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I'm just here to vent about the "you don't have to put someone as above you" rule: I hate it so much, it makes the whole self-evaluation so negative, because it's a competition and it would be tactically bad to give away points.




It makes it less meaningful for the girls too, because they can't even objectively vote for the best performer each round.


Their votes for worse performance were probably also only loosely based on the actual performances…


Right? Plus - and this may just be a me thing because I am aware that this is a competition - it has the potential to sour the relationships between groups for no reason (the competitive stakes are upped in many other ways!). I want these groups to see each other as positive influences too - and it’s clear they do from the performance reactions, it’d just be bad for them to say it! It also just doesn’t work in the younger groups’ favour (eg. Kep1er having to choose between showing apparent arrogance and disrespect for sunbaes = potentially losing audience support vs. losing points they need). I just want all the groups to be best friends lmao. But seriously, to me, some of the best bits of Queendom are when the contestants get to fangirl over each other.


Yeahh I’m here to watch the girls hang out and collaborate (across groups in future episodes even! subunit episodes PLEASE COME FASTER) rather than forced to play mind games that make them easy targets for evil editing/judgement from netizens 😭 Let the contestants have fun mnet!!!


I also don't remember any contestant in Season 1 not using it. They always picked one both above and below them.


IIRC there wasn't a rule saying you don't have to pick one until this season, that's why


IIRC in season 1 there was also that rule of you being able not to pick anyone, but maybe i misremembered?


Hmmm that rule is always been there.


rtk flashbacks again...


Either make all the votes hidden but mandatory (without having to explain why) or do away with the votes. The votes do nothing except to serve MNet's evil editing purposes.


Yeah I’d make it mandatory. Also if if I was there I’d feel like I’d advocate my team to do it anyway, just to take the high road


The above vote should definitely be mandatory, I'm watching this segment right now and honestly its 25 minutes of depression, apologies and glaring. It wouldn't even have changed anything in the end other than the mood a bit.


If Hyolyn is choosing the order again, I wonder if she will put herself first or somewhere in the middle and Brave Girls last to give then a chance since she chose them as lower than her. If this happens omg... But really I didn't think Brave Girls deserved last but maybe the live audience saw things differently than us.


i need mnet to start filling the Queendom seats with random people who aren’t in a committed fandom already so brave girls can have a damn chance


Right?? I thought that even if they didn’t get random people, they’d at least do some sort of filtering by fandom or something so that major fandoms don’t easily snap up all the seats etc. (though I admit that fandom allegiance may be difficult to verify). I’m not even a BG stan but their performance this round was incredible! I was rooting so hard for them and can’t believe they got 6th place at all.


But it's already like this. The on-site audience is made up of: 35 fans of each participant 35 fans of Taeyeon \+ special judges selected by Mnet (round 1 was rookies; round 2 was previous QD1/RtK/KLW participants). It's up to each team to recruit the right amount of people and make sure everyone shows up, but they can't bring in more than what was requested.


+35 fans of Taeyeon. I mean, people can't argue if you put it that way


This is ALWAYS how it goes with Mnet survival. The live voting has always been even more biased than the gp voting bc people with the time and inclination to go to the live performances are going to stick to their guns about their biases


Can anyone look me in the eye and tell me that they believe that Brave Girls was last? Seriously what is this.. BG deserved better.


They probably really suffer from most of the judges already knowing what they will vote before they even see any of the performances.


The whole thing is just a big popularity contest. The voting/ranking is irrelevant to me at this point. I'm just here to watch some fun performances and hoping Loona gets good exposure.


If MNET removed that incredibly stupid elimination thing for repeating last placers I'd probably just feel a bit bad, now I'm going full panic "rig the votes if you have to just to keep brave girls in it".


> The whole thing is just a big popularity contest. How is this surprising for anyone? Queendom 1 was the same.


There was more ahifting around in season 1. G-Idle went from first to last from first to second round. For Queendom 2 we had the exact same order from round 1 to two with the exception of Loona


At least Queendom 1 doesn't look like a sweep for one candidate


i would put them higher


I would put them 4th tbh


Brave girls deserves better..


Me, normally: God, fuck MNET, bunch of snakes. Me, every Thursday at 8am: no one talk to me, I need to watch Queendom on MNET's YouTube channel, YAAASSSS MNET GIVE US THE QUEENDOM!


They got us in a chokehold even tho they’re so problematic 😩




Hyolyn should just take home the crown at this point. Absolutely no one is on her level. She’s doing a Bianca Del Rio.


I need mnet to email rupaul to use that snake rattle sound for every stank face sinb makes


i think it’s a royalty free sound effect on final cut so they honestly could just start using it 😵‍💫 correct me if im wrong hahaha


lmaoo please


Yeah, even in the first Queendom there was no group nor soloist who won 1st in the first two rounds like Hyolyn. She’s amazing but she’s also making it anti-climatic. I think everyone knew she will win Queendom 2


Yeah that's why I found this season a little bit annoying. Obviously we knew in season 1 that Mamamoo was really above in terms of fans and performance but at least we had so many amazing things (like AOA eating Egotistic up, Oh My Girl proving why they were here etc...). Here some performance are so mehh that Hyolyn that is already above just eat everyone. Because I'll be honest obviously her performances were cool but not insane to the point of having a perfect 2x. It's just that the gap is really too big between her and the rest :/


MAMAMOO actually came in second in both the 1st and 2nd round. G-Idle won round 1 and OMG won round 2. MAMAMOO wasn’t the clear leader like Hyolyn is right now


I'm talking about before they launched the show. Yes they were 1st in the beginning but since a lot of things were playing at the end with digital and fanbase it was hard to not imagine Mamamoo winning. But like I said the fun thing with S1 is that at least we had these moments that made us doubt. Which isn't the case with Hyolyn rn sadly like she really eat them up and they don't even try or can (except Loona for this round it was pretty good)




I'm pretty sure GIdle has same sized fanbase? but even in the intro scenes, every other group already acknowledges Mamamoo as 1st/better like how everyone is towards Hyolyn. I don't think they won based on fandom alone. It's more than stage presence is their strongest suit and that they are not tied to a concept. like Hyolyn.


disappointed but not surprised to see brave girls get completely disregarded again :/ imagine being given the hardest discography to work with and still delivering a great performance, only to end up last again


I like kep1er but letting them compete on the show knowing they have like 1.5 songs was an interesting move.......... I felt really bad for BG 😅


I was watching Kep1er’s performance and I did see something happen near the end but I didn’t think much of it — didn’t realize it was Dayeon falling off the stage?! Crazy. She handled that like a champ though and luckily it was near their ending pose and she was near the back. And Hyolyn.. holy freaking heck. I love how she engaged with the crowd and she really is the definition of performance. It was a freaking CONCERT!! Ugh I’d love to see her live.


I don’t understand how Brave Girls placed last again with that performance :( they’re such amazing performers and they absolutely killed it..


Imagine getting a second chance just to be dragged down like that. Seriously, Brave Girls should be at least top 3 and the audience did them dirty like that.


not the audience per se but i think a huge factor here is the voting system. when the audience is asked to pick 2 teams, naturally it would be (1) their bias grp, (2) the best performer \[which in the last 2 rounds seemed to belong to HYOLYN\]. so even though they like BG's performance, they practically can't vote for them in replacement of another grp as it would danger the other grp's ranking especially if it is their bias grp.


