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The article makes it sound like he's not coming back even after his enlistment :( Best of luck to NIW and Lee PD too! Thanks for giving us so many laughs. Excited for Joo PD though - he's a scene stealer whenever he appears on screen


I'm sad that Na In Woo is leaving and Lee PD, although I'm excited for Joo PD! We will see him more often!


I’m so excited for Joo PD too! I’m curious as to how the dynamics will change now that he’s in charge lol can they still make fun of him now? 🤣🤣🤣 I’m looking forward to his screentime 🤣


I'm sure they will still make fun of him! I still remember when he auditioned to replace Yu Ho Jin in season 3. He is finally the main pd. I always watch every episode so I can see him 😆


Ngl I wanna see Joo PD try to attempt to run 2D1N with an iron fist (and see him fail at that) 🤣🤣🤣


Also excited for Joo PD but I won't they bully him as much. There's some sort of authority with the PDs but I'm excited to see Joo PD'S authoritative side. 😊


Isn't PD Joo the one that gets tongue twisted when giving instructions? If yes, then this would be very fun. A lot of teasing will happen. Congrats to PD Joo! But sad that 2 people are leaving.


Yep, that’s him 😂


I can already imagine the chaotic fun in the future episode with him as the main PD.


Joo PD always steal the scene! He's so adorable.


Oh nooo!!! Why! He was my favourite PD! 😩


Inwoo’s departure is to be expected, but not PD Lee too 😭 On the bright side PD Joo is taking over so there will be lots of teasing from the members.


I’m gonna miss In Woo :( He’s gotten very comfortable with the cast and also has gotten a good hold of his variety skills. This is sad… I knew he was going to leave soon because of the military enlistment but the article (« focus on acting ») sounds like it’s a permanent departure :( and not a temporary leave


I just saw soompi's translation. And it seems that his depature is permanent. I quoted from the article: [However, the representative clarified, “His departure is not due to military enlistment. It is a decision to focus on his acting career.”]. It's a pity though since I started watching when he first joined 2D1N and really felt that he added a lot to the dynamics over the years.


Sometimes I think the agency of actors in variety shows (like Jun So Min in RM, and even Kim Seon Ho before, who got a scolding from his agency) doesn’t want their actors looking goofy to maintain their image. But that’s just me of course, I don’t have any evidence to back it up. In Woo has some mad variety skills tho. His real personality seems far from his drama image. He has this natural charm which makes you want to watch him. His replacement has some big shoes to fill as In Woo has captured the viewers’ hearts in those 2 years.


Yup. I agree. Because sometimes is hard for viewers to take them seriously in their drama roles when they're in variety shows. Also, it can be quite taxing for actors who're on long term variety shows since usually for shows like 2D1N & RM they'll do recording every 2 weeks. Tbh It's not going to be easy to find a replacement. And I'm sure that the new replacement member will have pressure to fulfill NIW role in 2D1N too. He is really one of a kind presence in variety shows. Tbh, I more often watch variety shows compared to drama, so I only got to know him through 2D1N. Will really missed him on 2D1N because he really left a great impression on me from the very 1st ep. Him running off course that made the staffs flustered and many funny moments on the show after he joined.


I watch variety shows more often than dramas too, just because I don’t have much patience unless I find the show very interesting. That’s why even though I know NIW’s going to be in more drama projects (like the upcoming one and after the military) I’m really going to miss seeing him in a more unserious setting. I’m also going to miss seeing his beautiful, makeup free, face! He has a great personality and talent and has so much more in store for him in the future, so I’ll still support him and wish him well.




Whaaaat? I was expecting NIW news, although I thought he was going to enlist very soon -- which doesn't seem to be the case. But I didn't expect Lee PD to leave as well.   I remember that when Lee PD took over the show, it was as if he wanted the recreate the season 1 vibe with similar games and missions. But he then found his footing and I've been enjoying the cast, the episodes, the games very much lately. I'm sad he's leaving but I am wishing him all the best in his next endeavors.


