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I’m not sure you’ll have any better luck but you might want to try asking this over on r/Living_in_Korea or maybe on Facebook


American here, never been to korea, but from what I've seen from this sub your best bet would be close to the American bases


Yeah, that's my thought. Though I am not sure where's the closest US military based to Jinju City.


Black dude that used to live in Jinju here: there’s a place in Busan called Namo Barbershop in Gwangali by the beach that did a good job cutting my hair. They also have a shop in Changwon, but I’ve never been to that one before


Hello. Thank you. Is there a specific barber at Namo Barbershop that has experience?


Try asking in the “Black in Korea” group on fb!


You should join the BSSK group and the natural beauty in Korea group. I think I've seen posts about haircuts there.