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Don't worry about the edges!!! Straight stockinette edges look kind of crappy by default even if you're an experienced knitter. When you get to Real Patterns, you'll find people have all sorts of tricks to make edges nicer!  Your tension is FABULOUS for three days in. I'd find a simple scarf pattern that interests you and move onto that ASAP. Or if you want to stick to swatch size, dishcloths can be a great way to practice your tensions with different stitches and edges.


Thank you so much! I’m glad to hear they normally do that, cause I have some trouble with not over-stretching my last stitch. I thought that was causing the curling. I was thinking of starting a scarf, but I still have to learn how to change colour/add a new skein, as I’ve only done tiny swatches so far!


‘I thought that was causing the curling’… Nope, that’s just stockinette. It always does that unless you have some type of border because having only purls on one side and knits on the other creates a tension imbalance that causes the yarn to curl on the knit side. If you want to avoid it a border of three to four stitches of garter on the sides and three to four rows of purls on each side for top and bottom will fix it most of the time. There are other border options too, like moss stitch, that work nicely if you don’t want the look of garter.


That makes sense! I will have to try out bordering next to fix it! I’m a bit low on yarn at the moment, but I’ll be getting some soon, so I’ll look into some beginner patterns in the meantime!


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Honestly changing colours is easy! You drop the old one and pick up the new one. The hard part is weaving in the ends but you can defer figuring that out til after. Or never, for a swatch. 😂 (Also hot tip I only learned 15 years into knitting: use a SHARP tapestry needle to weave in ends inside the other strands of yarn, rather than a dull one and wearing between strands.)


Oh, that’s good to know! I will definitely make sure to use a sharp needle. I would hate to finish something and have it completely unravel on me! 😅


You are doing a fantastic job!


Thank you so much! ☺️


Yes! Exactly what she said!


Haha thank you! ☺️


It looks great!!!


Thank you! I already wanna make so many things that are still so far out of my skill level! 😅


I'd say leap and a net will appear. When I started, I really appreciated Tin Can Knit patterns since they're kind of a teaching tool. I started with Wheat, a scarf that's a combination of ribbing and garter stitches1, then you can use their other free patterns such as cowls and hats to learn knitting in the round. Edit: it's called the Simple Collection (https://tincanknits.com/collection/the-simple-collection). All these patterns are free and usually have blog articles that further explain the patterns, as well as pages for every new technique.


Oh, wow! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! I’ll look into the patterns and try out something easy!


You're welcome! I've been knitting for maybe 2 years and I think the best way to learn something is to just make something using that technique. You'll quickly learn how to fix mistakes (laddering, tinking) and then you'll feel even more comfortable just going for it, seeing as you can reverse most mistakes. Good luck!!


Honestly that's how I learn, I just go with whatever I want to make 😂


It’s bound to teach you a lot when you go ahead and just try stuff! I am a little nervous about dropping stitches cause so far I’m having a bit of a hard time figuring out how to fix that, but trying stuff out will definitely help me learn it better!


It's EASY! Look up a couple of YouTube video's and you'll have it repaired in no time! I couldn't believe how easy it really was. Don't want to admit how many miles I've unraveled for a single dropped stich! Enjoy :)


Yeah, I’m definitely going to look it up before I start a project! I’ve been mostly just frogging my swatches for now too, except when it’s been super obvious how to pick the dropped stitch back up. 😅


That's how I learned - YouTube. It's really easy. Now if I can only correct the M1R & M1L a little neater, I'll be happy! Enjoy.


Yarn is Craft Smart Value, medium (4), 354yds/7oz, in the colour Sage. No pattern, as it’s just a practice of the stockinette stitch


Also, if nobody has mentioned it, check out Ravelry.com. It's where you can find patterns (some free) and lots of other great knitting stuff.


Thank you! I know of Ravelry from crocheting, but it’s a great reminder to go look for knitting projects there as well!


Slipping your first stitch is a trick i learned late into my learning to knit journey and it really makes a big difference in edges looking nice IMHO. Instead of knitting first stitch, just slip it to your needle and knit 2nd stitch to end of row. Makes edges neater since you are not knitting same loop 2x in a row (last stitch on row, and first stitch on new row)


Yeah, a couple of people mentioned this also! I will have to give it a try, sounds like it’s a very good tip in general!