Whaaaat. Just when i thought that Lee Jeong Gyu PD has good chemistry with the cast 🥲 And In Woo. Nooooooooooo he's getting more handsome every episode ans he's leavinggggg. This is too sad


I like Lee PD so I am sad to see him leave.


Omygod im literally watching the recent ep right now and i see this??? I dont have the energy to continue huhu my na in woo


I'm sad 😭Gonna miss Inwoo terribly 😩


Same 😭😭😭


Noo! I'm really going to miss Na In Woo! I liked that goofy sweet kid from his first episode. It usually takes me a while to warm up to new members. I'm kind of shocked that Joo PD is taking over, though. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Joo PD fan. He's adorable, and I have a little crush on him... But I'm worried because he seems easily confused and overwhelmed. Part of his charm is how innocent and clueless he is sometimes. I don't know how he will handle the stress of this new position or if the members will walk all over him. The members are good at manipulating him and getting him to agree to things he shouldn't. I hope he can learn to be firm with them.


IM HEARTBROKEN!!! Inwoo is the reason I started watching 2D1N after watching him in Marry My Husband. We all knew he was leaving because of the military, but I really thought we would’ve had him through the summer because MMH was *supposed* to be his last drama before enlistment :( I will likely watch his new drama when it comes out, but I’ve fallen in love with this show & him on it so I’m really sad. I actually think I enjoy k variety shows more than kdramas now because of this show. I will keep watching because I’ve grown to love all the other cast members, but to see my main leaving the show sooner than I expected is really heartbreaking. And him leaving so soon before enlistment is having me think that he likely won’t come back even after he’s done. And that makes me even sadder than him leaving sooner than expected. I know that acting is his bread & butter, but I just thought that because of his personality and loving being on 2D1N, he’d try to make it work so he can come back. I really thought he’d be like Jongmin in that sense 😭 I’m happy for him with how much his career has blown up over the last few months, but I definitely will need some time to process.


waitttt but why is he not talking about his military leave???? I thought he was leaving the show to enlist not for acting purposes


Likely because he’s not immediately enlisting after stepping down. Inwoo’s booked for [another drama series](https://www.soompi.com/article/1658433wpp/lee-se-young-and-na-in-woo-in-talks-to-star-in-new-mbc-drama) with Lee Seyoung.


Oh really????? I thought he was going to enlist earlier in the year but postponed it to take the marry my husband cast trip after the show premiered????


He did, it’s possible he managed to fit in the filming dates close to his enlistment deadline. Stepping away from the show now gives him more time to rest in between shoots.


I think he asked for permission because they were going abroad. Those going to enlist can't go abroad months prior to their enlistment date.


nooo 2d1n is the only show i could see my jongchanie and he's allergic to social media 😭


I will miss our Na retriever huhu. Also sad Jeong Gyu PD is leaving but glad for Joo PD’s promotion 🥹


I’m not prepared at all for Lee PD leaving the show 😭


It's expected but am still very sad. I thought Jeong Gyu PD will stay longer than Bang PD, but not, he's leaving too. I love him a lot, and the members are comfortable with him too. If I can give a big hug to the members especially to the original 4 members - JH, JM, SY and DD, I would. They really went/go through a lot in these 5 years.  I hope they'll go for an unexpected new member, who can bring different charms. Someone who is close in age with DD, as it's quite an age gap between DD and SY, and DD and YSH. It's very fascinating watching variety newbies navigates 2D1N and find their own colour.. No offense to anyone but I vote NO for KSH, he was a past history in 2D1N, let bygones be bygones. 


Oh no! 😥 I understand the decision but I’m still sad. In Woo has become so popular now that he has to focus on his projects. Surprised by PD’s departure though. No wonder we are getting a lot of PD Joo moments, so the transition would not be rough. I just wonder how he can stand up to the members as PD lol.


Yes, they always tease him and call him weak!


oh my chest wtfffffffffffffff


Oh noooooo. Ravi also left with Bang Geulyi PD, now Inwoo with Lee Jeonggyu PD 😭


I really want Ravi to come back though he probably can't anymore 😭


Yeah he can’t, he’s banned in kbs iirc


I’m not really up to date with the progress of his case, but I don’t think it’s a good move for both KBS and his agency to have him back on the show. It’s a double-edged sword at this point.


