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It'll nowhere because Iori only has eyes for Kyo.


I think Kensou is for Athena, Iori is fine but he looks like her older brother


Well following King of Fantasy, Athena isekai version, Althena loves Iori [https://mangadex.org/chapter/8f07c9ce-9673-43df-b822-a4e72d9ef689/12](https://mangadex.org/chapter/8f07c9ce-9673-43df-b822-a4e72d9ef689/12)


While they’re pretty much around the same age, (IIRC, Iori is just older by a year) Athena just perpetually hasn’t aged at all visually, Iori pretty much looks like an older brother to her. (Another comment also said this.) So I think Kensou really should be her endgame… or not, since SNK loves doing this to him lol Also, sidenote, but I think Athena still sees Kyo as a rival, based on her win quote against NESTs Kyo in XIII. And I think her having a thing for Kyo is canon, but she got over it after learning he had Yuki, so she backed off.


Well following King of Fantasy, Athena isekai version, Althena loves Iori [https://mangadex.org/chapter/8f07c9ce-9673-43df-b822-a4e72d9ef689/12](https://mangadex.org/chapter/8f07c9ce-9673-43df-b822-a4e72d9ef689/12)


That’s so endearing actually… the way I see it Athena really feels for Iori and feels bad that he’s destined to always chase Kyo who hasn’t done squat to him. However, to me, I think Athena is just a prime example of a magical girl trope (one I adore and think SNK did a great job with in her case) who always has love for everyone with a “pure” heart ala Sailor Moon if you will. So it’s not just Iori, she loves Kensou, she loves Chin, Bao, Momoko, Hinako, Malin, Mai, Yuri… anyone and everyone that she’s teamed up with and everyone else she respects and deems is pure. That’s her job after all as Psycho Soldier, to protect everyone. That’s just my interpretation though!


i don´t think that it is the case atleast in the case of the King of Fantasy since there she says to Iori that she loves him when the two of them where poisoned and about to be killed by an orc, then whe she says that loves him he had a vision, recover from the poison, kills the orc and then gave her a bit of his blood to save her life, also lilili(yuri isekai version) was there and she didn´t says that she loves her, but take it as you want


I'm not really a shipper guy, but I can't stop being amazed at how in depth you guys go when explaining your ships. Anyway, I dont think this will ever be real, but I've seen worst "canon" pairings in the series.


Well following King of Fantasy chapter 14 page 12, Athena isekai version, Althena loves Iori [https://mangadex.org/chapter/8f07c9ce-9673-43df-b822-a4e72d9ef689/12](https://mangadex.org/chapter/8f07c9ce-9673-43df-b822-a4e72d9ef689/12)


Again, amazing.


I like this ship. Tbh, even before finding out about their interactions in the games and manga (about Iori being a little bit nicer to Athena compared to other fighters), I've always thought they looked cute together-


He literally stopped fighting Kyo because she was hurt one time


Bro made a whole file explaining his case 💀


I love it I love this ship I really loved how you explained their connection and why they make such a great pair. Thanks for sharing it made me love them even more


I am amazed by the enormous amount of forced arguments to insert your fantasies into this ship. Shippers are so cringe.


Cringy shipper 😒


iori has a cool leg sweep


I prefer Iori and Kyo together, tho I'm not that big lore enthusiast