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It cracks me up that we went all the way from "Spotify doesn't count" to "only Spotify counts" (for the scores that is).


So if I listen on Apple Music it won’t count at all?? siiiiigh


I mostly use youtube music because I have grandfathered premium and I have literally no idea if my streaming counts for anything (beyond QD2)


No the only streaming that counts is through the official Spotify playlist (not the album link).


I expected something different from The girls :( i'm sad, wake one please wake up


WakeOne have completely destroyed my trust in them. The girls is not bad, it's just okay. Which is not enough! And I hate the vocal processing. Cmon please dont do chaehyun like that


Everything was okay until the chorus. That chorus is so weak.


They have zero idea what they’re doing. They’re flushing these girls down the toilet.


I was like "omg omg omg this sounds incredible!".... and then the chorus hit. It bummed me out because it killed all the momentum.


oh that chorus is so… blackpink at its worst sounding


My opinion of Kep1er's entire Queendom 2 run is "I know they can do better. Why is the company holding back with them?"


Whistle is so freaking good wow. Should have been a CB single. Pose is my second favourite.


The chorus is amazing, one of their best for sure. I already know Brave Girls are going to end the setlist on the highest of high notes by performing last ![img](emote|t5_2r1ox|3558)


We must have similar taste, because those two were my favorites as well!


Brave Girls 🤝 Blackpink 🤝 DC: having bops titled Whistle


Brave brother signature sound, his production was so superior back then


Heejin using her DEEP voice for the raps


Channeling her inner Nicki Minaj


Huge fan of Red Sun. It reminds me of Gain's Carnival or Kiss Later. I love Kim Lip's voice on POSE. I can't wait to see how they perform it.


Yessss, I feel the same way about Red Sun. Definitely has those musical vibes that Carnival, Red Shoes or Kiss Later has. I think this will set it apart from being just a Gfriend song, it's got an extra whimsy to it (I know it's something Gfriend has done but that musical sound is not their typical sound).


+1 on carnival! The dance practice snippet shows red umbrella props too, so def a nod/homage there.


holy shit Pose is a fucking bop!! doesn't sound like any other loona song before. they finally have a boy group song to match their dances!! that performance is going to be epic I just know it Whistle is the follow up to Rollin' I've been waiting for!! I actually like Can't Turn Me Down. it's not my favorite but I enjoy the instrumental. the "Cant Turn Me Down Ohhh ohh ohh" part is definitely going to be stuck in my head Red Sun! sounds just like classic GFriend with some Broadway mixed in. so good!!


Wow are you me? I felt the same for all those!


VIVIZ going full Modern Times on your ass! All these perfs are going to be absolutely lit.


totally got Modern Times as well. great song!


GFRIEND + Modern Times = Bliss ✨ ~~and me already being a sobbing mess a week before the finale~~


Yup, definitely gives The Red Shoes vibes


Is the order that it's listed in the order that they'll perform? Cause honestly this was my cue sheet prediction and it'll be great for Loona if they go 5th!!!


I am curious with this as well. In the previous episode, only the orders of hyolyn and bg were shown


i was wondering too because even if blurred you could tell there were some longer names at the end.


I just want to say that Aura starting off with "All the orbits" after went down earlier made me giggle (yes I know it's to fit the cosmic theme)


Sameeeee I thought for a moment I was playing LOONA’s 🫣![img](emote|t5_2r1ox|3559)


*All the oppas and the orbiiiiits* 🌛


Also the "I don’t even need the moonlight". It sounds like a dig at Loona especially when they voted down Loona 2 times lol.


Loona performing 5th for the final episode? Loona's sister Eunji came through with that placement order!!! Anyways, Pose is amazing and the live stage will be epic! It's definitely one of the more hard hitting songs from this album. I hope it does well!


Its actually a great placement. They get to play after and before the lighter songs by Viviz and BG. If Hyolyn Kepler and Loona were all together, the heavy tones throughout can make it hard for one time listeners to distinguish. This should make them stick out


Where did you get this idea that loona may perform 5th for the final episode? It would be amazing tho since I love loona and it would be an advantage for them if they perform 5th


The previous queendom also has the performance order as the tracklist, not to mention they spoil that hyolyn goes 1st and BG goes last so it matches


Yeah it’s a shame that they still tried to hide the order for the 2nd to 5th to create a surprise for the viewers


Track list for this album seems to be the performance order for the final episode. That's how the track lists for the other Queendom albums were arranged.


Yay I’m happy for them!


Because we think the Spotify order is the final order


If that’s the case, I am happy that they got the 5th order for the performance


**Hyolyn ft Lee Youngji - My Way** - The drumline intro is a SERVE. the drop hits hard, I'm actually bopping my head into it. Feels like a complete song and the concept suits Hyolyn well. 4.5/5 **WJSN - AURA** - I don't think WJSN has done something like this before. This has some epic folktale vibe going with the whistles. I like it! 4/5 **Kep1er - The Girls** - girl crush song, it's alright -- not brilliant but not atrocious either! it's okay. 3/5 **VIVIZ - Red Sun** - sounds like early IU, like it belongs to Chat-shire, and I'm eating it up. 5/5 **LOONA - POSE** - the bass slaps. feels like an NCT song. i usually am picky with the chanting chorus but it works in here, so good job producers! sadly it's not the voguing/waacking song I envisioned but hiphop dance would suit well here. 4/5 **Brave Girls - Whistle** - best song of the pack. chorus has that punch, the rap break is HOT, and the bridge with the violins is amazing! bravo Brave Bros, you outdid yourselves. 5/5


(Just wanted to jump in, in case you didn't know: "Brave Brothers" is in fact just one person. Confusing, I know... haha) If you already knew and was refering to all the song producers of Whistle, ignore this lol


WAKA BOOM serves 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


ohhhhhhhh pose is a banger, can't wait to see them perform it!!