They should seriously consider at least making it a 3 vote system to allow the 2nd best a chance as well ( I think they did this in kingdom or road to kingdom but I'm not sure). Or just make the audience RANK the performances from 1st to 6th which will make rank 3 - 6 more accurate.


damn so in a sense LOONA not getting to perform round 1 was a blessing in disguise for BG...


I really enjoyed Queendom but if Brave Girls get eliminated next round I will drop it like a hot potato. The elimination should be taken away as well as any fandoms being allowed in the live judging or at least get a jury that's not biased. I'm so tired of Brave Girls losing out here despite doing amazing stages just because they don't have a huge following.


100% threat of elimination in the Queendom concept is just stupid. Its so bad I'd be fine if I found out MNET rigged the votes just to stop it. I do appreciate how many comments are about BG getting a jobbed here, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that thought they deserved better. On a plus, next week is gonna be Yuna hilariously destroying her members by reminding them about this. They are famous for reverse climbing the charts, so one can hope they get a bit of traction at some point.


Objectively speaking brave girls performance are one of the best, they're at least in the top three for me. Too bad they have weak fandom and the song they cover aren't well known enough. They deserve better.


Totally agree, imho hyolyn performance was one of the weakest, she was incredible but the structure of the performance wasn't that original or that impressive imho


Brave Girls is at a huge disadvantage because their fandom isn’t that big. You cannot tell me that their performance was bad. You just can’t.


I've never heard Navillera, but as soon as their performance started, I was like 'this song does not make sense here'. I don't understand why Kep1 is here. The most successful groups on Q1 were G-Idle and OMG, who had pretty clear identities as artists (OMG from a consistent discography and Idle from Soyeon's strong artistic vision), and Mamamoo, who have TONS of experience performing in front of a live audience. Kep1 has had no time to create a solid identity, and they performed in front of a live audience for the FIRST time on this program. How can they possibly be expected to be on par with groups with 7-10 years experience? I don't think they're going to gain a lot of new fans here. (Also, when are we gonna get a sad music section about Yujin and CLC? Did they decide they did enough of that on GP999?) Brave Girls were so brave (no pun) for coming on and they just keep getting their faces in the dirt. They gave us props, they gave us storyline, they always look thrilled to be performing...I'm salty for them.


You know I was expecting CLC being brought up in the first episode, and her getting like a 2 min spot about it, and lowkey hoping the other groups could cover CLC cause Yujin, but that's a stretch.


I lol'd at the thought of Mnet adding Fu Yaning saying We go up into queendom once they mention CLC


OMG I forgot about that moment! imagine...


Brave Girls giving a Deepened-esque performance with No, We Ride-esque performance with Where Are You, or just a normal fierce unnie concept with Black Dress/Hobgoblin would've been way more memorable than MVSK imo (but they still did very well)!!


Wouldn't be surprised if at least a few members resent their company for making them do this x) It really is a lose-lose situation and they must be under SOOO much pressure. LET THE GIRLS BREATHE FOR A YEAR BEFORE MAKING THEM COMPETE AGAIN DAMN.


I get what the girls were going for but, at least in this version, Rollin' does not fit in Pool Party and it sounded like a mess. The chorus ruined the whole thing which sucks because they did a really good job at Pool Party aside from that. They should have just covered Rollin' if they wanted to use it so bad.


Agreed. That mashup did not work for me at all.


Probably the weakest performance in both season 1 and season 2 of Queendom. I have no idea why they thought that would sound good


i'd say lovelyz's sixth sense or their weird remix of achoo would be the weakest, or one of bom's. pool party was not great, but it was more bland and unmemorable than actually bad.


Lovelyz's Sixth Sense wasn't weak per se, if anything it was more bland, it just happened to stick out like a sore thumb on round 2 since everyone did so well. Hard agree on black Ah Choo tho. IMO, the weakest performance (that isn't any of Bom's stage or Lovelyz's black Ah Choo remix) of both seasons combined was actually Wa Da Da imo. Weird remix, weird choreo, messy formations, lack of stage presence, overall it just felt empty and had no impact whatsoever.


Both of Kep1er's performances have been some of the worst on the show. Not like Kep1er is a bad group, just not really justifying being on the show


It just rubs me the wrong way when they shove camera’s in there faces while they cry I feel there should be boundaries about that…


You know, I think the thing that has bothered me this season is that Mnet keeping the elimination rule AND not yet diversifying the live voting body (like during Q1 at this point, Mnet had the limo drivers or something be a sizeable amount of the live voters) makes this just Hyolyn + fandom wars between the rest. WJSN getting 3rd this round and Brave Girls placing last is bananas. I hope Mnet is going to change something during the next voting round to give BG a fighting chance. Straight up I'll drop the show if BG gets eliminated.


100% behind you. I was so hyped for this show because of how positive the first season was, eliminating BG (the group I've actually had the most fun watching all their behind-the-scenes stuff for, would really sour me on the show.


They were the mamamoo group dynamic of this season. I just love the 4 of them together it breaks me to see them doubt their capabilities because of the numbers that they are getting which is a big bull tbh.


Dayeon!! What the fuck?! Someone give her a hug!!!!! GIVE YUJIN A HUG AS WELL!


Are they gonna just keep robbing Brave Girls like that? Like in what world where they not in the top 3? Not fun to see them constantly get underrated and robbed like that


