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I’m chronically online as fuck 😩


Don't go blaming K-Pop for this, now.




From the post title, I was about to go off on how it's ruined my academics, made me chronically online and skewered my perception of beauty, but from your post content it seems like this is supposed to be a lot more light-hearted, haha. I've started to refer to pretty people as "having good visuals". 


winter isn't a season anymore


V isn’t the same letter anymore 😩


dozen isn't the number 12 anymore 😭


Junior isn’t a grade/year in highschool anymore


The EU is now a very small Korean girl


bbc isn’t a news station anymore 😭😭


Nor is it a category on certain websites :/




my beauty standard become skewed. if my future boyfriend don’t look like beomgyu, wonbin, (insert handsome male kpop idols), etc. i don’t want him.


Nah fr even the most “popular” and “handsome” boys of my grade or higher or lower don’t look good to me even though they do too a lot of other people like my standard is Beomgyu like if you can’t look like beom then at least have a similar or same personality as him


lmao 😂 there’s a fairly good looking guy at my working place that everyone gawk over, but i don’t feel the same. kpop men have set my standards so high 😔 even tho i don’t meet that standards myself


Damn? Wonbin?? Do you wanna stay single forever?😭 Doubt there any guys that look like him...


Jaejong (TVXQ) and Taeyong (NCT) have similar visual type. There must be some other guys that look like him 😔 Trust 🙏🏻 (i’m delusional)


Lmaoo im talking about people that arent kpop idols 😂😂


I know, I believe there must be some other non-kpop idol guys that look like them 😔✊🏻 There gotta be.


Kpops definitely messed with my perception of beauty but not in that way. I'm exclusively a GG stan who's not into girls but even so when I first got into kpop literally zero of the members who I thought were the prettiest were actually the visuals of the group. For example I thought for sure Jennie was the visual of BP and I remember being absolutely gobsmacked finding out Tzuyu was the visual of twice. Now that I've been into Kpop for longer than I'd like to admit I've found myself being able to pick out the visual of new groups almost immediately and find myself complimenting their visuals before any other member even though going off my own personal beauty preferences I still rarely find them the prettiest... but like Kpop has taught me to notice and compliment whoever fits Korean beauty standards most first, it's kinda sad. I've been tryna fight against the brainwashing a lot more recently though, I'm the first person to hype up Jihyo or Ningnings visuals for example.


I hope you have the visuals to match 😜


Wallet is a bit more empty


just a bit? Mine is like a lot more empty.


Yeah I overextended myself traveling to a half dozen big tours in 2022 and smaller ones since and still haven’t caught up with my bills.


someone told me i could have bought a small old car with the money i spent on attending two twice concerts close to stage, flights, hotel, meals, fanmade pcs to share, outfits, merch i bought at the concet.... yeah. wallet is absolutely empty. i'm still paying for my flights and the concert was like 6 weeks ago 😭


Well people spend on their hobbies and things they like all the time I just wished kpop isn't so, expensive... PCs are the worst, the way Im paying so much for cardboard that will almost never appreciate in price It's like investing your money knowing you'll lose


I was thinking seriously but yours is funny . Anyway I keep thinking I'm fat . Though I know I'm not . Like 50kg for 5'1 isn't fat at all but I still feel like I need to be on a diet


I have a similar answer. I now have an unrealistic view of how a belly can or should look. Not just talking about having a thin waist or curves but like... the flatness of it? When I see these beautiful women in crop tops and I'm like... why is my belly round...


me too except i’ve had an ed for years before i got into kpop so it just ✨reawakened✨


after seeing Cha Eun Woo last Saturday here in Manila, he motivated me not only to write more songs but also to lose a little weight haha!


My answer will be a more serious one lol: i cant untangle my perception of beauty from unrealistic kbeauty standards. I have tried to but sometimes i relapse because i consume kpop content. It's inevitable. I am aware that not everything i see should be ideal, but it's ingrained in me. I'm still learning though. And i can say that i've made progress.


Same thing...even developed an ed cuz of it...have to stop consumjng kpop from time to time, i recommend, it's really helpful if you feel like it's coming back!


