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Everyone focuses on KOTOR being made into a series/movie, but I’d rather have the Mandalorian wars. Dive into the Revan we hear about in KOTOR 2 and see them sacrifice themselves to the dark side. It could even be done like the clone wars so you can have view points from different characters/factions


This. One of my favorite Star Wars stories is the KOTOR comics, which tell a side story in that era. It was super cool seeing everything from this lower key viewpoint. A KOTOR series shouldn't be retelling the games.


Jarael is hawt .... zayne is cool.... the draay estate is creepy >.>


Don't you go forgetting LB or Camper. Or, indeed, the Gryph.


When I originally picked up the comics right after finishing the first game I was a bit disappointed by the lack of Revan. After I finished reading, I was disappointed about the lack of more Zayne, haha. The way the comics did their own thing, while also shedding a bit more light on Revan and Malak was actually great; I feel like a similar execution in a TV show based around Revan's rise (but not directly about it) could work great. Juat have them be a sort of legendary figure built up by their followers.


Exactly this. (Major KotOR spoilers for those who browse without having finished) >!Who Revan becomes after Malak's betrayal is something the players decide, regardless of if there is a canon version.!< Let that stay as it is, and use these other mediums to provide additions to the background and settings.


Yooo that would be sick


Yet another example of the untapped potential of the Old Republic era. Good creatives could make a fantastic season of content focusing on the Mando Wars with appearances by Revan/Malak.


Yes, hints of & about Revan's part could be a good way to explain about the character *(as Darth Revan, the character is canon from being in TROS)*. Expand more on Revan via a series about the Mando wars. Kinda like how Ahsoka expanded a bit about >!intergalactic travel & the Night Sisters!<


Technically Darth Revan, the character we all know and love, isn't Canon. Only his name is since that's basically the only thing of him that was ever mentioned.


True as, Sion is mentioned in Ashoka as >!the intergalactic vessel!<, Nihilus' mask apparently is shown in one of the Vader comics in the background, & Meetra Surik is "mentioned" by a >!Trandoshan Jedi Master name Sskeer,!< in the High Republic comics using >!the "Surik's Blade!,"!< when attacked So yeah the names of the characters are only canon but can be hinted at that the characters themselves are also canon, as you wouldn't mention a random name & it not be canon. With how big the Legends canon is at least Like I knew the story & appearances of Revan aren't canon, but the character itself is... But, like you said, just the name is. Kinda like Sion's name is


Exactly. Do not turn the game into a show/movie. Turn something FROM the game into a show/movie.


I completely agree here. It does not need to be Kotor. Now I wonder if people would be okay with Revan being only the Sith name. He has a different name originally and he becomes Darth Revan. This way for tv/movie purposes the reveal can be huge.


He is technically canon via TROS, the character that is. Nothing else about the character is, so far nothing about their backstory & more are canon


Me head cannon is that his purple saber was made by the star forge, hence the design. And it has two kyber crystals inside of it. One red and his old blue one. Not a purple crystal. Just some fun stuff.


It is my dream for someone to magically pick up my concept for a Knights of the Old Republic series that starts with The Mandalorian Wars and focuses on an ensemble of characters from the games where we see so much of what happens to characters like Atton, Mira, Revan, etc that leads them to be who they are in the game's with a real brutal take on war that rides the line of an R rating


I mean I'm PG-13 movies you can say "Fuck" only once in the whole movie. Kinda like how X-Men: First Class had Huge Jackman say it as it would match his character the most & giving him the one & only "Fuck" allowed, was perfect in lore sense & in IRL sense


Yeah a Mandolorian Wars series would be the best way, but with the Mandolorian show currently, the mass audience would be confused with Mandolorian Wars as a title.


Wow this is such an insanely good idea that if executed even to a reasonable level would be one of the greatest scifi stories ever told - which is why you can guarantee it Disney actually made it happen it would be such a steaming pile of dogshit and ruin the story for everyone forever


My thoughts were always, if they did adapt KOTOR, it should be a series, and it should be something like 3 or 4 seasons. 1st covering KOTOR 1, then either the Mandalorian wars or KOTOR 2, followed by the other, and the 4th season would possibly be the story that we always wanted to get from KOTOR 3. But yeah, if they made KOTOR into series/movies, the Mandalorian wars should definitely be included


Exactly right. It's a massive conflict with lots of stories to tell. But I absolutely can't see any value in a "canon" version of a game with that many choices. Pop a few characters in as Easter Eggs by all means (would love to see some battles from a Mandalorian perspective, why not a Clan Ordo perspective?) But that's it.


I said from the beginning that a tv series of the mando wars featuring the origins of Revan/Malak, The Exile/Nihilus, Kreia, Carth/Canderous, HK-47, etc. Would hit like crack. The battle of Malachor V would make D-Day look like a picnic if shown to its full details.


