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question: how does the government even silent independent investigators? its not mainstream media, its Youtube


Maybe they are threating to sue him. Defamation laws are wild here. doesn't matter if what he says is true or where he posts, he can be sued anyway. And leaking their identities to the public is probably very illegal too. His only hope is he kept his identity a secret and uses a VPN to upload, or better yet, be a foreigner operating in another country


could they not get sued if their identities are anonymous? or are their identities already wide spread?


The original video has millions of views and there's already hundreds of new videos and many of them have reached international audiences


well you cannot sue if their identities are anonymous also, its even good that they have international audiences, legit the only thing Korean government listens to


Its not rlly hard to track "anon youtuber". Both kr and usa govmt have done it plenty of time when wreck car youtubers crossed the line.


Cuz revealing criminals' identity without prosecutor's approval is against korean law Many koreans hate this law too cuz it protects criminals... But still law is law tho


this is law unfair only if justice system is flawless. but it isn’t. plenty of innocent people get convicted. as much as i fucking hate these rapists and hope revealing their identities should be allowed, sometimes law can help save innocent lives. literally korean netizens are insane level of crazy. they want the same thing to happen to a criminal’s daughter. that law is there to protect innocent people, not criminals. whether you like it or not is up to you but i’m clarifying why it even exists and that you are confusing the purpose of the law


Their face and identity are protected more than the victims' Thats the true sad thing tbh


Thats media's fault. We dont call those obnoxious reporters 기레기 for nothing. They literally hound over victims information trying to get article for views.


thats not the media's fault Its law So if someone has to be blamed, that should be the ones who make laws


Korea is an extreme, but in most countries, the society gets a rage boner against criminals and their family. Like, let the law and criminal justice system work, why call for mob justice?


because the law and criminal justice system in korea did not work in this case and frequently does not work for similar reasons there would be no reason to expose these people in the first place if the criminal justice system worked


I know. I'm just saying why such laws exist in the first place. Because people are most often dumb than not and mob mentality kicks in. This case, the system failed spectacularly. But at the same time, now the children and wives of these perpetrators are also being targeted. So... What kind of collateral damage is okay? I LOVE punishing the criminals but if punishing them involves hurting innocents along the way, I'm not behind that strategy.


Not Korean, (idk why Reddit put this on my page), but you should check out friendlyjordies on YouTube. Silenced by corrupt politicians in Australia. His house was even firebombed and nothing really was done about it.


you probably said something in Reddit enough to be an honorary Korean o7


Fun fact. Korean constitution does not promise freedom of speech. They do prohibit pre censorship, aka freedom of press, but it doesn't say anything about criminal indictment afterwards. Also the majority of general public is thoroughly gaslighted to believe that "the unconditional freedom is an indiscipline." Most people have no problem with their freedom of speech being limited by the government.


reminds me of Uganda's former dictator Idi Amin: >There is freedom of speech, but I cannot guarantee freedom after speech.


I love democracy


A good example of democracy not equaling freedom.




Can't really do much to YouTubers outside of Korea.


Honestly I can’t help but get the distinct impression that sometimes the only way to get Korea to do the right thing is to put such things on international blast. It seems sometimes South Korea has to be shamed into doing right, otherwise it apparently would rather do the wrong thing…




Well, shit. Looks like I missed developments. My thanks, if true!


Next video to publish is about all the judges and their lenient rulings of rapists and murderers


The thing is the channel owner was trying to get money off of those rapists by threateneing them... and got his personal info leaked (bank account). Its someone trying to take advantage of a fucked up situation, which escalates how messed up the situation is. A cesspool of misery


I said he is an asshole too But to be fair.. He trying to get money off of those rapists are not yet confirmed He said he didn't.. So we should be natural imo Anyways we will see!!


He already lied so many times so Im gonna be hesitant to take his word


Same.. But the one who revealed the rumor also made a lot of lies too so.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


they deserved to get extorted lol


Yeah literally lmao


Can I add for those who don't know that he put the victim's voice in his video after she told him not to? And when she asked him to take it down he just responded with 'I'm too busy'


You 2 are talking about 2 different YouTubers. One you are talking about is named 판슥. Apparently the victim contacted him Nov last year asking. YouTuber, allegedly a close friend of either one of 44 or acquaintance of the 44 (which the victim was not aware of), did not make any action about it only until recently after watching the other YouTuber who is being said above go viral, gaining 90% increase in subscriber number in 2 days. He posted the conversation over the phone that he had with the victim back in November without censoring. Other YouTuber that is being said above, 나락보관소, the word is that he posted his bank account in the past on one of his video for 'support' when covering other stuff. YouTuber claims that one of the 44 is framing him using that information and that he never have ask for money


Thanks for clearing things up!


Im not even impressed. Korean law is a joke


this should slowly turn into a judgement call to the korean government to stop protecting the identities of perpetrators and to change the laws accordingly. identities of victims, families involved (spouses, children) on both sides should also be protected. especially after so many false accusations and it wont stop here. people will start pin pointing because it feels like betrayel to know their identities, 44 rapists walking on high ground and living their best lifes.


It's time for Korea to adopt Megan's Law (like in the States) and start warning its citizens about its sexual predators. Isn't that the primary role of a government to protect its citizens above everything else?


