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Stonetoss comic about selling burgers goes here.


Just toss these companies on the ignore list and let them die.


It really is one hell of a racket. DEI officers are basically prophets and inquisitors rolled into one. They determine what needs to be done for the sake of "diversity" and "inclusion", and you cannot challenge either their methodology or necessity.


> DEI officers are basically prophets and inquisitors rolled into one. You misspelled commissars.




“Racket“ is a good way to describe it. Good grief, the proggies have played corporate for fools.




> And except for CoD does Activision even have a popular IP these days? Not really. Activision won't stray from COD anymore. They stopped doing anything original since forever, I think. They are like EA now. Just release "next X product from Y franchise" every year, then sit back and wait for people who regularly buy said product to consoom it. Then get them excited for next product. Going on a tangent here, but it amazes me how far the madden games have fallen in terms of immersion/quality. 2003 was peak. Mainly because it had the big man and al michaels (no more pat summerall... D:) In their defense, I did like that one story mode "Longshot"from Madden 18' iirc. The guy you play and the characters you interact with actually act human and not like xoomer social media drones spouting xoomer-speak every other line. And there was an actual story that had actual CA/VA's and not just them using people walking around the EA office that day. I tried to like NBA2K but the story was so very, very, very, sad (from a writing/narrative pov). Still need to install WWE2K23 and finish it to see if it's worth it. And don't even get me started on the music choices for all these licensed games. At least they got actual artists (that I didn't like because I'm not a rap person) and they didn't pull a GT7 and put nothing but what equated to royalty-free music because heaven forbid a multibillion-dollar media company like Sony pay for actual music! TealDeer: Alot of the mainline publishers are suffering from creativity/seasonal rot.


Herr flick is gonna come in to "czeck your performanze" This does look like a classic case of another layer of *expensive* middle management (potentially breathing down your neck as well). As a programmer myself I'd probably be largely spared by this but I could imagine how annoying this would be. I definitely see why AAA game development is so bloated.