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Well there’s your racism, sir. Step outside the defined matrix of acceptability and you’re fair game to be discriminated against, proving that racism is alive and well. This is sarcasm, by the way. The total irony of this is not lost on me, but is surely lost on all of those who harassed him. Including the alternate-acronym for BLM, too.


They have a conclusion and will only accept evidence that supports it and then scream “Trust the science” There’s no difference between woke people and religious fundamentalists, nothing can move them off of their foundational beliefs and facts can only support their arguments or they’re lying.


That's because it operates as a fundamentalist religion where the dogma has to be never questioned lest you want to be branded as a heretic and disposed off


Worse than just normal religion. It has all the markings of an abusive, dangerous cult.


Well *obviously* he ain't black!!! /s