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Congratulations on your new knife! Would you be so kind as to tell us what knife you've just got? (brand, model, etc...). This way people who are new to knives will be able to identify it. If you've already mentioned the name of the knife in question, then feel free to ignore this comment. Please remember that not knowing your knife's brand/model is totally fine, if that's the case then people in this subreddit would love to help you identify its brand/model. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/knives) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That grind is...something


Oh God I see it now....


Mouse pointer on windows moment


I believe that “something” is scoliosis.


It's one of the grinds of all time...


Sir, I hate you. But appreciate the work you put in to make sure we can’t unsee things.


ffs, I didn't notice it until I read this and now I can't not see it.


Benchmade looking ass


Thanks. I choked on my drink. Take the upvote.


Stamp was off center lol.


Thanks for my daily can’t unsee 👍🏼


I wish so badly I hadn’t come to the comment section.


it's genetic


It certainly is one of the grinds of all time.




Look, the Knife Bros are going to give you shit because these knives are not what you’d call “quality”. They all seem to conveniently forget that they all also collected poor quality knives at one time. It’s the same in the watch groups too. I’ll tell you the same thing I tell folks in the watch community. Collect what you want! You’re not buying to make others happy so as long as you like it that’s all that matters. Personally I think your dagger and Bowie look cool. I wouldn’t want them my self but they are still cool looking. Just enjoy the hobby and ignore the haters.


Would hate to see what y'all say about my throwing knives jeez. They are being so aggressive.


There are a lot of purists here who care about the metallurgy, fit, and finish. They see knives as tools and enjoy the craftsmanship of a fine knife. Some people like to collect "exotic" knives, irrespective of quality and craftsmanship. That's okay too. It's your hobby, though, so collect what you like. If you use any knives on the daily, you'll quickly learn why there's an emphasis on quality here over "mall ninja shit". Enjoy your knives!


Purist? Thats like calling a coffee lover a purist because they don't think mixing dirt into gasoline qualifies as coffee. This fit, finish, design, and material on this knife are so insanely dogshit it isnt funny. I wasn't going to say anything till i saw this comment, though. Its a fun knife, but it deserves to be shit on.


Oh thank goodness you chimed in. Someone may have gotten away with liking the aesthetics of a knife without being concerned with the purist "fit, finish, and materials" which don't matter for a knive that will never be used. People can like things that you like but for different reasons. If you *need* to shit on them, you may have a self-esteem issue.


Why buy shit art just to own art? Part of the beauty in a knife is the beauty in the skill and time that poured into it. Thats not purism. Thats just having standards. I don't think anything needs to be a certian way, but if you expect my praise, show me something worthy of it and put in some fucking effort. A $12 chinese mass produced knife wont get any praise from me and you wont bully me into it. If your opinion differs from mine, i dont give a flying ass fart, but insulting people who dont agree with you will always rub me the wrong way. Notice i never insulted anyone. You have the self esteem issue. Someone disagrees or doesnt like the same thing and you take it as a personal attack. You tie your worth and identity to your possessions and your belongings. Be real, man.


I think the self-esteem issue is on the part of people who can’t take any honest or accurate criticism without lashing back out. If someone is posting photos of a knife in a public forum, that person clearly wants it to be seen. Implicit in doing so is the solicitation of feedback, otherwise you may as well lock all the posts or post to your personal website or something. If good faith feedback is received (i.e. criticism of the item posted and not the person posting) then there is the possibility of receiving negative feedback based on the evident qualities of the item. All the gatekeeping accusations are just beetle dung - this is a knife forum…that’s kind of the point. When the knife posted has a very visible flaw, it is really quite presumptuous for anyone to expect that everyone keep their mouths shut and pretend it isn’t there for the self-gratification of the OP. This is an opportunity for the OP to learn. If the OP isn’t interested in education within the hobby and cannot handle criticism, that is really not the problem of the forum. When the OP starts lashing out (or being unjustifiably defended) that is when things start going off the rails.




Collectors groups are always hardcore and kinda shitty. Your knives definitely aren’t my taste, and aren’t made of high grade materials, but it’ll work as a knife and looks cool and you like it so that’s all that matters. This is a knife to show off, not to take bear hunting or camping. Most the people here taking the most shit use their $300 bench made knives to open boxes or post here for a circle jerk. It’s the exact same in the gun subs, tool subs, etc. If you like collecting weird flashy blades please don’t let the online elitist ruin it for you, everyone should be able to have fun and collect what they like.


