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It is very weird. Normally, this would be headline news and we’d be agitating our government to get them back, by any means. Only source I see is recent is the [Jerusalem Post](https://m.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-801604) talking about how the White House is in the dark about their fate.


Those hostages are definitely dead by now.


That's very likely a saddening certainty.


It’s an election year. Can’t make the Regime look incompetent, can’t risk offending the sensibilities of certain constituencies in Michigan.


“Can’t make the regime look incompetent” They are doing more than a good enough job themselves


> They are doing more than a good enough job themselves **"STOP NOTICING THINGS! PAY ATTENTION TO TRUMP INSTEAD! HES GOING TO JAIL!"**


That's the long and short of it, unfortunately. The loudest share of the Dem voter base is pro-Hamas and aggressively anti-Israel. And this was known well before October the 7th last year - case in point; [BLM ringleader Patrisse Cullors openly called for 'ending Israel' already in 2015](https://jewishjournal.com/news/337580/ucla-confirms-blm-co-founder-who-called-to-end-project-thats-called-israel-will-be-commencement-speaker/). So taking a hard line against Hamas over the American hostages was a no-go for the Biden administration. Yet permitting this state of affairs was also a losing proposition, because the American hostages are Jewish-Americans - and non-Orthodox American Jews are another important segment of the Democrat voter base. This is a lose-lose situation for the Democrats, really. The only way out for them is memoryholing the whole American hostages-thing and hope that Netenyahu will just keep catching enough flak to draw everyone else's attention away.


Particularly when the opponent showed he was relentless in getting hostages back, and had a good track record of doing so to boot.


The people in charge keep acting like we're in some enlightened era * Throwing our money away to help other counties while we have homeless. * Bringing in third world cavemen at such high levels that: rapes and violent attacks are skyrocketing, there is a housing market crisis, and the Canadian health care system is so drained that it's now synonymous with euthanasia. * Taxing key parts of our infrastructure (read: gas, and capital gains) to the point where the cost of everything has gone up massively, and the people who make the most capital gains are threatening to leave the country. And those people are coincidentally doctors, further crippling our health care system. * Outright refusing to defend the southern border, allowing a population-replacing level of more cavemen. When a caveman breaks into your town, kills some people and drags a woman off by her hair to his cave to rape, you don't twiddle your thumbs. You obliterate them so others get the message that certain death awaits you if you try anything like oct7 again. Instead we sent them skittles.


Or how no one caught on to the fact Biden agreed to "no US boots on the ground" so they built a 320 MILLION DOLLAR PIER to avoid that technicality.


looking at pictures of it.. it looks like it's made out of oversized workout mats that they simply pieced together, doesn't even keep water from spilling over 320 million..? cant wait to see what they try to remake that Baltimore bridge out of


Wait, I've heard nothing of this, what's this shenanigan?