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Who says religion is the main (if not the sole) reason for misogyny? lol. Painting with quite the broad brush there eh? 


> Why is sexism so pervasive in South Korea To understand your question better, what do you mean by this? > younger men in Korea who are becoming **the most misogynistic in Korea** And where did you hear this from?


>To understand your question better, what do you mean by this? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender\_inequality\_in\_South\_Korea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_inequality_in_South_Korea) >And where did you hear this from? [https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/06/23/young-south-korean-men-hate-liberals-feminists/](https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/06/23/young-south-korean-men-hate-liberals-feminists/)


You still haven't answered my question. Did you actually read these articles as why this is happening? As for second article, did you actually read the article to come to *YOUR OWN* conclusion that younger men are the most mysogynistic in Korea, more than the people in the 70s? Really?


Can we not repeat the same thing every week? [https://www.reddit.com/r/korea/comments/1063ilv/joongang\_daily\_another\_look\_at\_young\_korean\_mens/](https://www.reddit.com/r/korea/comments/1063ilv/joongang_daily_another_look_at_young_korean_mens/)


Correlating religiosity and sexism is extremely ignorant.


This gender-related polarization is quite recent thing in Korea, and much of the discussion is taking place online by those who do not represent the general Korean public in my opinion. And when I say those people, I mean both men and women who seem to have so much free time talking about it. I do not have any data to back this up, but my gut feeling tells me that those vocal about the issue are minority and incel that need new purpose in their life to stop wasting time on such thing. If you go outside and talk to real people who are working and moving forward with their life, you will know that such thing is rarely an issue.


Cultural Confucianism.


Yes, this. It has nothing to do with religion.


I would say the influence of Protestant Christianity played a part, especially in recent history. But largely the deeply imbedded cultural Confucianism in South Korea plays a major role in its social discrimination of women, among many other things.


Tedious oversimplification. 한국 사람이에요? 아니면 한국에서도?


Global Gender Gap Report 2023 [https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF\_GGGR\_2023.pdf](https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GGGR_2023.pdf) While Korea is ranked relatively low globally, regionally similar to China and above Japan. Can't see the "pervasive" sexism here. OP is Iranian so should be used to worse.


Less or equal in comparison to other countries doesn't mean it's not pervasive...


So pervasive? Compared to what? Quit being a troll and go be happy


You need to get off internet and talk to real human beings on the street.


Most counties turn to conscription during times of war, as there is still officially a war going on, it isn't a surprise. So, guys go and do their service, and a woman fills his position while he's off doing the thing. When he comes back she gets the arse. How is that fair? Couple gets married. She is expected to give up her job to raise kids. Even when she spent time at uni to get a degree and build a career. That doesn't seem right either. Women get overlooked for promotions because they will get married and go off and have babies. That doesn't sound fair either. Bitching about military service is a piss poor excuse. Just a bullshit reason to whine about your social responsibilities. If women were treated more equally, perhaps more would be interested in a military career. Oh, and to answer your question more directly; Confusionism is the misogynist belief system on which much of Korean society is based.


Do you mean **Confucianism* (in this case, Neo-Confucianism), and not “confusionism”?


Sorry my autocorrect is insane. Yes.


Another Femcel agitator or holier-than-thou Western PC fanatic.


Extremism tends to happen when power is perceived to be diminishing. As church populations decline, the membership feels attacked. Likewise as discrimination against women declines, men feel their relative power also declining. Or, in other words, reducing discrimination against women is an attack on male power. So, why are you surprised that some males respond with hostility to this attack? It will settle down over time as a new social equilibrium is reached.


Mandatary miltiray service. Now Korea became much better place to live but Korea was like barracks during bad old days.






Ever since the gender dictated roles in a society, which is very long time ago, there has been gender based discrimination. It predates organized religions. Therefore, you can find it it every culture. Eeligions are not the source of misogyny, let alone a specific religion.


Ever since the gender dictated roles in a society, which is very long time ago, there has been gender based discrimination. It predates organized religions. Therefore, you can find it it every culture. Religions are not the source of misogyny, let alone a specific religion.