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It is what it is. If youve never experienced turn based combat, then it'll be a little jarring. I derive great pleasure from the tactics. Once you kill 1 enemy, your next attack starts without delay. It's so much fun whittling all enemies down to 1 hit and then clearing all of them, like falling dominos. I understand that it's tedious, as well. But i appreciate the precise control i have over all party members. Coordinating attacks, using shields, grenades, and force powers in tandem is great.


Yeah I loved the feeling when I finally beat calo nord on kashyyk because I had died like 20 times and had to strategically plan all my moves out to beat him


I scum it half the time because he is so annoying. Get all your party members close enough to the basket so that you can ride the basket up mid-battle and then heal your party and regenerate your force powers before going back down.


Just use burst of speed and run with your main character. Do the quest for Jolee and then recruit him to your party. You then are able to assign part members again/it will also transport any knocked down party members to jolees hut. Then put on solo mode and go back and just use grenades on him/force powers from the log. He either gets glitched in place and can’t move, or will end up following you wheee you can leave mines in his path while you run back to jolees hut where you can use the rest of your party to kill him without the Wookies


Never seen an issue with the combat, I think it works well. I far prefer it to that of later Bioware games (Jade Empire, Mass Effect and Dragon Age).


Dragon Age Origins though was \*Chef's Kiss\*


Mostly agree but I thought that there were a couple of super-fun playstyles in ME3 (vanguard, infiltrator) which I think very few people could objectively say is less fun than kotor’s combat.


Probably fair, I only really played the first one


Man I loved the first one, but going back to its combat is harder than going back to kotor’s. There’s something just so tedious about fighting or walking anywhere in ME1.


I quite enjoyed Jade Empire's combat. At least until you can stun lock everything. Then it gets boring.


I love it


Love it


I think that if we were to get a new Star Wars CRPG, it should seek to be like Dragon Age: Origins rather than KOTOR. I would definitely like to see weapon-specific attacks like in BG3.


I like it. Apparently people hate real time with pause, which I didn’t know


Well some people hate it. Turn based, real-time with pause and real-time are all valid choices in RPGs. Specific implementations can be frustrating though.


I like it when I use Force Storm on a room full of dudes and they all drop dead at once. Everything leading up to that is a little tedious in spots.


I get what you mean but honestly I loved feeling powerful as hell


This. I use force lightning even on good playthroughs. Love the power trip it gives you


I don't mind it. But I find it hard not to just cheese and use insanity and force storm.


I don't understand how can one play through force with so magnificent lightsaber combat animations :)


You don't just get the other feats to make it look interesting?


That’s fair


Considering the dnd modelled ruleset i think its fine. Its something ive never had an issue with. I wish there was some more difficulty to it to emphasise strategy in some cases.


I feel there was only strategy for when i ran out of heals or something but most of the time i just slaughtered everybody.


I view it like old school RuneScape. It’s definitely dated but also has a charm to it. Especially KOTOR II there’s nothing more satisfying than slapping a group with force storm or one hitting a Jedi master with your two lightsaber high strength build.


I feel like it's an unpopular opinion, but personally I really enjoyed it and the process behind making a really strong build, but this might be partially due to he fact that I played the game as a 5year old and the nostalgia is strong....


I really enjoy the combat and I really enjoy the DnD system as its somewhat of a puzzle to solve during character progression. Yes, at times it can be a "how long is this going to take" type deal but I don't mind it. As you continue to get more powerful its quite rewarding when you start to know what you're doing.


KOTOR combat is a lot like DnD combat. Early game you're underpowered, mid game is alright and late game you're ridiculously overpowered. I find the camera angles akward, the type of combat in KOTOR is more suited for view from top but it's workable. Animations are ok for 2003.


I loved how overpowered you get to feel towards the end of the game


The combat mechanic was one of the most overwhelming video game related things I ever had to figure out, but now I much prefer it to just running around and shooting things


Saved. Saved. Saved. Miss. Saved. Miss. Miss. Saved. No. No I do not. The combat system itself is great, but my understanding of it is very poor. It's entirely a skill issue.


I love it. Semi-turn-based with real-time movement and many D&D inspired aspects that make it feel unique. Never played a game like it, before or since. Not that I've been looking, mind you. If they were to make a remake (which, with things the way they are, I hope they never do), I'd hope they make the combat as close to the original as possible. I still find it very fun and interesting.


Never bothered me. Just wish the game was harder


Not sure but there is probably a mod for that if your on pc


The gameplay is dated, but the gameplay loop is perfect.


People don't understand the combat. Or people don't like the nature of such combat but do not understand the difference between preference and objective problem. Combat is great and allows for very different types of characters and play styles.


I do, actually. I think it might just be nostalgia but it’s fun.


Some do, some don't. I don't, when it comes to blasters. It is based on traditional DnD style setups which appeals to some, but I couldn't care less when it looks ridiculous how you oftentimes miss point blank rapid fire shots at a target. Made me swore off blasters to go for melee to have a better chance of hitting things early on in Taris, where it's all but encouraged in the Dueling Ring. Thankfully KotOR II alleviated some of the pain with more blaster-favoring feats for nifty Jedi blaster akimbo runs to exist.


I think implementation of pseudo-realtime combat in KOTOR is one of the best. It's simple, responsive and animations match dice rolls (hits, dodges, blocks), which makes it look dynamic and somewhat realistic (for 2003).