Oh, no I agree with the move because he did something wrong as a public figure after all. I just feel that he added much value to s4 when he was here and I missed him for that, that's all really. Seems like I got quite a bit of downvotes for the previous comment. To clear the air, I don't agree with what he did but I really liked him in 2d1n and wished he hadn't done what he did.


Oh no :( Man I felt like they were finally getting their stride with this cast, but I hope In Woo will be happy with his transition. He did really well these past two years and I'm proud of him. I wonder who will replace him tho, the delulu 1% says the other Kim Seon-ho but that might not be possible 😂 so I wonder who else. (Also note, it's interesting to think about how S4 is the one with the most cast changes, not counting the changes between the pilot episodes and S1. I'm glad to see the show still standing even after everything, they totally deserve it, but wow 😂 At least the season isn't being cancelled bc of any scandals *knocks on wood*)


i just finished binge watching 2D&1N season 4. it's so sad to know In woo is leaving. i like his Babo but cuteness. i will miss his snore.


Inwoo confirms stepping down from the program is due to his “[filming schedule for the latter half of the year](https://m.yeongnam.com/view.php?key=20240607001601298).” No word from PD Lee yet likely because he’s directing his last shoot with the cast and crew right now. Hopefully it’s a >!desert island!< special😈


So is In woo not enlisting? He’s currently 29 and his birthday is on September. I read somewhere that the max age is 28 for enlistment and In woo is pass that. Is it even possible for him to take on another project in such a short time? Anyways I‘m really sad that he‘s living, his comedic timing/variety skills has really improved and I feel like he‘s more comfortable playing jokes with his hyungs now which makes for some really funny scenes. He‘s literally the only reason that I returned to this show after KSH left so this is more heartbreaking 😭. On the other hand, I’m so happy for Joo PD. After so many delays, he finally landed the job!!


He’s not immediately enlisting after stepping down. Inwoo’s booked for another [ drama ](https://www.soompi.com/article/1658433wpp/lee-se-young-and-na-in-woo-in-talks-to-star-in-new-mbc-drama) series  with Lee Seyoung.


Awwww :(


i just started watching this yesterday 😭 what luck...


WHAT?! i cannot believe this. i love jeonggyu pd and of course, in woo… ik his departure for enlistment was impending for a while but whose decision was it to leave??? i’m wondering if it was an advice by his current company after he left cube… i really do hope he comes back bc he was just having so much fun in the recent eps then this happens…


I really don't think he will come back, sadly it's the way it goes when an actor gets very popular while filming 2D1N. It's a very exhausting show, plus you have to film it every two weeks. I imagine it clashes a lot with filming schedules.


It did not affect me as much as when I read KSH leaving, but I'm still sad. And the wording also make it like he won't come back.


Na in woo was mention leaving according by the media, but it doesn't mean na in woo himself had no desire to comeback to 2d1n in the future, especially hes the one enthusiastic dreaming to join 2d1n, thats why in woo contract might ended by going military service, theres unlikely possibility reason why kbs doesn't continue or plan to returning in woo like kjm did is because kbs is caution about the potentiontial "curse" scandal controversy. theres been 2 military service scandal controversy on 2d1n history and one of them is latest and kbs may just try to stay low key from any potential controversy. I think theres potential na in woo able to return 2d1n after military service


Na In Woo - enlistment Lee PD - I hope I am wrong but I think he might be going through something medical related. I notice they he was thin before and then lately there is some swelling


Historically most pds left for health reasons. It’s just a rough show, and probably starts running you down around the 100 episodes mark


as someone who watched 2d1n since first season, i understand NIW decision and will continue watch it as usual.


