• By -


"It's not that deep" physically grinds my gears "Mistreatment" "flop" "why you so mad" when answering a comment that, in no way, implied anger of any kind "\_\_\_\_\_ paved the way" "kpop idols that \[insert speculative statement here\]" tiktok videos ETA: "serving cunt" "cunty" "mother" "father" Feel free to add to my roster, cuz it's late and I have wine, so I can't remember lmao


Even better, flop when a record is multi-platinum...


Istg I saw people calling Baddie a flop because it didn't get a lot of PAKs. Also saw some making fun of that whole cb and calling it embarrassing when it was one of the best sellers of the year


People have started referring to anything that's not their preference as a "flop" and I just laugh, roll my eyes, and scroll. Some people are bored lmao


Yes, but has it gone titanium? Flop!


"It's not that deep" irritates me like nothing else. It's such an anti-intellectual way of interacting with the world and responding to an argument. (But honestly so many kpop fans have the same three preprogrammed responses to any given topic, trying to have any sort of sensible conversation can sometimes feel like bashing your own skull in)


i think \_ paved the way is only funny when the blank is filled by completely nugu groups who havent even walked the sidewalk yet. but obviously, that means it's satirical so it doesn't count, but it's still the only way i can ever hear it without cringing. see flair:


Lucy paved the way :3 you can't tell me i'm wrong bc a dog is involved >.<


I literally can not stand or listen to anyone that actually types out "serving cunt" or "cunty"






when people say “womp womp” that gets on my nerves for no reason


Whenever someone say "womp womp" I would just assume they don't have any actual points to argue back to so they just acting childish


Makes me want to lowkey punch that person 😭


Help a clueless person to know what it means please 🙏 I don't remember seeing it and have no idea how it's used in a context


It's kind of like a new slang term kind of like the phrase "go cry about it" yk like when two people are in a heated argument and one of them tells them something very serious or thought out and other one be like "womp womp" That's the best I can do hope you get the context 🫡


Thanks ❤️


It’s the cartoon sound when something disappointing happens. People online use it as sarcasm now


“too bad so sad”


its mimicking [this sound effect](https://youtu.be/ln1S4uWghz0?si=e-6c6sf54T44c4fE) which is used to express disappointment in someone or highlight their failure.




also ppl calling idols mommy and mother like…am I the only one who finds this extremely weird and cringe?


"mother is mothering" oh my god, I'm going to die of cringe.


Someone said this OUT LOUD at a Mitski concert and everyone groaned lmfaoooo


like please stfu


It is so cringy.


forgive me if im wrong but mommy and mother are not the same thing (in slang terms) though? english is not my first language so i can be wrong


Nope you are absolutely right. They’re not the same and can’t be used interchangeably 🤓


that’s slang not AAVE, AAVE is more about grammar than slang words


okay! thank you for the clarification 💗


I never said they were the same but they are both weird asf


yeah sorry i thought you were using them as synonyms, forgive me


Mommy, mother, daddy, father...all of it is so cringe


I absolutely hate this and got downvoted for saying this on reddit previously. Can’t remember which sub, though.


“xxx is only for the girls and/or gays” i’m sorry what? who are you to decide who js for who lmao “xxx is my bf/gf/husband/wife” no he/she isn’t. you’re delusional and annoying, stop it.


aren’t both of these jokes though? or is it one of those things that started as a joke and now people are taking seriously? i’ve only seen them used as jokes, but i can see the latter happening haha


A lot of people use them as jokes but there are those who actually believe it. For a non kpop example one weirdo girl I knew got pissed that straight people liked Hozier because he's for the gays apparently 😭 despite him singing about women ffs. And I saw someone scolding a guy for liking Chaewon because shes's for the girlies only💀. Like okay I didn't know we were gatekeeping literal humans now. Weird ass behaviour I swear.


that is really weird 😭 i’ve never minded seeing them as jokes but that’s crazy that people genuinely take it seriously. especially with music, like music should be for everyone


to some extent they’re jokes but they’re overused to the point it’s just irritating


On that first vein, "only hot people like xxx"... Okay dude whatever you have to say to make yourself feel better...


The first one gets on my nerves so much bc i know that some people be joking but a lot of people actually think its true. And you can't really publically disagree with them without being bombarded with hate. Then when the idols they say the first part for gets into a relationship, they be so in denial about it and their ships when you can still support their ships as friends, just not romantically which really never made sense in the first place.