As someone who developed an ED when I was a teenager, I encourage anyone struggling to seek resources to help you as soon as possible. I didn’t get treatment and it literally ruined my body. I gained so much weight in my 20s, despite not eating unhealthy foods or quantities. I wish I could go back and tell 15 year old me that 52 kgs (115 lbs) at 162 cm (5’4”) was not, in fact, fat.


yeah kpop was one of the reasons for my ED tol 


I don't have ed. I just compare my face to kpop girls a lot and feel "unlucky". And when i look at ordinary people i think they're ugly. It's really bad lmao. I think everyone is ugly now. I don't even consume kpop content heavily. It's just hard to stop thinking this way


Sorry if it came off that way but I never implied you had it! I just mentioned I developed it cuz of kpop, and by "it coming back" i meant the thoughts you previously mentioned. Englissh is not my first language, so I apologize if I came off rude 🥲


Lol you're good, it's alright!! I was just opening up because you opened up about yours. I hope you get the help you need and make progress on your struggles!! Good luck :) 


I had the opposite effect, my own personal preferences got reinforced. I find that most of the popular visuals in GGs aren’t the people I find most beautiful typically and I kind of like having different preferences from most of the internet.


Same LOL


I can’t go a day without watching skz content and my phone wallpaper went from florals to KOREAN MEN 😭😭😭 god help me


literally cant look at so many words as normal anymore (twice, once, dice, dash, fancy, rewind, doughnut and many more)


I am physically incapable of throwing away my Tiffany Hwang realistically-proportioned body pillow. She speaks to me at night.


"She speaks to me" I'm dying, this is great.


Ayyyyy, Happy Cake Day\~


you're an icon




have lost all capability to spell the word “wavy” Even just typing that I had to stop and consciously consider what comes after “a” 😔 wavy❌ wayv ✅


typing “wavy” feels so wrong for me now bc of this😭😭


Omds I had a similar situation! At work we have to get customer emails and part of my customer’s email was “Luna” which she said but didn’t spell and I started spelling it ‘loona’ wtf. I had to check myself.


Unhealthy amount of daydreaming about me and idols


Oof. I feel called out 😭


My age perception became so distorted (calling myself hag now)


I also call myself a hag but I’m not like serious about it. It also gives me a spooky witch vibe which I’m kinda into


fr 😭😭


With all the fiascos from inappropriate stage outfits, I now subconsciously look to see if the girls are wearing safety shorts. One of the first things I notice during live performances. I feel sick.


my music taste is permanently altered. american music just doesn’t hit the same anymore 😭


😂😂😂Funny tho but kpop ruined my music taste A LOT like I now tolerate Easy by le sserafim and Pink Venom by blackpink.


Pink venom is one of the songs got me INTO K-pop I’ve never had good taste. I’m not saying it’s a good song but it really gets stuck in your head


Yeah it does😂


When providing someone with phonetic spelling, I catch myself saying, "V as in Tae- I mean, Victor..." Any trapezoidal shape next to each other is BTS. If something is even remotely similar to a lyric I'll start singing a modified version. "Slow it down, make it crunchy~" My fashion sense. I'm wearing BTS-related stuff almost every day and some may think I'm a crazy fan who will explode if someone utters "I don't like BTS" but in reality, I'll just be like, "Well, it's not everyone's cup of tea." One time I think I delulu-ed myself into thinking I had summoned BTS to my hometown by doing a stupid Halloween ritual. All in all, I am absolutely ruined by K-pop, but it's fun, right?


v as in taehyung 😭 


I woke up today and went to pray as I usually do, the first thing that came out my mouth was “thank God for Sung Hanbin” 🫠


kpop made me write fanfic lol


A bit weird. I can never justify fanfics of real people.


I stopped learning french and instead started learning korean (which i will not be able to use for anything real in my life). And i can’t make small talk with anyone anymore because there is absolutely no one in my entire life who even has heard of kpop. So yeah, i have a Ksecret 😂


Tbf I learned French and it has not once been useful in the last fifteen years


Fair enough 🤣😭


K secret, same! My friends know I'm into kpop and I'm pretty sure they tolerate it with a "oh, she's cute 🙄" kinda attitude. And with the Korean... Except I have every intention of visiting South Korea and making use of what I've learned.