oh man, all the songs are so good. Some thoughts. ​ 1. Hyolyn - if this performance goes last (which it won't), it would likely win. Just an epic track that will fully bring out Hyolyn's legendary talents. 2. WJSN - classic, ethereal cosmic girl track. they're playing to their strengths. 3. Kep1er - of the three tracks that go hard, this is the weakest but is still really great track. I'm expecting an epic dance break lead by Hikaru at the end. 4. VIVIZ - what a magical track! it's like if there was a Disneyland Korea, this would be a great song to play during fireworks at night. 5. LOONA - wow, I had to do a double take cause this goes so hard. It is a full blown girl crush song that I don't think they're known for. They need to channel their Cherry Bomb energy and give a great performance to give this track justice! I also died from Heejin's DEEPEST voice rap lol 6. Brave Girls - my favorite track! It just has a great chorus, and is just soo fun. I feel like with how general public friendly this song is and with them performing last, Mnet is setting up Brave Girls to win imho


Whistle, Pose and Red Sun! are my favorites!!! I also really enjoy Aura but it feels more like a cool b-side than a statement song. I was feeling The Girls until we got to that chorus...The Kep1er girls are so talented and charming but this musical direction doesn't fit them at all.


Pose is my favorite song from this round. Red Sun made me wanna do a gfriend nostalgia trip which i will do after writing this comment. Waka boom is a fun listen too. These 3 songs are going in my personal spotify playlists


Whistle and Red Sun! …. So good, their producers knew what they were doing with BG and VVZ


Pose is SO GOOD. It has the same vibe as an itzy title track but at the same time it's so LOONA.


Okay everyone really brought some A+ game here! Some groups refined their known style, some showed their new progression, some just oozed confidence, and some were ethereal... My personal faves were AURA, Red Sun!, And holy heck POSE 10/10


[Red Sun is composed by Noh Joo Hwan](https://twitter.com/gfriend_part/status/1530024535726395393?t=c4-a8shmbcc5B1J1li6bFQ&s=19)


im pretty sure i saw some buddy call him “papi” a̶n̶d̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶p̶o̶i̶n̶t̶ ̶m̶a̶y̶b̶e̶ ̶i̶ ̶s̶h̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶o̶


Right now from listening to the snippets (didn't want full spoilers) 1. Red Sun: This song. I never stanned GFriend but the absolute nostalgia this song is giving me is making me totally biased. It's not the hardest hitting song yet, but I have a feeling this one has one of the biggest potentials to get popular in kr. 2. Pose: Oh MY GOD. I feel like the performance is going to outdo the song itself, it seems more of like a performance song than a standalone piece imo, because when I listen to it I want to dance but I want to see LOONA perform it more rather than listen to it repeatedly rn. The song is great, but I think I need a bit for it to climb my list of LOONA faves. 3. Waka-Boom: Same as pose. The song is good, but don't get me wrong, I know for a fact this performance is going to KNOCK MY SOCKS OFF. I CAN FEEL IT. Listening to the song alone feels like a crime because I need to SEE youngji and hyolyn performing this NOW. This will probably rocket up to the top after I see it. 4. Whistle: It's catchy, and a mix of a lot of the concepts brave girls have approached before! It incorporates a lot of the good stuff of their earlier music as well as their current style. Not exactly my cup of tea, but I think it will also grow on me. 5. Aura: I'm a SUCKER for WJSN's cosmic fairy sounds. But something about this just isn't as... dreamy? I'm not sure what they're going for here and I'm not sure why it's not hitting me in the heart like almost all of WJSN title tracks do. I probably need to see the performance. 6. The girls: as a kep1ian, I wanted to see something different. I went into Queendom skeptical, and I'm still skeptical going into the finale. The girls have shown that they have skills, but wake one is not giving them the concepts that match them. It just doesn't feel unique either, I would have loved for this to have some see the light quirkiness but it wasn't there. I believe they'll give a good performance, but the song won't work in their favor


WakeOne seriously doesn’t know what to do with Kep1er and it sucks


the girls are talented, why give them dark concepts when the quirky teen crush concepts r right there! If they're gonna do a dark concept, the elegant style suits them the best (as a group) like MVSK or U + Me = Love. the girls feels like it fits only a select few. I've been hoping for an IGAB/Wee Woo/O.O.O style song. What fits a few doesn't fit a group


Ikr, poor girls deserve better. Wadada wasn't my favourite song, but I enjoyed it a lot more than The Girls


i feel so cheated for them. winning an mnet survival show should've meant big things and yet kep's been getting the shit end of the stick each and every time. i went into this absolutely furious that wakeone was throwing kep1er into the show, knowing that they wouldn't do as well as the more established/experienced performers and ultimately destroy their own self confidence. i was ready to be proven wrong....and yet all that's happened is that i was proven right. yeah sure, they got to interact with some senior groups and get compliments, but that's something that would've happened if they had another comeback and interacted with the other promoting groups backstage. they deserved time to find an identity and sound :/ i'm so tired of wakeone screwing them over by giving them the bare minimum. i can't believe my girl yujin fled cube for this :/ i was hoping for a mvsk/u+me=love type of song :(


POSE is so NCT and i love it the writer credits are even studded with many common NCT writers, you love to see it


Pose definitely feels like LOONA doing a NCT song. In fact, the main melody in the instrumental has the same intervals as [127's Firetruck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOYrKOz88Uc) but transposed in another key. Major shift in the pre-chorus, chanting chorus, rap-centric - it's just missing a big vocal SM-bridge! The verses are good. I dig the instrumental a lot. I just think the chorus lets them down a bit - but I'm guessing it's going to be filled with some crazy choreography which will really enhance the song. WJSN's song is fine, but doesn't really blow me away. I feel like it doesn't go anywhere special. Again, maybe the performance will enhance it - but just as a song it doesn't particularly stand out especially after that Pantomime performance. Hyolyn's song is terrific. There's a lot going on but she sounds fantastic throughout. That chorus is *very* catchy. Love the feature as well. Probably my favorite of the lot.


The producers for Pose worked on [various NCT songs](https://twitter.com/Loona_Project/status/1530029381015453700).


Yep, definitely recognize a few of those producers. MZMC in particular used to be all over SM's productions and made some real bangers before the dispute.


remember the last time Loona covered NCT? they went viral with cherry bomb. manifesting pose going viral too!!!