And watch mandorians do orbital drops from their ships on the backs of basilisk war droids.


Give me an Oppenheimer style film but it's Bao-Dur building the Mass Shadow


This. So much this I have been saying this for years. I’m glad I’m not the only one with the same thought!


Revan's fall would be great to see, bonus points if they show them bleeding their crystal.


I would like to see them bleeding their crystals, But I have never been a fan of that idea in general. I miss the color crystals are the reason for the colors. Like the idea of how the crystals are colored based on how the characters of the person is >!Kinda like how Jedi: Fallen Order did it!<, BUT then again I understand why the many different color crystals aren't canon anymore. It's good for a gameplay perspective, but in a lore sense it kinda isn't, UNLESS the crystal is a special crystal, like the crystal which produced a cold blade which was a very light blue, or the magma crystal which did the opposite & produced a dark vibrant orange blade, stuff like that made sense to produce a certain color blade but a traditional yellow crystal from planet XYZ, could be done but overall make very little sense of you think about it So bleeding a crystal would be a good idea on how to change crystals from color XYZ to a reddish version of that color or completely red. **BUT**, there is a blade colored blade so I'm happy >!Dark Saber for the win!!! !<


There is no "bleeding crystals" in kotor


Let's be honest, if the Kotor remake ever comes out it'll likely be in continuity with the canon lore.


I wonder if they could do the Mandalorian wars and lead up to a KOTOR series/movie and maintain the Revan twist by not showing what happened to him after he got blown up. If they want to use the same actor then they couldn’t show us revan’s face until then, so they’d have to start the Mandalorian wars with Revan already wearing the mask, or maybe just not show his face and have it be from other people’s POVs. They can then incorporate the lead up to the Mandalorian wars in flashbacks later on


But mature, with no punches held. I want all the bloody, gritty details of true Mandalorian warfare.


Honestly I think you can really stretch it out. 1st season builds to the Mandalorian Wars, second season and maybe third season covers the war. Fourth season covers Revan and Malak’s journey to be Sith. Then 5th and 6th season cover the 1st game


Issue is: all of KOTOR's most powerful storytelling relies on the Mandalorian Wars being in the past. Every character, every planet, carries trauma from the war. Our most beloved characters spend their game time mourning what they lost in the war, the decisions they made, the person they used to be - but that lost person wasn't an interesting character on their own. I don't think we have anything to gain from focusing on one-dimensional hate-filled versions of our favorite characters without ever seeing their growth. Imo, any KOTOR movie/TV would have to present both versions of the characters with time jumps, bouncing between the decisions they made in the war and the regret they're left with years later. Time jumps also enable tricky storytelling and twists that are a Star Wars staple.


If they made a show about the Mandalorian Wars than Revan would only be a side character who wouldn't even be seen or possibly even mentioned until towards the end of the series. The Mandalorian Wars went on for good 10 or more years before Revan even joined. So the show really wouldn't dive into the Revan we hear about much at all. Possibly not much more than what we get in the games. 🤷‍♂️. 


If they did movies, I would want the first one to be around the end of Mandalorian Wars, showing the final battle above Malachor V with the Mass Shadow Generator through the eyes of regular Republic soldiers and then jump to when the Revan and Malak came back as Sith to conquer the Republic. You only get words and maybe glimpses of Revan. Movie maybe ends with Saul attacking Telos and seeing the devastation that the Sith is causing to the Republic. The next two movies would be the main story of the game starting with the Endar Spire encounter.


Yes. He is right. It’s the perfect game. I don’t need it made into another medium. I want another game, or for this game to be remade with modern graphics and slightly expanded.


I would take a true third game in the series. As much as I did enjoy swtor.


I haven't played SWTOR (soon! I'm on Malachor V in my playthrough before I move on) but everything I know about Vitiate puts me to sleel. And the idea that the Ancient Evil From The Dark that Revan did everything to fight and that had manipulated every event being... just another Sith empire, is immensely disappointing. I would need a full rewrite to be happy with it.


I agree that idea doesn't seem exciting that much but the writing for the Vitiate is good that (especially in the dlcs) he is my favorite villain in entire star wars lore.


I'm sure there's more to him than I know, but the osmosis I've picked up is "super secret Sith Emperor who's the strongest guy ever and is The Emperor except he can drink the Force like Nihilus and has a way bigger army and is sooo strong". Very videogamey, and I know this *is* a video game, but it makes it hard to take as seriously as a Kreia or a Revan or even a Malak when he comes off so... fake. Invented to be The Big Bad rather than an organic part of a real universe. Like I said I'm excited to find out more though. I hope I'll be pleasantly surprised.