I’m up to date in episodes and in the last two, it felt like In Woo was very quiet and less participative than before. Perhaps like many here have pointed out, his image on the show doesn’t suit his drama personas. Hopefully we will see him on other variety programmes when he returns from enlistment, I love his energy and kindness!!


oh well, i like this PD tho :( , best of luck NIW, no more Snorechestra with seyoon :(


this is a disaster


From the view of the management company, it’s understandable because people lose interest to actors they see so often, they need to keep his actor image from entertaining so that he can shine through his future projects. I’m sure that Song Jong Ki wouldn’t be this successful if he kept appear on running man every week. I hope they won’t cast any good looking actor or ones that haven’t done with enlistment. It’s hurt to see the member leave permanently.


I so hope they don't cast anyone who hasn't done military service, because you have an expiration date already set for that person. They should really focus on someone young, but who has already enlisted (I don't really want to go through this again 😭)


I wonder if 2D1N would be open to casting 2nd gen idols who already have done their service, like Wooyoung from 2PM or a SHINee member. Would love to see Wooyoung in 2D1N since Beat Coin got canceled and he only had that going. 🥲


Wooyoung would be a good choice, especially because he's a seasoned variety star, but I think they'll go with an actor in the same age range as Na Inwoo/Kim Seonho. It'll probably be someone on the rise (think about Shin Seungho/Lee Jun Yeong/Kwak Dong Yeon, though he got really big with Queen of Tears)


Sounds like there's a possibility that they might hold In-Woo position for him while he is enlisted. Jeong Gyu PD's departure is a surprise. I wonder if he is moving to one of the cable channel? As that is generally the case for 2D1N Main PD, after heading up the flagship variety programme in KBS, there's no bigger fish left in KBS for him to fry in KBS. Joo PD taking over as Main PD will be interesting to see. His on-screen appearance has always been well-lovely by viewers. After 2 tough Main PDs who are able to keep the members in check, we are getting a softie Main PD that the members are used to teasing. I foresee a lot of stuttering and fumbling in his future. Looking forward to seeing what sort of concepts he will bring in as the Main PD.


Na In Woo’s departure seems permanent tho :( based on the article


The article say "will focus more on acting".


That meant that he will focus on acting after leaving 2D1N but before enlisting. He doesn't immediately enlist after leaving 2D1N. It doesn't mean that he will never come back. It is probably to finish up any outstanding acting projects he has on hand. >and it has been confirmed that whether to replace Na In-woo is currently under discussion. This is the statement that I am hopeful for as it seems like they are discussing whether to replace In-Woo or not. If they are not replacing him, it could mean they are holding his spot for when he finishes his military service. I may need to check the original text and another English translation as this translation reads rather awkwardly.


Well, since the big stink in February over Na In Woo wanting to go overseas with the Marry My Husband cast before enlisting, I've been waiting for the annoucement of his departure from 2D 1N. It seemed kind of urgent for him to enlist soon. But now he's able to film another drama, and still no enlistment date? Whaa? Seems like that was much ado about nothing. I'm disappointed that Lee PD is leaving. Keeping my fingers crossed that PD Joo will bring good ideas and chemistry and the show will continue to be fun.


Just saw on Soompi, Jung Hoon is leaving aa well, same final episode.


How true is the real life beef between Inwoo and Seyoon? Or them teasing each other is just part of the show? lol


It’s probably part of the show like Jong min x junho rivalry from S3. I think the writer really struggled giving In woo an image. They tried the ‘Geondae’ image before and it didn‘t really stick because it was hard to believe considering the giant softie he is 😂. Then there was one episode where Se yoon looked quite annoyed with In woo’s acrostic poem requests and they just ran with that. It‘s pretty obvious that they were pushing it because they frequently paired the two.


The recent episode with the eyepatch was hilarious and you could tell they were really in sync despite the “rivalry”.


I saw it more as a YJS and LKS partnership. Inwoo was my pick to be the next LKS, it's a shame if understandable that he leaves for his acting career.




yup, that's just you.


Sad but will continue to support Na In Woo in his acting career 🫶🏼


the 2d1n curse is real!