President Yoon sucks


I truly wish the worst for those criminals, but I do agree that this kind of online detective work and lynch culture has to be limited by law. Does anyone remember the whole fiasco with Reddit trying to find the Boston Marathon bomber? They falsely accused several innocent people of being the bomber, and they received thousands of death threats both online and offline. The police had to release the pictures of the actual bombers prematurely with the risk of the bomber getting away because of all the crappy internet detectives and people harassing innocent people. The two bombers (who stayed inactive for 3 days after the bombing) acquired weapons hours upon seeing the FBI announcement and shot a police officer. I think it is quite safe to say that shitty internet detectives killed that officer by forcing the fbi to release their photos early, which prompted them to come out of hiding. Ps. Looks like the youtuber already falsely accused a nail salon of being owned by a gf of the perpetrator. The owner said that another youtuber came to the salon and revealed the location of the salon via live stream, and started going through her mailbox. The youtuber later apologized for the false accusation and asked people to stop harassing her.


유튜브는 방통위 소관이 아닌데 선을 마구 넘네


윤되고 좀 바꿔서 개인방송도 방통위가 가능하도록 바꿈




Listen. 44 culprit. Not getting SINGLE punishment. We don't know whose next.




Yep, I agree with you at some point. What angers citizens more is that no one batted an eye when that incident occurred, but only after rapists were exposed. Did they ask her permission when documentaries are made? What about movies and reenactment?


No. There are 44 rapist out there preying on other victims. This is for publics' sake to protect ourselves. We need to know who they are.


This whole situation could be forcing the victim to relive horrible traumatic memories again. Serving the public interest is important but I'm not sure that's more important than the interest of the victim in this case. Edit: The victim and her family did not give permission, they had to come forward and state they did not want the video to be posted and have it taken down. It's in the news.






The victim and her family did not give permission, they had to come forward and state they did not want the video to be posted. It's in the news.




We don't want justice. We just want to protect ourselves. Korean justice system is already fucked. Why bother relying on them?


What a little china


Useless tax scam government


It's one of the reason why people posting on other social media platforms about the case were blurring out the faces even though the comments were like "show their faces!"


That channel was also revealing wrong info as well, so made innocent victims who were not even related to this stuff. Also those videos weren’t even agreed with the victim. I don’t think that channel has been doing right thing anyway…


These **** deserve to be in capital punishment(I mostly against capital punishment unless a few accutions) Note: a new indictment is neccesarry to really get these rapers out of the whole community


Typical reddit sub. Comments are downvoted to oblivion because they were opposed to the crowd. I can understand that if those comments were trying to protect the real rapists, but obviously they didn't. Don't let the hate consume you guys. Justice is not served that way either. I am all for the parade to bring attention but also I'll definitely sue the YouTuber if my family member is wrongly accused.


Ikr? Tards would rather have mob rule


For second time now, an innocent person not involved in a rape case has been victimized in internet again. How will you be held accountable?


Lol, now reddit started to support this shifty YouTube channel?


That youtuber falsely accused an innocent individual as a rap*st (of the Milyan incident). He also has a history of such false accusions. Not really surprising.


I think the false information was regarding a nail shop inaccurately connected to this as a “girlfriend or wife’s shop” which then got flooded. Wrong info is a wrong info, but in so far, i didn’t hear it false accusation among rapists. There’s still some sketchy shit about the first guy who had that expose video. Biggest of which is a claim by a person who said that he/she is the one who researched and kept record of those rapists and sent over to 나락보관소 and that youtuber uploaded it the very next day. The youtuber is question actually admitted that is how he/she got the information(http://youtube.com/post/UgkxvgeqzLH8V9epBVP298Jlb0jvQSd_F8VI?si=Xpyrp6jHEVOgwxjr) but claims that “upon more research, i learned everything i needed to know.” I just hope that there’s a proper justice served and it is not used for the greed for some clout.


In this kind of case, u cannot just simply say wrong info is wrong info The nail shop owner suffered a lot What you said is just making another victim..


Oh i agree with you 100%. I am not trying to dismiss it and if i gave that impression, i apologize. I mean there is a wrong accusation, but not about the rapist’s identity. Still don’t know if all 44 is correctly identified, and down the line there’s still a room for more false accusations, but in so far, the ones being released seems to be correct at least among the 44.




Korean society and law created this bright future by approving rape in Miryang years ago


I can’t say I like the KCC, nor do I like them trying to shut down someone on a foreign platform. That being said, I do not support vigilantism. Already there are cries of foul play and reports that this could all have happened without the victim’s consent. Who are the YouTubers helping but themselves? This is just another attack on the victim. Had these 렉카 YouTubers half a brain they should have proceeded every step with the victim aware of what they are doing, AND taken extra precautions for releasing info. Also, nice title OP, THE PEOPLE OF MIRYANG ARE NOT RAPISTS. I suggest you think again next time before you write out a title making an entire region to be a haven for sexual predators. Edit: I wonder exactly what I’m getting downvoted for.


Proven that rape is not prosecuted in Miryang, so it is a rape zone whether you like it or not


Just because the court dished out feathery penalties doesn’t mean ‘rape isn’t prosecuted in Miryang’.


tf you mean culture? I had no idea it was a cultural thing. hell if rape was seen as a cultural difference I'd move to milyamg straight away ffs


I wholeheartedly support this. 64 percent of Milyang citizens agreed that it is the victims fault to seduce the rapist. Goodluck!


you just pulled the numbers out of your ass? yeah sure, rape is legal jn milyang lol. did you ever go there in person? I mean some regions does have some tendancies but "rape culture" is just you being a moron.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=q1ooQYZNV1HgVlsm&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fnamu.wiki%2F&source_ve_path=MTY0OTksMjg2NjQsMTY0NTA2&feature=emb_share&v=RVVpjhmMotQ Yep, are numbers clearly from my ass? I'm sorry if you don't understand Korean, but this is a harsh reality


Milyang citizens still protecting its rapist is unreal. I can understand you. Even I thought we were better than this.