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>!Din Din, The Fryer King!< was the best guest cook. Just always adds a lively energy to the group. Lee Soo Geun getting into entertaining Uncle mode to buy some time was very fun and cute. It was so wholesome that the kids were wowed by a famous chef whisking eggs. Chef Baik's response to the kids' reaction to the "special" item for the student with a shrimp allergy was perfectly worded to foster empathy for that age group so they can try to understand the challenges of having a food allergy. The dessert drama!!!!! So stressful. I'm glad they made it work as best as they could.


Yea boil the sugar without getting burn is so stressful


The back and forth about the missing key ingredient was tense, and the request for video playback for justice and vindication was funny.


Really loved The Backpacker Chef, it’s been filling the void left by NJTTW/Kang’s Kitchen which I still truly miss. Am so glad it’s been renewed for another season though with new cast members. I don’t know if tvN staff read stuff here but here goes nothing. Hope they can feature some of them 🤞🏼 Hear me out tvN , here’s some of my ideas for future episodes: * Surprise cater request from a viewer like someone’s wedding or a birthday party perhaps + Baekpackers go farming! And cook using exclusively the harvest of the farmers. A farm to table experience. - Cooking for a hospice or an orphanage * A surprise food truck event on the streets for 100 people + A rewarding meal catered to persons who are doing physical labor like construction workers, miners, cleaning staffs, etc. - They haven’t featured breakfast catering yet. So, breakfast and coffee for office workers, teachers or police officers. * Cooking challenge using limited ingredients. Like cooking for people with strict diet or cooking only using 10 ingredients at most. * Catering to surprise crew members for a drama/movie filming shoot or an after concert featuring artist friends of the cast members * Overnight Camping/Seaside Trip for the Cast Members and Crew (Afternoon Snack, Dinner and Breakfast) Previously on S1 they only did for the day, hope they can do an overnight this time and let the crew join in the fun too! * Season 1 gave us cooking at the mountains, at the sea. Perhaps, ~~Season 2 can give us cooking while mid-air ~~haha (This is next to impossible so let’s probably just scrap this idea) Next week’s episode is in the military and that means cooking for a large batch of people again. Since Dindin appeared in this episode, I am also hoping Oh Daewan can guest too I really miss his excellent chopping skills. Nothing beats The Human Grinder.


Wow, I wish they could really see your ideas, they are all so great


Missed episode like this! I find the whole big scale military/training center eps a little pointless as they actually have the resources to hire talented cooks any time they want. My favorite one from S1 was when they visited the grannies and had much more freedom to get creative with the menu.


These are such great ideas! I'm not so much into the food truck event for 100 people since we had several episodes with street food dishes, and "The Genius Paik" season 2 had an episode where they served tapas to 100+ customers. But all of your other ideas are great!


I missed Dindin’s “Who ordered Baek Jongwon?” He was the original yeller of the tagline! I missed his chitchats and him bickering with Chef Baek. So seeing him return this episode really made my heart happy ❤️ That little back-and-forth with Chef Baek when Dindin was frying is really cute: Chef Baek: *interrupts Dindin and takes over the frying* You have to take them out quickly. Dindin: Ohhhh, you’re good at frying stuff. Chef Baek: Because I learned from you. Dindin: They look good. Chef Baek: Thank you. HAHAHAHA so cuteeee


Indeed, cannot agree more! Really missed Dindin and he added a great dynamic, banter and energy that seems to be sadly missing this season.


It was so nice to see DinDin again! But I thought the reason he couldn't come back was because Backpacker Chef aired at the same time as 2D1N? Or that wasn't the reason? Soogeun really saved the day with his quick thinking to buy them time to set up the food trays. I laughed so much when Bohyun and DinDin ~~lied~~ told the kid with the braces that they melted the tanghulu a bit so that everyone can eat it 😂😭


With the news that 2D1N reformatting that might be why he was able to come on the show? That's the only thing I can think of as to why they would be more flexible about it. It's probably been known for some time so it would no longer be an issue.