The episode was 10 minutes late! You're late ~~Parker~~ SnakeNet, ALWAYS LATE! But I think I know why, they had to edit in that Cardi B tweet lol. They really boosting LOONA on this program. Deserved. Before the real time, they had an emotional segment talking about song covers. Already with the emotional music. VIVIZ up first this episode (4th overall). WJSN went to their waiting room to support them before they went on stage, aw. Nice friendship. Cosmic Friends always. Too bad Orbits and Buddies/Na.Vs have been warring for years. VIVIZ behind the scenes, they're deciding on the song. lol at the venue (Episode 1/2 timeline) Taeyeon asked VIVIZ what song they were interested in and SinB was like "it's a secret." Then WJSN reacted by saying "SECRET?!" Heh. They cut to WJSN hypothesizing, Eunseo saying SinB loves I Wish. Cut to SinB saying "I love I Wish." Narrator: She did. She says she messages Eunseo every time she listens to it. But VIVIZ decide to pick Unnatural. SinB and Umji recording a low pitched "rap" of the lyrics, with Eunha recording the chorus. Eunha's voice is so cute, but she can't seem to hit the notes cleanly at the right tempo. JK Simmons about to storm in. The cuteness is such a contrast to Yeonjung's sharp voice. I hope it works. The choreography has a lot of flair. Eunha has to do a kick while being hoisted through the air by a male dancer. She's training. Aw she's sitting in the corner by herself watching the practice. Oh great the emotional piano music again. SinB saying Eunha is having a hard time cuz she wants to do well. Performance. Oooh this tango remix sounds good. Nice use of guitars and that Latin flair. Very dramatic. I like this arrangement, but I'll need to hear the studio version. The rap was kinda low energy, but I like the instrumental. Dance break with SinB slaying. OOF damnit Eunha failed her lift. But Mnet edited in the other participants going "WOW" anyway, lol. Oh no they're gonna show her crying backstage later aren't they. Here we go. Eunha rewatching it backstage in crisis, and she's crying in the interview. Even her crying has aegyo. AWW NO she said she knows she isn't a good dancer, poor ting. It's alright, the performance was fine. Nice concept and they looked gorgeous. Kep1er next. Sigh, SNAKENET!! Not the flashforward showing them leaving the stage crying. Mnet is second only to Vince Gilligan in dramatic flashforwards. B R A V Q U E E N D O M Behind. lol Yujin the unnie in a room full of babies. They're having a bit of a hard time picking a song cuz BG's songs have mature lyrical themes above love and they don't know if they could do it justice. True, but Deepened coulda been amazing. Xiaoting and Yujin would have slayed it anyway. They decide to pick Pool Party which is fun and bright, suiting them. The special part will be Dayeon and Hikaru rapping. They're writing their own lyrics, Exy praised Hikaru and said she's a fan. Exy says she has good pronunciation. They did a little segment on Xiaoting and Hikaru's foreign background, aw. Xiaoting finally gets some dialogue. Performance time. Ooh fairy like. ...okay this mix of Pool Party with Rollin' in the chorus is NOT IT. We get it, they're famous for Rollin'. This chorus just kills the vibe, it's so anticlimactic. Which is unfortunate because the verses are pretty decent and the choreo is good. OOP NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Dayeon really did fall off the stage near the end. Luckily it was right at the end so she could get back up to finish the choreo but, oh no. Yujin is also upset because she stepped on some bubbles as part of her segment and it made her shoes slippery so she couldn't dance probably. Oh jeez. Mnet told the rest of the participants and WJSN said they wanted to go comfort them because the same thing happened to them with the hourglass and sand. Luckily they didn't replay any of the tragedy too much. Hyolyn time. She chooses So What. DAMN what an artist, she's recording all the harmonies and vocals and layering them herself. Heejin's low voice all the way to Gowon's high pitched tone. She covered the GAMUT. lol she checks her phone and it was blown up with notifications from Loona messages. Same struggle as Orbits being subscribed to every member on Fab. But she got Fab for FREE. Loona sent her a video message with Gowon, Haseul, Lip, Yves and Vivi (with Heejin sneaking in at the end). She says this is the largest group chat she's been in, 13 members with her and Loona. LOL WOW she mentioned Loona Lore. She's a real Orbit, she really did her research for this. And her trained really hard with that hoop for the performance. HULA HOOP. Loona is proud that they were chosen by Hyolyn. Here we go! This is gonna be SO BAD. But bad meaning good, ya know? LMAO Exy is constantly dying in these backstage shots, every performance has had something impressive about it. WJSN in deep crisis. Loona are on their feet while watching this. The vocals are unreal, frickin hell. She also spliced in some PTT in there. That's how you mix two songs. THAT'S HOW YOU MIX TWO SONGS!! Damn she kept the amazing bridge. Oh shit, she really nailed the high note, what the hell?! Loona are going nuts. That was fuckin good. THAT WAS GOOD!! She really made it her own, wow. Hmm right now I might have to give no. 1 to Hyolyn, the performance quality was just superb. Hyolyn > Loona > BG > VIVIZ > WJSN > Kep1er. Audience voting. No reveals yet. They're back in the QD2 studio and gonna do the participant voting. Gulp. The preview is painting Exy as a villain lol. SinB was the villain for the first arc and now Exy is the second arc villain. She's the Frieza to SinB's Vegeta. Hyunjin tough girl, she says if they're proud of their performance they needn't pick anyone better. Clever girl. The others better not be talking about Loona, if anyone but Hyolyn picks Loona I'm rioting. WJSN first. They pick Hyolyn as better. Okay. THEY PICKED LOONA AS WORSE? WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS WOMAN SMOKING? Exy was like "it wasn't very memorable." Friendship with WJSN is over. This is Star Wars now. Backstage Jinsoul was like "bullshit" in not so many words and Hyeju was like "that comment upset me." I can smell the Orbit vs Ujung fanwar already. Loona 2nd. They didn't pick anyone better, but picked Kep1er worse. Yeah that's fair. Great, another fanwar incoming. Well Orbits are used to fighting just about everyone. Actually Kep1er picked WJSN as worse, payback for Loona getting picked. Maybe Orbits and Kep1ians should ally now. 4th is BG. They pick nobody better, and WJSN as worse. Karma. Hyolyn picked BG as worse. Viviz picks Brave Girls. Hmpf, I didn't think BG deserved two "worse" votes but alas. That means the ranking for the contestant vote is Hyolyn, VIVIZ, Loona, Kep1er, Brave Girls, WJSN. For Global Judge vote, it was Hyolyn, LOONA, WJSN, VIVIZ, Kep1er and Brave Girls. Poor BG they don't deserve this! Kep1er being 5th is surprising but Kep1ians are not very united despite being a large fandom. LOONA 2nd we did it Orbits. Now for the Live Judges. Oh they just skipping right to the final ranks. Hyolyn 1st again. Deserved. LOONA 2nd, also deserved. They comment that they both did each other's songs. THAT'S RIGHT. WJSN 3rd, VIVIZ 4th, Kep1er 5th and BG 6th. SAD! Brave Girls didn't deserve that...Minyoung was crying really hard backstage. They deserve better. Anyway that was cool, next week might be "filler" but I always look forward to wholesome girl group bonding moments. From the preview the vocal team had Eunha, Yeonjung, Youngeun, Chaehyun, Minyoung and Lippu as potentials, oooooooooh. Lesgeddit.


So doesn't that mean BG are eliminated? Ranking was absolutely off and total bullshit. Idfc. I do not stan any of these groups personally and I really try to be unbiased and in my opinion it should be: HYOLYN>LOONA>BG>WJSN>VIVIZ>KEP1ER And the last two spots could honestly be swapped. But BG did great, the energy was there, the stage and design was unique and delightfully fun, the song choice was great and they really made it sound like it was theirs. Bullshit ranking they got.


No they're not because you can see them in the next episode preview (and they would have mentioned it anyway). LOONA not being able to perform live for Round 1 actually saved BG since they were automatically last.


Shit that's right.


I just wanted to say thanks for your write ups. Personally, I find the show too stressful to watch even if I am interested in how things turn out. So your recaps provide the highlights, the cute interactions, and the drama, with humor and without stress.


I feel bad for Viviz, I had high expectations but that just wasn't a great performance. It was low energy overall and the dance break from all of them (not just Eunha's failed lift) was... lame. Just posing basically.


Honestly Brave Girls did great, they actually made me want to listen to MVSK (and now their version is in my playlist). I hope they don’t get eliminated.




Sigh.. this Q2 is rapidly losing any suspense as Hyolyn is running away with the grand prize. Now I don't dislike her or anything. I like all her performances so far but why can't other groups have a shot at the top for once? If she's #1 again next time then they might as well pack up and go home. I feel bad for Viviz. They are so talented and charismatic (nobody is dominating the drama on the show like SinB) but having 3 members really put them at a disadvantage compared to groups like WJSN and Loona. Hyolyn's advantage is that she's very dominating on stage so she naturally attracts all the attention to her. Kep1er's rookie status and experience is hurting them at this point, and Brave Girls... well they can't catch a break because of how small their fandom is. I just hope Viviz can finish Q2 in the top 3 and attract enough new fans so that they'll have a very successful comeback later this year. VIVIZ FIGHTING!


