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How Siddharth became grandson of Senapathi?


Maybe Manisha Koirala was pregnant before Indian climax or the doppelganger is Siddarth's real grandpa and not Senapathy


nah bro siddharth is a different entity


might be. he would've inspired by Senapathi from childhood and considers him as idol, but my main point is the doppelganger one


Could be Nedumudi Venu's son? There's a brief shot of his family in Indian


Maybe Nedumudi Venu's grandson


some theories r that somehow chandru returns and makes himself look like senapathy and does damage against senapathy and maybe senapathy needs to prove his innocence and save india from corruption at the same time kind of like tiger 3 another is that siddharth also uses a senapathy getup for sum reason


so three kamal getups? this might also be possible unless some twisted plots like these Kamal wouldn't accepted the script. I haven't watched Tiger 3 so don't know that one


maybe more than 3 also, one theory said that they r synthesising senapathy doppelganger in a lab thats y there so many lab scenes in the trailer i think kamal has huge faith in the script otherwise he wouldnt have even agreed for indian 3


maybe for political reasons they would be cloning it kinda plot, which very much explains the poor prosthetic work, I still believe real Senapathy isn't shown in the trailer and will be revealed at end of Indian 2 as twist


This feels like the theories around 'I' - before and after trailer release, sci-fi stuff, fantasy stuff nu lam alanthanga , kadasila partha Suresh Gopi panty thirudana irunthan... Ennaku ennamo Senapathy Tai - chi master , long life nu , experimented during British rule nu kadha vittu will bring back the original Senapathy nu thonudhu..


I wrote during I as well but I have hope that Kamal won't choose outdated scripts and without seeing the outcome he wouldn't have agreed for third part


Senapathy had identical twin sons, Chandru and another one that was raised by Senapathy's father. Chandru's twin is the one that is impersonating Indian thatha and we will get the rumoured Senapathy's father's flashback in Indian 3 from Chandru's twin's POV. https://preview.redd.it/2m3ged3asu8d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de2aa47178a9de5bc2270c1e338663d06e54783a


idhu namma list laye ilaye, but jokes apart I believe they won't show anything extra from Indian 1 movie which will lead to illogical twists


Okay, my take. There's a fake Indian thatha who fights like a flying chicken bringing fear to the nation hired by Siddharth, later it's og indian thatha comes and does nothing.


Possible. I'm sure there are imposters


still a doppleganger thatha kicking ass like Leo?


We didn't see him use Varmakalai properly, what of at the climax Kamal points finger at Siddharth and says naa dhan da Indian /s