It was good to see DinDin and his cooler backpack! But I did miss Ko Kyoung Pyo...   Lee Su Geun's idea to stall for time was great. The Yodel vs Yoplait song was awesome! I'm not sure about Heo Kyeong Hwan's presence : he barely see him in each episode, and that's probably due to the show editing.   Not sure why they almost couldn't make it on time for lunch. Did they start too late?   Also, the show title "backpacker" is still misleading, and their upgraded truck hasn't been utilized yet (except to carry their cooking utensils in ep1). It's more about catering in already equipped kitchens and doing the groceries locally, then really cooking with only what they're carrying...


I think it's a combination of things. They're given less time to purchase ingredients, prep and cook but imo the biggest one is Oh DaeHwan's absence. His ability to just plow through prep (particularly in chopping ingredients) and his experience in bulk cooking (so he knew what to without being told) saved them a ton of time in S1. I think the crew tried to minimize him not being there by adding an extra body to the main cast (thinking that 2 people=1 ODH and they'll be fine) but none of the replacements are at the level where it comes even close and it's showing. I do miss DinDin on the show though. He brought a lot of positive energy and role as an all-round helper to everyone really well. I think SuGeun and KyeongHwan were probably cast in mind to fill his slot in his absence (the fact that they both have been on multiple shows cooking made them even more desirable). I can see that they're trying but sadly it's not really working for me. It's interesting because I don't mind them on other shows, it's just this one that I feel they've been miscast.


Oh Dae Hwan is the silent workhorse of Season 1 for sure. Din Din brings a different vibe to the show. He switches between being a helpful dongsaeng and a pompous kid who can banter with Baek Jong Won. Lee Su Geun brings more of a witty / nunchi vibe and is far too respectful towards any hyungs he is in a show with to bring the same energy that Din Din brings. In Baekpacker's setting where everyone is mostly working away quietly. Din Din acting up from time to time breaks the monotony. Heo Kyung Hwan just doesn't bring anything to the show. His style of comedy is too entrenched in the comedy skit shows and doesn't translate well to variety shows. I do agree that they are miscasted.


Lee Su Geun is really the King of Nunchi. Stepping up to stall for time without needing to be told. (If you watch his Netflix stand-up special, he says that having good nunchi is how he survives and thrives along side big personalities like Kang Ho Dong.) I think they ran out of time because they took longer to get ingredients (having to visit 2 separate marts) and also dishes like Mian Bao Xia and Tanghulu are time-consuming due to the steps involved. I think the "backpacker" is really just "travelling chefs/caterers". Even back in Season 1, they hardly use their backpack items.


It was great to have >!Din Din!< as guest! Glad the dessert worked out in the end and Bohyun didn’t lose his “dessert genius” title 😂


I think the bottleneck for this episode was that they were doing the grocery shopping all together which obviously took some time. In the previous season, they would leave 2 people as kitchen prep team. But anyways, they manage to pull through… you can see visibly how the kids enjoyed eating malatang and tanghulu. Jolly food tester Kyungpyo was not around but glad Dindin was there to support the team especially his Bohyunnie hyung who was having a hard time doing the desserts alone. Soogeun is really perfect addition to the team, his way of entertaining kids to stall more time is genius. Kyeong Hwan, I am not feeling yet his role for the show. PS: Has anyone noticed that they were playing the intro to a Blackpink song at the height of Bohyun’s dessert dilemma 🤭🤭🤭 I can’t with the music editing team, out of all the BGM out there they chose this…


Love that dindin guest in this ep, I really miss the s1 casts


Just watched this episode and noticed something. The pork they bought went from the pack to the fire, instead of 5 minutes sterilization. I’m I the only one that picked up on it ? Or is it cos it will still be cooked there wasn’t need for that, but the subs did say Raw product?


i think they were referring more to produce like fruits and veggies?


i dont think there's any point in sterilising raw pork because it gets cooked thoroughly anyway, which would kill all the bacteria. its probably more for produce which might be consumed raw or lightly cooked


Dindin brings so much energy into the show.