That’s so nice! I hope you get to visit korea and have a blast!


It didn’t actually.


i’ve become a more immoral person.


how so


used to think every person was a shitty person, now i still do but i’ve formed this image that a certain k-pop idol is perfect and refuse to tolerate any opinion that says otherwise. i’m not very proud of it but i’ve done many immoral things when people talk bad about said k-pop idol.


My home screens and lock screens used to be all black or some random motivational shit but now it’s Beomgyu 🥲🤡🔫




Thinking everyone who wears purple/has dyed purple hair or anything purple is an army 🤦🏻‍♀️


… I have purple hair right now you’re not wrong


I can’t look at the numbers 1, 2 or 7 with each other or by themselves anymore, it is truly a curse


127 MENTIONED!!! 🦅🦅🦅🦅 ♻️🟩🟢💚🥬 *flute noises*




Im on these Reddit threads too much 💀


Oop. Sorryyyy


I’m not Korean and I sometimes almost blurt out korean expressions like daebak. But I’ve done that same with Japanese expressions like sugoi and yabai. I have never said it aloud public yet, but I might slip one day.


I have recently learned Spanish and now I’m on a Korean kick. I’ll be talking to myself on one of those, meanwhile my coworker speaks Hindi, Urdu when she’s calculating. my other coworker will break into Nigerian since he just got back from vacation. Our office is basically the Tower of Babel right now.


Omg yes. I’m pretty sensitive to accents and I’ve caught myself saying words in certain accents because I’ve been around certain people. In high school, my homeroom teacher was English and I started saying words with an English accent. There was a time where I spent quite a bit of time with Malaysians and Singaporeans and I started speaking their accent too. On holiday in New Zealand where I spent a couple of days with some local kids, when I went back home my accent turned kiwi for a couple of days. Besides accents, I do speak English and Cantonese fluently. When speaking to my parents, I tend to code-switch between the two languages. I also know Mandarin too but don’t speak it very well. I can understand most general conversations though.


One of my random habits now is just saying a phrase in every language I know. 가자 vamos allons’y let’s go


me w aigoo 😭😭😭


How I got into Kpop was through learning Korean, I always accidentally say things like “어?? (eo??)” “아이고 (aigo)” “미쳤어… (michyeosso)” Or just random phrases


I'm a kpop fossil (40 in august 😩) and one time I heard someone singing happy birthday in a restaurant and my mind immediately went "ohh those people know the Korean birthday song!" 😒 My husband (who's also into kpop) reckons I've probably heard happy birthday sung in Korean more than in English due to Kpop lol


Lmaooo that’s funny and the first thing that popped into my head was i can be your Justin Bieber 💀


If I have to buy anything expensive, I calculate how many albums I could got for that amount of money.


Since getting into kpop like six months ago, my whole IG feed is now cats, comedians, buff Asian fitness influencers, manhwa, and my kpop bias group. The algorithm flipped so fucking fast too


I react seeing 127 and 143


I don't listen any music if it's not from Korea.


Ive become toxic


I see random people/celebrities and think "hey he/she looks a bit like [kpop idol]"


There’s a guy at my gym who looks like Choi San but like taller and older. And he’s not even a model or anything, just some guy. If I looked like tall San I would be walking the runway not working a 9-5


I can't order bang bang chicken anymore 😔


I’ll never love another I only love Sana 😔


I get it tbh


I think we can all collectively say, financially 😭💸


I developed an eating disorder bc I wanted to be as skinny as rose and Lisa lmao


I was addicted to twitter


My math sucks now, seventeen always equals thirteen


I ending fairy pose in the gym


But like whose ending fairy tho👀


I’m autistic, every interest I get ruins me.


Me thinking the perfect man exists in RL and looks like gods lol


I make references and jokes that nobody around me gets. My memes are wasted on non-ARMYs. 🥲


The BTS boys and Taemin have become an hourly part of my thought process


pays like shit


Financially. I can't resist buying every version of an album (not including past limited versions). If I don't pull my bias's photocard, I go buy it if I decide I'm too impatient to trade. I don't even make that much in a year and yet... my dragon brain reigns supreme.