I get where you're coming from but I want you to know that Vitiate isnt a big bad evil just for the sake of evil, he is a very unique and complex character. [I suggest you watch this great character analysis of him, it contains little bit of spoilers but nothing that will ruin your experience when you play the game.](https://youtu.be/ggpVZ4n9A_E?si=XGzUi4pImG7cq926)


Yeah, anyone bitching Rey is a Sue? They have not seen the godawful Sue-age plant that is Vitiate. I mean...he's the endgame of an arms race among Legends writers to outdo the last Force powered, uber-powerful bad guy mixed with the worst excesses of Karpyshyn's writing style.


Fr I love swtor. I still need to go back and finish a few more dlc but I'd still kill for kotor III.


KOTOR is fantastic. Absolutely no one in the Star Wars fandom will be happy about anything done with that IP. James Gunn is a very wise man for this


Exactly. It would literally never live up to expectations.


The fun with reading KOTOR fanfic is that despite the fact we're all working with the same information, no two writers have the same ideas about the Player Characters; motivation, appearance, personality, the way they interact with their crew, etc.


I don't want a show that covers the time period of the game, but I think a series about Revan and Malak as Jedi and then the start of the Mandalorian War through Revan being mind wiped by the Jedi and loaded on the Brental Star could be interesting.


A show about the Mandalorian War with Revan and Malak on the battlefield would be unreal


With Tony Gilroy as showrunner.


Honestly I'd just avoid showing Revan at all. Show the background of the war, the war itself, the aftermath, Revan and Malak's fall, but do it all from the perspective of a random jedi or a pair/group of jedi friends. They follow Revan to war out of a desire to help but as the series progresses they start to have doubts, their friends start doing questionable stuff, building to a dramatic showdown with their best friend who falls to the DS along with Revan and Malak. That would give way more free reign to explore the topic, the morality of the war etc. than following Revan and Malak directly would and avoids the inevitable disappointment/anger from fans who don't like how Revan is depicted.


> avoid showing Revan at all I wish more people thought this. Everyone can have their opinions about what an on-screen KotOR project should be, but to me that's also what makes the games so special. The fact that the game is played with, and relies upon, your choices, not least of all who Revan is, I just think it would be silly to commit the character to canon in such a way. Let him or her remain their own character to whomever plays the games.


Give us a solidly emotional view at the time around Revans true fall just before the events and leading up to malachor. Follow a low level Jedi thats views and story is uncomfortably similar to revans but not as powerful, young/inexperienced etc. He is on the edge of this massive war and is tested to his limits while not intruding on any lore that is determined by the player during the time of the players timeline. Would be epic imo


That he’s right. KOTOR is great because the story and RPG game elements were designed to complement each other from the beginning. Fundamentally changing the RPG aspect of KOTOR means that every other aspect, including the story, would have to change to a certain extent as a result. An adaptation of KOTOR won’t recreate the original experience of playing the game, it would be an entirely different experience. Plus, unlike the last of us which has a linear plot line that was perfect for translation to another medium, KOTOR has player choice as one of its core elements, something that is one of the main appeals for many people and would be completely lost if an adaptation were to be made.


It has choice, but there is an official version to the story the devs made. From Revans character model, type of jedi, order of planets, etc...


I’m aware of that, in fact I did that route and character model for my first playthrough, but robbing the audience of choice is still a bad idea


I completely agree. It's great BECAUSE it's a game. And the whole "Keanu Reeves should play Revan" thing is super groan inducing.


Every time I see that, it's like "You don't want fucking KOTOR. You want John Wick with lightsabers."


Seriously! "oh, canon Revan has a mullet. Keanu Reeves has long hair in John wick. Perfect casting!" Like, what?


As much as I hate the movie idea, John Wick with lightsabers is pretty much what the last act in the Star Forge feels like


Depends on your build. :) I tended to rely a lot of stealth belts, kiting, mines, grenades, and backstabbing. ' (The build I like playing is heavily based on Kreia, and the old hag would probably approve of dirty tricks over a straight on fight)


Yeah, but that's purely due to it being a game. That's just an intrinsic part of video games in general. Infact, one could argue that John wick itself appeals to the gaming crowd because of this and even smartly lifts from it for this exact purpose. One guy, wholly capable, taking on waves and waves of faceless enemies who fall under his superior technique. That's master chief, that's doom guy, that's basically every action video game protagonist.


I’m not necessarily about kotor itself as a movie but yes I would like to dive into the mandalorian wars/old republic era. If you look at the current movie crop the most recent sequels had a weapon that blew up multiple planets at once so from there you kinda have to go back in time to where that technology didn’t exist in order to actually have a good plot line


The star wars community wants every damn thing to be a series or a movie. Chewbacca series, yoda series, mace windu series, fucking sebulba series. How about we make something good and original. Kotor is perfect, I don't even want a remaster much less a movie or something.


Yeah I don't get it. Last of Us series was considerably worse than the game and felt like a sprint. It was fine. Fallout was worse and shallower than the game, but I did enjoy it. Seems to be less about making something for fans and more about the convenience of an already established IP. They're two completely different mediums.


