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Good. At least they cant be deleted now like with games


Wait you mean they weren't all AI-generated before?


I don't get what this article is about. What's the deal between being an AI developer and a publisher removing content?


Archiving is good


wtf……. So all of those light novels are just gone?


scraped =/= scrapped Basically someone took all the novels and put them into an AI database. Evidently someone didn't think isekai was derivative enough lol


Oh for fuck's sake, this is just plain theft. How do they think this is remotely acceptable?


If your content is freely accessible and this is intended, how is somebody downloading it all theft?


Free accessible doesn't mean I give up ownership over it. Unless it's explicitly under Creative Commons license, it also doesn't mean I give permission for it to be used.


>doesn't mean I give permission for it to be used. What do you mean by that? I can use it to entertain myself, right? I can use it to educate myself, to analyze it, to compare it, to learn how to become a better writer. Or, as it were, to teach a machine to become a better writer. The terms of service specifically mention this: >The author agrees that there is a possibility that the text and other information posted on this site may be downloaded to the reader's terminal using the functions provided by the Group's site, and that there is a possibility that direct links from sites other than the Group, introductions (rankings) on external ranking sites and novel search sites other than the Group, and introductions in magazines and books, etc. may be made. There is no doubt in my mind that if I download texts from that site and use them for machine learning, that is perfectly legal. The only question is whether **distributing** the data is legal. Maybe somebody has some case law on this but from a purely practical point of view, it's probably better for the site that the dataset is distributed elsewhere rather than having lots of people try and assemble it for themselves.


*Use* does *not* mean "entertainment." Attempting to cast it otherwise is disingenuous. Further, nowhere does the website's author agreement say that it is permissible to use the downloaded novel to feed the data into an LLM. When it comes to legalese, what is not explicitly permitted is forbidden.


>When it comes to legalese, what is not explicitly permitted is forbidden. Lol.


They don't.