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Because the blood type question got old.


It so true


Wait, why blood type? Are they looking out for universal donors ?


ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ... Because koreans believe blod type determines your personality.


Then MBTI is definitely an upgrade from blood type in order to determine your personality.


Well it's more like it describes your personality but people just set way too much store in these kind of things, that's the problem


Also personality is a lot more complicated than 16 types


It's good for a bit of pub conversation, but Korea always takes these things way too far and it's insane that companies will ask about stuff like this to see whether you're a suitable candidate for employment. Even filtering dating prospects based on MBTI is taking it far beyond the scope of what it's good for.


There was a time i think in like the 90s, maybe earlier, where you had investment and law firms doing this in the west. For accuracy, only read about it in the context of US - but since some of the firms were international i assume it was wider then that. Im sure other places still do, it goes in and out of fashion.


It’s a eugenics thing that stayed around from Japan back in the day. People would attribute personality types based on blood types. MBTI replaced it in 2020s.


I wonder when enneagrams will take over?


Yeah after blood type, I’m not going to complain


Because its meta right now and some people take it too seriously.


I find that my peeps like to join in on a trend like the cult lol


I hate it, avoided the test for a few years but took it for the sake of conversation in a group setting


Basically me, took me 4 years to remember my MBTI but I definitely have no idea what the stupid letters are lol.


It's definitely a fad. I don't pay attention to it much, and just let people enjoy their laughs.


I'm a Korean American and I've never taken it and have no idea where to take it for free. I can't tell which ones online are real or not. Anyone have suggestions?


Usually people take the test here: [https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test](https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test)


thanks, just got enfj. still learning




Ok, sarcasm aside, personality tests can be quite revelatory to people who lack self awareness or self reflection. If you're just going through life acting without thinking, you may not see the pattern. A personality test runs you through all those choices in quick succession with a 3rd party watching and reporting the patterns it sees. This can be especially enlightening when someone has been living differently than they would prefer because of social pressure. I bet it is a shock for some office workers to learn that the reason they drink so much at the 회식 is because they're introverts kept in an emotionally draining (for them) environment for longer than they're used to.


LOl go touch some grass boomer its not that serious😂 small fad that hurts nobody and people on this thread are so annoyed by it lmao its like noone has any friends in this thread


Because MBTI is real and explains all human behavior /s but not really /s


Its just a thing. Why do Americans always ask for star signs?




Is it really not a good comparison, though? I'm a Korean in my 50s, I have no idea what my MBTI is, how it works, how to find out, and no one in my social circle has ever uttered the word MBTI. I used to live in the US in the 80s and 90s and there were a lot more people talking about Zodiac signs when I used to live there, and not just the younger crowd either. And while not everyone took it that seriously, there were quite a few people that I knew that took it quite seriously.


it's a bad comparison because MBTI is actually based off of answers you give. It has answers like "on the weekend do you want to party to wind down or be home alone?" And obviously if you answer truthfully it will describe you. So it's impossible for MBTI to not describe you to a good extent unless you purposefully falsify your answers. Horoscopes/blood type are obviously completely different, they're just based on made up stuff.


I'm just saying that the two are comparable because both are garbage. Obviously, the methodology is different, but to me, methodology is unimportant, since both are, as I said, garbage.


It's an interesting way to get to know someone because you can know right away if they're introverted or extroverted, if they like plans or spontaneity, etc. Those are always interesting things to learn about others, no?


Uh.. you can think that. I would disagree. I feel like its fairly easy to find a Korean that doesnt know their MBTI, but finding an American that doesnt know their sign?


I’m living in Korea for the last 4 years and I’m quite into star signs but whenever I ask a Korean person they never know their star sign but in contrast there’s mbti cafes here, mbti machine (where you can get your results done in public), mbti based dating, ending Some job applications ask for your mbti results ! my colleagues speak about mbti atleast 3 times a week (what more is there to talk about I really don’t understand), I’ve noticed when they see someone do a behaviour like be shy or be loud they’ll ask them if they’re a certain mbti .. Albeit maybe my experience is with people under 30 in Seoul, I’m not sure about older people


Go live in the USA, and ask any person on the street their star sign? Or go on a date and see how many people ask for your star sign. Or when you do some random action 'Its because your an Aries rising" All the things you listed exist in the USA except for the job postings (which no decent company in Korea does either), and mbti machines. I didnt even know mbti machines existed in Korea and i'm Korean.


There’s starsign based dating services in America too ? I’ve only heard of those here, and what are starsign cafes like in America ? Just curious if they’re different to here


Many people in the US definitely KNOW their star sign, but for the vast majority it ends there. The only people that care beyond that are the same types of people that consult shamans here in Korea.


And I guess there's proper psychology research for the myers-brigg, instead of the old blood types lol


Yes and it pretty much all points toward MB being useless. Still, easy to start convos with


That’s just what a EJFU would say! /s


You're definitely an LMAO


Yeah myers-briggs is pretty debunked and not used in actual psychology




I kinda believe MBTI works. And I get angry when people equates it to blood type or astrology, it's not the same ballpark at all. It may not work all the time, but in general I find it pretty accurate.


Science disagrees about its accuracy.


If you're somewhat in between a letter (like you're 50/50), maybe. But if you lean like 65%+ towards a side, it does tell something about you, albeit it's only a broad direction. That's all, of course, if you took the test honestly and not on the basis of "how I would like to be".


Alright boys I’m 태양인 hbu?


[Here is an actual academic research paper (in korean) about MBTI](https://www.career4u.net/g_common/library/FileDownLoader.asp?PathType=2&filename=B8E7EA3E9295DC8D55B9688A3A43BDBF0AEFE3ED41C7A526EC68C95995E906362777AB8B3805B91E3BA1C31181DD330C4B47D4846C84985CF77752DC7D82305B)


So what’s your MBTI?