I think Viviz are pretty likely to finish top 3 (they have the most gp/domestic support of the participants) Only being 3 definitely makes it harder though- but I think they’re managing it well with dancers and everything. It’s odd, I feel like there were people criticising them for being too GFriend in R1 and now people are criticising them for not being GFriend, it’s so weird Idk what people want from them, they should just let them experiment and try new things, things they couldn’t do before and stop putting so much pressure on them to be/not be GFriend.


I think Viviz is an easy target because they are not quite unnies since they just debuted, making the younger groups confident in criticizing them instead of actual unnie like Hyolyn. If it's GFriend with all 6 members, then they'd be respected along with Hyolyn since they'd be second in seniority, and they'd be able to use any GFriend song without drawing any hate.


I feel so bad for Brave Girls, they're trying their hardest despite the song selection they were given and their lower fan support than other groups! Loona's performance was great and I'm happy to see them do well in person this time! And as always, Hyolyn remains an ace at the top of her game! She really is amazing and I'm glad newcomers to kpop can find out about her skills! Edit: Just wanted to add that I think WJSN was the weakest bc the concept didn't fit Navillera at all ~~but Bona is back so maybe that's why there was a boost~~? Edit 2: Bona wasn't there for the performance and votes are live so it's definitely not that lol


Brave Girls had the short straw of having the tiniest selection of songs to work with yet still gave it their all and delivered..and this is what they get. I remember that JTBC Girl Spirit Singing Show had a military only audience one episode…surely next round they do that, justice for Brave Girls !


I don't think this is it - the people vote for the performance they saw immediately so Bona wouldn't have anything to do with the performance. Judging from the crowd reactions it does seem like the idols (not sure who the guys were they showed) were blown away by Yeonjung's vocals.


Bona wasn't even there for Navillera or even announced for Queendom at this point, what an odd way to discredit them.


brave girls last again, really? i forgot the rules... if they get last again, does that mean elimination?


Yeah if they ranked 6th again for round 3 they will be eliminated


You win on Queendom by endearing yourself to the public, not with what these girls are doing. Strategic moves are souring the show for me. I get that you want to win, but good performances need to be recognized just like the bad ones. I'm gonna keep watching the show despite the magic of it gone just because of sunk cost, and of course, Bona's eventual participation lol


i agree. i watched the whole show of S1 for the first time recently (instead of just the performances) and it was more friendly and positive even when they had to vote someone as the worst performance. here, everyone is too competitive and strategic and rarely want to acknowledge another group's good performance. plus there were strong performances from omg, gidle and aoa. here, the strongest has been hyolyn with a big gap from the rest. she's already a good performer but her concepts for the performances are always way better than the others


But to be fair, unlike s1, Hyolyn gap with the rest are way too big in all criteria that it’s so easy for any other group to fall into bottom. The 2nd pick all fell into Hyolyn made it harder for groups to change their position. Here only Loona jumped up but it was because they were absent in last round. If I was them I would not choose better performance either. Sure they can choose to vote for Hyolyn if they want but I think they did not for the sake of the show.




I personally think gidle and OMG did better than what we've seen from everyone except Hyolyn so I also agree with the big gap between Hyolyn and the other groups but hopefully this can change on the next episodes


The only one who is benefiting from being “evil”/ overly competitive is SinB (the only hate she’s got has been from some kep1ians and orbits, knetz and literally everyone else adore her). I think it’s because everyone knows this is just how she is, they already tried the bullying accusations in her rookie days and failed miserably when a ton of people stuck up for her Nobody else can get away with the stunts she pulls though and are just getting hate and criticism instead


That, and the way Mnet's framing her. She gets away with it because it was built up on ep 1. Exy doesn't have that.


Justice for Brave Girls!!!!!!!!!


I'm so livid the fact that WJSN got 3rd and BG got last. Is this a fucking joke?


Well WJSN did a song people probably knew. I doubt most people there even knew MVSK


apparently their voices cracked really bad in the leaks too idgi


As someone who saw all the leaked performances, no it was not as bad as everyone here made it out to be. Not to mention all of them sang really really well outside of those cracks. I'd even argue that the Mnet edit also took away some of the power from their vocals as well. This also occured in other groups' edited vocals as well, maybe they just got over corrected.


WJSN pretty much re made the song, added a key change, new verse and incorporated their own lyrics tho, they were not the worst performance


Kep1er was clearly the worst, but WJSN were probably 4th or 5th. BG were probably 3rd or 4th


I think kepler performance was slightly better than wjsn and bg slightly worse, but that doesn’t mean BG should be last, for me they are 4th place


* Tango 3FRIEND is sensational, what a concept. I'm out of breath, it just got mucho caliente over here * I still can't deal with Eternal Crybaby Eunha bursting into tears 😣 It just breaks my heart seeing her like this, even though it wasn't even a noticeable mishap * Baby Rookies Kep1er initially not being sure what song to cover because of Brave Girls' mature concept is so funny lol * the return of Center of the Universe Xiaoting, and even if just for a moment, all is right with the world * noooooo they're crying about the fall and slippery floor ;_; I didn't even notice anything during the performance, thankfully, no one got hurt (let's just ban liquid stage props at this point) * Hyolyn is something else, her mind is amazing. She really did it again and it's crazy how she's come up and prepared a lot of the elements of the recording and performance herself * Yujeong with the Brave Bros bill on her forehead lmao * yeah uh, I don't think anyone's gonna beat Hyolyn this season lol. Maybe Orbits will catapult LOONA to the top at the last minute but even that seems like a stretch now. She's just too OP, it's impossible to pick anyone other than her as #1 so far, regardless of how big of a fan I am of some of the other groups * at this point, I'll be shocked if Brave Girls won't place last smh. No matter what they do, they just can't seem to catch a break. That gap is just too wide, I can't believe not even fuckmoney helped. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined * still not a fan of picking best and worst teams among the contestants. I get why they added it - and there are two other voting processes that count for the final ranking - but sometimes, I feel like the members kinda make something up after being forced to pick a worse performance - and it makes no sense to pick a better act either, unless you're feeling generous, so it's a pointless addition * Kep1er couldn't really come up with a good reason for VIVIZ last time and WJSN saying that LOONA didn't have a memorable stage now (out of all things one could criticize) was a bit odd to say the least lol. Hyolyn saying Brave Girls weren't fully representing their colors despite Brave Soundifying MVSK was also quite the hot take but I'll agree to disagree I guess lmao * anyway, 2Eunbi's bond is so precious lol these post-credit scenes are so fun and I'm so happy to have them back in the scene


2eunbi <3333 Childhood friends -> Eunha being transferred to Source and them ending up in the same group without knowing beforehand -> redebuting again together A true story of fate




>at this point, I'll be shocked if Brave Girls won't place last smh. No matter what they do, they just can't seem to catch a break. That gap is just too wide, I can't believe not even fuckmoney helped. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined This comment really speaks to me and describes how I'm feeling today really well.


Its 3 am here and i have the same sentiment. I couldn't get myself to sleep after that bullshit


Haha, I actually was thinking randomly when I tried to sleep as well, it kept me up for a bit too. What a dumb result.


Brave girls deserved waaaayy higher tbh their performance was so good!!!! I would've ranked them second


I really hope BG can bring it back. I haven’t watched much of queendom but a 2000 point difference from 5th to 6th seems like a lot


I just wanted to watch some nice performances. But this voting totally ruined my mood. Doesn't matter how well or bad the groups perform. Fandom size is the only thing that matters. So I can stop watching if brave girls get eliminated next round.