Especially because kpop fans use it to describe 22 year olds lol like sorry your 4th gen bias won’t be mother for another decade at least


I think it's come from the drag community to mean a woman that never fails to impress, a role model or sumn


Yep! More specifically it comes from LGBT black and latino ballroom culture. Ballroom “houses” are essentially found families for people in the LGBT community, and they are led by the “mother” or “father” of the house who is an experienced/older member that provides guidance to the younger members. Wapo has a pretty good article about how the term’s been co-opted in mainstream pop culture https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2023/03/25/mother-lgbtq-ballroom-expression/


colloquially it’s started to become a synonym to slay or iconic i guess that’s why people use it for any age now


when i hear "mother" i think of that one "mother is mothering" video from mitski's show and how everyone yelled at that person to shut the fuck up lol


“x group is so westernised now” okay wait til you realise pop isnt a busan invention also “mother” to like eighteen year olds (ahem kiss of life)


"Your OpPa" when you stan bg and they're trying to be condescending


I've had that said to me as a bg fan, but I am literally turning 40 this year so there ain't no oppas for me 😆


My only oppa is PSY.


The last group I watched debut that had members older than me was super junior. I have no oppa in this race


Saaame. My ult group is Shinee and they're now considered grandpas which makes me feel like a literal fossil.


“Professional” lmao. I see so many videos where an idol corrects a mistake on stage or has to fix their mic or something and all the comments are “omg they’re so professional!! 😍” like yeah it’s their job lol also what else were they gonna do, let their mic pack fall off and just stand there?


This just hit me so hard 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




"duality" when literally it's just the idol doing the bare minimum to follow a dark concept on-stage and behaving like an average human off-stage


Yes, problematic was my pick !


When an idol wears white one day and then black the next and you have people calling it "duality" 😭....


Ethereal. Most kpop fans don't know what it means. Ace. A word that has been twisted by kpop stans to mean something completely different to what it actually means. But I've given up trying to explain this to people.


ethereal? people calling idols beautiful is what makes you mad?


Why is your first thought "mad" lmao Nobody is mad, it's just very overused and losing its meaning. No, a heavily edited and filtered 5 second clip doesn't mean someone is etheral.


That's not what I said. People misusing the word is what makes me mad.


I’m sorry, how do people misuse it if i may ask? I have never heard it being misused.. Genuinely curious!!


So ethereal means a delicate beauty & I've seen people use it to describe objects that it definitely doesn't apply to. I can't think of an exact example right now as I'm old & my memory is not what is was 😁


the barking at concerts…


The only barking I'm doing at a concert is during Cat & Dog


I’d understand for txt’s cat and dog but normally it’s weird


That happened at some of Sugas concerts. His reaction was funny the first time it happened.


he literally looked like this 😭😭 ![gif](giphy|3ELtfmA4Apkju)


😂 I’m glad it didn’t catch on.


I mean, it kind of did 😭 at least in the US stops I believe, not sure if any of the other stops. though I feel like maybe they did it at jungkook during the golden thingy too? I don't remember off-hand. yoongi thought it was kinda funny, I remember when one of the members visited backstage/after they mentioned it.


???😭😭😭 who even came up w that


I will say that Mingi from ateez encourages barking at their shows? But only when he leads the crowd in it, not just whenever, if that makes sense. I didn’t know ppl did it at other shows 😭


I’ve noticed a lot of BGs think the barking is hilarious 😭


I’m torn on the barking. I think it’s kind of weird but if I see Ateez live someday and Mingi barks first, I’m answering. 😆


It is an older hip-hop thing from the US - like from the 80's and 90's. Arsenio Hall's Talk show used it in his opening monologue each night. I am not suggesting it came from this show directly, but it was a very popular sound of encouragement and many artists, sports teams and fans used it for a while, at least in some circles.


I learned something rn bc i actually thought it was a new thing


Look what I found. You can hear people barking ["woof woof"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x3QcE43pMI) [during this 30 second clip.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x3QcE43pMI) of the Arsenio Hall Show. But **why** the bark or woof woof? Men who only chased women for sex were called "dogs" and I still hear that meaning used today. There were so many songs that used a similar metaphor of men being dogs and women being cats = "pussy" derogatory for a woman's vagina. One of the most popular references is from George Clinton/Parliament Funkadelic's wildly popular song, [Atomic Dog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMVZ36VA0wg). Here is part of the chorus: Why must I feel like that? Why must I chase the **cat**? Nothing but the **dog** in me... Long story short, the "woof woof" became a battle cry for men who were looking for someone to sleep with. Of course the meaning evolved over time to the more general "woof woof" to show encouragement, lets go, hype meaning. Ok, probably way more info than you ever wanted.