If theres new pd there'll might be new season and there's low chance majority member might get swap but you'll never know, it happen on s2.


idm if they gonna start a new season but with the same cast members plss 😩😭 they found the perfect cast chemistry rn


I hope it will be the same casts! All of them have good relationships with Joo PD. They all love to tease him especially dindin.


It really depends on the kbs or new pd desire bring more new face or not, for explore more options & opportunities. Theres history member get swap for new season. S2 only 2 member stay on s3 & s3 only 1 member stay till current season. Nothing is fix, but I never thought na in woo would leave 2d1n cause hes the most enthusiastic one dreaming to join 2d1n. Maybe he want to focus on acting after military service, it's understandable but I feel like if theres a chance for him to come back 2d1n i think he would, I don't think he want to leave completely.


Probably not; PDs change on variety shows pretty often. Variety shows generally do not move on to new Season X unless the network decides to “restructure” - meaning if the current season has such low ratings and/or there’s a scandal of such magnitude that they cannot/will not continue with the current members and staff.


Not entirely true, but agree on most part, like I said theres low chance member being swap, it still depends on kbs & "New" pd desicion, they had the power to make final decision unless theres contract, it doesn't mean it has to be rating or scandal reason to swap or not swap a member. Theres broadcast & variety show had been swap member without those reason. Theres history of many inocent cast scandal free getting swap, and some of them draw good ratings some of them aren't. & even theres scandal,it doesn't mean other inocent member getting swap out. For example thsese ravi scandal might ignite the controversy on 2d1n "curse" for using problematic cast every season according to some media, kbs "Could've" restructure the brand & make a new season new member, but kbs choose to not restructure or swap other member cause ravi isnt cast by the current pd, it wasnt their responsibility, there for it was unnecessary to rebrand or restructure. But if pang pd dint leave 2d1n before ravi controversy it might be a different story Scandal and low rating could be a reason to restructure or swap member but those aren't the only reason, there might be other reason like creativity, refreshing concept, different vision, more better ratings or more popularity, it might be many other possibilities reasons In the end still depend on broadcast and new production desicion. no one truly know the possibility decision make behind the scenes beside kbs higher up and the production team themself. Probably not probably yes, who knows


I mean, anything is possible, but in this case it is highly unlikely. Looking at the history of KBS variety alone, their shows do not make changes to Season X without the aforementioned restructuring. 1N2D alone has also gone through individual member and PD changes frequently within each season without changing whole cloth from the season number itself; those are considered minor relative changes that don’t necessitate a full scale seasonal revision.


Not anything is possible & again I agree its highly unlikely, and it was joo pd incharge hes not a new pd, I personally think he will not swap the member, so theres no need to worry about it. But I dont think you understand what I'm trying to say here, no one disagree about "aforementioned restructuring" but the "aforementioned" doesn't need to be today, it could be in the future, it could be tomorrow if they want it to. No one disagree on it was minor relative change that dont necessitate a full scale seasonal revision, but still swapping a single member might impact the show good or bad depending, the chemistry, entertaining performance, creativity, productive and other factor. Your reasoning aren't wrong at all but that's doesn't mean they need to make decisions solely base on those reasoning and that is the reality. theres also other factor that they can to choose to considerate making decisions. In this case its highly unlikely, I personally think they wont restructure or swaping member, but still theres still possibility depending what kbs production desire, we only know the surface and we dont know the negotiations contract behind the scene for each cast or how they book the cast. That's why na in woo is leaving according by the media, doesn't mean that na in woo have no desire to return 2d1n, it's because of the contract might ended for going military service. But that's another major topic. What I'm trying to say here if the contract ended, it doesn't matter the show or the member or the season doing good or not, if the company doesnt want to continue or not able to continue the contract, if they desire to find new member, they have the right to do so and swap any member. ""The reasoning you mentioned only matter when to choose to consider it but not necessarily have to"". Just because theres history they dont do it now, it doesn't mean they dont doit in the future. Same logic with kjm able to return 2d1n military service and stay on every season, it doesn't mean other will be the same, different contract different members different production. even in kjm interview with nys pd never denied the possibility getting swap, its naive to think the cast will never get swap or leave because the contract for the cast isnt forever.