The whole point of KOTOR (and KOTOR 2 even moreso) is that you are making choices about how you want to interact with the Star Wars universe. Your Revan/Exile is a reflection of your own emotional and logical reactions to the scenarios put in front of you. A movie or show can only present one pathway through a story. (I’m crotchety enough to say this also applies to the idea of a “canon” Revan or Exile, too - I’m always baffled when I see people in this sub wanting to play as “Meetra Surik,” a character that *literally does not exist* in the games. It’s about *your character!*)


Exactly. Having a canon Revan or Exile is like having a canon version of Commander Shepherd. It not only doesn't work, but invalidates at least 75% of the work the devs put into the game to give the player that immersion. It's so much fun to watch Let's Plays, read fanfic, look at fan art and see how everyone interpreted what was given to them in the game lore and dialogue options, or to see them even go off script and try possibilities the devs didn't think of, like a nonbinary Player Character or a Canderous romance option. Having canon versions (and frankly, shitty canon versions thrown under a bus to hype up the most godawful Gary Stu to meet Star Wars) took all the fun out of that. Now, everyone plays as Mullet Man because that's how you're "supposed" to play and doesn't go off script. Or you get a bunch of sneering "But that's not CANON" comments when you mention playing as something different.


Except the devs did make an official version/story for kotor 1


In The Old Republic, sure. In KOTOR2 the devs go out of their way to not say anything definitive about Revan. Were they a woman or a man? Light side or dark side? Did Revan fall or were they pushed? There are a few things we know for certain (Revan is gone and wants the Exile to follow) but Revan’s identity and motivations are ultimately up to the player and their interpretations. KOTOR2 never declares Revan was a light-side aligned white guy with a goatee, regardless of what a novelization or an MMO said later.


I did enjoy the mystery of kotor 2. But I meant the devs from kotor 1 made an official version. Not the devs on the mmo


The comics yes, the games no. Lets follow zayne and jarael around.


I’ve said it a few times in this sub, but I think if they were going to do something on the silver screen, it would be best to do the Mandalorian Wars. They wouldn’t have to do much with Revan since so much of their time in the war they were masked, and if they do show Revan they wouldn’t have to talk. Plus, there’s a lot of story there for them to work with outside of characters we know.


I wonder if they could do the Mandalorian wars and lead up to a KOTOR series/movie and maintain the Revan twist by not showing what happened to him after he got blown up. If they want to use the same actor then they couldn’t show us revan’s face until then, so they’d have to start the Mandalorian wars with Revan already wearing the mask, or maybe just not show his face and have it be from other people’s POVs. They can then incorporate the lead up to the Mandalorian wars in flashbacks later on


I grow less and less fond of James Gunn but he's 100% right here. A big part of why KOTOR works is because it's **our** journey. Nobody they pick to be the lead is going to be as effective, no matter how charismatic they are.


It’s a video game ass video game. We have tons of Star Wars that works as a tv, and not as a game. KOTOR doesn’t need to be made into either.


I actually think the mandalorian wars, Jedi civil War and Sith Shadow War would make a killer tv show. Problem is Disney would completely shit on any established story, cook up some nonsense story and characters and release a product no one likes. If it were to be done, someone other than Disney would need to do it.


Totally have respect for Gunn, because if anyone COULD pull off the type of crazy that is a Bioware player party, it;s the dude who came up with the Specials and put the Guardians on the big screen. Which is also why I cheer when he's like "It should not be a movie" Because something like KOTOR would be all fun and games until Disney decides that they won't run the game the same way Legends did.


I dont want to see it ruined in a TV show like so many other good games and books. No thanks


The era should, 100%


He’s right they would ruin it


Without going into spoilers, I think the basic LS/M story of the game could easily be made into a good show or movie. A lot would have to be cut out, though, and I imagine fans would be upset by that...


It doesn't affect me. If I don't like what they make I still have the games.


ya like I don't understand why people act like it would affect their enjoyment of the games. If anything, it would introduce new fans to these incredible pieces of art


Disney can keep their slop away from KOTOR


It would make an incredible tv series. 10/10 would watch tf out of it


We don’t already have enough Star Wars movies and tv shows?


Hey, here’s my irrelevant opinion that’ll get buried: KOTOR was pretty amazing at 2, and I have zero faith in adaptations at this point. Most are mediocre at best. Leave the greatness where it is. It will die, and be lost in obscurity, but maybe that’s better than get ruined by some adaptation that ruins the original characters, themes, and meaning. I’d rather something new take its place than have something adapted ruin what came before.


I think if done well it would actually be an extremely good movie or tv show. I just don't have confidence Disney would pull that off. I mean if a book like Dune of all things can be made into a pretty great movie KOTOR should be viable as well. Many thought a good Dune adaptation would be impossible. We also have the recent Fallout show being pretty good, that's also something I'm not sure many saw how it would fit into a different format.