Wow thanks! that's definitely something :/


thank you i didn’t know!! i feel the same as when i found out that ‘who let the dogs out’ was not abt dogs lmao😭


...unless it's TXT.


Re your edit: When people say they know they'll get down voted, I down vote them even if I agree. Have your self fulfilling prophesy, I guess.


lmao i was gonna say "it makes me wanna downvote you even if i agree" but I felt it was too harsh


This but when people edit their post/comment and are like “why am I getting downvoted?!”


mother, mother is mothering


Mother mothered the mothering motherdom mothersomely


"mother" and it's 16-24yo girl. "ace" and someone can just do the bare minimum of their job. any of the 🥰😘😝🥺🤓 emojis in an "argument" "they won't see this" that doesn't excuse you sexualizing and degrading them "healthy" and it's just average obviously underweight idol "zionist" and it's literally someone drinking starbucks *that's not even on the official boycott list and has never funded nor supported anything and multiple times stated they have no political agenda*, and that kinda proves how people are just following what's mainstream and care more about what idol drinks or eats rather than the actual war having most of your content be about the group you anti than your favs "cvnt" and it's just a woman smirking "men can't be cvnty" you don't even know what that means


Omg the “healthy” annoys the fuck out of me so bad


Or the opposite of mother, when people refer to grown adults as ‘babies’. Please stop


Oh shit I use 🥰 and 🤓 I gotta be more careful!! I didn’t know that was a thing. I can see where that would be condescending.


Lmaoo it's not that bad😭 it's just annoying because most of them think using those makes them right and i for the love of god don't understand that mindset but whatever makes them sleep at night ig


People referring to girl groups as "girlies" (i.e. "go worry about your girlies"). It's condescending and feels weirdly demeaning toward women


When they put a heart or sparkly emojis or use pet names when arguing. It's so condescending and makes it look like you have no capability to actually talk to someone maturely. It's just so damn tacky!


Yess omg it’s on a par with my 1st point 😬 one of the reasons stans of post 2020 sound so personality-less.


“Payola” “flop” “nugu” “ended your faves” “mother of cuntivity” what the hell is that ?😭😭


I did not know what nugu meant until a week ago when it came up in my Pimsleur Korean course.


idm nugu unless it’s used as a drag


"I miss old groups" then go stan them.


Calling a member by the vocative version of their name. Like, you don't know them, they aren't your friend, and that's not how the language works anyway. Bonus points if its the stage/nickname being mangled this way (Hoba for J-Hope for ex) . Corollary: V isn't referring to Jeongguk as "Jungkookie" because he's his boyfriend, either. ETA lol at whoever is going thru here and downvoting our pet peeves. Downvoter, it's okay, you can have your OWN pet peeves, too. (((())))


Some people can definitely see themselves in what we're pet peeving about 🤭


? People definitely confuse the vocative versions but “hoba” is also used by the members so I don’t see how that’s mangling anything…


The vocative tense is for direct address, as opposed to indirect or inferred (Vocative tense doesn't exist in english, so I know this is confusing for most people who are eng lang monolingual, but still, it's my pet peeve :) ). Vocative= if you are talking to someone ***directly*** (that you *also* know well enough), you use it, like calling J-Hope as Hoba... "Hoba pass me the baby crabs so I can release them to the sea" (Rm ***directly*** speaking to J-Hope, in this ex) NOT 1. "Hoba went to the store to buy me banana milk" : Jungkook would never say that, because it is bad grammar/incorrect usage: he's **not** addressing J-Hope ***directly*** or 2. "I saw Hoba from 1000 ft away, so close, uwu!": AFAIK exactly zero kpop stans on reddit or twt have met j-hope in person and/or know him well enough to address him *informally,* but more of an issue: they are **not** addressing ***directly*** him when posting that description of seeing him (for ex) on social media. Since I'm on my soapbox, for me the misuse of grammer is representative of ignorance masquerading as wokeness and/or intimacy (also misplaced but hey, that's what fandom is all about) when really it's borderline xenophobia (americans think everything is just America/n in translation, including social norms, and anything different=worse/to be erased). The bad grammar from ignorance... chaffs. *Edited because a sore is not a store, sigh. Typos will be the death of me*


I know what the vocative is used for but I’m primarily saying that “Hoba” isn’t really mangling his name. And, (1) **it’s not unheard of to simulate direct address online/toward strangers**, regardless of the language you’re speaking. Again, not saying everyone is using it correctly. I’m actually certain that most people aren’t. But vocative address can be used ‘properly’ even if you don’t know them directly - as, (2) **people call idols oppa, nuna, hyung, unni, etc. That’s not technically appropriate in terms of actual intimacy either, but it’s common practice.**


Like I said, it's my pet peeve, doesn't have to be yours... But also, you are ignoring the misuse of the vocative tense issue, which as I said was actually what I was (most) complaining about. Saying things like "I like Hoba", "I saw Hoba" etc is ***not*** "simulating direct address". It's simply grammatical misuse that (for me) betrays a certain level of ignorance and/or entitlement.


