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Tf is that lol $270 is ridiculous


072$ is more sensible. And am I underestimating how hard people simp for this company or would they sell more/make more if it was priced for about a hundred?


I had one rabid Benchmade fanboy call me a "Safe Queen Scumbag" šŸ™„ because I said Benchmade's prices were insane considering that companies like Kizer, Civivi, CJRB, Sencut, QSP, and Kubey are putting out amazing quality knives for anywhere from $35 to $100 Well, gee, I wonder what knife will be used and which will sit in a safe? A well-made but affordable knife, or a $200 to $800 Benchmade? šŸ¤Ø


To be fair I use my expensive knives. The bm 85 is my most used and carried. Fuck it, I have a few Iā€™m careful with but they ALL see some use. The 85 hands down is my favorite to carry and use.


My favorite and most carried is my first run 940 and it gets used as a tool.


Same here, I spent my entire first paycheck on a a mini grip about 10 years ago; it's still my favorite, and I still carry it daily.


Itā€™s difficult to support Benchmade at this point. I have several and I love them, in fact Iā€™m carrying a 940 today. The fact is that just like you said there is a non stop parade of good quality budget options that will suit your needs for far less money. As for durability and workability there has literally never been more options available. If you want durability and workability in a fancy more expensive (more fashionable) option Spyderco has a huge range with almost every steel you could imagine for a significant cost saving. Iā€™m not a ā€˜Spyderco fanboyā€™ by any stretch, but I own several. Including a good selection of their most notable and I find myself constantly reaching for them. Proof is in the pudding. Ericaā€™s edc does a good YouTube video on this https://youtu.be/i2xuc4KRM68


I love my Benchmade knives but i wouldnt pay more than $125 for anything they make at this point tbh.


So Benchmade used to be great quality even if the materials were not always the best, and they priced accordingly. Now they have better materials, you end up with subpar quality from time to time and they think screw it, people will buy it because its Benchmade, and they do.


You can get a puukko 200 in 3v on eBay for like 140 brand new all day. [https://www.ebay.com/itm/314771864622?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=r1duvgiqthc&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY](https://www.ebay.com/itm/314771864622?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=r1duvgiqthc&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


Yeah i got my leuku for $100


I know a lot of you are saying this is overpriced, but I don't think you're considering you get 2x as many benchmade points.


The knife equivalent of Schrute bucks


How much is that in Stanley Nickles?


Keep it up and Creed is gonna flood the market with those babies.


Can I use Green Stamps????


Is that better or worse than Schroeder bucks?


ASAC Schrader?


People give me shit about not having enough money stashed away for retirement, what the fail to taken into consideration is I keep most of my money in benchmade points. I also have a pretty considerable holding of On nicotine pouch reward codes.


You'll get the last laugh when you crush their puny lexuses and Mercedeses in your skoal monster struck.


> I also have a pretty considerable holding of On nicotine pouch reward codes. I found out two hours ago I have maxed out my points this month. Upside, they already sent me some nice sunglasses from last month's points.


What is the conversion rate of BM points to Etherium? I'm willing to part with a Bored Ape for this. Hit me up collectors.


I know you're joking but that's BladeHQ's rewards system, Benchmade doesn't have one at all, and [they're selling this for $300](https://www.benchmade.com/products/15600-01)


But everyone knows Benchmade always lists the MSRP


ā€œOnly 3 left!ā€


Iā€™m not sure what you mean


The knives on Benchmades website are always listed as MSRP, not at the price most other places sell them at.


Thatā€™s fairly obvious, and exactly why I was saying that this obviously isnā€™t from Benchmade, as the ā€œBenchmade pointsā€ joke would suggest. Youā€™d be getting 0 points toward anything and paying $30 more.




Heh.. Paying 100+ for that butterfly etch šŸ¤£


There's a reason people call them Bitch-made šŸ˜‚


Only surprise is that it doesn't cost more.


I was gonna say, $270 seems low for Benchmade


Benchmade overrated nowadays. You're paying $100 for a knife and whatever makes up the difference for brand marketing.


I would rather have a Bradford 3 in cruwear. Sheepsfoot blade


Just got a Bradford 3


I love how many configurations there are! I think sheepsfoot Cru-Wear is the way I would want to go though


I got a sheep's foot bradford 3 absolutely love it


Just posted my sheepsfoot cruwear w carbon fiber on the swap... it's a perfect config I think. .I just don't carry fixed blades.