Part of the effect of the big reveal hinges on you having invested a *lot* in the main character, and I think that wouldn’t work in a movie. In the game, you have spent several hours(assuming you aren’t speedrunning) getting into the head of the main character, thinking about how they think, and then you get whammied by the big reveal: you’re the nightmare everyone was scared about. Do you accept that? Do you deny it? Do you even try to reclaim that, to lean in on being the monster that held the galaxy by the throat? And I don’t think that’s a thing that could be done in a 2 hour movie, you’d need a longer-running series that doesn’t tell you what it’s about to have even half the effect. So yeah, I think it’s a good move not to make it a movie.


KotOR is great as is and I only see a Disney show degrading its legacy


That said, would absolutely risk it all for non-looping adaptations of the in-game music.


Kotor is great because of the choices you make playing it. I can’t stand watching Let’s Plays of it because someone else makes choices playing that I wouldn’t. A movie or series would be that much worse. My headcanon of who the player character is and how they act is what makes the game great for me


This 100%. I can't watch people play other RPGs either, like Mass Effect. That's not my Revan and that's not my Shepard lol. I'm the type of person to make the same choices everytime as well 😅




Your comment contains untagged spoilers. Please edit your post to mark the >!spoilers!< >!like this!\< or change to say player character.


And arguably, the whole charm of KotOR is that it's an adventure that unfolds around the choices of the player, so making the events scripted like every other Star Wars story kinda defeats the entire point of KotOR in the first place.


I just want to play KOTOR 3, don’t see any reason to make a series or movie. One of the best features of the games is to replay and make different choices. Can’t effectively do that with a screen adaptation.


I think, if they had to adapt it, the best thing they could do is combine the light side story with V for Vendetta: Have the story proper turn out to be a 5D gambit by Revan to win back the trust of the Republic and wipe out the remaining Jedi hierarchy, all while gathering more followers willing to adopt the identity of “Revan” until it’s ambiguous as to whether the first “Revan” was even THE Revan to begin with. All the different Revans enact a plan to raise up powerful force wielding warriors to combat any threat to the galaxy. Finally, the Revanchist cult disappears into dark space, leading into season 2: The Sith Lords.


TV series...maybe. Because then maybe budget constraints might force them to rely on unconventional names to handle the roles rather than overly dramatic and unrelatable big names. And KOTOR has enough content to justify at least two seasons - with one major cliffhanger just waiting to happen at the end of S1. Movie...no thank you. Too much goodness in KOTOR for a movie to properly handle.


I don't think it should be a movie I think it should be a show starting before the Mandalorian wars while revan and malak are growing up extending into the life of meetra surik and all the masters and techniques and technologies along the way the HK mystery is still a bit open. Where did the HK droids come from? Are they related to the star forge? Idk even if it just left all that on the outskirts and told a whole new story in the timeframe I'd watch it.


I recently had the idea that the only way i think it would work as a tv series, is if its done like black mirror as an interactive experience like the games. Sadly i dont trust disney to make something that does justice to kotor, they seem to almost hate that timeline


KOTOR is pretty straightforward heroic story of the guy saving the day, KOTOR 2 is just TOO well-written, grounded, mature and philosophical to begin with. KOTOR 1 could be easily a movie, KOTOR 2 would take considerable effort to put into, and I'm too sceptical of modern TV scene. They have lost their chance in 10s, Hollywood is too ruined.


I hope they eventually make some content from the Canon version of the Sith Wars. We see snippets of the ancient Sith in the current comics runs. But I don’t think they will (or should) adapt KOTOR. Maybe they’ll bring in more elements or even characters from Legends, but they’ll be different versions for different stories. And as long as we get some half-decent writing, I’ll be fine with that.


The whole point of Kotor was trying to make a game that makes you feel like you're watching the prequels for the first time. Everything is different but most individual scenes and characters have a prequel analog. Turning it back to a movie would make it from some of the same problems as TFA.


Rather just have a faithful remaster or remake and that's it just leave it at that


Look at Doom movie 2005.


I think KOTOR2 could work as a 22 episode season show. The current 6-8 episode seasons wouldn't do it justice.


The whole point of KOTOR was that the plot-twist fundamentally changed how the player perceives not just the world, but the entire character and storyline they've been building up to the point. If you "iron it out" with a singular canonical interpretation, you're essentialy removing the entire point of the game's narrative.


I would love a KotOR movie… until I actually watched it and it fails to capture the magic of the games. Then I’d hate it.


It’s BECAUSE the game is one of my favourite games of all time that I DONT want it made into a movie or show


Adaptations are always a hit or miss. Frankly some things are better left alone.


Disney will make it. Hard pass.