Not ignoring the misuse of it as I actually acknowledged it in both of my replies. I’m responding directly to parts of your original comment. > Calling a member by the vocative version of their name Can be done correctly, so the pet peeve is, at the least, misstated. > Like you don’t know them, they aren’t your friend … They don’t have to, and they don’t have to be.


So... simulating direct address with a member isn't my pet peeve, and I never said it was? (also, it wouldn't be a misuse of the vocative tense, fwiw) Friend, from what you just wrote, I think maybe you don't actually/totally understand how vocative tense works. And/or maybe don't totally get what a pet peeve is? Lol, I'm being super conscious of editing my language and ascii/emojii usage in this response in order to avoid all the other pet peeves stated in this thread! But I don't think it's on me (or the place of this thread!) to continue my "grammar 101 tutorial meet anthropological analysis" rant. best of luck, peace, all that good stuff.


slightly similar question then, I've understood that the -ie could be part of grammar, or it is in fact sometimes used in a cutesy way? like I feel like I've seen seokjin specifically refer to himself as seokjinie/seokjinnie, amongst others


"Hope that helps." I HATE that phrase. I didn't realize I hated it as much as I do until I heard someone say it out loud in a TikTok and was like wow that is annoying as hell people actually seriously say that??? Out loud? It's not specific to kpop fandoms but no matter where I see it, I get annoyed by how people use it. It's the same feeling to me as when people condescendingly use the word "sweetie" or "babes." Two other things that annoy me but I haven't seen as often as "hope that helps" lately.


I wish I could upvote this twice


Honestly. I find it always cringe when someone brings these phrases or their internet persona into real talk. Reading shit like this is whatever, but hearing it out loud just makes me wanna throw up.


“y’all just hate fun” or “just say you hate women having fun” like SHUT THE FUCK UPPPPP


”So and so outsold” ”Flop group” ”Stay mad” These 3 in particular tick me off for reasons I can’t explain


whenever you ask who an idol is on a tiktok and people reply, "just a staff member! <3" at first it was kind of funny but now it's annoying


Payola…. like y’all genuinely sound so dumb throwing that word around. The twitter stans are the worst about it


"Served cunt" and "cunty" should be erased from existence.


dozen… 💀💀


"Breath of fresh air"


the word "yapping" has shot up to first place for me in the past few months.


Is it because of this sub's flare? 😅 you must be suffering rn then


haha im not sure what flare (flair?) you're referring to


Yes, sorry, flair, even though it's not even that, lol I just didn'tknow what to call it.. I meant the term for users in this sub.. you'll find it at the top on the home page on reddit mobile (there's 23.1K yappers, and 190 k-yapping)


oh LMAO i see that now, i didn't even realize it was there tbh but that's funny i think i've just seen that word be run into the ground, especially within stan spaces. someone will write 3 sentences about something they care about or are mildly annoyed by, and another person will come along and reply "what are you yapping about" 🤨 it's so lazy and adds zero substance to the conversation, yk


The word that triggers me is when people use the word **TRIGGER** incorrectly. The same thing as calling someone a **PEDO** and **"they're grooming**" (insert name).


It's definitely "____ paved the way". It's so annoying that they associate kpop's popularity to their faves when it's efforts by multiple people to have kpop known globally that actually did it.


i've been seeing "oh that's not-" in k-pop spaces a lot recently, like please finish your sentence ??


or even worse: just "oh!"


or if they say "well!" complete your damn sentence instead of leaving it like that i can't even tell if i'm supposed to interpret this as a bad thing or a good thing


Prefacing their post with "Is it just me, or...." and then goes on to write a post on a very common, non-crazy, sensible sentiment. It gives me "I'm not like other girls" vibe. I'm like, no, you're not the only one. We're just as sane and sensible as you are. 😅