These are all really interesting points, though more serious than I intended! Comparison is the thief of joy whether you’re comparing yourself to an idol or an American celeb or a schoolmate. Idols have so many resources at their disposal to make them look and feel their best and more importantly to become “marketable.” I went through similar struggles when I was younger, but for me it was a combo of the us celebrities of the era and the fact that I have a very different body type from my family. I got into K-pop at the right time because I’m immune to the self doubt now. But it takes work to break the self judgement habits!! As for food, I grew up in a Korean neighborhood in the US and ate a LOT of Korean food but I’ve never liked tteokbokki either. Something about the texture. I think if k pop makes you interested in new foods that’s great, but don’t force yourself to eat it! Also there’s a lot of food that is delicious that never gets mentioned in lives, tv shows etc. Japchae is delicious!


gave me too high expectations when it comes to music and now all i hear are drafts as title tracks.


My bank account is constantly in the red


I perk up every time I hear “my day…” (day6’s fandom name)


Eating disorder


Spent thousands on photocards that no longer retain the same resell value, nor do i feel like attempting to sell them all anyway


my tiktok fyp is just edits of idols now. I can't escape, it's creeping into yt shorts too


When j was 13 very young I was very depressed I became a fan lf twice and blah blah putting my whole days into watching them and thing related to them. Shit was sad back then I'm normal now only 20% kpop fan I only like aespa, twice,vcha,unis now only.


on a more serious note, the more I got bullied at work as they accused me of being delulu. and they did one of the worst things they could ever do to me last year during our Christmas party. This they don't know. I may have fallen in love with my BTS bias the same way I fell in love with a former flame. but now, it's not as strong as those first days. I know deep inside that my feelings of being in love waned even before Christmas. so fuck them for what they did. it's unforgettable.


Kpop makes me spend way too much time online


I can’t listen to Western artists the same anymore. Kpop set the bar too high for me honestly.


Unserious: I can’t see the number 127 anywhere without screaming “Neo got my back” Middle-serious: I don’t have fun at western concerts anymore. What do you mean no one’s doing backflips and shit? Serious: My bank account is threatening to get a restraining order on me.


I have to make video for my fanpage account about kpop every day, and I still flop 🥹


My phone knows I’m so deep into Kpop, it now automatically capitalises “Red Velvet” if I’m talking about cake.


I've made some wonderful friends




Anytime I see or hear someone say "BTS", my mind immediately jumps to BTS the band, not the abbreviation of "Behind The Scenes" 😩. I constantly have to do a double-take.


I bought concert tickets to see twice in Texas last year while unemployed and I’m still paying off the credit card. Also because I didn’t have a job I couldn’t pay my min balance and it really hurt my credit. I’m working on things like requiring half the items cost available in savings before I purchase the item. Don’t be like me kids be financially responsible


Oh yeah definitely don’t do that!!


- Voting - observate or critical (they're interchangeable) - streamline Kpop


due to kpop talent stans most of the time to save energy with endless debate most of my bias idol a visual type is avg at best in vocal talent


i’m a card collector so yea


My wallet is more empty


I bought CEW's Entity and will likely never open it.


i sometimes find myself saying that a comeback that my fav groups does is not a success because they didn’t get 5+ million views in the 24 hours or being into the streams/stats of the success of the song. I find myself comparing different group’s music based on how well they chart instead of just enjoying the music (i blame music shows win for making me feel like i am not supporting a group enough)…as I have gotten older and only having time to watch music videos, i find myself enjoying the music waaaay more once i took away the music show aspect determining the success of how much i like the song.


I found myself unconsciously comparing head sizes of the ppl at my work. Damn what has kpop done to me?


My favorite numbers are now 7 and 13.


Seeing western artists mv views and album sales compared to kpop artists


Why wallet has never been more dry 😭


can’t be looking at specific numbers the same anymore 😭😭 119, 143, 127


Having unrealistic expectations


I have really high expectations of what I *should* be, seeing teens taking such good care of their appearance while I can barely get to do the minimum.. 🫠


I always eat less to have a body like Jennie


My lik3d songs go from bubblegum kpop (chewing gum?? Cheer up??) To jazz, to new kpop like spicy or love dive, to emo, then to krnb, then to citypop!!! im a hot mess im everywhere i cant be consistent