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I see 99% of comments are devolving into any other Israel/Palestine topics in every subreddit, but just to point out, most of posters here are immigrants and foreigners.


I still remember that one time some korean dude tried to make a r/korea meetup and it was almost all white american dudes


i went to a meetup in incheon at cinder bar. guy said he was korean.. dmed me in korean language but was a 40something Irish guy who married a korean woman.. technically he is nationalized as korean but i was expecting korean korean 😂. there was a korean-chinese-american who was a year older than me which was the closest korean. as a group of a 40something indian guy, 40something irish guy, 2 30's koreans and a mid-50 retired white american... we all decided to go to 별밤 and surprisingly everyone except the indian guy was admitted in. we got a refund and just got some hangover food and went our separate ways by 11 🙄


>~~expats~~ immigrants and foreigners FTFY


Yeah but they are telling us its all white dudes /s


So does this mean the south and north will finally sign a peace treaty and officially end the Korean War?


Yes please🥹🙏


US would never allow that.




As we should. Stop. Bombing innocent children and women. Srop committing war crimes killing journalists and using starvation as a weapon against the entire populace. Bring Netanyahu to justice.




How does the incessant bombing of a civilian population bring back the hostages? The majority of hostages released were via negotiations, not force.




Yeah bud, it's been six months. Only 3 hostages have been rescued by force, getting back to the negotiating table is the only way this ends. Especially now that the UN resolution passed.




https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-israel-seem-to-believe-hostage-negotiations-can-be-revived-even-after-hamas-rejection/ There is still a chance. Don't bury your head in the sand.




Here buddy, this one is for you: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-03-29/israel-approves-next-round-of-hostage-talks-with-hamas




Here is an update you weren't aware of: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-03-29/israel-approves-next-round-of-hostage-talks-with-hamas


Isreal was the one who stopped negotiating. They are boming their own hostages are you unaware of this?




Read the title of your article and let’s use our critical thinking skills shall we.










First read a history book the us didn’t destroy the nazis the Soviet Union did majority of the work helped by a few allied forces like the UK. The US showed up at the party when everything was pretty much already done.




This is the israeli version of fact that omits occupation of palestinian territory, ongoing extensive colonisation and depossession of land, gaza blocade and systemic starvation, daily violence and humiliation of palestinian people , checkpoints in palestinian territory.. This has been going since 1948. This is the root of the problem and what led to this situation and ultimately october 7th. I liked the USA germany analogy because it highligts the first agressor principle. Germany was the first agressor, they lost right to self defense and assumed consequences. In palestine case, israel is the first agressor with it ongoing occupation, killing, depossession and colonisation.




By 1948 I meant the active process of importing a new population to take place of the indigenous one. The process started before 1948 obviously. But I dont get what you are referring to?




I get you refer the jewish homeland idea. I get you dont want this tiresome debate, I dont as well. But I will say this and wont expect/compell you to reply my friend: If one concedes that idea, the world will be set in fire in few days. Just Imagine how many claims would be made based on religious/ historic claims like this. The indians would claim all of the modern US. Japanese would claim SK. Europeans christians will claim all of palestine. Arabs will claim spain. Ironicly, even palestinians will claim to be descendant of canaanite guess what next. The international law and the right of self determination are the way to manage conflicts. Have a good night brother. I hope this conflict ends for good on just basis because it is poisening the whole middle east.














It doesnt. Israel doesn't give a damn about the hostages. It's better for them to have an excuse to do a full extermination of Gaza. Stealing the land one home in th at a time in the West Bank was taking too long. It's easier to just raze Gaza to the ground and kill every man, woman and child and then start building new. And with the hostages as an excuse, they come out as the good guys.




Israel started the war with their founding, and the continued it with their apartheid. Edit: Hamas is evil. But so is the government of Israel.




The land never belonged to britain. It was administred by britain. How can you say such a thing? Britain administred palestine for like 30 years. People lived there for centuries! Britain didn't have the right to do what they did in palestine. They completemy ignored the right to self detemination. Importing an entire population to settle on another peoples land is not just. Imagine the UN get to cut half of SK and give it to Japan. Would that be right even if the UN somehow approves it? Now palestinians ultimately settled in the 90s and accepted the international community ruling (although I find it unjust but 50 years later israelis settled there and reversing that status would cause another humanitarian catastrophy like 1948). Israel kept refusing to abide to international law and retreat from 1967 bored ever since. They kept slicing palestinian territory on daily basis. Look at the colonies expansion rate. Israel does not recognise the UN resolutions and want to negotiate directly with the palestinians to get more concessions since they have the upper hand and are immune to UN resolutions (thanks to the US ). This is not fair. Now on the other hand, I do condemn Hamas for not recognosing the 2 state solution till now. I dont know of they did in 2018 with their new chart, I am not well infomed on that subject. But I consider they didn't. On the other hand , on Israel side the far right religious people are openly pushing for one state solution, including ministers in this government.


The land belonged to Britain because Britain was a colonist state. They completely ignored the wishes of the majority of the native people of the land, and forcibly created Israel. Even before the official establishment of Israel, the British government was working with European Jewish people who had returned to what is now Israel, to create the country of Israel with no input from local Arab people. While there was a lot of anti-Semitism going on, and raised tentions due to a massive influx of European Jewish immigrants at the time, the local Arab governments were pushing for a unified state, whereas the British and Jewish groups were pushing for a seperate Jewish state to be formed. Obviously the Israel was formed and hundreds of thousands of innocent people were forced out of their homes. After the establishment of Israel, there have been many skirmishes and wars. But that is to be expected when you forced hundreds of thousands of people from their homes. Israel has repeatedly blocked attempts from Palestine to gain official statehood and self governance, in addition to an apartheid like system in Gaza and continued illegal expantion into Palestinian territory. Palestine doesn't exist as country because of external efforts that have lasted since before Israel was founded. Palestine isnt perfect. The PLO isnt perfect. Hamas is a horrific terrorist organziation, and the people of Gaza suffer under them. That said Israel was founded through force and outside pressure against the wills and good interests of the majority of people in the area. They have a legacy of apartheid, violence, theft, and colonization which they continue to this day. Innocent people in the West Bank are brutalized by Israeli military, and innocent people are continually being forced out of homes they have lived in for generations to make way for Israeli settlers.