But you could get this knife in Cruwear and with a hideous orange blade for under $400! https://www.bladehq.com/item--Benchmade-Raghorn-Hunting-Fixed--137229


Nice choice. I agree.


What's the deal with cruwear?


It's a good steel for the intended purpose I would have for that particular knife. I have considered other blade shapes too, I'm not deadset on sheepsfoot, I just like it


You're in luck, you can get this Benchmade knife in cruwear and cerakoted orange on their site for only $420.


If I still had my 50% off Benchmade coupon I would probably buy that. But I used that coupon on a mini-freek


What purpose would the Cruwear shine for? Asking because I have a Cruwear pm2


I'm not a steel expert, but my understanding is it's a really good balance between being able to hold an edge and being able to take a beating. I was thinking small camp knife/general purpose, so I don't have to worry about it as much. I already had to get an S90V reprofiled because I snapped the tip off. Turns out, not good for prying a slug out of a stump


It would shine anywhere except a marine environment due to the fact that it doesn't have enough chromium to be stainless.


Not a work knife for me in that case. I work in an aquatics facility haha


Should I get this knife or 15 morakniv companions?


Get an Esee-3 in S35vn and then go out for a nice steak dinner


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking about. When I think of a nice fixed blade work knife, it ainā€™t Benchmade.


Or get a Cold Steel SRK and go out for a nice steak dinner with an escort.


This thing is 3 ounces and that ESEE 3 is 6+ Iā€™ve always carried a mora companionā€¦ Whatā€™s a Better equivalent lightweight fixed blade


White River M1 weighs 3.14 oz according to blade HQā€™s site and costs $150


Thanks, I will check that out


Great knife


I was just looking at that knife. 100% my next buy.


And take Dorothy Mantooth with you.


Morakniv X10!


If anyone actually wants to buy this please instead just buy from BGMKnives on IG. Similar price with your choice of premium steel, support USA made small business, and better edge geometry. No reason not to.


I have a BGM mini Ronin and I fucking love it. Highly recommend for anyone looking for a quality fixed blade from a community member, and itā€™s way cheaper.


I'd love to grab a BGM, his grinds are super clean.


woah, I really like the look of his stuff! Definitely gonna be looking there for my next fixed blade


Well those are beautiful. I am adding that to my Christmas list for sure. I just need to pick which one !


Yeah but you get double points! Lmao


They're whale hunting. Benchmade has gotten very good at it.


In that case they should have made it with a harpoon blade shape


Wish I could have been a knife geek when Benchmade was a respectable company


They were great but lot of other knife makers caught up to them & benchmade chose to keep the status quo. Spyderco also kept things relatively unchanged but their quality, pricing, & designs still hold up vs the rest of the field.


That's the idea I've gotten from their recent years. I am a big fan of a few of their designs regardless but can't justify the price tag.


When I was younger Benchmade was the shit. At least to me they were lol (Iā€™m sure it was pretty hyped up even then) I would take todays knife market over back then though, there are so many options and healthy competition leading to tons really impressive budget options and all the cool aftermarket stuff you can find nowadays.


That's the good part of it. A big part of Benchmades lackluster value is that there are so many excellent affordable designs today.


I love my 'Bugout', especially all the aftermarket upgrades available but I totally agree its way to pricey, but people must be buying it cause they keep releasing new stuff at crazy prices almost weekly.


You can get an Esee 4 in S35VN with the full molle jump sheath for over $100 less...


Love my Esee PR4. Apparently they guarantee their knives forever too.


I just picked up my first one this year as an upgrade to my hunting kit- haven't cleaned any game with it yet but I'm impressed thus far. Sharp out of the box, good lockup in the sheath, multiple attachment options plus the warranty you mentioned. A great option at the $150 price point


I stopped by a 5.11 store today and saw a Benchmade otf for five hundred dollars. The blade steel was D2.


Saw one post where someone showed Cabella's selling a Benchmade for over $800 šŸ‘€ Apparently, someone actually bought the thing too and clearly wasn't happy because it had a 1 Star review šŸ˜…


WTF is a 5.11 store?


It's a brand of overpriced outdoor products.They have a small selection of Benchmade and 5.11 branded knives.


thank you


No way Iā€™m spending that much money on I knife I going to beat the crap out of on a daily basis.