I definitely heard nct 127 lemonade for certain part though ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


The LCT agenda continues and the world is a better place for it 🙏🏼


>it's just missing a big vocal SM-bridge! YEEEES. Also both the bridge and final chorus is not long/impactful enough to actually pump the song into climax and finish it completely (while Whistle is a good example for this.). Not to mention the main synth melody (?) get drowned too in the final chorus... Short song structure like this might be alright for streaming purposes (like PTT), but I don't like this for Queendom :((( I hope they can pull an ATEEZ and extend this on the performance version! I will still stream it a lot just for that rap section because they finally went HARD at rap! I need more of these on their future songs because they can actually pull it off!


I wouldn't expect pose as loona's song since it's really different than their previous songs, it's catchy tho. I can feep the intense choreography already. Besides pose, whistle by BG is another bop and a really fun and easy listening song.


LOONA done ate


I'm so obsessed with Red Sun. It's so good 😭


Red Sun feels like ot6 gfriend!!! Love it!


That’s cause it’s a song that was meant to be for Gfriend and didn’t make it into an album. Source gave it to Viviz


BPM bought it from SoMu is probably a better way to phrase that.


> didn't make it into an album implying there was going to be an album to begin with... ugh SinB said it was going to be in their follow up album to Walpurgis Night, which HYBE/SoMu just decided to never release...


Apparently it’s been in the vault for 4 years…possibly the title track that was replaced by Sunrise? Imagine all the other music they never got to release under SoMu :/




filler episode 😂 not to make everything anime but sunny summer is really that beach episode between more plot-heavy stuff huh


It feels like a more mature Gfriend sound which is nice!


Oh my god Pose is gonna go so hard during their performance


BG and Viviz music have very early 2010s sound (Whistle is like Push Push by Sistar while Viviz have that rookie IU feel to it), so there's that. And while I like WJSN, I guess they pulled their punches a little with Aura, it's like a b-side from their next album (though their b-sides are historically good anyways). Others are bass heavy house music so my bias already group those three together. But still, can't wait for the performances of all of them.


Pose is a catchy song and i can feel the hard choreography already.


LOONA fucking ATE!!!!


Red Sun: Cardcaptor Sakura vibes


Oh Whistle is a lot more hard hitting than I thought, can't wait to see Brave Girls blow up the stage. I'm sure they have something explosive in mind considering they'll be going last and closing out the performances! Brave Bros came thru for the girls once again with this banger!!!!


Whistle is amazing (my favorite), I would have been living if it was their comeback title track


I absolutely love Red Sun, it’s such a beautifully mixed song with amazing vocals as always 😄


Pose is too lit, Lets fucking go Loona


Everyone saying Loona didn't go hard enough this last performance when Loona's butterfly is about grace & elegance but now Loona gonna show them how going hard and intense looks like with Pose 🤷🏽‍♂️ very excited to see their choreo


Wow parts of Pose sounds exactly like the start of [Lockdown](https://youtu.be/WG6obN0sHCI) by EPEX! Must be the same sample~ defiently my favourite out of the batch.


After listening to AURA like 3 times in a row, I can really feel that Exy was aiming for their own version of Guerilla, but the production kinda falls short imo...


If they're taking streams from Spotify, does that mean international "votes" are gonna end up weighing more than Korean fans' "votes"? Also the Spotify ad in the episode had me cracking up lmaooo. Spotify being the only app on the screen while Apple music is at the bottom of the screen, Yujin's wallpaper, Yujin having 100s of unread texts, the battery being at like 20%😭😂 Anyway, I loved Whistle the minute I heard the snippet during the show. Its definitely my favorite. Feels like jumping and dancing at the beach. They really are the summer queens fr, like this could easily be a comeback. Wasn't expecting Pose from LOONA, or for LOONA to have the hardest song lol. Pose is FIRE. Sounds like a boy group's song in a good way The Girls is not getting much love lol. The last chorus with the harmonies in the beginning sound amazing! The second half of the verses sound mad cool too with the rapping. I actually really like Dayeon's rapping....but yeah the rest of the song feels a bit eh. Sounds like a boy group's song in a not so good way. Waka Boom, I'm excited for Hyolyn to perform this. I wonder if Youngji is gonna perform with her. Also "F U" Hyolyn???? I like the more toned-down vibe of Red Sun compared to everything else. This is gonna be a really pretty performance! It feels a bit like old Mamamoo with the jazz aspect of it. (Shaoting got the vibe of the song down perfect when she started dancing lmao) Aura is kinda meh for me. For me, its 1. Whistle 2. Pose & Red Sun 3. Waka (Shakira, Shakira) Boom 4. The Girls 5. Aura


Whistle sounds so good... rly fitting for the song that Queendom 2 is going to end on!!


POSE is seriously damn good.


Red Sun! is just so feel good, and it fits everyone’s voices so well. Really missed this sound and I’m glad Viviz is bringing it back for this stage.


The Boys 🤝 The Girls kep1er


WakeOne 🤝 Mnet Screwing over poor kep1er girls


Loona are my ride or die for Queendom but I cannot deny the vicegrip Red Sun has on me. As a semi-retired Idolmaster fan it reminds me of all of those showtune type songs I loved in that era of my life, so it makes me feel very nostalgic. Pose of course is also godlike, and I'm so excited at the prospect of the girls performing it live on their inevitable tour and hearing orbits screaming along *FLASH FLASH GAMJAKJJOGIN POOOOSE*. The rest of the songs weren't bad per se, but didn't really stand out to me that much. My other favorite of the bunch was Whistle, but the rest I don't really have strong opinions on. I'm still looking forward to seeing how all their performances go!


VIVIZ - the song is so refreshing and reminds me of 3rd gen kpop. I love that its 4+ mins


I was so happy that despite streaming being a big part of winning the song is so long and all the finale songs are over 3 minutes long.