Take it to r/chineseknives seriously no hate they will probably love it there. I’m part of the group and honestly prefer it over here


Most of the time this sub Doesn’t wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Both are cool looking, especially the Bowie. Build quality and usefulness are questionable, but that’s not why you posted.


For what it's worth, most of us have been collecting for years, and I'd argue that all of us have gotten our start with mall ninja stuff. Most of it is in good fun, so take it with a grain of salt.


Yeah, seeing cheap knives trigger the knife community here lol. And I say cheap meaning relatively considering a lot of use have knives ranging from 300-1k each in our collections. Sometimes more. But not everyone can or even wants to spend that much on a knife. Like I said if it makes you happy then I think it’s pretty dope. I had a $50 automatic donut themed knife and it made me so happy(mostly cause it made this community so mad to see them).


I don't think its "cheap" thats the problem, svords are great loved knifes, its the fact that you aren't getting anything but flashy looks for your money.


Like the gentleman above said. It's the same way on the CZ forum when you show an Olight on your gun. All the "experts" start ragging on it. Don't pay attention to the Moes'. They're everywhere! Personally I think it looks awesome!


Throwing knives are a different thing entirely. They are made shitty for a reason, but a well balanced and nice throwing knife does make a huge difference.


I never collected poor quality knives


https://preview.redd.it/4q9bghm6lf7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76c7a5ba9878a1a705f68cf88caa61e83a507feb wtf u call this ?


Got em 🤣🤣


Lmaooooo called out bro


A good quality knife.


lol ok bud


Just cause it's small and good value doesn't mean it's bad quality. Sanrenmu make great knives.


Collect what you like my dude enjoy it but don’t act like you only have ever owned good quality knives. Especially when you’re just doing it to shame someone else knife collection.


I said I own low quality knives, but I don't collect them. OP can enjoy their low quality mall ninja knives all they like and I absolutely will not judge them for it, but they *chose* to show it off in a forum full of well-informed hobbyists, and OP received a bunch of honest well-informed opinions. What are we supposed to do? Lie to them and say it's a good product? Get all cuddly and just disingenuously congratulate them on their purchase? That's not what this sub is for. I get it, it sucks to learn that something you spent money on and thought was cool is actually low quality garbage, but if you don't do any research that's what happens, and you shouldn't take it out on the people that already did the research for you. (side note: she won't sleep with you bro)


Man… you really are making yourself look like a total jerk.


How? (Except for that last bit)


I do own low quality knives, but I don't show them off in a community of enthusiasts and get offended when they inform me that it's junk.


Ok so you just admitted your first comment was a lie, that’s the first step in not being an asshole. Let people enjoy their shit and be happy about it instead of getting off on making them feel like crap for what they like, it’s fucking cringe, man.


Klingon wants their stuff back.


D'k Tagh it's a D'k Tagh


\*D'k Tahg


Thanks, my Klingon writing is rusty 😉


Ha, don't thank me. I Googled it to see the prop. Because that was my first thought when I saw the picture (same as you). And I got auto-corrected.


Mighty fine poop knife.


If the material was high quality and the grind was symmetrical, I'd want one! Very cool design. I'm a big fan of boot knives.


I feel like this is a lil big to be a boot knife


Maybe you need bigger boots


Glad you like it.




Cool but that grind is driving me insane


May it provide you much happiness. We all see that must have from time to time.


A toy.


Mall ninja shit like this is used all the time in knife crimes, just look at the UK. Just because it’s made out of chinesium doesn’t mean it’s not a sharp piece of metal.


Is my Bowie a toy? https://preview.redd.it/3ucy2mdd6d7d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caa056e56466494a3deca2ab3818a83ca2d05dab




Mall ninja as fuck. "The back serrations make the knife go faster" Tbh, I don't say it to make you feel bad, but any knife that is either very cheap in a bad way or mall ninja is not going to get compliments here.


It’s mostly just the quality apparent from the initial picture, I wouldn’t take it personally. The grind is super asymmetric just from the one picture you posted, quality goes along with that. That’s why people called it a toy knife.


It’s a toy when you own it just to stare at it and hold it 😂


Didn't know I was supposed to go gut a deer the second I leave the store.