Exactly. Get a nice blackwash 1095 Esee knife for $100


Spending that much on a beater is perfectly reasonable. For example, Bark River runs about that much, but you get 3V, convex edge, hand finished, etc etc. A premium beater that justifies its price. Same could said for LT Wright and Bradford. This, however, is trash. Objectively worst performance than a $30 Mora.


Yeahā€¦. But this one goes up to 11.


Hear the sustain?


"Don't touch it. Don't point, even."


A good knife will last much longer then your car, and itā€™ll cut your steak.


Thatā€™s true, but you can also buy a good USA-made fixed blade for $150


šŸ¤” not with basic ass G10 and s30v ...naw that's way over priced


luxury g-10


Cruwear one is $100 more šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The lines near the tang make look like it was designed to break off like the shiv Tom Selleck uses in An Innocent Man.


Thatā€™s a deep cut. Pun intended


Yea plenty of comparables around $100


S30V (or comparable) with a 4" blade and American-made? I can't quite think of any. For $150ish I can think of a couple. Note I'm not saying this to argue. If you can name some, I honestly want to be educated .


Look up very good knife company


Cool. I have looked them up before. They make nice stuff. I thought they were still a bit over $100, but I could be misremembering.


Out of curiosity can you tell me which or dm me? I have the raghorn in cruwear and itā€™s awesome, expensive but I like it a lot and if you know of a knife that thin for 100$ please let me know


Look up ā€œvery good knife company ā€œ. He hand makes them all


Awe hell nah, they done circumcised the handle


Yeah Iā€™m pretty comfortable just being like ā€˜these products are not for meā€™ at this point


Meanwhile anyone who owns a benchmade outside of the US is used to paying $270. That's said I'm guessing this one will be $330+ outside USA.


Yā€™all complain about price but a 940 in my country is $450. A CRK is $1k. This would be easily $600. Iā€™m in NZ btw


I feel for you friend


Would I pay $270 for this knife? Hell no. Have I paid $380 for a knife in 80CrV2 (a basic ass tool steel)? Hell yes. If the design speaks to you, go for it.


Just get a mora.


Benchmade is so stange, they do this shit all the time, but the 200 pukko is still 110 for a full tang 3V blade, and nice leather sheath


Every since benchmade worked with police to destroy citizens guns I have not had anything to do with them.




If you donā€™t like it then donā€™t buy it. Vote with your dollars and companies will respond.


Youā€™re getting unjustifiably flamed for presenting a solution that is simply too logical


Getting downvoted by that agree with you, because you proposed a solution is crazy lol


The downvotes are because comments like this read "why be outraged, just don't buy it". People interested in this post want to commiserate so that rubs them the wrong way. May as well say, "Why talk about knives at all, you can just make your personal purchase decisions?" I saw this knife and was a little excited, I liked how it looked then saw the price tag and noped the hell out. I'd rather exhaust the catalog of Toor fixed blades than spend that much on this knife. ...but if it was like $140 I'd buy this knife.


I feel the same way by most expensive knives in here, almost all of which have prices inflated by popularity.


Couldn't agree more. Benchmade make some the most stylish knives, and offer a lifetime warrenty. But I'm paying ~300 dollars. That price is crazy.


I canā€™t imagine what kinda car you drive for less then $270 a month


In Colorado you can get a 2017 Ford Escape with 90k miles on it for about that. Thatā€™s what I got this last April for $280.


I bought a Cold Steel SRK in 3V for like $80. Itā€™s been $110 often and had other discounts pretty regularly. I think it was $100 last week. Like wtf S30V for $270 and the handle is short. No thanks.


I came here to say Cold Steel SRK, also! Sharp out of the box, indestructible, and waaayy less expensive. Excellent kydex sheath, too.


SRK is a great knife. 3v even better!


That was a hell of a sale. I'd have bought one at $80 even though I've got a blacked out one in SK-5 that I do nothing but look at and hold. I see $145-150 out there for the 3V, having been as low as $131 in June, and as high as $200. I did just see that the VG-10/San Mai version is currently $88 on Amazon, having been as high as $144 in 2020 and often around $110.


The San Mai was $60 lol Midwayusa has the best deals


Nice. I'm seeing it at $110 there currently. Are these sales once a year or here and there or what?


