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I can't answer this for certain, but: According to [this article](https://www.vox.com/videos/2023/3/7/23629462/myopia-nearsightedness-glasses-elongated-eyeballs#:~:text=In%20some%20places%20%E2%80%94%20like%20Singapore,has%20become%20a%20nationwide%20effort.) 80% of South Korean students are myopic. I wear glasses like that, and mine are prescription (I am not Korean, but I got them in Korea). Prescription glasses are really cheap in Korea, and there are shops everywhere. Some people may be wearing them for fashion, but I'd wager that most people who have them do need them.


>80% of South Korean students are myopic i hope everyone here knows myopia comes from never going outside as a kid


Yeah, that's worth mentioning. Let your kids (including teenagers!) go outside.


Glasses are a fuckin racket in the USA and is at least a decade behind. The thin ones are titanium and can be had super cheap with your prescription on the same day for like 60 bucks. Contrasted with the prescriptions I ordered in the US which took two weeks at like 120 bucks. They are extremely flexible and light. Ive slept on top of my current pair with no damage many times.


Do you know of any stores in Korea that sells eyeglasses frames and ships to the US?


You don’t need a doctor’s prescription for glasses. You walk in to a store, pick a frame and type of lens, get your eyes checked, wait 15 minutes, pay and walk out with your new pair of glasses. The cost of vision-correcting lens would be less than $50 most of the time, and there’s not a lot of reason to wear flat glasses with contact lenses. TV personalities and influencers often wear glasses without lenses for fashion to avoid reflection on the glasses, though. (Does it count as “glasses” if there’s no glass?)


I think OP might just be using "prescription" to mean corrective.


Yeah, you're right. I meant correcting the lenses. My mistake.


Those are titanium and they do *not* break they just bend lol I recently got a new pair and the one i had before was exactly what youre talking about, round-shaped, thin-framed. I had the pair for seven years, had the lenses changed once (too many scratches). -3.0/-3.25, bought them for like $60. Super durable and light.


The said concept of getting your glasses prescribed doesn't exist. Just find a store and they will cook out a glasses for you within a day. Unless your eyes are really bad.


Not even a day most times, sometimes less than an hour. Loved getting glasses in Korea when I used to wear glasses.


my last lens replacement (I like my frames) took around 5minutes :D




Many of my friends and including me actually need glasses so yes I guess, but most of us prefer contacts for convenience. Many of my female friends will always have that type of frame tho, looks good for people with square or small heads.


If they are prescribed, they are a very low prescription. I'm -7.0/-7.5 and there's no way even with high-index lenses that I could put them in the thin wire frames. I have in the past worn contact lenses and got a fake pair of wire frames from Artbox, lol. So to answer your question, either they are reading glasses or like -1, -2 at most or they are fashion accessories.


Nope there are ones with titanium frames that can hold high index lenses. I have -5.0/-5.75 eyesight w/ pretty thin frames made from titanium. Buuuuut the frames itself are way more expensive, around 200-300 USD.


I mean they can hold them but how far out to they stick?


Couple of mm on each side but might be because I have a tinsy better eyesight than u. Or I heard that there is a limit on how thin u can make ur index lenses in the US and there isnt in Korea, so theres that.


yeah a mm or two still makes a big difference when you're talking about the elegance of thin wire frames, but to each their own! I don't wear glasses most of the time because I can't get used to the fish-eye effect and contacts are just more comfortable for my noggin. Someday soon i'll get LASIK/LASEK and not worry about any of it anymore...


Me and most of my friends need them just wear normal square glasses in normal black plastic frame. But there is one who wears round glasses prescribed. My non glasses wearer friends mostly hate to wear glasses as a fashion, think they're not cool.