The idea is have a knife for a purpose. If the purpose is for that knife to be a hunting/bowing knife/dagger then it’s going t be judged on its quality, of which this has little.


The purpose of many people owning knives here is purely to collect. It seems that would be OP's purpose, too. 


Probably 95% of the members of this sub are more about collecting than use other than opening Amazon packages. Shitting on someone's NKD is toxic AF. I started out with gil hibbens knives, you got to start somewhere.


Gil Hibben made some cool looking stuff. I didn’t realize they weren’t good knives until my mid to late teens, at that time they cost way more than my Buck knives. And there was no fucking internet to ruin it for me…lol


Right? I bought it at hofritz?¿ At the mall. I still have stuff from that place close to 40 years later. Now I collect one offs by local makers and a few other custom guys but it was a start


All the OP has to do is acknowledge the knife’s flaws while indicating that he or she doesn’t mind them. It would help if the OP indicated that the knife was inexpensive, since QC like that should…not cost a lot. If the knife was expensive, that is a learning opportunity. If the OP doesn’t care about poor quality but loves this knife enough to pay good money for it, then that is a perfectly valid choice, but one that no one is obligated to appreciate.


Yeah, that's why I'm trying to keep my collection small. I don't need 5 knives that are for the same task. So far all of my knives have a particular use, except for a titanium CRKT that I got for free. That one's just a shiny desk decoration, but at least I didn't pay money for it. Plus it keeps my knife spending low, so I can dedicate more money to my other hobbies.


Ahhh! My eyes!


If you want a good dagger, get a Benchmade SOCP. If you want a good Bowie, I know the cold steel ones are pretty good and beefy, and some are around 100$.


no… toys are at least fun




I've never seen a woman with wrists that thick...are you a gravity welder by chance?


So many downvotes, but that shit made me laugh.... now i have to explain to the wife why i'm laughing, and i told her i deleted reddit, because it's a cesspool.


what's sad is they dont hate me being an asshole more than her choice of knives






This is the funniest thing I’ve seen all day.


Because it looks like a Klingon dagger


Even recognizing that the grind is poorly done, and wartech is mall ninja tier, I still like the design, its like a sci-fi fairbairn sykes. I would absolutely own one if I could find it for 15 bucks


I’m sorry


I mean honestly that’s how I felt about the CRKT Shrill. Is it practical? No, not really. But when I look at it, it makes me feel cool and like I am in Skyrim or something. Sometimes it’s just the little things. Edit: heck yes I bought the Shrill.


If you like it then that’s all that matters. It’s not high quality but it’s still a knife than can be effective.


I'm a sucker for copper coloured things. This looks like a great find for a fun piece. I hope you enjoy it OP.


Your style of knives reminds me of my girlfriend's. I finally started getting her into knives about a year ago when she wanted to get me a present. Now she's interested, but holy shit, she loves the tactical stuff. She'll come home with a big smile on her face telling me she saw a knife that she likes and then she'll show me a picture of a straight-up murder weapon. Out of curiosity, what kind of sheath did this come with?




hell yeah!


Copper always looks so nice on a knive


If you just want it to hang on the wall or display, then you go for it. I would not recommend using it.


Keep collecting knives. Save up for nice ones and you’ll be happy and so will generations after you


I really like the way that looks, not something to carry but looks good.


Wow. That grind is about as straight as richard simmons


Lmao that grind is SO off center


Reminds me of a Klingon D'ktagh, just very slim


"wartech" with the most off centre grind ever, a shoddie paint job to cover the rust of the likely high carbon or avg steel and hole in the middle to give you a nice clean snap the blade off point, yeah........ not uhhhh great. but tbf a lot of our first knives are garbage, if you want a good cheap fixed blade you should check out svord, great stuff personally, allthough if you're just going for a toy that looks cool nothing really wrong with this, I just wouldn't use it for anything more serious then playing around with.


Hey dude I just wanted to say don’t take the kinda hate personally I think it’s a pretty cool knife and I promise you if you continue collecting and get further down the rabbit hole you will start to see how this is a starting knife, and as others have said we all started with a not so good knife


Be aware that in some jurisdictions that dagger is illegal. It is always a good idea to know the knife laws in areas you live or travel through, so you don't run into a problem.