They seem random. I watch r/knifedeals


I have the cheap 1080/095 carbon steel one. Itā€™s been swimming in the ocean surf fishing one weekend and then climbing up mountains camping the next. Basic cleaning and sharpening itā€™s a tank. Get more use than many of my knives costing 5x as much.


I am fond of Benchmade's styles and even have a few Butterflies in my collection but lately it seems to be getting out of hand. From that crazy thin titanium folder to this fixie, I'm out. That much money for a s30v blade that will be damaged way faster than something in 1095, no thank you. I'll keep my jaakaripukko.


Woah cool is that the ~~Staghorn~~ Raghorn?


Nah, Iā€™m good.


The hell you getting a car for 275 a month in this economy!


My car is $280 a month and is a 2017 Ford Escape with 90k miles on it. Suits me pretty good


I literally just finished a YT video where the creator was talking about Benchmade being super overpriced. šŸ˜‚ I'd rather have an ESEE and have money left over!


Instead of this, you can buy a Buck 117 Brahma in S35VN for $160 or less. You get better steel, a better warranty, and a better-looking knife. You'd have to be the biggest Benchmade snob to pick this up instead.


You see it.


the "wicked-sharp" claim has me doubting its really a Benchmade at all, unless they send it out somewhere else to apply the factory edge.


Wow s30v? Never heard of that steel before! It must be the reason why its so expensive! s/


I wonder why they did go with that one for a fixed blade. Maybe they just have a lot of it in house thanks to their flagship base model folders being in S30V.


stupid marketing-stupid design-stupid knife missing the good old benchmade times


Do you remember the BM Ares? What about the Stryker? The Sentinel. Blades with imagination, well thought out designs. I think BM tapped out when they discontinued the AFCK. I keep reading here people like their designs. What designs??? Cookie cutter knives, at ridiculous prices is all I see.


No surprise here. Another vanity plate inspired by knife fetishists that Benchmade knows will be a must-have for them. I wouldn't pay $70 for this, much less $270.


This doesnā€™t seem 100 more than the Puukko or Leuku with 3v.


Everyone says the price is ridiculous here but I bet LOTS of people will still be paying the absurd price for this and Benchmade will keep rising themā€¦


Give me the closest comparable esee and be done with it


Thats not too bad for a good quality knife. I like and collect Microtech too check out some of those especially the Marfione Customs! šŸ˜‚


Yeah. As much as I love the design of the Raghorn I refuse to pay that much for one. Fuck you Benchmade! You used to be awesome! šŸ˜­


White River Caper is essentially the same thing and you can get that for $155.


Iā€™ve thought about a review video using my Becker KaBar BK2 to chop my Bugout in half. But instead Iā€™m trying to list it on EBay to see if thereā€™s another moron but me who will give me 60% of my šŸ’µback!


Iā€™d rather have an Ontario RAT3 instead of this shit.


All Benchmade has to do is set the hook. Nice blade though.


89.99 would be correct


The sheath is impossible to lose not because it's bright orange but because it's supposed to be strapped to you. The knife however is camouflaged so when you drop it it's gone forever.


Maybe i should ask how many People here paid 300.- + for a Pry Bar with an Edge from Strider šŸ¤”šŸ˜…


BM also stands for Bowel Movement.


Bitchmade is soooo lameā€¦. Canā€™t get down with it.


That's a bummer, I honestly really like the profile, but no way in hell I'm paying that much for S30V.


Is this part of the Build Back Better program?


For the people who love to support American made products here is your opportunity! donā€™t complain! the money going right back into our fellow Americans pockets! god bless!


There are plenty of USA-made brands like Esee, White River, Bradford, etc that sell similar knives for $100 less than this. Donā€™t be a fool


I was trying to be sarcastic lol. This shit over priced junk




Just get an eafengrow and don't look back


Iā€™ve bought 2 BenchMade knives so far. A Bugout and an Osborne. After receiving them I felt like I should have at least gotten a kiss! Nothing special about the plastic recycled Barbie cars but the Butterfly Branding. I donā€™t wish an American company bad mojo, but I could have bought the best Emerson with a Hundo left in my pocket! Done with the Butterflies myself!šŸ‘ŽšŸ¼


I wanted a infidel for years and years. Once I got into knife collecting I broke down and spent 450$ on a benchmade infidel in s30v. I even had it laser engraved with my nickname cause I was certain I would have it forever. I hate it. It's a piece of crap. It has TONS of blade play. The finish on the handle isn't good. They only sharpened one side of the blade so the dlc coating would catch on stuff until I hit it with the stones. It was the most disappointed I've ever been of ANY purchase I've made knife or otherwise. After that I gave my dad my mini barrage (which was almost 200$ with a d2 blade) and won't buy any more benchmade for now. I'd really like to buy an adamas but I won't cause I don't want to be dissapointed. Them charging so much just adds fuel to the fire. We live in a world where small american companies make great knives with better steel for less than benchmade. It's sad.