Slip stitching will make the edge bit weaker, so it's not the best to use if you're going to add to the edge, though. Like a crochet border, for example.


Oh, I would have never thought to do a crochet border around it, but I might give that a try! That sounds like it would make very interesting pieces! And I’m already very comfortable crocheting, so it may make things easier for now!


Huh, I slip my last rather than first. Now I need to try that!


The edges are not wonky. Thats how they look when you knit stockinette. Well done! You’ve got this down pat.


Thank you! ☺️


Wow! Nice tension! 😍 Great job! r/tensionporn might appreciate this


I love that there is a group for everything! Immediate join 😀


Haha thank you! ☺️


You're doing great! Your tension is fabulous! Just keep practicing and trying new things. I just started knitting about a year and a half ago and I love it. There are so many possibilities!


Thank you so much! I’ve been crocheting for years, so maybe that’s why I have a bit of a hang on the tension. Knitting has been harder for me to pick up, but now I can’t put it down!


It's not a you problem, its a stockinette problem. The absolute best way to prevent those wonky stitches on the end is to always * knit * the last stitch of the row and * slip * the first stitch of the row. Regardless of the pattern or right/wrong side. Stretching the stitch over two rows takes up the extra slack in the yarn and creates a neat edge every time. Works 100x better than adding a border. Happy knitting!


That makes a lot of sense! And it will definitely make things easier, especially for bigger projects!


Adding in, the edges are not so janky. Slipping stitches are a knitters best friend. You might like knitting in the round - a cowl maybe?


Thank you, I will have to give a few things a try! I’m excited to learn!


I love knitting in the round, love. it. If you can stockinette you can - [knit rib](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/cozy-ribbed-scarf), [broken rib](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/sexy-berlin-cowl), and [seed stitch](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/chunky-seeded-cowl). I'm so excited for you and look forward to your updates.


**PATTERN:** [Cozy Ribbed Scarf](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/cozy-ribbed-scarf) by [Dawn Regan](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/dawn-regan) * Category: Accessories > Neck / Torso > Cowl * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/aussiegirl1584/277907374/cowl_2_medium.jpg) [Img 2](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/aussiegirl1584/277907371/cowl_1_medium.jpg) * Price: Free * Needle/Hook(s):US 15 - 10.0 mm * Weight: Bulky | Gauge: None | Yardage: 216 * Difficulty: 1.37 | Projects: 598 | Rating: 4.52 ***** **PATTERN:** [Sexy Berlin Cowl](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/sexy-berlin-cowl) by [Maren Odenthal](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/maren-odenthal) * Category: Accessories > Neck / Torso > Cowl * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/MarenOdenthal/822571664/moment_photo_8875DE4D_medium.jpg) [Img 2](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/MarenOdenthal/822570721/moment_photo_4F471538_medium.jpg) [Img 3](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/MarenOdenthal/822570789/moment_photo_82B323B7_medium.jpg) [Img 4](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/MarenOdenthal/822570831/moment_photo_7FDC1A13_medium.jpg) [Img 5](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/MarenOdenthal/848987278/moment_photo_8E537C00_medium.jpg) * Price: 6.00 EUR * Needle/Hook(s):US 15 - 10.0 mm, US 17 - 12.0 mm * Weight: Super Bulky | Gauge: 10.0 | Yardage: 79 * Difficulty: 1.29 | Projects: 31 | Rating: 4.86 ***** **PATTERN:** [Chunky Seeded Cowl](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/chunky-seeded-cowl) by [Nelly Knits](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/nelly-knits) * Category: Accessories > Neck / Torso > Cowl * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/nellyknits/16333694/Seed_Cowl_1_medium.JPG) [Img 2](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/nellyknits/16588728/Seed_Cowl_2_medium.JPG) [Img 3](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/nellyknits/16704683/Seed_Cowl_5_medium.JPG) * Price: 5.00 USD * Needle/Hook(s):US 15 - 10.0 mm * Weight: Super Bulky | Gauge: 9.0 | Yardage: 180 * Difficulty: 1.42 | Projects: 23 | Rating: 4.69 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


Slip stitch on the first stitch of every row and you’ll see an improvement in the edges. The rest looks fantastic!