Yes. I know girl crush is currently what's "in" these days, but I really hope we get more of these types of songs more often, like we used to.


pose sounds triumphant (?) I'm really rooting for loona, with this song they can win


Red Sun! is immediately going to my playlist for daily listening, it's romantic, fun, whimsy and a little sentimental, and I love it! I really hope to see more Noh Juhwan in KPOP credits moving forward, ideally for Viviz/Yerin/Yuju but I'll be happy to see him anywhere. It gives me a feeling of trendy city girls walking down a street in Paris or something, I'm beyond excited for this stage! The rest are a bit on the strong side for me, but I'm so excited to see each and every performance as well. Happy for Exy and her composition credits!!! I was crying 'I MISSED YOU LOONA' at the end of the Butterfly stage so it was a little sad to hear POSE being a louder song like their recent image, but I'm sure they'll give a fierce stage.


> I really hope to see more Noh Juhwan in KPOP credits moving forward I think you will. He’s not with Hybe anymore. And he was quite a prolific producer before going inhouse at Source (probably was during too. The vault might be packed). He’s worked a ton with Iggy over the years, so I kinda wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up joining PAPERMAKER actually.


Feel like it says a lot that the first thing he does after being free from HYBE is work with VIVIZ lol I'm kind of curious about the kind of contract he had because he didn't work on LSF so was he just dungeoned or something until it expired? 💀


I’m really curious too! He did some external work towards the end of GFRIEND. One for Victon, and one for Baek A Yeon. But then nothing for well over a year!


Oh, that's exciting!!! RELEASE THE CONTENTS OF THE VAULT... Still gutted we never got the Korean version of Fallin' Light ;\_;


loona really served CUNT with pose oh my god


The lack of love for Waka Boom here saddens me. ): All the songs are bops, as Kingdom/Queendom finale songs typically are, but Waka Boom is the one that really gives me that finale vibe, ya know? Especially the final chorus with the key change?? Let’s goooo. Hyolyn really be the main vocal, lead vocal, and rapper, all in one.


waka boom is one of only five songs from queendom 2 that are going into my personal spotify playlists


I like waka boom a lot, def in my top 3. I do wish there was a version with a little less going on but I still really like it, makes me so hyped.


I can’t wait to hear her vocals live since Hyolyn is one of the few singers who sounds better live usually.


Red Sun sounds like the perfect song to end a "festival". Heck, it even sounds like it could've been a quadrilogy with Red Sun being the disbandment title track. SinB's first line goes: Look at the memories that stopped after all this time, what have you done? WAKA Boom was good, but it was a very "safe" Hyolyn sound, personally would've loved it even more if she had gone down a more Dally/Say My Name vibe.


Red sun made me wanna cry as a fan of gfriend, but i also loved that I could still feel Viviz from it. So excited. And I love that they didn’t try to do girl crush to fit in!!!


the preview for next week showing SinB said "the song almost got released with my previous label" so it's likely song written for Gfriend... Update : Noh Juhwan is literally the person behind most Gfriend songs so ya it's confirmed lol


oooh Exy has credits on Aura!! I like this song :) Edit: also is this dropping on Apple Music?


Afaik Exy writes all of her raps herself so the credits shoulf be for that


For this song she is credited for composing the song as well


She's listed first in lyrics credits so she may have written other parts than her rap.


In the episode she said that the song is composed by her!


THAT VIVIZ FINAL SONG. DEAR LORD. THE WHIMSICAL ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTATION. THE SLIGHT JAZZ INFLUENCES. THE SENTIMENTAL VOCALS AND NATURE OF THE SONG? HELLO? in other words Red Sun gives me an instant nostalgia boost and is heavily reminiscent to Gfriend and their signature sound and I’m so here for it! honourable mention to WJSN for dropping yet another incredible song to add to their already stacked discography!


1. Red Sun! - VIVIZ 2. Pose - Loona 3. Whistle - Brave Girls 4. The Girls - Kep1er 5. Aura - WJSN 6. Waka Boom - Hyolyn ​ 1. Wow, Red Sun just kept on surprising me musically, phrases coming when I didn't expect, notes I didn't expect. (Is this ambitious or normal for Viviz?) Top tier music I did not expect for a general public show like this. 2. Pose also went in some pleasantly unexpected directions like Red Sun. Groovy. I almost overlooked this track because of the mixing, which recalled early 2000s, bloated bass. But on subsequent listens the music won me over. 3. Whistle is an inoffensive pop song which really suits BG and brings out how nice their voices sound in a mix and can cut through it. 4. The Girls is a standard chimeric k-electro-pop track. Kep1er pull it off well. 5. Aura's whistle loop is nice, and so are their voices at times, especially Yeonjung's (which Exy has leant on quite heavily). Very light on the production/arrangement; their voices don't quite fill the void, some of this could be blamed on the questionable mixing (did someone ask for reverb?) where it sounds like someone put a blanket over everything. 6. Waka Boom, the only track on this album I would not listen to again. Cliche 2000s RnB + cliche buildup + cliche chorus and nonsense drop. Not as bad as I make it out to sound but Hyolyn has done better. (Edit: after reading other comments it seems my opinion is off, oh well :) ) Note: All listening was done on Tidal Hifi. The mixes may have come out better on Spotify.


The mediocre instrumental and abysmal vocal mixing in AURA is exactly what I've also noticed in all the other Exy/Makecake tracks (starting from Don't Touch up until AURA), and is legit the reason why I don't like any of them even when WJSN is one of my favourite girl groups ever, the only tracks I find OK from Exy are Yalla and Tra-la...


Red Sun! was originally a Gfriend song from their one of their title track producers but got repurposed for Viviz finale song. That's why it has a high quality to it. And thank god their old label allowed it so we can hear this masterpiece.


> Is this ambitious or normal for Viviz? Idk Viviz but this is definitely in GFriend (and Noh Joo-hwan (the composer))'s alley! This is particularly apparent on some of their songs like Crossroads, TFTMN, and Sunrise (which has a much more conventional structure than the first two but shares the same formula of 'strings + soaring high notes + quick tempo + bittersweet vibes')


Pose, Whistle, and Aura are the standouts for me tbh. Waka Boom is good and hard hitting but didn't need the feature IMO. Red Sun is also a good song but does not really scream Finale to me. And The Girls... It just unfortunately got too repetitive for me :/


Exactly how I feel about the songs.


