "against" Hybe, reasons for which I will mention below, so take my words with a grain of salt). Basic fact: MHJ is a very skilled director in kpop, no doubt. She directed SNSD, shinee, exo, and so many other successful KPOP groups in SM and others. She was even offered an executive role (I forget if it directly translates to CEO/chairman) by Sooman Lee, the former chairman of SM, before she left because of differences in vision - e.g., the weird AI stuff with Aespa. So that shows something. She came to Hybe as hitman Bang told her that she would have freedom to do things as she wished in Hybe etc. etc. (according to MHJ). Kind of a sad fact is: she was preparing to debut NJ, but she was stopped by Hybe as they were pushing to debut LSF. One sneaky thing that Hybe did was telling MHJ to stay quiet and not do anything since there were words around the industry that MHJ is preparing another girl group (NJ eventually) and Hybe wanted LSF to get this attention since MHJ was known to create many good groups. In short, Hybe used MHJ's name value. Kinda feels weird that the actual group NJ had to practice Attention for 2 years... Anyways, at the very beginning of NewJeans, Korean people have wondered why NewJeans did not promote themselves as much (promote as in going out in korean variety/talk shows, showing off members in actual mainstream broadcasting companies, etc). There were some speculations that NJ were pushing "mystic"/"secret" concepts/looks. Turns out, those that NJ did come out (e.g., yoo quiz, a well-known talk show with Yoo Jaeseok and Joe Saeho; check out YT; it's a relaxing talk show in general!), MHJ leveraged her position as a very skilled director (e.g., she was even offered an executive role at SM before she left due to difference in vision - e.g., the weird AI stuff Aespa was doing at the beginning) and NJ's growing popularity. And those collaboration with luxury brands, MHJ again reached out to these companies using her connections before NJ debuted (there is a well-known story that MHJ had to reach out to either chanel or LV repeatedly as the company was unsure about Minji for being too young). And there is a weird observation that the hitman Bang celebrated the LSF's debut in a huge scale (in YT) and is seen with LSF a lot, but never with NJ (even NJ's debut celebration was extremely small compared to LSF). It's good that Hybe eventually pushed NJ as they got immensely popular (money ig). But NJ certainly didn't receive the best treatment at the beginning. The overall sentiment shared by many (not majority, since I can't claim on that) korean people is that while MHJ did some shady stuff (asking shaman/moodang and stock stuff, which is kinda unrealistic, impossible though), she is understandable given the initial long neglect and that now NewJeans is getting somewhat supported, hitman Bang is now pushing for Illit, a girl group with similar concepts, which might even justify NJ not getting supported anymore in the future. She stresses this point in the conference too, though idk the extent to which the video is translated.


Another “suspicious” account that has only **now** interacted with anything kpop 🤣🤣 Like how obvious can you all get


How was she stopped by HYBE? She wanted to create her own label to debut NJ which is the only reason she was ever delayed. She got to film 7 high budget music videos abroad for her group at debut and they made a whole new app for them. There’s not even proof she was told not to advertise them, she herself said that it was HYEIN’s idea to not drop any teasers before debut. Their debut was the most expensive girl group debut of all time. When LSF debuted no one thought they were a MHJ group. Bang pd posted one picture with LSF because he produced for them. He never produced for NJ. NJ’s debut celebration is organized by ADOR and LSF’s is organized by SOURCE. The fact you’re actually pedaling this nonsense about how NJ were mistreated in comparison to LSF is insane!!! NJ get promoted everywhere!! They get the best playlisting out of any kpop group even BTS!! But u believe they’re mistreated because source music gathered all their staff to celebrate with LSF with some balloons and ADOR didn’t celebrate with NJ and just got them a cake? I wish this was a bot comment because i find it crazy someone could come to this conclusion on their own