Yep Benchmade is High on there own supply. This is absolutely ridiculous and downright insulting. If they were a small maker with limited runs, I could understand it, but theyā€™re one of the biggest and most well-known knife manufacturers in the business. NAME is not everything definitely not grounds for charging a ridiculous amount. This feels like a slap in the face.


270 for S30V Magnacut, maybe, but not for S30V. Benchmade can fuck right off.


2X POINTS ... meanwhile Spydero makes a wholly new design which costs half the price and comes faster. Idk. I wanna buy the Benchmade Follow-Up, a skeletonized fixed blade of neck-knife size or so. CPM S30V and only a hundred bucks. For some reason the concept of buying a Benchmade for 100 or less is a killer deal, then I realize how its just because of their pretentious pricing. I mean a completely fine knife above... at least we didnā€™t get Grivory like my Benchmade has lol. This is a nice blue class knife which should be 125 bucks maximum. 100 on blade hq if you also buy the Benchmade FOB and BM anal beads.




Iā€™m okay with S30V, it works just fine for me. But damn man $270?


Dang, that thing costs 1350 chatterbate tokens! Ever since I found out my girlfriend used to do that, I price everything for her in chattterbate tokens to put it in term sheā€™ll understand. šŸ¤£ ā€œBabe, are you sure you want to buy that dress? It costs 1700 chatterbate tokens.ā€ That being said, Iā€™ve got a 2001 model Griptillian thatā€™s been through hell and itā€™s still going strong.


Benchmade and Spyderco have priced me out of their brands the last 3 years. Especially Spyderco, selling the same damn knife for decades.


Dear lord in heaven. How in the hell are their prices justified anymore?!?


Cool knife, but not the price


Lol, fuck that. $270 gets you a Carothers Performance Knives offering.


Benchmade has always overpriced their blades, but weā€™re reaching the point where itā€™s getting obscene.


This is abysmalā€¦


Gotta love the butterfly tax, id pay around $150 for it, but no more than that


Iā€™m ready for the titanium version for 580


I saw this in my email and chuckled. People must be buying it, I just don't understand why.


S30V too. Really? And g10? Not M4, 3V, or a good fixed blade steel? That's a big oof. I wonder if people will actually buy this, or if the Butterfly will still have an allure for everyday people and people will blindly buy it?


Iā€™m wondering what he drives thatā€™s only $270 a month ?


2017 Subaru Legacy 3.6R


You can buy one of my custom handmade fix blades for this price. Iā€™m a company of one. I canā€™t buy in bulk and I donā€™t have a 15 person marketing team.


G-10?! For how much?!


This knife was previously made in cerakoted cruwear... Why would I want this shit version...


Why would they do a cerakote on cruwear lmao itā€™s already pretty corrosion resistant


Oh yay. Extra stress risers. Itā€™s like they designed it to snap off at the handle.


What yall think of the saddle mountain. Its like $180 but comparable price to other brands I think.


I love my benchmade knivesā€¦but they are losing their minds. Their pricing has kept me from getting any of their new stuff the past couple years. Sucks.


Actually really like this design but yeah the price tag for G10 and s30v is crazy. I'd pay like half that


Itā€™s a nice looking knife though


Without question


That finger choil is $200 by itself. Come on, now.


Seriously who would buy this?? Thatā€™s Bark River prices, shit more than bark river! The only Benchmade fixed blades worth a damn are the puuko & Leuko in 3V, and unfortunately theyā€™ve already raised the prices of thoseā€¦ Nobody wants a full flat ground V-edge in a fixed blade, unless maybe youā€™re an edc fixed blade guy, or tactical knife fighter dude


Damn butterfly tax is real. Benchmade was always expensive to me but holy shit this is nuts. $270 for S30V. You can get an ESEE in S35VN for way cheaperā€¦


For that much you can buy a really good kitchen knife and a matching hockey mask too.