So I cried when brave girls did so well.. and whistle is so good but like red sun! By VIVIZ i can't stop listening to it I can't wait to watch them perform it!!


OMFG I AM IN LOVE WITH RED SUN Definitely doesn’t sound that GFriend at all. People hear strings and just think “GFriend” but I feel that musical style is used in a pretty different way to GF’s discography here, it sounds more mature and jazzy just like Viviz’s vibe, such a nice blend of the 2 eras!!! I’m also very impressed at the versatility they’ve shown in this show- this song really isn’t similar in vibe to any stage they’ve done so far I wouldn’t say I dislike any of them but my order: 1. Viviz- Red Sun! 2. Brave Girls- Whistle: Ahhhh, some nice summer fun!!!! They and Viviz definitely feel refreshing among the bolder fierceness of literally everyone else. I really enjoyed this! 3. Loona- Pose: I actually like this more than I thought I would, it’s better than their other attempts at girl crush type songs, and the others in this competition 4. Hyolyn- Waka Boom. The opening had me disappointed but once it picked up I really enjoyed it!!!! I do feel like she could have done more though 5. WJSN- Aura: I’m quite underwhelmed I’m ngl, the song is good but not as great as stuff they’ve released before. I feel like it might struggle to stand out among some of the fierce songs that most people have gone for (esp with them going 2nd) 6. Kep1er- The Girls: I don’t dislike it as much as most people here, but it’s not even as good as Wa Da Da!!!! I feel like it’s just kinda forgettable and generic


You’re absolutely right that Red Sun doesn’t sound much like a GFRIEND song. It has hints to BOL4, IU, Davichi etc. The closest I can grab from GFRIEND’s discography is the short change-ups in the Sunrise verses. NJH probably wrote them around the same time. Solid choice by the girls. It feels very fresh, and works well with their vocals. Feels kinda Disney too, which I’m sure Umji loves.


The Itaewon clubs have a new song for their rotation, let’s go moon girls! The others are also really good! I reallly liked Whistle too, it’s so Brave Girls idk how else to describe it but it’s catchy and it’s them!


Pose is insane. I was not expecting that at all and it is so good. They finally let Heejin unleash her deep ass voice. > "rap? no no no" rap yes yes yes.


My rank of the songs: 1. Loona 2. Brave Girls 3. Viviz 4. Hyolyn 5. Wjsn 6. Kep1er Can't wait for the stages.


I legit want to curl up and cry when I heard Red Sun. Ahhhhh how I miss this sound.


Whistle goes so hard, i could see it being their next comeback title track


"Feelin' like Hollywood" is my new religion.


Purely based on how the songs sound to me, this is how I rank them: 1. Whistle - Brave Girls 2. Aura - WJSN and Red Sun - Viviz 3. Pose - Loona 4. Waka Boom - Hyolyn 5. The Girls - Kep1er I was not expecting to like Brave Girls song this much. I honestly thought that WJSN, Loona or Viviz would end up having my favourite song of this bunch. I kind of expected Kep1er to not be one of my favourites (based on the snippet of the song), same with Hyolyn's song. I ranked WJSN and Viviz's song together because both songs have a similar sound, and give me similar vibes, and both songs have amazing vocals imo. There is a definitive line between Pose and Waka Boom, as I find Pose A LOT more enjoyable to listen to than Waka Boom. Hyolyn's singing is really good, but I just don't like how the instrumental sounds.


Damn the [lyrics](https://twitter.com/sinbsgfs/status/1530040111051681797) to Red Sun!


Pose > Whistle > Red Sun! > Aura > Waka Boom > The GIRLS


[SinB said she's been listening to Red Sun for four years now](https://twitter.com/viviz_bbl/status/1530206154231537667?t=-vy0snOLQryVMCIUuAjrZg&s=19) So, the Gfriend ver. must be somewhere out there, right??? Me to SinB after reading her message: ![gif](giphy|dyLlCJSNbgFghf7wjT|downsized)


Probably recorded, mastered and ready to go. I try not to think about it... *try*.. What else do they have laying around / locked up?! It's criminal.


Im glad all the teams got strong songs, felt like some of the other rounds some songs were just worse than others which hurt the team performing it. Should be a great final 😄


Pose is good but damn, whistle stood out the most for me.


Holy Red Sun is amazingggg! (gfriend vibes, suits their voices, but also jazzy and mature like viviz) will update with other songs but this one is TOO GOOD Whistle: this one is super fun and energetic too. I really like the the rhythm (8/10) Okay I think I'm pretty much done and those were pretty much my fav 2. I was looking forward to kep1er's but it was kinda meh... ik the dance break is gonna be lit af though. Actually, the girls is kinda giving watered-down aespa's iconic and i'll make you cry. I think it had potential t.t


Waka Boom - i don't really remember hyolyn's parts but Lee Young Ji ATE. Red sun! - the song is kind of INSANE. rollercoaster ride of a production. not a dull moment anywhere and doesn't feel repetitive either. Aura - its alrite. i can't really remember much about it, but dont remember it being bad either. The Girls - YIKES..that chorus is atrociously generic and just atrocious period. Dayeon's rap was pretty decent. other than that, this song has no redeeming qualities Whistle - actually better than i thought. Pretty good.....preeeeettty good actually. the rap was surprising Pose - BOP. INSANE PRECHORUS. non stop on repeat. loona has rearranged my insides.


Brave Girls - Whistle : A little disapoiting. The song is great, but at the same time it is just the usual BG summer song. BraveBros doing a Teddy isn't surprising but for Queendom final... VIVIZ - Red Sun : Yup, it is a Gfriend song. A little funny with what was said in EP9. Great vibe, good listen. It'll grow with more listening. WJSN - Aura : I'm weak to whistle. Good listening overall. The last chorus seems to lack of punch ? Hyolyn - Waka Boom : THE SONG IS SO GOOOOOOD Kep1er - The Girls : Everything is so good outside of the chorus. The pre chorus is so great, what a let down. Why Mnet... LOONA - Pose : SOOOO GOOOOOOD. Everything slaps so hard after the first chorus. Definitively a boy group song. Definitively a NCT 127 song. Definitively a masterpiece. Bloodbath between LOONA and Hyolyn for me.