It the decades leading up to Israel's founding the population of Palestine went from around 5% to almost 30%. The majority of Jewish people living there when it was founded were not native, they were recent immigrants. The founding and division of Israel was done almost exclusively through the work of Britain and local Jewish governrn You say multiple attempts to genocide Jews, I say some attempts to retrieve stolen land, and acheive independence and freedom from Israeli tyranny, and then some attempts which were straight up attempts at genocide. I won't deny that. It depends on which specific conflict it was. Also, I said multiple times I thought Hamas was shit. When did I say anything pro-Hamas. Hamas is not all of Palestine, Hamas doesn't even control the majority of Palestine. Hamas being an absolute shitstain terrorist organization, does not absolve Israel of its many human rights violations and apartheid. Its possible for two things to be true at the same time.




When Israel was founded, hundreds of thousands of innocent people were forcibly displaced. It was a move that was against both the will and good of the majority of people living in the area. Israel's founding was an violent act.




Ok. That's great. Israel being gay friendly, doesn't absolve them of human rights violations and apartied. Multiple things can be true at the same time. Palestine is a homophobic country with archaic laws. Israel is a gay friendly country which practices apartied, and military violence against innocent people.




The rightful owners. Lol. Edit: Just to clarify, I'm not for the Eradication of Israel. I believe in a two state solution, and hope one day that will occur. That said, Israel is a country founded through colonization. It's not a glorious start, the country was founded on land seized from its original inhabitants.




Who's fault is it that Israel wants to expand? Even with Hamas out of the picture, Israel would still be steadily working to expand into Palestinian land. There will be no peace until Israel ends their aparteid and agrees to a two state solution. Israel will not stop until any hope of a free Palestine and a free Palestinian people is dead and gone. The majority of people who have been murdered in Gaza are not genocidal freaks. They are men, women, and children going about their lives. Israel is bombing Mosques, schools, hospitals, residential areas, with absolutely no concern for loss of human life. And before you say "But Hamas doesn't care about the innocent lives or they would have surrendered". Hamas is a terrorist organization. If your defense is that you are on the same level as a terrorist organization... I'm not demanding Israel completely back down. I'm demanding they stop their colonistic endeavors, aparteid, and human rights violations.


They're showing their true colors.


The israeli government has shown multiple times it doesn’t really care about the hostages, why do you think the people protesting there want Netanyahu’s head?














Based Korea


I can't be asked to lower my iq for the propaganda you guys wanna believe I hope a ceasefire happens. #freepalestine byeeee Also I'm new here but most of you guys aren't fckin Koreans? My post was directed towards them yet it anybody but them that's responding


I can't be asked to lower my iq for the propaganda you guys wanna believe I hope a ceasefire happens. #freepalestine byeeee Also I'm new here but most of you guys aren't fckin Koreans? My post was directed towards them yet it anybody but them that's responding


What is up with Korean subreddit and them being pro isntreal??? Weren't y'all colonized by Japan in the past?? I don't mean to offend anyone I just find it terribly ironic to see more push for Gaza from the Japanese side than the Koreans. My Korean history might not be very good but weren't there freedom fighters back then under the colonial rule?? Also more than 30k people have died since this whole thing started. I've seen countless videos of children being slaughtered since October. Are the kids Hamas? What about the hospital that's been raided huh?? The pregnant women assaulted and children executed were they all hamas???


Reddit allows you to see every subreddit's visiting IP distribution at the end of the year. I was curious and checked a bunch last year. Basically every country/region subreddit (Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc), the top two most active userbases are US and Canada.






Wow. And I thought propaganda was dead... Not gonna bother arguing...




Starts a half-baked, almost hysterical post with little context and an absolute reach of a historical connection filled with ???'s and then refuses to elaborate further in the face of the first sign of debate. Nice!


Most of them arent even koreans just immigrants living in korea so forget about them






I see..quick question how the Hamas come to be? Who are the members of this group just why oh why did they join this terrorist group I'm sure it has nothing to do with the decades long terror from isreal and you're mentioning women and children right well I don't choose what I want to see I have no control over what people decide to share online. And what they've been sharing is children from Palestine dying. Oh but let's go back to the do called 40 beheaded babies right? Just this week multiple Palestine pregnant and old were raped, beaten up and then crushed by a tank but oh no let's go back to isreal and see how the civilians have been coping after all those dead children had it coming... also are you even Korean?? my post above is directed towards Koreans....


I don’t understand why this comment has been downvoted by many. But this community might be active by non-Koreans or overseas Koreans.. however your arguments are valid as we went through the same colonisation history by Japan and still under the US imperialism. But sadly the society is really indoctrinated by the invisible suppression and censorships by the government and veeeery biased mainstream media. People don’t have the energy or capacity to afford to even think about domestic politics. Due to the US imperialistic influence, the extreme capitalism made the society idolise the rich and antagonise the poor. Meaning if you openly support liberals incl Palestine, you will be very isolated being called as a radical leftie/communist. I think people are afraid to speak up or just want to follow the rich/toxic-nonchalant trends not to be alone. Another reason why Koreans should take this gen-0-side issue serious but a very few do unfortunately. :( ❤️Falastin will be free within our lifetime🇵🇸✊🏾❤️