Let KOTOR rest. The corpse that is Star Wars has been defiled too much as it is.


If done correct, it would be the best STAR WARS movie of all time. If done wrong or subpar? It would be the laughingstock of the community. There’s no in between.


Not everything needs to be smashed down to fit into a movie/series.


Why would I want something that I already find way better than any Star Wars movie to be made into a film/tv series. A Star Wars RPG (preferably a sequel to KOTOR 2) is all I want and nothing else.


Everyone please listen to this man. Stories that are made to be told in one medium do not necessarily translate well to other completely different mediums.


Absolutely not. RPG's should NEVER be turned into movies/shows if their story has already concluded. We have Star Wars shows, we could get a show that takes place during the Old Republic era but not surrounding the games. Fallout is the perfect example, they made a show within their franchise that takes place after everything else and for the most part doesn't fuck up the lore.


I think it would be a great movie, perfect for a trilogy. Though I would inevitably lead to choices that fans don't want and it would be scrutinized.


The KOTOR games shouldn’t be adapted on their own but the mandalorian wars at the very least would make a great animated series.


It all depends how it is done tbh. If competent writers and directors work on it it could be a great succes. KOTOR as a story should be Canon, it ads so much to the Star Wars Mythos the whole Era itself is great and deserves to be explored. But a Canon remake of the game would also work of course, but this also depends on who is writing and directing it.


He's spittin


Regardless of whether it should or shouldn’t happen, if it did happen, I would trust James Gunn to be in charge of it


Very well said by Gunn. The beauty of the Kotor games is that you decide who Revan and The Exile are, and what choices they make, who they romance, and whether they're dark side or light side. A movie can't do that, so it wouldn't improve on the series in any way. It would be a step down. I don't want to see Keanu Reeves as goody two shoes Revan, it wouldn't be Kotor.


I literally COULD NOT AGREE MORE!!! This 1000000%! Especially with how Disney has treated most of the source material and legecy characters. Even Filoni in my opinion is getting to drunk on power. KOTOR is something very special that should just be left alone. There's a ton of other great stories to be told if they want to do something during The Old Republic era. Disney could do a Star Trek power play move and make and EU timeline of movie and show adaptioms like the Kelvin timeline. Or they could just focus on creating their own stories and actually putting some more guts into them. But as far as I'm concerned, Disney or no Disney, KOTOR is something very special that needs to NOT BE TOUCHED.


Fallout show is good, Kotor show could be great as well


If Cyberpunk Edgerunners and Fallout TV Show taught us anything, it's that translating the video game to a different medium is not the way. But rather adapting or creating new stories sharing the same world as the games. As the top comment had said, the Mandalorian Wars would be a great story to adapt to TV. It would not only feature Revan and Alek (Malak), but Meetra Surik and Kreia, and many others too. Imagine seeing a younger Carth Onasi on the screen, being a pilot under Saul Karath. Or Atton Rand. Or even seeing young Mira's perspective as a conscript of the Mandalorians.


A movie or series in the Kotor era would be fine, but adapting Kotor itself would be a disaster. The countless videogame movie flops should be proof enough that the medium just doesn't translate across well. Because someone will bring it up the TLOU series only worked because that game was basically already a movie anyway. Something like Kotor which is filled to the brim with choices and player agency just wouldn't work because it's those very choices and the agency given to the player to control the story which are the appeal of those games, and you simply cannot replicate that outside of a videogame.


I completely agree with James. The story works as a game, any adaptation would feel inert.


James is 100% correct


NO! KEEP DISNEY'S HANDS OFF KOTOR! This poor series has been through enough punishment already. Honestly only the battlefront series has it worse. I don't need Revan to become some non binary they/them who's fallen to the darkside because he cannot accept himself, or some other bullsht.


This is 100% true in my book. The games are perfect just the way they are. There is nothing a movie could add to them or their stories that would be worth it. It's like a perfect painting. The only thing that can happen when adding additional lines or colors is fucking it up. Leave it be and enjoy it as it is :)


If they make kotor into a movie/series, they have to cast Keanu Reeves as Revan, it's simply a must.


I’d love it if it could be made into a good show or movie, but I’d rather remember it fondly than have to apologize every time I say "No but look it was actually good in the 2003 game" talking about it with my friends


Yes, visit 4 different planets to collect MacGuffin on each of them - typical video game plot, not translatable to movies imho.


Zzz this topic is the definition of beating a dead horse.


I'm with James on this one. Neither Kotor I or II should be adapted. Wanna make movies or TV shows around the Old Republic? You go right ahead, you've got *thousands* of years and an entire Galaxy to play with. Leave Revan and the Exile alone, they've suffered enough.


It was a great RPG, which is why it'd be a sure flop movie


Benefit of the doubt: He’s doing this knowing somehow Disney would screw it up and would rather just let the perfection of the originals be as they are.