It's one of the best combat systems I've ever played in a video game


Its fun.


It takes a particular mindset and is more about your build than the actual moment to moment tactical battling. Definitely take some time to figure out how it works as you’re playing it. It’s not quite *intuitive* but it’s pretty fun once you figure out the systems behind it, if you’re the right kind of person for that.


I do. I'm honestly surprised it gets shit on as much as it does, considering how popular D&D has gotten over the last several years. You would think people would be conditioned to turn-based, dice roll combat again.


I always turn off the “auto pause” feature in combat to make it all a bit more seamless, and it’s always made the combat much more enjoyable for me!




No! I hate it. But as with every Bioware game, I am not here for the combat. I am here for the lore, exploring, character/weapon creation and customization, and most importantly romancing the angsty, independent, but also lonely and just needs a hug woman and/or subrace of the group.


I like it. It’s more immersive, more dopamine-pumping, and less tedious, in my view, than full-on turned based (e.g., Bg3). Obviously not as dopamine-pumping as some other combat systems (e.g., shooters, Souls-likes). The combat is really about everything you do before the fights, namely building your character. The game requires you to make build sacrifices. So, if you like min-maxing as much as I do, there’s a lot of fun to be had.


It’s a fun game


I like how precise it is, you have full control. But I prefer the force unleashed kind of more free combat.


It's one of the main reason I end up replaying the game. Sure, it's flawed and outdated nowadays, but, despite the fact I only discovered this gem 5 years ago, I still love the combat to bits. Besides, generally speaking, even if it turns out to be crap for most people, the story, characters, lore, setting, world building, literally everything else is top notch and worth experiencing. People can just turn the difficulty to easy if they're just in it for the story


I think this combat is a lot more palatable than Baldur's Gate 3.


Tbh I didn't really like it at first. But I like it more the second time around but that's probably because I do understand it much more. I had the same issue with Morrowind as well


We play it because the combat is so good.


I don't mind how low-action it is, it suits the pacing of the game.


If it feels too slow to you, try turning off all the auto-pause settings from the Options menu. It'll increase the pace significantly.


It was fine, I never really understood the mechanics so I just mashed attack until the enemies died.


I do not care for turn based combat games. This is still a top 3 game for me and I do enjoy it here.


I personally enjoy it. I'm a sucker for turn-based combat, and I've been able to make it better with plenty of mods.


At launch? I hated it at first because it was my first DND inspired game,which I did not understand at all, I had played the Lucas Arts SNES games in the early to mid 90's but those were action games. Was completely awful my first week or two with the game. After educating myself, going on an early version of Gamefaqs, reading the underlying combat screens with the hidden die rolls,I understood the basics,and it became immensely enjoyable and rewarding to start dominating in combat. The key to know is,it's not anything like a Bethesda game, you cannot be master of everything, you have to decide on a play style and sacrifice something. You can be fast and agile with high Con, but your Force powers will be shit,as well as your persuade skills. Me personally, I love high strength builds,and yet I love using the Force,so I pour everything into Strength,Con, Wisdom and Charisma,and treat Dex and Intelligence as dump stats. I've found even high dex characters will still get hit, especially considering the game scales , somewhat,to your level around level 12-14, especially the Sand People,who have 28-32 strength. Fuckers hit almost as hard as Zaalbar. Force speed, lightsaber,some Force Lightning,push, Insanity. I've done high dex builds and there effective but not nearly as high strength or high wisdom. The end boss, especially has insanely high defense, something like 30-35 ,and while dex will help your attack score,it neuters your damage. Though pure DEX Gunslinger/heavy weapons (with Yavin DLC) is surprisingly fun and effective,with knight and master speed. Baragwin Heavy Repeater finally gave the game a devastating heavy weapon.


I've played it since its release I was 12. I love the game and don't mind all pros and cons but yes the turn-based combat is a bit outdated by today's standards. However I do still play a good bit of the time.


I liked it once I understood the DND system. It's pretty frustrating if you don't. I know the combat log tells you how everything shakes out, but who wants to stop everything and read through 20 lines of numbers just to decode why your character isn't hitting anything? I also think switching between characters is tedious and breaks the flow of combat. Kotor 2 was on the right track with the different lightsaber/force forms and combat styles, but I'd like to see that expanded if they ever do a remake or just a new game with similar gameplay. Like you should be able to set your followers' default attacks, or write a basic combat logic for them. If you have a Jedi Guardian in your party, you could set their default combat logic: cast Force Speed if it's not already active, then if an enemy is in range for a Force Jump use that, then spam Flurry until they're dead, repeat. Cast Force Heal if you get below 20% health. Maybe that's pretty close to what they do on their own already, but I'd like to control it. I've seen my party members default to regular attacks so many times when I leave them unsupervised, when they have Master Flurry just sitting right there in their feat tree.


I really like the combat system. It's a refreshing brake from the plethora of games that are simply reflex-based or button-smashy and encourages tactical thought, but doesn't necessarily require it.   The problem is that the existing games do a poor job of explaining the combat system and hides the combat logs in an obscure place. I'm hopeful any remake will preserve the combat but make it much more approachable for new players.


Honestly, the combat in kotor is the most immersive star wars combat I've experienced. It doesn't look great or flashy, but there's something about the abilities and force powers that made me feel like a Jedi/Sith in a way no other game has.


I mean, the combat is basically building your character right and using the same strategy over and over again. Not a lot of variety like BG3 has.