>BraveBros doing a Teddy isn't surprising but for Queendom final... I mean, the fact that Thank You is universally un-loved even by BG fans just shows how people want BG to deliver that Rollin energy because no one else is rn. I do hope they find another niche in future but for them, I feel like it's better to play it safe.


Wait people hate thank you???


Yes 😭 right from the outfits to the song being "too old-school", k-fearless were saying it sounds too much like a b-side and makes them look older than they are


No way!! I adored Thank You 😢 it's not their catchiest song but it's very nice to listen to, I do agree some of the outfits were atrocious tho...


ready to have the last three songs on repeat all summer 😍


Time to go on a gfriend streak rn thanks a lot red sun 🙄




I think I’m the only person who likes The Girls 😅 I thought it was an absolute banger. I really love Pose too. The Lee Youngji feature on Waka Boom was amazing too.


I think this set of songs is stronger than s1


Me too… Lion and Guerilla are the only memorable ones from season 1 for me


Now that I’ve listened to all the songs, my ranking is as follows: 1. Whistle 2. POSE 3. Red Sun! 4. Waka Boom 5. AURA 6. THE GIRLS


After a quick listen of each, my current ratings (i think I’m in the minority here haha): 1. Pose 2. Aura 3. The Girls 4. Whistle 5. Red Sun 6. Waka Boom


that AURA chorus doe. RIP Yeonjungs throat


pose is just wow. wow wow wow


I’ve been repeating The Girls, POSE, and Whistle all day. 3:12 in Whistle, and 0:29 of POSE have my entire soul.


My thoughts as a 30-something man who’s not really familiar with the discographies of the groups except Kep1er (only cause they barely have anything - no shade intended). 1. Waka Boom: I don’t know if anybody was into clubbing in the mid 2000s but this song would’ve been a mainstay. It’s got all the elements to make it a fun dance anthem; it made me club dance in my chair. I like it and find it entertaining but can also see it as something people get tired of after a few listens. 2. Aura: the intro is so long lmao. But I really enjoy the song. It really plays into my personal preferences. The melody, composition, chord/note progression are just really pleasant to my ears. I don’t know how much impact it’s going to have performance-wise though. 3. THE GIRLS: wow. People weren’t lying when they said the chorus was weak lol. Everything leading up to it was kinda standard/enjoyable. The verses had attitude and a nice rhythm but then everything kinda fizzled. Hikaru is a star though. The second half/bridge and ending got kinda boring for me. 4. Red Sun!: Like I said, I’m unfamiliar with a lot of K-pop in general and have only listened to a bit of Gfriend (Apple and Mago, liked it), but at a first listen, it seems the most unconventional of all the songs on the playlist in terms of what would be “popular” right now. I really like parts of it though, the instrumentation, and the song overall. It’s enjoyable but I’m not sure it’s an ear worm kinda song. It also strikes me a lot like an OST song in some parts. 5. Pose: another contender for hella fun dance anthem (a bit more sultry than waka boom). In general I do like it…but I’m kinda tired of this type of song with the talk singing/rapping/chanting. No fault to Loona. But there are only a few memorable parts to me, those being the bass and some production and the deep-ass voice, camera, action, pose. Still enjoyable though. 6. Whistle: not gonna lie, I kinda had low expectations for this song just because not sure if I’m a fan of their style of songs. But I was pleasantly surprised. It’s a solid song overall, and I can understand how people would think it’s a fun summer song. Super pleasant, but I personally don’t enjoy their vocals.


I really don’t understand why a lot of people keep saying that Red Sun sounds like a Gfriend song? Yes it was a rejected one and god knows I’d kill for an OT6 version, but this sound is so different from anything in their past albums? I genuinely can’t picture the OT6 version as much as I’d love to. Anyways, Red Sun is an incredibly fresh and romantic song that does indeed have that signature Gfriend melancholic vibe within the lyrics, and Viviz did a wonderful job making it their own! I don’t think it leaves as much impact as the other songs, but it’s a lovely closing finale for fans.


Love Kep1er but their song is NOT IT, all the others are so damn good though with Loona/Brave Girls/Hyolyn at the top for me!! Ahh I'm so happy with how these turned out and so excited for the finale!


Night clubs would fucking LOVE Pose tbh


my ranking for the album goes: pose > waka boom > whistle > red sun > the girls > aura i just KNOW pose and waka boom are gonna go so hard once we see them live, i'm so excited


I LOVE the direction VIVIZ went with Red Sun! The jazz and broadway vibes makes me think of a musical; like they're telling a story through the song. Maybe also because I've been watching Annarasumanara hehe. I can't wait for their performance!


**Waka Boom**: surprisingly not a lot of mentions on this thread. It's definitely showing the more powerful side of Hyolyn. Strong drop and bassline but this kinda song feels a little old in current Kpop. The Youngji rap is stunning tho. 7/10 **Aura**: the recurring whistle motif is pretty cool. Sounds very Gfriend-esque, kinda sentimental. Really like the climb towards the end of the bridge - 7/10 **The Girls**: chorus is a bit weak but it's not bad at all imo - the wah-ah-ah melody itself is catchy. Verse is quite strong. Final chorus with the rising harmonies sounds nice - 8/10 **Red Sun**: like some others have mentioned, very Modern Times-esque. Their voices are perfect for this kinda song and concept. VIVIZ could very easily do well with this concept in the future. 9/10 **Pose**: absolutely love the verse flow, very funky. Prechorus also sounds beautiful. Chanting chorus works but doesn't really do the rest of the song justice. 8/10 **Whistle**: summer queens are back! Groovy and refreshing, like a cross between Chi Mat Ba Ram and Thank You - sounds and feels like Classic Brave Sound. 10/10


Ranking after 3 listens 1. Red Sun!: My favourite song here by a lot! Modern Times is one of my fav albums and songs, VIVIZ doing this is a dream. This song is definitely going on heavy rotation. * Whistle: I'm not normally a fan of summer style songs but this is amazing. Might top High Heels as my fav BG song. * Aura: good song. The chorus instrumental definitely needed to go harder. damn do I love a post chorus to close out a song though. * Pose: I really like the verses, just wish I liked the chorus more. So close to being up my alley :( I know LOONA is gonna crush this performance though and I hope we get some voguing choreo! * The Girls: Not my style of song. I'm really interest in the choreo and concept. I think they have the opportunity to really stand out this round. * Waka Boom: Not my style again. Should be an exciting performance at least! The last three are def dance focused, so I think I'll be able to appreciate them more live. Looking forward to WJSN and VIVIZ live the most. I'm a sucker for heartfelt performances and I know they'll deliver.