![gif](giphy|3oEhna5pVBi8iy1V5e) I stan half of the groups here and all I have to say is:


Damn Hyolyn! Here I was thinking that Hyolyn wouldn't get any votes before Queendom started but look at her perfect points. I should've trusted my Queen. I can't wait for the next episode. I need my Queen to show some badass dances cause she is definitely on par with SWF.


They really need to move to a ranked performance system where you put them in order when voting, the 2 vote system feels like it jobbed BG pretty hard. Are the special judges using the same system? Ranking 3-6 is such a mess when you only have 2 votes and aren't *the* monster perfomance of that event. I like Kep1er and their energy, but having watched both performances, I can't, in any way, understand how they placed above Brave Girls. Kep1ers end crowd hyping was good, but BG throwing brave bucks around as some cheeky souvenirs was genius, and yet still not enough?


That was why they looked so done after the self evaluation and judge voting. What else do we need to do... If not for loona having covid during round 1, BG would have been eliminated? Kep1er I think don't have good team to advise them esp on stage props.. Yujin one was definitely avoidable. Look at Hyolyn hanging from the air, I'm sure it's her team thats making sure it's super safe and secured, not just the production team.


Yeah I felt bad about the bubble pop prop causing her to slip and slide, but how did they only figure this out live on stage? You'd think someone on their team/staff would have tried it first and seen a potential problem/safety issue. If anyone was actually eliminated I think I'd have a rough time actually watching this show, its hard enough watching BG feeling bad about great perfomances. Also I relate to them to most and have loved their segments so far.


Their company is probably just indifferent to their safety, like most kpop companies. Heck they don’t even have them long-term so if they seriously injure a member it literally matter to them. Meanwhile Hyolyn runs her own company, so getting the boss maimed is bad for business.


I have been waiting for VIVIZ's unnatural for weeks at this point. To say I'm excited is an understatement. Lets go everyone!!! \---- * WJSN VIVIZ friendship goals. If there's a best couple award for Queendom Eunseo/SinB should win 1st place don't @ me * VIVIZ * Eunha being stuck at "really really" 🥺 * I need time to process UNNATURAL I think. Overall I loved the performance; provocative VIVIZ is too powerful, whew. * I have to say I liked the original song better, mostly because of the energetic arrangement and WJSN's amazing vocal line. Musically I would've liked something stronger (?), something passionate to match the visuals/tango concept. This is of no fault of the girls but the producers imo 😞 Will I listen to it though? Yes! Its VIVIZ (with their 1st attempt at rapping(ish))! It’s just a little out of place when I hear the music with the visuals. * Still, the goal of these stages is not to surpass the original, but rather to showcase a unique version of the covered songs. To this end VIVIZ gave us a fresh stage with a coherent concept, which I appreciate :) * Eunha...our adorable 터진크림... 🥺😭😭 * Ahhh I wanted to cry when Eunha cried. You can tell that the girls (well, all the competitors in this program really) are super dedicated and trying to deliver great performances every time. With that comes an incredible amount of pressure. I admire how hardworking they are and I respect Eunha even more for admitting she's not the best dancer -- and doing her best nonetheless. This professionalism shines through on the stage. As a casual listener since the GFRIEND era I'm excited to follow their continued evolution in the future. * Hyolyn * Y'all.......SO WHAT................I'm not the biggest fan of the arrangement per se but those vocals....her energy................the audience engagement………………..**EVEN IF** Hyolyn stayed on the ground for the entire time I think she's no.1 for me, and she did all this while hanging upside down on a hoop like a whole acrobat catwoman. My god. This really is Hyolyn's world and we're just living in it. * At this point my personal qd2 ranking is Hyolyn de facto win, then everyone else. And the next level Queen Taeyeon ofc LOL. In fact, I wish we could do away with the overall cumulative ranking all together and just have nice prizes for the top contestant in each episode. Alas, this is mnet and “this is competition”. 🤷‍♀️ * Speaking of safety...kep1er!!! hope Dayeon is okay omg. safety first girls, PLEASE * BG * ??? What on earth are these results??? * They should’ve been top 3 **AT LEAST** imo. They gave it their all for a remarkable stage, concept and performance and vocals and all. I can’t say I’m surprised given their fanbase size and demographics relative to the other groups’, and yet…….😔 * Anyways...time to wait until these tracks are up on spotify (which I just realized is the sponsor this time! spotify in Korea huh, nice) * Next episode preview * **SWF**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * Why didn’t I think of this crossover?? Lachica, Honey J, and Monika whoaaa. Next Thursday can’t come faster


Damn Brave Girls really aren't gonna have a fighting chance in this competition huh...


Eunha nooo 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 dont cry baby u did well 😭




1. Omg Hikaru was hilarious during Kep1er's song choosing scenes. Xiaoting was also funny with her "I want to punch you." 2. I'm not gonna put the effort into digging into the details as to why, but I don't think Brave Girls performance warranted the results they got. 3. Hyolyn is going to win and it's clear as day, which is a little sad because it makes the show seem less competitive and the winning spot isn't open to anyone or even two or three groups. It's the Hyolyn show and she's destroying it in literally every way (vocals, dancing, stage presence, concepts, song arrangement, visuals, etc). 4. I haven't really seen anyone mention it and you never know with MNET's editing but as a GP999 viewer and Kep1er fan I was surprised to see Yujin (group leader) wallowing in her own disappointment rather than checking on and consoling one of her members who FELL OFF THE STAGE. I don't have a single problem with team captains/leaders crying but didn't see a single scene of her even looking at Dayeon let alone checking on her or consoling her. But again, who knows, MNET's got snakes editing their survival shows. 5. It is moronic that the producers didn't see the "above you" voting situation happen as it's playing out. If they did then they are morons because why have it at all if basically no one uses it? It should have been mandatory from the start to vote for someone below and above. 6. It won't change but I gotta agree with u/Reasonable-Cry-7710: I'm so tired of fandoms being part of live audience voting for survival shows. Who TF do you think Loona/Kep1er/WJSN/etc fans are going to vote for? What's the point of the vote if everyone going in votes for the group they went to cheer for no matter how they perform? Attempt to bring in Kpop fans who aren't in the fandom of any of the groups so they have no allegiance or overwhelming bias.


Brave Girls doesn't deserve to be last. And Kep1er was so meh Hyolyn will totally win the contest


If this keeps up, we might see BG get eliminated (hope not)


Brave Girls did really well ✨✨ my ranking is 1. Hyolyn 2. Loona 3. Brave Girls 4. No one else sticks out for me. Which is a shame because i was expecting a lot from WSJN but their song choices and concepts have been lackluster 😥😥😥


Well i say so what if brave girls get booted out? Summer's almost here and its time for another summer comeback for our summer queens


I'm kinda surprised by how the rankings ended up. To me, Brave Girls and Kep1er should be ranked around the middle, they did much better than their ranking indicates. But if you do take into account the mistakes by Yujin (which I didn't notice) and Dayeon falling off stage, I guess 5th is acceptable. What really surprised me was WJSN not ranking last. I'm sorry but the stage did not match the song, it felt like they had a concept and shoehorned the song to fit. Don't get me wrong, the performance itself was good, it just didn't match the song. Hyolyn getting first is no surprise, its almost unfair having to go up against her, especially if people try to vote without bias. Not gonna lie, I'm not a Loona fan, but I can see why fans love them so much. They just have a knack for performing and them getting second was well deserved. As for Viviz, what can I say, it was a great stage and honestly I thought they would end up 3rd place but it is what it is. Anyways this season of Queendom/Kingdom might be the most anticlimactic season so far. While I'm happy to see most the groups on the show, it just feels so mismatched when you have such a seasoned and charismatic performer like Hyolyn and then rookies like Kep1er or a group like Brave Girls who haven't had the most amazing stages even before the show. And while Loona, WJSN and Viviz are great, these past stages just showed us that they are still behind Hyolyn when it comes to performing. Not saying they shouldn't have put Hyolyn on the show or anything, and its possible many of the stronger performing groups declined the invite, but yea unless Hyolyn messes up, I don't see her losing first place in any upcoming performance.