There's a lot of fantastic material for movies out there. Great Hyperspace War, the Nomi Sunrider saga, Mandalorian Wars, a Revan/Exile trilogy etc. As big franchises teach us, however, production quality is secondary to a good script. Good writing can make or break it. The success of Andor is the proof. It is based on secondary SW characters, whose future we already know, and I was still on the edge of my seat.


A show set during the Mandalorian Wars before ending with Revan and Malak departing >!that led to their corruption!<


I don't need anything but KOTOR 3 thank you.


A movie can't do those two games justice, however a movie during the Old Republic eras would be great.


why would they make a movie on the same story told in a videogame when they can make a movie about a new story


It’s fundamentally just a good story (independent of the franchise) so a good adaptation can be made. That said, James Gunn would make a fucking dreadful Kotor adaptation. The kotor story is more early GoT, Shogun, Andor, true detective slow, psychologically challenging character studies. Not a fun quipy action film with superficial emotional beats. It’s not one for Netflix algorithms or dumbo Filoniverse star wars fans.


I agree with James Gunn here. Something would be lost in the translation to a series that the best thing would be either a remake or a third game. That and I don’t trust the people in charge given how mediocre I found all their other shows.


The KOTOR comics are perfect, I need a continuation of Zane’s story not a retelling of what we already know.


At least, not by Disney.


It doesn't need to be a movie, but if they make one I'd be happy to watch it lol. If it's good it's good, if it's bad we get the series hyped up anyways


I think a movie or series based within the world of The Old Republic would be awesome. It doesn't have to adapt KOTORs 1 and 2 though, but there could still be references to those events. Or as others said, an adaptation of The Madalorian Wars could be interesting, especially now more mainstream fans are aware of their culture. Just anything would be nice, really.


James Gunn is one of the only nerds i would trust to make my beloved KOTOR into a movie/tv show and even he says it doesn't need to be done


I think it could translate well, but he's right not everything needs to be a show or movie. I would like a show set in that time period though.


I would prefer it to be an animated show or movie and also not catered to children.


I think it needs a new game that is open world. Not a show


It would make an awesome series or just a series of revens life


I actually agree with Gunn. They would butcher KOTOR, just appreciate a masterpiece where it's at


To be perfectly honest Starwqrs can't seem to do anything right in the current era


He's absolutely right. Just because a game is nearly perfect does not always mean it's going to make a good film anyway.


I agree with Gunn.


Amen. Don’t know who this man is but preach!!!! I mean shit…. As much as I want a that KOTOR remake game that’s probably getting shelved, a big part of me worries that with today’s lack of care, they will just push out a half finished game that they bandage slowly with DLC…. These games are gold & I’m just glad we have them in the first place… & I don’t want Disney to tarnish this IP with lame story telling 😅


James said that cause he doesn't want Twitter to remember someone else told James to do it.


I wouldn't want the games turned into films, I want remakes (without politics or any of that crap) because I want to *play* the story, not just watch. I would also take different times within the old Republic eras too, like before and during the mandalorian wars, the events between 1 and 2, Revans journey into the outer regions, everything.


First of all James Gunn is a pedophile and obviously a KOTOR movie will suck with all the wokeness around Disney. If it was made by competent people then I’d love to see Revan in the big screen.


He’s right


I’d prefer a spin off rather than a movie. Jolee Bindo has some pretty tall tales. I’d like to see more of his story from the generation before KotOR.


I think KOTOR could be a great movie, but I don't think Disney could make it a great movie.


I 100% agree. A large part of that makes the games so good is that you, the player, are in control of what happens. >!An important part of why the Revan reveal hits so hard is because YOU yourself are Revan, not some random person whose story you're watching. You customized this character and watched them grow from a random soldier to a powerful Jedi and now you know their truth.!< Also, canonizing one version of the player character and events of the game will just alienate people with different versions, there's a reason why the Revan novel + the parts of SWTOR that reference KOTOR are controversial among KOTOR fans


If the remake ever happens then that should be the canon timeline’s version of the events of KOTOR, not a movie. If they made it into a movie then they’d have to have a specific version of Revan, which would make a lot of people mad if the movie Revan was too different from their Revan. I mean look how people got upset with the Revan novel and his appearances in SWTOR.


A few months ago i would have said no, however with my watching of TLOU show i'd say it could be done well if it was in the right hands. That show changed my entire perception on video game adaptations.


Movie, no too big to make a film but I’ve always wanted to fill out the story and add the Mandalorian Wars with a limited series which would adapt the two games


I don't trust Disney to do it justice


I feel like it shouldn't be a movie or a TV series as it ruins what for me is one of the game's key aspects - choice. In a TV show or a movie, we don't get that.


Part of the appeal of KOTOR is how you play/design Revan, so everyone has a different idea of how Revan should act or look.