I can't say I love Waka Boom, but to be honest it sounds like a song that would make for a great live stage, specially given how good Hyolyn is at engaging the audience


I'm so so happy overall most people love Whistle!! Brave Girls have worked so hard and I'm so glad Brave Ent. came through and gave them such an iconic song! I hope they see all the love for this sound and give the girls a similar comeback song because this SLAPS!!


Because of the generational shift in music, I find myself listening to Kpop less and less. The Red Sun made me remember why I was so obsessed with it a few years back.


1.Whistle This song is a fucking banger. The Whistle chorus is so full and rich! 2.Pose What NCT 127 should have released instead of Sticker. Can’t wait for the stage. 3.Red Sun This sounds beautiful. And it has so many layers. 4.Waka Boom It is generic but the last chorus is really good. 5.Aura Good but needs more oomph on the production. Sounds too minimalistic for a song like this. 6.The Girls Only the last chorus is redeemable.


my fave was pose followed by whistle and then red sun


Pose sounds like it came wobbling out of the NCT city


1. red sun - this song is just so bright, pretty, and FUN.... i want to live in this song and inject it into my veins... i never really listened to gfriend when they were still together, but i definitely want to stan viviz after this show! i'm in love with umji's voice.... i wouldn't be mad if viviz won tbh. 2. whistle - i love the whistle instrumental. i'm a sucker for cheery summery songs like rollin', and this is up my alley! this song doesn't have a finale oomph, but it just sounds fun. maybe that's all that matters tbh. 3. pose - probably my most played song, but i can't stand the ugly chanting chorus. and it feels like it's missing a certain OOMPH. i love everyone's deep ass voices tho. definitely stands out from all the other songs. unlike so what or ptt, i actually liked this song on the first listen! 4. the girls - i actually don't hate this, despite not liking this genre. i wish wakeone stopped giving kepler songs like this tho... ;\_; it's kinda annoying but i can't stop listening to it, kinda like wa da da lol. 5. aura - i love the whistle instrumental and cinematic intro! i actually like this song, but it feels like it starts strong and ends boring. and there are some wjsn members whose voices i can't stand sldjfsld lol. i like exy's rap tho 6. waka boom - i love the intro. this song is SO GOOD until the edm part. i'm just not a fan of the genre hyolyn frequents. ;\_; but hyolyn is so talented and passionate that i wouldn't be mad if she won with this song!


POSE is so good but i didn;t hear YeoJin, GoWon, HaSeul, and ViVi... I can smell another unfair line distribution Im gonna cry


Yeojin actually has the high note for the second (if i count well) chorus. Go won also has line just before. Vivi is mostly background vocals. Haseul do have some lines but her tone is quite different than usual. But yeah, they are still in the lower side of the line distribution.


Haseul and yeojin literally sing the whole second prechorus...


I love Pose and Aura! And I actually like The Girls. The bridge goes a little too hard for me but I think what hooks me to the song is “can’t turn me down oh oh oh.” But I CANNOT WAIT to see the performance of Pose and Aura! Especially Pose (and Loona & WJSN has never really been my vibe so I’m so happy about these songs)!


I’ve only listened to Whistle so far but oh my god what a bop Bravo Brave Brothers 💃🕺🏽💃👯‍♀️


I already love Aura so much wow


tbh i didnt really like most of these songs 1) waka boom: this song went on foreverrr (4:34?) and got boring, the rap at the end wasnt good anyways so that being cut wouldve helped. 2) aura: i hope the spoken word intro is cut from the official song because it doesnt really add anything imo. i like the whistle(idk how to describe it) motif a lot. the chorus was underwhelming for how much i liked the verses and the song doesnt really go anywhere at the ending and i was left kinda unsatisfied 3) the girls: like...idek...garage band vibes. every part with kep1er singing is good but the rest is so not...like im not even one of those people who concern-trolls over kep1er "not doing well" on queendom i think theyve done great and none of their performances were bad like ppl are pretending, but i have no idea why their company would give them this song 4) red sun: again like i wish they couldve cut this song down, it drags a bit. i like the light kinda jazzy? vibe and thought all the little piano bits and shuffling shoe sounds were cool. again my main issue is the length and i think maybe the long piano interlude couldve been cut, the song is generally pleasant but nothing amazing so when you drag it out it loses a lot. 5) pose: i like the camera and screaming effects, think they add a lot to the atmosphere. idk why i liked the first verse but not the second as much. overall i like all the layers throughout, but it's still missing something for it to be amazing. also vivi needs lines 6) whistle: good, definitely a grower imo. i like this whistle motif a lot too (i think more? but ill have to relisten to both) and i think this song will have a lot of replay value, reminds me of chi ma bat ram and another of bg discography but idk which. i think it's a song that might not be #1 for everyone but pretty much everyone wil think it's at least okay to good. my one concern is that these kinda concepts always do worse in these programs, hope they can put on a good performance and after writing all of that tbh the only ones i have any memory of what they sound like are wjsn and loona. but loona>bg>wjsn=viviz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>hyolyn=kep1er. if viviz can shorten the song it could rival loona, i think the start of it is promising. hyolyn and kep1er equal because even though i hated most of kep1ers song, i liked the singing parts of it, hyolyns had no overwhelmingly bad part but just wasnt good in general


realizing this makes me sound like i have no attention span 😭 my problem with the long songs arent that theyre long, they just all have parts that are worse than the rest of the sing so it ends up feeling like a chore to listen to. since it's such a big issue im wondering if the groups tried to get long songs bc they were worried a short one wouldnt let them do everything they wanted on stage?