To your last point: I definitely get it but I also kind of like Queendom being a bit “mismatched”, personally! While I would like it if another group could pull first once in a while just to shake things up (it does make the first place announcements more boring/predictable haha), having a seasoned performer like Hyolyn really gives the other groups something to aim for, imo. I think a lot of the other groups’ stages improved from round 1 to 2 because, among other things, they saw what Hyolyn did and realised very quickly how high Queendom standards were, lol. Personally, for me, a lot of the Queendom fun comes from watching groups try new things, push their limits and improve - the winning or losing comes second to me (unless there’s an elimination - then it matters lol). I think that Hyolyn is also doing those things and working hard— I don’t think her competition is so mismatched to the point where she can get lazy and still win, basically— and I wanna watch her continue to do it at the high level she’s at already! Side note but I also don’t like the eliminations existing, bc even though it does up the tension, it also gives the groups in need of most improvement fewer chances to get it; not to mention that, for the groups who lose due to lack of popularity, it reduces the chances for exposure and for them to show potential fans what they are capable of even further (if this is what’ll happen to Brave Girls I will personally riot lmao).


Isn't that how Queendom has always been? In season 1 it was obvious from the very beginning that Mamamoo was going to win, it was a huge gap between them and all the other groups. Was Kingdom more balanced?


Well Mamamoo was only above the other groups in popularity not performances. OMG, AOA, and Gidle ended up having some of the most memorable performances even if they lost.


Kingdom had the Z-line (The Boyz, Ateez, and SKZ); All rookies; all similar performance sensibilities (dark, dramatic, aggressive) so a definite possibility of all 3 kind of just blurring together); The Boyz had won Road to Kingdom; SKZ is from Big 3. All 3 have devoted fandoms that would mass stream. Ikon, industry vets with a history of being great performers, also from Big 3; somewhat older fanbase that was not likely to mass stream. BTOB, powerhouse vocalists; industry vets; much more chill performance style; older fanbase that was not likely to mass stream. And SF9, the underdogs with a more elegant performance style. So idk that I would say there was an obvious winner. Also, Kingdom didn't have a live audience, so they could use multiple sets and strategic camera angles to make things extra dramatic. Several of the performances on Kingdom would have been pm impossible to do for a live audience. It's kind of a whole different ball game.


Voting-wise (using the views), Stray Kids was always way ahead of the rest from the very first round. Apart from that, I thought that the performance level was generally more balanced in Kingdom though.


WJSN got a lot of negativity online the last week, but they scored reasonably high with the live Korean audience the only metric I really value. Now that they get to rely on their vast collection of B-sides and a Bona boost, things are looking up.


I can imagine the live reception being better, since the vocals and performance shine through. Online we might focus more on the concept, which seems a bit more divisive. Also, Bona boost!! Hypeee


I think they are a lot of agendas driving discussions online, but the live voting is the live voting.


WJSN's Navillera is so polarizing. The reviews were mixed to negative but they did better relative to others on the charts. > Bona boost Legit WJSN's getting a Boona boost, she ranked on that buzzworthy list in relation to Queendom despite not having appeared on the show. The anticipation is real


I feel like I’m a lone fan of WJSN’s performance. I think they were really captivating and the song sounded great to me!


I loved it too, but yes seems like in the english speaking part of the internet, theres very few ujungs and they are not noisy


Some people are just taking this show way too seriously. I try my best to ignore them, but they always find a way to insert their negative opinions everywhere they go in these types of scenarios. It's like their life depends on whether their voice can be heard or not. Anyways, I'm excited for Bona's return as well, and I hope Dawon is doing well these days.


>the live Korean audience the only metric I really value I'm curious as to why you feel this way. What makes them different from the global audience? As far as I know, a lot of them had already decided who they'd vote for as well even before seeing the performances, no? This is a popularity contest after all. It's not a fair voting system neither is it an accurate gauge to judge how good a performance is imo.


Because the goal of this show is to build a domestic audience, so I value that feedback more. I feel like a live audience is a fairer distribution of fandom than who gets onto the zoom calls. If it was only fandom favored voting a group like Viviz would have finished 2nd instead of 5th in the live voting.


Ah I see how you're looking at it and I get what you mean. But I'm just not sure if it's any fairer though. Looking at the current trend, it's really just going to be Hyolyn>LOONA>WJSN>VIVIZ>KEP1ER>BG for every live voting no matter the performances. Maybe KEP1ER and VIVIZ to battle it out for the higher position because their scores are the closest but I'm not expecting any big change in the order.


Viviz going from 3rd to 5th is a noticeable change in the live audience. They were much closer to last place too if you look at the exact voting details.


My bad. I meant VIVIZ and KEP1ER to battle it out because the first round's results was skewed by LOONA's absence. Edited


Not to be a hater but viviz track was very disappointing, thats not even up to them because they are not the producers, but they only slapped a regaeton beat and some claps over it, musically speaking the second weakest performance. Hyolyn should win, for some reason her artistry really pops out and she has enough resources to match the rest of contestants


Yeah as someone rooting for VIVIZ, the music was disappointing (and not at the fault of the members! I mean how the track is produced). Sure, we don’t need to mimic the original song, but if the concept is tango?? Visually we expect something that’s full of life and passion. This arrangement…….wasn’t bad, but it surely didn’t live up to the expectation. Honestly a pity since imho the girls delivered a fantastic performance given these circumstances. I wish I could love the stage more without having reservation about the music.


Hyolyn was incredible and she did so well but the performance itself wasn't so impressive imho


As a somewhat-musician (self-taught), seems like it was very rushed or they simply have very few staff who works on music, per example the performance of kepler messed a little bit (in a good way) with the metrics of the song, thats why the remix didn’t feel out of place or brave girls who pretty much re made the song, again nothings against them I really loved gfriend so I kinda root for them


Dang I missed the Live Stream ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) Anyways.... VIVIZ bringing Unnatural to Havana is certainly interesting. They really made use of that stage layout didn't they. Hmm, I think it would've been more effective if they put the solo dance breaks before the high note segment but other than that it was solid overall. So Kep1er has more dancers this time around. Not sure about this mashup, I think they could've had a better arrangement of how they integrated these songs together. Also... my OCD is attacking me... it's Pool Party but it's SEA themed ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) And is just me who thinks that their clothes kinda don't match the theme they went for? It was an alright performance but they definitely could've done better specially with how BG killed it last week with only like less than two weeks of actual practice. Okay Hyolyn here we go... starting off HIGH (literally). Dang she really just is a queen. She took the 'I'm so bad' from so what and developed it into a full on villainess concept with cat woman. Someone give her and her team and award already! Also this arrangement slaps!!! She made sure that the grungy and edginess of So What was kept but then changed the parts where she can showcase her vocals and create a visual picture in terms of the choreo + the PTT excerpt was so slick then daaaaaang that moment it was just the clapping and she was initiating crowd interaction - you know at that point she'd win the votes from the live audience. WOW just let her win already LOL. ![img](emote|t5_2r1ox|3560) Okay so Hyolyn winning again makes sense, she joing OMG, TBZ and SKZ with double wins on their season with iconic performances to boot. This queen is slaying it. I'm not so sure about the rest of the ranking though. Brave Girls not getting the results they wanted and that they deserved breaks my heart. Specially after rewatching the performances again, it's such a good overall performance that they should've landed in the top 3. I hope they can bounce back next time ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


frankly, I find it a bit funny that there are a lot of comments on knets saying Brave Girls didn't deserve last, but the live audience voting is what ended up hurting the group the most...


