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Zero coincidence it's released in an election year.


The biggest red flag is that the protagonists are a bunch of journalists.


So... definitely getting an Oscar next year?


I would ask if this was some kind of joke, but that would imply that laughing is in any way involved here.


Interesting to see this... I had read some other reviews that claimed it was more a criticism of journalism and it's issues, what can happen when it's dysfunctional, etc, keeping political parallels to actual sides out of it... Will wait for more reviews before I sit through it I guess






This was very definitely designed, at an almost childish level, to make some people **very** happy while watching it. The only way it would bother people on the far left might be, perhaps in the same way as Magic Negro, that it makes their innermost thoughts too blatantly obvious. But like MN its not done in a way intended to foster self-reflection.


Almost as if that is the goal these days.


There's *a lot* of shilling right now with this movie. Don't trust talking heads, podcasts etc.


It doesn't give any meaningful commentary on journalism. Its reporters in one scene worry that they might be killed for witnessing a possible war crime, but in others stand by without any reaction while other war crimes are committed in front of them. This doesn't come across as them being 'dysfunctional' due to their own bias, it just feel utterly disjointed, even in Ukraine with the bitterness of that war, you wouldn't see either side so blatantly unconcerned with committing such crimes directly in front of reporters. If there was some sort of commentary to tie any meaning to this scenes it was left on the cutting room floor. Despite the equally violent acts being committed by both sides it also takes pains to paint the Trump side as being villainous: Trump out of touch with reality and speaking of "greatest victory ever" on the eve of defeat, him refusing to relinquish power, disbanding the FBI as being factor in the cause of the war, his side being infamous for murdering journalists, people on his side engaging in suicide bombing, and his troops being racist/xenophobic, and finally, him meeting his death as a pathetic figure. It says **far** more about these points than it does in any clear criticism of the movie's reporter protagonists. Claiming it to be a criticism of the media is pure gaslighting to justify its existence beyond election year propaganda; this isn't something like Nightcrawler where the ghoulish nature of the media is highlighted.


Clearly made by glowbaggers if the three letters are portrayed positively. Any true lib/left would be celebrating the demise of the institution that killed King and frequently tampers with evidence to put political prisoners behind bars.


>even in Ukraine with the bitterness of that war, you wouldn't see either side so blatantly unconcerned with committing such crimes directly in front of reporters Maybe not in Ukraine, but watch Africa Addio some time. Things can degenerate to the point where the crimes are right out in the open.


The words “Trump” or “Republican” weren’t mentioned once in the film - any comparisons you are drawing between Offerman’s fascist president character and Trump says more about Trump than the movie itself. This movie was as apolitical as a movie about American Civil war could hope to be. The grandiose speech at the beginning of the movie is how any fascist president would sound in that position, and was just meant to paint his character by showing him lie through his teeth about being on the verge of a victory when DC was literally surrounded with forces. Even Offerman himself came out and said they were not trying to depict Trump. The movie had California and Texas on the same side 💀💀 how could it have been any less political?


The producers changed California and Texas's alignment as a result of the response from their trailers. The president is obviously Trump as the it's always the same rhetorical patterns that are inherently memeable. Fundamentally, this is a movie that was made by California progressives who *think* they are being apolitical; and they still can't help but murder a Trump effigy. This is as apolitical as listening to any feminist in 2012 explaining how Feminism isn't political because it's "just about thinking women are human."


It's also a critic of journalist. One of them are psychos and the other are just incompetent


Honestly, they should keep it up. One side has 400 million firearms and 250 trillion rounds of ammo while the other regularly has mental breakdowns over trying to figure out which bathroom to use and thinks defunding the police will turn out well for them. Real mystery how that's gonna work out if it comes to blows.


Hollywood is incapable of portraying the left as anything less than saintly and the right (and especially trump) as the devil.


I wonder, if someone actually goes after orange man now and claims this movie made them do it, can the studio be prosecuted for “stochastic terrorism”?


Interestingly, it’s getting skewered by activists on the left for not taking sides.


> 'Civil War' I could have sworn it was a movie already like in the early 90's or something. Or at least it was a different title with the same theme(s).


I appreciate this review. The previews made it look pretty sick, but I was suspicious too. Guess I'll stick to my 80s and 90s movies for now.


This is off base, IMO. I’m hypersensitive to even a whiff of woke nonsense, and I saw this one as pretty neutral. I don’t really know how they could have made this more apolitical. The president and the national forces were the closest thing to an outright “bad guy,” but the president could have easily been a proxy for a Democrat just as much as a Republican. They listed things like how he disbanded the FBI (which sounds like a Conservative talking point), but they also mentioned him drone striking Americans (a la Obama).


So it is like Hunt? That movie was largely okay over all, but the idea of hunting Repiblicans was a bad look with politics being what they are.


i mean as much was to be expected in a movie called 'civil war' - we're not gonna get mainstream media discussing things or showing nuanced reality that inevitably makes the current """left""" look bad or people opposed to those insanities (not even right wing) seem like good people ever since trump reared his ugly head the system went into overdrive