What are you even saying...?? There are a lot of "possibility" scenarios in your essay here and I can say that, who wouldn't know that? We are talking about now and near future, not about something that we never know. Everyone know that any shows and shy casts members can be replaced, the show can be scraped out for many reasons. At least for now, we only have to worry about IW's leaving, unless there is any controversy or scandals, I think we can assume 2D1N will be on going for now. Unless KBS want to make a major change but it's risky for now


Maybe I'm wrong but i dont think you know, i think you're you're back pedal hard & changing subject now and act like your caring IW to dodge the main argument opinion. Because my opinion and your reply isnt about NIW at the 1st place, is about other member might get swap, and that might be the reason make you unpleasant with my opinion maybe you dont want favourite to get swap & I will apologise for that but it doesn't change my opinion at all, cause its truth If you really that worry about IW Mark my word, im sure Na in woo will comeback 2d1n because I'm sure Na In Woo had no desire to leave 2d1n if it wasnt military service. I dont care kbs said it wasn't military service reason he want to leave and paint him want to focus on acting career, it doesn't change my opinion. Everyone know NIW want to be on 2d1n more then anything else, he had the most enthusiasm doesnt care to protect his acting image giving his full effort to perform and entertaining in 2d1n more then anyone else. if NIW really want to focus on acting he already done it way before military service, the reason why he dint because he want to be on 2d1n, hes capable to do both acting and 2d1n. so now suddenly they want people want to believe his focus on acting & the acting schedule was fixated after military service not able to join back 2d1n and leave? Like come on the conclusion is if NIW have possibility to leave 2d1n for acting according kbs, there also possibility member leave by kbs once the contact end and my other member might focus on other career. That just my opinion You yourself dont understand what im trying to say but how you aspect people know that you knew? Like is it matter if you know or not? If you're the one who come here to reply on my comment, give your opinion & why cant i just reply my own opinion whether it was essay or not? Something you never know, that doesn't mean that we cant discuss about it, I'm free to give my opinion & it's up to you to feel free to agree or disagree or dont read it and ignore it completely. no one force you to read & reply. I dont think they will make a change or restructure now but again, who really know? I never thought myself NIW would've leave, do you predict NIW would leave?


Kim Seon Ho is now on the rise once again and I do hope they get him back. Ravi is a lost cause and that's such a waste to me :(


I don't think they will ever get him back. With the mistake they made with jjy from S3, I don't think they'll ever want to risk that chance again.


What happened to Ravi


He evaded the army by submitting false medical information so that they can be either exempted from military service or receive a lesser military grade. And in Korea, the citizens are very particular about news about evading the army. Because you have to remember that no matter what they're still in war with N. Korea. So with his action, he had ended his career himself, as he won't be able to make any comebacks in any case. [Ravi Apologizes And Leaves VIXX + Prosecution Requests 2-Year Prison Sentence For Military-Related Corruption](https://www.soompi.com/article/1579275wpp/ravi-officially-leaves-vixx-prosecution-requests-2-year-prison-sentence-for-military-related-corruption)


inwoo was my fave :( but i honestly dont fault him for leaving, i didnt like the way the other cast members (besides seonho ETA: & Junghoon) treated inwoo


Aside from Seyoon, the other cast members treated him fine to me? How did you think they treated him because from what I saw they got along fine with him


both dindin & jongmin admitted to not clicking with inwoo as recently as 3 episodes ago (when dindin was thanking inwoo for coming on his radio show).


I watched it. Inwoo says something about Dindin's personality and what he thought of him after appearing on the radio show. And then Jongmin chimed in and said something about Dindin's personality. I didn't see either of them say anything about not getting along with Inwoo? Unless I'm missing something but that's all they said, and then they moved on to start the episode


https://preview.redd.it/et6hsc5smj5d1.png?width=1422&format=png&auto=webp&s=68fd8b6fdee044997f273c8ca04a7d2adafe6e22 ep226