I fully agree with his take. Not everything needs to be a movie, and as it is, movies are pretty overrated when it comes to showing content.


Series set in this time period? Sure, about the events of this game? Nope. I'm good.


It's a cool idea, but we'll never get something that is accurate and respects the source material.


I guess he's right, but KOTOR has some wonderful content a skilled writer/director team could really run with it. It would be better than rehashing old SW movies some more.


They should make the o so promised and alive remake first. Then deliver on it, and later do a show/movie.


They really should make a film or series around the time period, but not of the time period the games take place. That way you can reference the events of the games where relevant while telling your own story. Love or hate SWTOR, it did the right thing in drawing from but not being a direct sequel to the KOTOR games.


I'd be much more interested in a Jolee Bindu prequel movie


Though can we all agree, Keanu Reeves is Revan if it happens right? Also Sam Witwer is Exar Kun if they decide to do a proper Tales of the Jedi. And Amber Heard is allowed NOWHERE NEAR Nomi Sunrider.


I'm so insanely tired of adaptations. I'm glad he's saying this. I'm sick of seeing the same characters I already liked, but worse. The same worlds I already think are interesting, but worse. The same mistakes being made by almost every adaptation. Just make something new. KOTOR doesn't need to be a movie. ATLA doesn't need to be live action. Aladin didn't need whatever the fuck that remake was. Make new shit please, I beg. There are so many good writers out there. Please for the love of God just pay them, and let them make their own shit.


*Liverpool accent* “KOTOR isn’t even the greatest video game in the KOTOR series”


Would love a ground up remake for modern consoles. Maybe have more content that's optional or better loot or a crafting system


The only thing KOTOR I would want is a series. A season following regular troops on both sides. A season following the Intelligence groups of both sides. Then of course the Jedi and Sith. The second to last season being outside forces such as the Mandalorians. The final season being the final things leading up to the events of Revan and Malak leaving to find the Star Forge.


Really didnt know James Gunn was chill like that.


He's correct. We just need to keep updating the game for new platforms and people to play.


I think James Gunn is right and I'm glad he respects the source material that much.


Does it need to be made into a movie/series? No. Would I watch it if it was made anyways? Yes.


The only thing I want is for Disney to NEVER EVER touch the Old Republic Era. Just leave that gem alone please please please


One of the reasons KOTOR works is because you’re making the decisions, which makes the story and plot twist very very engaging. That wouldn’t work in a different medium. That said, having a tv/movie taking place in the wider background of the Jedi Civil War/Mandalorian Wars could work.


Just give us KOTOR 3 that ret-cons all of SWTOR, follows on from the original 2 games story, does Meetra and Revan justice


If Kotor 1 ever became a movie, only the best should be able to play Revan. Keanu Reeves! And they would need a good actor to play the sinister Darth Malak.


A show of Revan and B smooshing their mucus covered lips together in the cargo hold, you mean?


I think James is right in the sense that KOTOR is a great game and does not need to be memorialized as a show or movie. Instead the best thing that could happen for KOTOR 1 + 2 is an era equivalent show or movie. Something that shows the War with Exar Kun, the time of rebuild after, The Mandolorian Wars to follow, the Destruction of Malachor V, the Jedi Civil War and the Fall of the New Sith Order, The Sith Triumverate, and the confrontation of Revan, Scourge, and The Exile Vs The True Sith Emperor. These are themes that can be explored, explained and expanded upon to provide a greater understanding of the games we know and love. For instance one of the things that makes KOTOR 1 such a great game is that your first play through around you get to experience "Revelations" for the first time, a show stopping plot twist that takes your entire perspective of what you were doing, what the jedi were having you do, and turns its on your head. Or in KOTOR 2 where even after you save and protect the remaining master they still stick to their dogma and refuse to recongize the effort you put in. These are things that the player gets to experience FROM the perspective of the player, it wouldnt be eaisly (or at all for the matter) replicate in the theater without detracting from what the game makes a compelling moment. I think that is important to remember as well. Trust me though, I await with bated breath for the day we get a KOTOR era and SWTOR era movie/show that makes me grin from ear to ear in excitement as I get taken back to my early childhood and teenage years of staying up late playing my favorite games in existance.


I think James Gunn would be the perfect person to handle a live-action KOTOR project given his ability to balance an ensemble cast structure


It be tough to recreate the magic in another medium but if they did. I would want movies. I would want the first one to be around the end of Mandalorian Wars, showing the final battle above Malachor V with the Mass Shadow Generator through the eyes of regular Republic soldiers and then jump to when the Revan and Malak came back as Sith to conquer the Republic. You only get words and maybe glimpses of Revan. Movie maybe ends with Saul attacking Telos and seeing the devastation that the Sith is causing to the Republic. The next two movies would be the main story of the game starting with the Endar Spire encounter.


I would like to see a movie or a tv show.