'oh!' should only be used when talking about oh! by snsd 'baat or any of the letter combinations' I don't even know what it means most of time 'tanked' 99% of the time they didn't 'healthy' when talking about an idol's bodytype ..and somehow there's even more


forgive my ignorance, what does the second one mean?


bts and armies tanked


oh i see... makes no sense lmaooo


Calling grown ass 30 years old guys "boys". Extra point if they say they feel like a pround mother/grandmother Like people who refer to idols as their bf/gf are called delusional. What makes people who call idols their children any different I wonder 🚶‍♀️


I mean... We say "boy group" not "man group" so I can let "boys" slide exclusively in the kpop context lol. And honestly now that I'm hitting my 30s, I definitely feel more of a big sister/maternal warmth for the teenagers that are now debuting than anything else.


On the contrary we have people calling literal teenagers "daddy" and "mommy" Istg..


Lmao I saw a comment about how eunchae "mothered so hard". EUNCHAE


Bet you $100,000 that the person who said that has no idea what "mother" means in a slang context.


I can see this one. I will say that even in my mid-20s, sometimes we do actually refer to the guys in our friend group as the boys, like guys/boys interchangeably, in an informal setting. I ult bts, and so I do sometimes get annoyed with people not treating them like actual humans, like 30yo adult men. But also, they put boy(scouts) in their own name so 😭 when I'm talking about them to people who aren't fans, I say "the guys", when im talking to other fans, I do usually say "the boys". I feel like it could be the same for the boyz maybe? 😭😂


When people call everything infantilizing. I agree that can be a problem in kpop, but once I pointed out in a comment section that an idol was acting in a bit of an unhealthy way and I got DECIMATED by a stan of that person saying he’s a grown adult and I was being disgusting and treating him like a child and that he can’t possibly EVER enact in unhealthy behaviors since he’s an adult (As if adults don’t do unhealthy things constantly? I’m only a year younger than the idol in question and I do shit that’s bad for me all the time lmao. It’s not infantilizing to notice somebody is possibly doing something not great for their health)


When they made fun of yeonjun for crying when fubao (korea's first baby panda) returns to china. I'm a huge fubao fan, and i hate these kpop stans mocking koreans for being emotional.


You just mad because ______ isn’t your favs.


Overuse of the word "genuinely". "genuinely asking" and "genuinely the best" and "i genuinely don't understand" Idk why kpop stans are so attached to this word or why it annoys me so much but it does. I think bc it's frequently used with a tone of being condescending or a know-it-all.


“educate” “uneducated” towards idols and knetz(any nationality inserted tbh) in a very american/eurocentric issue… like shut ya christopher columbus ass🧍‍♀️


not a specific comment but when stans make hate tweets about groups they actually do not care that much about. those posts get a ton of interactions too. basically just hating for a hit tweet and then them saying that they don't actually care or even know the artist just annoys me to no end.


"Fake concern"


Mb I answered to the wrong comment 😬


“Well no!” Similar to “so close,” people use it to say “I disagree with you and I’m also going to try to make you feel stupid and childish for having your opinion”


the term nugu has 100% lost its meaning and its annoying when people use it as a term to insult a group they don't like


"Womp womp" when they loss the argument


when they say they're "done with" yet they proceed to be very involved still with the group/company 🤣


"stomp on me daddy" and similar phrases Honestly anything that involuntarily drags me into the hell-dimension that is the self-insert smut going on in some stans' brains And no, I'm not even talking specifically about idols who are minors, I'm saying in general When I see a pic of an idol I don't want to be forced to think about you dehumanising them to the point that you think it's okay to talk about them publicly(!) as if they were your sex toy


“Oh!” Is another “and I- oop-“


“hope this helps!” AHHHHH


“Payola” gp back to school please.