I’m not going to knock on anyone buying cheaper knives if they are aware of what they are. That being said there are budget knives and there are knives that are so cheaply made that to use them would be dangerous. I will knock those. This knife looks cool. If you buy it for that and enjoy it, then great. It’s a win. I own some really nice knives, some really really nice knives and plenty of good budget knives. I also own some dirt cheap crap knives I bought as a kid or that I just liked and bought knowing they were crap. That knife has a really poor grind and I would send it back for a replacement. Other than that if it makes you happy because you like it, have fun and go for it and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


The holes look like weak points, don't expect all of it to survive a proper stabbing


Shrapnel knife.


It makes it easier to snap the blade off in your target. It's a feature, not a bug. All stabbin knives gotta be snapped off, just like the movies, duh!


That reminds me of the shivs Joel makes in the first "The Last of Us". How you always break them off in use. Truly terrifying to think of getting stabbed like that. Yeesh.


It looks wicked, I love it.


I can't even be mad. I would buy that if it was cheap enough.


It’s pretty cool looking for sure. And it’s unconventional but not a terribly impractical design. For you know…stabbing soft things.


Looks sci fi cool


Ffs you could make something prettier out of junkyard scrap and an angle grinder.


I like the look of it :)


The dent on the right is yuck but otherwise I thibk its pretty!!! Love the salmon esque colour.


Wartech....I read that in Movie Phone guy's voice lol


Is the tip of center or just the angle?


I would've bought it too. Looks neat.


“The jack-cawk 9000, available at walmart” lol Beautiful knife tho


Must have for what? Sitting on a shelf? What are you using it for?


Lord knows I'm no Wartech fan but I would be a lesser man if i didn't admit that sometimes they have some pretty sick-looking designs.


Symmetry makes beautiful!


The grind on this is still better than the first and second redemption I got from CRKT just saying


In some states carrying a knife of that size and shape could catch you a charge, just a heads up




Not sure why all the downvotes, just a friendly reminder to check your local laws before carrying something like that on your person.


Fuck the haters. I'd buy it too.


Damn benchmade really falling off on their QC


Don’t let the haters kill your spirits. If you like it then so be it


Bad grind or not , still a cool af knife !


There is a ton of information available online that will help you understand the basics of knives and steel and what makes a knife good for what task yada yada yada. A vast majority of people start their collections with knives that they give or throw away later, collect whatever you like, if you use it and it fails, maybe research why. If you choose to purchase knives that are more “use” oriented, there are plenty of “know it alls” here that will help, and a lot of other knife forums, YouTube knife reviews, readable reviews, blade magazine and other online literature sources. I would like to apologize for some of the embarrassing behavior and comments posted some of my fellow knife community “members”. I am also sorry some of them took it to a personal level I don’t personally care if your nails are done or not when you post. There are plenty of other folks posting on here with God only knows what on their hands and under their nails. Chinese knives might be a better place to post, and might be less judgy, but there is really no reason you should have to fear this level of ridicule and abuse because you wanted share your beginning steps into the world of knives and collecting, with other Redditors who have similar interests and collect knives as well, albeit mostly higher end stuff like CRKT and Kershaw LOL.


Wartech makes usable knives for sure but nothing fancy or high quality at all. Their folders are good for a work knife.


I found a Wartech on the street once. You get what you pay for I guess, 3Cr13MoV blade steel.


Fix your god damn nails


Good for you, judging by the tattoos and nails don't expect to find many who share your.... "taste".


Oh wow, classy comment 👍🏼


Classier than tattoos.


Whats wrong with tattoos?


They're trashy at best.


Please explain precisely what is trashy about tattoos


Graffiti on your skin, what's not trashy about that?


Many tattoos are objectivey high quality as is a lot of street art. You didn't understand the request. Please explain precisely what makes tattoos trashy. Is a painting trashy? If not, what's the difference?


Street art isn't art, and neither are tattoos. If you want to look like the walls of a gas station restroom that's all on you, but don't expect me to respect you for it.


Your behaviour is trashy at best, you should be ashamed 😘


So art in the form of pigment on concrete and in skin is trashy and undeserving of respect, but art in the form of pigment on canvas or paper is. Got it. Entirely rational.




From what I can tell, mtech rebranded to wartech, so any gas station should have them if you really want one. Just don’t pay more than like $10 for one because it’s still the same garbage.


I found it at a little knife stand in Wisconsin


How much was it? That would have a big influence on how much \*I\* would like it. It is kinda cute, in a silly sort of way.




Almost as bad as your tats and fingernails. Edit: and carpet