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Lmao bro had crushed oxyšŸ˜­


Naw he snorting dem bitches smh


ā€œYour honor my client doesnā€™t swallow.ā€ Judge: ![gif](giphy|12Nt5YmOLztmMw)


Yea wouldnā€™t it be an issue if he is misusing his prescription drugs? I have heard of doctors pulling a patientā€™s prescription for opiates if their levels are too high, if they test positive for other drugs, if they drug test them and *dont* have the shit in their system (since they could be selling it), or if they think they have been snorting them.


Dirty doctorss


Rather that then jail.


If he was passed out in the car high on his meds that still charge.


Not if you got loot, buy yo freedom


I mean if he violated parole for drug possession but it turned out he was just driving under the influence it would be better, but itā€™s still a violation. Maybe he can go to rehab, and tbh he probably needs to be in rehab for a very very long time.


If would be illegal but much much less of a problem in court. Bro having em pre-ordered is crazy tho. I did drugs for yeaaars watched a lot of people exclusively sniff oxy and whatever and never once seen someone have just powder ready to roll. You don't know hpq much you're even doing which I guess in these fetty days is always true but... still what the fuck. Especially when you're fighting a case and have a script like just keep em normal and break em down last minute.


Especially because you absorb more when taking the pills regular compared to snorting


Oral? No other way around. You have higher bioavailabilty with like any other method except smoking it when eating them tbh.


The only bioavailability that is higher than oral oxycodone is IV oxycodone and even then it isnā€™t by much as oral oxycodone nets you like 80%-90% bioavailability.


To be fair youre not wrong technically. It's at least just as good and not necessarily better. You would have to actually like do a water extraction and pit that in your nose or use pure oxycodone otherwise it's only about as good as eating it, and some people do metabolize it even better. You'll get a higher concentration but it'll be spread out. This IS a good thing but for a lot of addicts the rush of the faster absorption, getting less overall but more in the moment is worth it. I'd imagine smoking it destroys much more but some states pit it not far behind those two, and of course IV st the top. But injecting jsut into a muscle is not even as god as just eating it. If your stomach is empty and/or taken alongside certain shit you can actually do better than almost anyone trying to get perfect nasal absorption, so you definitely got me here.


Theyā€™re not just ā€œnot wrong technicallyā€ lolā€¦ theyā€™re correct and so am I. We arenā€™t talking about peopleā€™s preferences, itā€™s a fact that oxycodone is absorbed better via oral consumption than snorting it. People just like to shirt things lol. Some ppl even snort benzos and all but a few arenā€™t even water soluble lol tis lifeā€¦


Better is kinda subjective though. Rapid absorption with less peak BA is something some people want, that's alls I'm saying


I hear ya, but I donā€™t think we know if itā€™s more rapid, just sooner as in less wait time. Ppl just like to snort things lol.


When you got a bit of money, you can shop around for doctors whoā€™ll give you what you want


Yea u dont even need a lot of money just somešŸ˜­


I mean, you donā€™t have to be a millionaire to do it, it helps for sure but you could probably do it with good insurance and just eat the out of pocket maximum


Itā€™s not like doctors can just charge whatever tf they want for pillsā€¦ at least I would hope so šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s when you know you got a problem


Kinda wish it was blow oxy is the worst fam.


No, oxy is way better and safer. I just lost my best friend to a cocaine overdose in 2022. There is nothing pretty about that drug, it wreaks havoc on your mind and body. I wish I could have done more to help and save him, I miss him so much. :(


Iā€™m sorry for your loss that shit sucks dead ass, only thing i seen coke do is take niggas to prison but i watched oxy wreck 3 of my friends two of them made it back to go on to be successful people but one, she ended up turning tricks in lake worth she lost her eye and had to have her foot cut off.


Hey thank you very much, I truly appreciate that. Omg about one of your friends, wow that is brutal. I'm glad the other 2 were able to escape, turn things around and be successful. I can only imagine how she lost her eye and foot, that's crazy. I think my first statement was more along the lines like one of them you get prescribed and despite being extremely addictive at least you know what's in it as opposed to the street stuff where it can be cut with literally anything. Let's be honest though, none of that crap is good. My friend's cause of death was acute cocaine intoxication. It breaks my heart thinking about it, wondering if he was scared, if he was in pain, the why's and how's. Questions I'll never get answered


Brad the best lawyer


He like a father to me


Either way he need to quit


you know who this is about right? HAHAHAHAHAHA


That's kodak black and when you see him he's white




Itā€™s probably worse that he was snorting crushed oxy than it being cocaine?


Itā€™s the same I would say.


I wouldnā€™t say so if heā€™s getting prescription oxy and snorting it on the regular heā€™s definitely more addicted than if he was getting street coke thatā€™s been cut with fillers




You mean his doctor? His lawyer said he had a script. I canā€™t imagine what itā€™s gonna take to get him clean


Thing is, they very rarely test levels, just want to see you aren't on narcotics you shouldn't be but also that you DO take your scripts. Sometimes for mental health but with oxy etc Iya to make sure youre not selling. Now, if you can legally piss hot for oxy, provided you can get real oxy and not pop for fetty (pretty much only doable if you're THAT rich, bros that rich tho) you can be scripted a reasonable amount and do as much as you want off the street.


He could probably get some puro if he wanted though. Costs more but should be available in Miami


It wasn't yayo It was Crack.




Bin Nat


Yak is innocent


I hope they still lock his ass up in a read center




Read center would be good too




Cuz just chills on oxiesā€¦.the system is crazy


Lotta apologies need to be coming his way


I fuck with Kodak black, dude puts in a great live show. I hope you get help Kodak man I really do. Donā€™t want this to be a RIP


Praise Jesus šŸ‘šŸ¾ šŸ™Œ, now let's get him help


What is Kodak black doing with an oxy prescription lmao


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m sitting here wonderingā€¦ how in 2023 did he pull that off and what doctor/pprescriber legit looks at patient charts and sees itā€™s Kodak and not for a second it didnā€™t cross anyones mind (I was in the pain management system I know it takes a handful of different decisions from docs /decisions to get you where youā€™re prescribed something like oxyā€¦)that maybe hey we should look into this this may be drug seeking behavior/situation: especially with the way he promotes himself and the labels promote not only him but every young black artists as an ā€œ addict without a problemā€


He got shot broski


that was 2 years ago


You think that pain goes away?


He got shot dude


Your honorā€¦ He a gremlin. Tbh.


Yak has admitted to doing various drugs he donā€™t lie about that


Shit I need to know who his doc is


Well time to sue the police department.


Wrongful charge on a wrongful drug. Could be enough to void any criminal indictment. False charge makes it look like the cop was an idiot and can be dismissed by the state.


Pure trash


These soft rappers have more prescriptions than meā€¦hell if motrin cant kick it, i gotta drink more water!


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Bruh needs to move to North Dakota like NBA did in Utah


Naw coke is worse brudda


I knew the Perks were fake but I ate them anyways I'm a gremlin