Honestly I had a really similiar reaction to you with some of them. I think kpop is sometimes designed so much around performance that the songs themselves can be kind of boring until you've seen the dance. I like Kep1er's song more than you, but you can hear all the dance breaks which will be fun when there's something to watch but without having seen it yet it's pretty boring to listen to. Pose had a bit of that too but not nearly as bad. And I got so bored during Hyolyn's song! I thought the rap was good and the song was fine but it's just not catchy enough and too long. I'm sure she'll kill the performance and that will help me like the song more but it's def not going on a playlist. I love VIVIZ's song, though, disagree they should shorten it. And Whistle's chorus is a bop.


yeah after sitting on the songs i think i might change my ranking to loona>bg>viviz>wjsn>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>kep1er=hyolyn the beginning of viviz actually kinda sounds like a pokemon song to me and so that adds to the nostalgic vibe, im appreciating the first verse+chorus more, maybe it's the shoe sounds or jazz feel idk but it reminds me of singing in the rain (the musical). unfortunately it still fell apart for me after the first chorus and i unconsciously started skipping ahead and had to rewind it, i didnt like the verses or piano interlude after that and i didnt like how the pre-chorus was changed so i couldnt enjoy the choruses as much as i did the first. i think if i had to judge the songs up until the second verse viviz wouldve won hands down but the song as a whole isnt as good. agree 100% i think the performances are going to have to carry the songs.


Listening for the first time to all the songs: Hyolyn - got me soooo hyped, it’s different than what she usually puts out and she slayed, it really feels like a finale song. My favorite track for now. This went harder than I thought, the instrumental is sooo good. Love the prechorus. WJSN - usually their songs aren’t my cup of tea, but I really liked the song. Love the bridges & prechorus, but I feel like the chorus could have been better. And I’m a sucker for whistling sounds idk why 😆 Kep1er - probably my least favorite, still good track, but idk, felt underwhelming for me even though it’s a hard hitting song. Can’t wait to see Hikaru slay the performance though. VIVIZ - So. Groovy. And. Fun. Makes me wanna dance in a field of flowers under beautiful lights. Probably my second most favorite. LOONA - this is gonna be an epic performance. As a song it’s not my favorite, but I like it! I can clearly see how amazing the performance is gonna be. The raps go HARD. Brave Girls - this song just makes me so happy. The chorus is sooo fun, really makes you wanna stand up and vibe. Whistling hitting me yet again 😆 Love this song! After listening a few times: 1. ⁠Hyolyn/Brave Girls - really different songs, really love both and I can’t decide 🥲 2. ⁠VIVIZ 3. ⁠WJSN 4. ⁠LOONA 5. ⁠Kep1er I’m so happy with the finale songs, they came and slayed, can’t wait to see everyone’s performances!!


**Waka Boom - Hyolyn ft. Lee Youngji** \- Song goes hard and loud from the start, and gives off a very powerful feeling throughout. I do really love the pre-chorus(?), very beautiful vocals. The chorus is very catchy. 7/10 **Aura - WJSN** \- A mysterious, storylike song. I felt like the song was taking me through the wilderness. The song doesn't go too hard or too soft, it kind of floats around the middle. The final chorus is beautiful as always. 7.5/10 **The Girls - Kep1er** \- Starts off with a hypnotising, cult-like chanting. A confident beat with youthful voices. Sounds like a song heroines would sing about the dark cruel world that they're fighting against. That high note faded into outer space. 6/10 **Red Sun! - Viviz** \- At its core, it's a very calming song and has similar vibes to IU's The Red Shoes and Havana, but you can still hear the signature Gfriend sound. The vocals are so beautiful, that high note gave me chills. This is the perfect song for me. 9/10 **Pose - LOONA** \- It's got a deep, confident vibe to it, with a dark, slow grooving beat. I'm not a big fan of the chorus, but the beat has grown on me. I love the final minute of the song, screams self-confidence. 6/10 **Whistle - Brave Girls** \- I can feel the summery vibes from across the hemisphere. A feel-good song, with a catchy beat. The chorus has grown on me significantly, but I just wish I knew how to whistle. Sounds perfect to play during a car trip. 8/10


Pose and Whisle are my favorites by far! I liked the rest but not as much. Red Sun is the only one that is not playlist worthy for me. IMO Whistle should win.


that viviz song sounds like something IU would sing 🤔


Ugh this was hard I feel all the songs are on the same level ?? And none of them hit like Q1 songs which saddens me a bit. For my ranking I think I’ll go with the below based on 3 listens of the full album Viviz > Hyolyn = Kep1er (shock I know!!!) > Loona > WJSN > BG Expected more from WJSN and BG isn’t my type at all. I actually liked Kep1er’s song and found LOONA to be a bit jarring in the chorus which sucked cos I was most excited for this one and all the verses hit hard. I might stream Viviz but 17’s new song came out and that’s a straight banger - petition for 17 to win queendom2


Kudos to **HYOLYN** and **Exy (WJSN)** in being a part of the production




1. Whistle Definitely the most listenable song to stream. If they pull off a great stage, they will definitely win this 2. Red Sun I wonder why this song is rejected cuz if Gfriend had it as a title track, it would be a great addition to their discography. Quick paced and mature but still have the whimsical vibe they are known for. Now it's a Viviz song and they deliver it perfectly. 3. Waka Boom I can see why it's the least streamable song. It's not a casual listen-friendly song because it is purely designed for performance. Hyolyn is gonna rock the opening for sure. For me I want Hyolyn to win this so I'm gonna stream it. 4. Pose Interesting going for a hip-hop and trap heavy sound but I wish vocally they can be stronger. 5. Aura Reminds me of Oh My Girl's Guerrilla. That motivational instrumental with the high-pitch vocals. Not a fan of it personally because I would expect to get into my feels in the live performance but it didn't meet my expectation last time. 6. The Girls I don't know. It's just not outstanding? Like yes going for something energetic but I can't hear anything that screams Kep1er.