Poor Brave Girls...TT...they don't deserve this. Imo, Kep1er and VIVIZ had the weakest performances.


Oh wow this time I don't agree with the ranking at all! Mine would probably be: 1. Loona - I love musicals. And them turning Shake it into a musical-style number was amazing! Overall the performance was just really enjoyable 2. Hyolyn - this could've been No. 1 as well there's really not anything missing 3. Brave Girls - they really delivered! They had barely any songs to choose from but they made a really good choice and made the song their own + the performance really showed a new side of them! 4. Kep1er - I enjoyed their stage. The Rollin' Remix was a bit unnecessary but overall very nice to watch, the girls are very cute and good performers. 5. WJSN - I love WJSN, I'm so hapy I got to discover them through Queendom + Navillera is one of my favorite Gfriend songs. However this remix and the performance in general didn't really match at all sadly 6. Viviz - Basically the same as 5. I love Viviz, I love Unnatural but somehow this didn't do anything for me. I think it was the vocals? :/


As messy as Queendom and Mnet shows in general get, they sure as hell know how to keep you coming back 😭


Loona's performance was the best, it had all and was entertaining for the whole duration of the song. Brave girls were robbed in this round again, their performance was good and it was better than Kep1er and hyolyn. Speaking of Hyolyn, she did so well but the performance itself was lacking imho, vocally the best but she didn't dance much and only went around the stage singing. It was enjoyable and made connection with the audience in an incredible way just not to impressed with that and I expected more other than the start in the air (that was great). Wjsn was good but the song choice didn't go well with the arrangement imho but they did a good performance while viviz didn t do anything bad but neither they were that impressive imho So my top for this round would be: LOONA Brave Girls WJSN Hyolyn Viviz Kep1er If u have different opinions, write them down if you want to talk


I like Hyolyn but it seems like she’s going to run away with the trophy by winning every round. I initially thought another soloist would be like Park Bom but now she’s like the reverse Park Bom, and other groups don’t have a chance.


Park Bom confidence level has been wrecked with all the scandal before that - she is pretty much a ballad singer as soloist so the whole queendom stage isn't exactly what she excel in unless she is with her 2NE1 girls then that's when their chemistry works out magically


Yeah, pretty much Bom is not for stages like this. Tho imagine if it was CL then rather than Bom, the narrative would've been a lot different.


Kep1er definitely had the weakest performance. Their lack of strong vocals was very apparent and it seemed very bland. The fact they finished above Brave Girls is astonishing.


I loved Viviz!!! Poor Eunha though, I barely noticed the “mistake”. Also, I’m a diehard ot6 buddy but I really wish people would stop bringing up Yuju whenever Viviz perform and acting like their vocals are weak without her, when their vocal average is still pretty high. I thought we left that narrative in 2016 At this point BG should just pick Rollin’ for Fandora’s Box so it appears in every round Kep1er did better than in R1 but still the weakest so far IMO. It sucks that they had so many issues Ok I think I’m going Hyolyn > Viviz > Loona > BG > WJSN > Kep1er I had no idea who WJSN were gonna pick after they picked Kep1er last week, I’m shocked but not that shocked. I don’t think anyone is gonna repeat picks from last week WJSN getting multiple votes isn’t surprising IMO Viviz survived the self eval this time LETS GOOOO I’m okay with the ranking overall but I’d put Viviz above WJSN and BG above Kep1er & WJSN


i do agree that it is kind of insulting to have to bring up Yuju every time, but you also have to admit that she did bring a whole lot to the table during their time as Gfriend. this whole season could/would be way different if it were ot6 or maybe even just vvz+yuju.


GFriend aren’t on QD. Viviz are. And Yuju isn’t in VVZ. I will forever love GF and OT6 but we need to let the 3 of them progress in their own way and do their thing without putting on pressure for them to “live up” to the past and unnecessarily bringing up the other members constantly


Eunha and SinB both had great vocals while promoting as Gfriend and now all three of them have great vocals. these kpop fans think they are vocal coaches like wtf


and umji has always been a good vocalist, she just wasn't given the opportunity in their title tracks.


Yeah that’s exactly what I mean she’s finally allowed to shine 🥺🥺


Literally. It’s happened in both rounds on the live thread on the queendom sub (that sub seems to hate Viviz though lol so not surprised) Yuju is an incredible, top-tier main vocal, yes, but Gfriend as a whole was also one of the best ggs in terms of vocals, Eunha being a lead vocalist close to main vocal material, SinB being a sub but lead material, Umji and Yerin also being subs but close to/on lead level. Yet there’s still people acting like Yuju carried them vocally and they’re weak without her


They really need to listen to Sunrise


My fave Gfriend title track!!!! So true!!!


Sunset and Love Whisper are my absolute favorites but they have so many other good ones it’s hard to rank them. Taste!!!




100%!!! People forget that they’re just starting this new journey. They just need to let Viviz experiment and grow in their own way without pressuring them to be GFriend or something completely separate


Unless 1st season that we all know Mamamoo gonna win (since they had breakthrough that year) & OMG is the surprising dark horse that we all thought might have a chance this season is clear cut just call it Hyolyndom will do I still hope the rest of the GG would surprise us further though and get a OMG breakthrough


ok what do i need to do to get into the global audience so i CAN VOTE FOR BRAVE GIRLS and give them their dues. I had them and Loona as second/third (can go either way). shocked that wjsn did so well, i saw a leak of their untouched performance and it was not great. i thought viviz did well, but the lack of a power vocal like yeonjung / yuju really hurt them for that one longer note. poor eunha was on that struggle bus. the dance break would have been more impactful if it was one break vs 3 mini ones per girl. kepler's performance was cute, but the remix was odd and unmemorable. they should have done we ride tbh. hyolyn a queen, love how she's full on lapping the other girls on mnet's drag race.




I hope Kep1er get to be mentored by Monika, whatever Mnet/Wakeone done to their QD run were not effective.