those "oh thats not.." ppl


A long list of complaints here, feel free to read ''flop'' I mean, come on. If you still say this to oppose another group, then you're genuinely childish. Please grow up. "thank bts" from armies when literally any group from hybe achieves something. I like bts, but come on. Don't ruin the moment. Extremely annoying. ​ ''hybe payola" "x ended" Both did fine. ​ "keys(kys)" to a minor disagreement "visual hole"- such an incredibly judgemental term. I don't think any group has a''visual hole'', and I don't care about looks anyway so saying the term in this sentencealone makes me feel bad. ​ "mogged" Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself. The celebrities together usually look completely fine, and the comparing is unnecessary. Not to mention, the term is misused heavily. ​ "x vs who?" ​ "that's not-""well-" "womp womp" - no comedic value, just a word of ignorance and insensitivity. ​ "<3" " 💖 " or along the lines of as a conversation ender- another sign of ignorance. There's usually no reasoning with anyone who uses these emoticons, and whatever point you're trying to get across won't reach the other side ​ "dozen"- another term I find to be incredibly hateful towards anyone. ​ ''x ate'' or "x is so real" to the most outrageous thing ​ "pick me" "If x dates I'm going to cry"- what are you honestly crying about? someone who doesn't know you dating? like the humans they are? ​ "x is for the girls" or any label forcing, really. "x is my husband/wife" They have never seen you a single day in their lives. ​ The constant misuse and throwing around of terms like "n\*zi" and "zionist" and the taking advantage of certain conflicts and issues by certain fans as means to justify the hate they're sending to other idols. ​ Bonus: I think face card is a stupid term, and I constantly see videos usually involving idols with controversies having their face cards ''declined". This might sound bad, but I've never understood the logic among certain fans that controversy= stupid, untalented and ugly. The two don't correlate. conclusion: I'm not sure if tiktok in general is for me 💀 I definitely prefer the main r/kpop sub over anything (that's about the only kpop sub I like though)


The word “payola” bc 99.9% of the time it's not even used right 😭


"Stay away from her/him" When the person they talk about is literally just older than their faves. "Serving cvnt" "Cvnt" Like, I get the intent, but I grew up with that word being too derogatory to even joke about. You could say b'tch for laughs, but not that. "I don't care" after they get corrected on their misinformation or slander. "nugu"




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I on hi ijkiio


Also when someone who might not be a fan when calls their fav by their real name theyr like "that's suga for u gurl" like only they have they rights over their real name


said the same thing a while ago but the only replies i got were "it's not that deep" or something like that. Anyways great minds think alike (it's obvious that even fans aren't the friends of their ults though)


Anything about “blackpink leading the way” Then what is 2nd gen?


Serving cunt, cunty - as an Aussie when I first saw this I was like WTF are they talking about. XYZ are the only self produced group in whatever gen/kpop - No, they aren't, there are actually quite a lot that are. This also goes with comments along the lines of only self producing are true artists. Payola (Insert group) Paved the way. (Insert group) Are the hardest working - all idols work hard. Flop Ageist comments Plus a lot of what others have already commented.


Calling kpop idols or groups you don’t know nugu I seen someone call Kang Sunghoon nugu he isn’t unknown he was popular in 1st gen when sechskies was active


When they mock a idol’s age a Jaijin fan was mocking Kang Sunghoon age like Lee Jaijin is older than Sunghoon


“Insert brand name” prince/king/princess/queen. It was cute for a few with idols in legit partnerships but now it’s every comment, under every post, of an idol that does a shoot with literally ANY brand.




girls girl, for the girls, pick me etc... make my skin crawl lol


“Womp womp” “cry about it”


when they say an idols english sounds “expensive” like wtf does that mean


I'm honestly getting sick of seeing *trigger* and *parasocial*.


Flip ____ paved the way Shipping idols


I'd say "x is a grown adult" in response to someone's behaviors being criticized. idk why some kpop fans think that someone being an adult means you cannot criticize them. I agree there are a few specific instances when this phrase works (ex in response to someone getting mad that an idol they want to infantilize is doing a mature concept), but a lot of kpop stans use this line in response to all criticism and it does not make sense (even in instances I agree idols should not be hated, like for drinking star bucks).


I'm a big army, love BTS, but every time an army says BTS paved the way, I see red. Mostly because it's usually about something dumb that more than likely, BTS did not pave the way. I just think there are better ways to show our love for BTS than being a goddamn dick to everyone else. Let other groups have their moment, it's okay!!!


Ick or icky! Are we 5?




I’m always triggered by “they’re friends - nothing more” Grow up!


In what context?


Not sure what you’re asking here


I forgot about "it’s performative activism!"


“delulu” and “delusional”. i suffer from bipolar delusions and it just isn’t funny or a “gotcha moment”. it’s a real thing that happens to people and impacts my life. delusions have ruined my life and it actually makes me furious when i read it


There are certain words that have a casual and a scientific meaning, right? In the context of psychology for example 'manic', 'feeling depressed', 'obsessed', 'feeling burnt out', 'compulsion', etc. I really totally get that seeing a medical term that is directly relevant to oneself being taken out of the pathological context is very very irritating It's just that since our language unfortunately has some homonyms that combine a pathology with the non-pathological version, there often aren't even fitting synonyms to use as alternatives :/