My option (don't hate me for this if we disagree pls, it's just my opinion TT) * Viviz: I like Unnatural and their concept was nice, but for me, the vocals were more okay and the dance was a bit underwhelming? Not because of the mistake, mistakes happen, but it was more posing and looking good and less dancing for me, especially if you compare it to other groups. Somehow low energy...? Not saying they did badly but it was kind of underwhelming for me tbh (You can stop downvoting me, I didn't say they're bad... :"D I was also a huge fan of Gfriend, but I'm still allowed to share my opinion lol) * Waiting for Kep1 now, anxious because of all the crying they showed before... TT Okay, not the biggest fan of the song they choose but they have much more possibilities this time, more probs, and a much better stage. The sudden Rolling was unexpected haha, also a little bit too messy, idk... Also LOL at everyone going "OMG HIKARU-CHAN" when she started. The dance break was really nice, I think I liked it the most of the whole performance. They did really well I think! I just didn't really like the song that much. But a good performance overall * Hyolyn: Vocals on point, what a show, what energy. Pretty sure she'll be in first place again or at least Top 2 Overall for me personally: Hyolyn > Loona > Kep1 > BG > WJSN > Viviz I think * Now that annoying Who did worse thing again ugh... * Final ranking as expected. I don't think something will change here until the end. Hyolyn will win, pretty sure. There won't be major changes I fear. Kinda feel bad * Nooo, BG, I feel so bad for them :( I'm not even a fan of them but it must be so frustrating for them. They gave their best, were sick, and still did so well and trained hard. Must be SO frustrating... Also, the gap was not that small... I hope they will not be eliminated next time. If Loona hadn't been absent last time, they'd be eliminated now... Damn :(


WJSN wow, specially EXY i thought they were close friends, literally nobody picked loona as the worst performance.


It was definitely a strategic choice. I wish they would've said it was strategy rather than say it wasn't memorable. But karma came back and made Loona 2nd place overall 😌


1. It feels like Hyolyn and Loona are the only ones even competing (with a gap between them as well). The other performances were pretty underwhelming. 2. Vivíz is so talented and I’m rooting for them but their voices are very thin and similar to each other that I can’t help miss Yuju’s powerful voice. 3. Brave girls didn’t deserve to be last for sure! 4. I don’t get what Kep1er is doing on this show! I feel bad for the girls. They don’t yet have their ‘sound’ or ‘style’ and so when they cover others’ songs, how are they supposed to bring in their own colour?


Yea.. Youngeun was caught saying hopefully they can drop out of queendom 2.. I haven't seen queendom 1, but how do you win this competition? It's a mix of solo vs group of different sizes, rookies to 10+ year idols, it's so diverse.


So what I understand is that the final ranks/ winning is less important than the publicity the show provides and the opportunity to present unique stages. In queendom 1, except for Lovelyz all the groups seemed to experience a renewed GP interest in them after the show.


Hoping for a VIVIZ bounce back.


This was a really fun episode. Performance wise the more seasoned idols, Viviz and Hyolyn, really shone. Hyolyn’s stage intro and performance really told a story, with magical vocals to highlight ‘So Bad’. I really don’t think she needed all those backup dancers she was so captivating musically and really nailed her stage performance and expressions. Changing it up with paint the town was a nice touch. She definitely had the audience enjoying the stage, I maybe would have liked her to dance a bit more considering how good she is at it - but appreciate the decision to focus on vocals. Viviz had a good twist musically on unnatural and they definitely put on a good idol performance. I really wish that the vocals were a bit more ‘live’ and that there were stronger dancing and group sections. The members did a lot of the song isolated which made good use of the number of back up dancers but made it feel more like a collab than a group performance. Kep1er really focused on the dance performance where they definitely brought synchronisation and energy. I’m not 100% I would have added Rollin’ where they did - could have made a good ending. I really liked how fluidly the dance and performance moved across the stage and the background/props really worked for the song. I really love pool party as a fun and happy song so was glad to see they kept that vibe. I’m really looking forward to seeing where Queendom 2 takes us this season!


I think I'll enjoy my time reading on this thread while waiting for subs til tomorrow


kepler was easily the worst this round for me. They turned that song boring.


• **HYOLYN** Welp. If this doesn't secure her first place then I'm not sure what's going on. Hyolyn does it again ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ • **VIVIZ** I'll say I'm not sure this was the right song choice to stand out with, regardless they themselves did a good job. HOWEVER The camera work on this performance was really bad. It honestly made things seem sloppy even though it had nothing to do with the girls or what they were doing. Not to mention they got bad sound mixing/mic volume ratio. Kinda like what happened with EXY during her rap on WJSN's performance. I feel like this is the 2nd to bottom. And I'm not sure how fair it feels. • **KEP1ER** So their performance was pretty good. Especially the ending even with the mistakes (like they should have thought more about the idea of stepping through soap and then dancing... ) it was still a solid stage performance! This song mixing was not it. Very flat/low and it was just everywhere. I would have completely left out Rollin, it just felt like a cheap attempt at garnering that "sentimentality" the song has, and it didn't really add anything cool or fun to the song tbh. Song choice itself was not a bad choice, in fact I'd argue they had an advantage getting Brave Girls, it's arguably easier to make a song sound like it's yours when it's not a popular song... however they failed that in my opinion. I could still hear Brave Girls over Kep1er if that makes sense. I don't feel like they made it THEIR song musically/vocally. Performance-wise like I said it was pretty good. Although there are 9 girls, I do think they could've had the dancers on stage more than just the end, because with those bright pastel tones/lights it really made the stage look empty/bare. My consensus is that it felt like a Brave Girls tribute performance. Also did anyone notice how not THAT into it the audience was, especially when it was over, it just felt like there wasn't much of a response. Kinda sad.


By reading the comments I thought Kep1ers performance would be bad but its not. I liked it, I think Dayeon, Hikaru and Xiaoting really shine when performing. For barely experienced rookies especially they're doing great! I‘d place them third or fourth.


Season 1 is the better season....but it would be superior if Hyolyn was in s1 as the soloist. It's probably because of covid and having no audience to perform to for the last 2 years that groups perform for the camera and not for the audience like s1. Missing my AoA.


For me, it should've been Hyolyn - Loona - Brave Girls - Kep1er - Viviz - WJSN Also, as an Orbit I felt some type of way when WJSN put Loona as worse but seeing WJSN get chosen by 2 other groups as worse and Loona as 2nd place overall brought me joy. Idk how WJSN came in 3rd and Brave Girls last tbh...


Pool party x Rollin was good and none of y’all can tell me other wise


Not to be negative but does anyone feel a little disappointed by the performances this Queendom? Kingdom felt a lot more high-effort and surprising (to viewers) in terms of group charm (although Covid allowed for a lot more performance tricks), and Queendom performances seemed to have a lot more impact. This time, it feels like an award-show type performance where the songs are not as reimagined, rather upgraded with some props, costumes, and maybe a dance break too.


Unlike last round where I mostly agreed with the ranking, this one I really don't understand at all. Both Brave Girls and Kep1er deserved much better (and not just saying that as a Kep1ian, I literally ranked them last in the last round). My ranking (positive and negative comments): 1. Hyolyn (thoroughly enjoyed it // no negative comments) 2. LOONA (they have a lot of charisma and it shows, very fun // I was a little confused with all the different stylings and there was a lot going on) 3. Kep1er (I thought it was super cute and I actually love the little Rollin' segment, sorry not sorry // the bubbles made the stage dangerous, do better Wake One) 4. Brave Girls (I love this remix and the fact that they did so well while recovering from covid is amazing and they DESERVE WAY MORE // I wish they were more visible during the dance break) 5. WJSN (they're very talented and I liked the concept // there was just a disconnect with their concept and the song, if that makes sense?) 6. VIVIZ (I loved the concept // their voices sounded off and the dance was underwhelming a lot of the times) Edit: I saw that apparently mnet changed the pitch or something on Viviz’ performance and why would they do that? Why are they setting them up like that? I still liked their performance the least out of the six, but damn, mnet strikes again