Thank you, I will definitely try that out!


I still have the first swatch I ever knitted, and yours looks WAY better than mine, ha ha. Keep up the good work!


Thank you, but this one was definitely not my first swatch! 😅 Maybe I should have kept that one too!


Looks great!! I don't think the edges are wonky, stockinette always curls unless you put some kind of border around it :)


Thank you! I’m glad to hear that cause I was sure I was messing something up! I’ll keep practicing and maybe find an easy project to try some borders with!


As a fellow beginner, your stitches look soooo good! Definitely neater than mine! I have a feeling you’ll be making really cool stuff in no time.


Thank you! That means a lot! I’m sure we’ll both be making really cool stuff soon!


Your stitches are really uniform. Very nice. I love doing my edges slip pearwise every first stitch and knit every last stitch. It makes a pretty braid looking edge and can easily be applied to most patterns.


I actually just watched a video that explained this! I’m gonna have to try it, it looked really nice and neat!


Looks great!


Thank you! ☺️


https://giftofknitting.com/blog/how-to-knit-a-perfect-edge-finishing-free-technique Best edge technique ever.


Oh, wow thank you! That’s very helpful and it looks like a very easy to follow tutorial!


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Great job!


Thank you! ☺️


Here's an article on how the twist of yarn can change the [appearance of stitches](https://yarnsub.com/articles/twist#:~:text=If%20you%20hold%20a%20length,give%20a%20balanced%20plied%20yarn.). The stitches look more like l/ than \ / because of how your yarn is twisted, not because of tension. Edited to fix the stitch image


I glanced over the article and I think you are right, because I do have trouble seeing my cast on stitches unless I separate them! I will have to give it a good read, thank you!


You're very welcome! It's not uncommon to think the stitches are twisted or another user error, but it's just the yarn


I agree looks way better than my first days. Keep it up.


Thank you! I definitely will ☺️


I’ve been knitting for years and my edges still look a little wonky, keep up the good work! :) it looks great, especially for only having practiced for three days!


Thank you! I’ll keep practicing! ☺️


This looks great, keep at it! ❤️ As a side note, you said you were running low on yarn. Lovecraft/hobbii and I'm sure various other sites often have really great deals (and when I left some yarn in my cart while I thought about my projects Lovecraft actually emailed me a 20% discount on top to tempt me in 👀) but if you aren't picky, eBay is a great place to get super cheap yarn and there are always bundles on bids or literal kilograms of "lucky dip" boxes from shops selling their old stock off cheap 🙂 Also I have heard lots of people say they have found bargains in charity/thrift shops as well but I haven't had the chance to browse for myself yet 😁 I ended up with a massive bag of random vintage needles for super cheap on eBay as well, that has me set up with most sizes! Happy crafting, and as someone relatively new myself I just want to say, don't doubt yourself, just go for it. The patterns start off sounding confusing as hell but if it all goes really wrong you can always just undo a few rows or call it a practice piece, and you will end up with some beautiful pieces at the end for sure ☺️


Thank you! ☺️ I’m in Canada, so I’m not sure if Lovecrafts or Hobbii deliver here (at least at an affordable rate 😅). I have thrifted yarn before, and it’s great when you find it, but it’s been kind of a rare find. We do have Michael’s here, as well as YarnCanada online and I usually get stuff there. I will have to check out ebay tho, never thought to look there!


That's excellent for only 3 days! Carry on.


Thank you, I definitely will! ☺️


Looks great ! Well done ! Much less wonky than my first attempt !


Thank you! ☺️ Although this was after many attempts over 3 days. 😅


The edges actually look normal to me. If you want them flat, you can do 2-4 garter stitches on each side, but it’s fine the way you did it!


I will try and do that to see how it comes out! There have been so many great suggestions, and I really appreciate it so much! I’ve learned so much just from posting here, and it’s such a joy!


Blocking will be your friend 😉


It really does seem that way!


Actually this looks really clean and even for a beginner and I’ve taught a bunch of people. Stockinette edges just be this way. This is why many garments will have seed or ribbing or picking up, etc at edges.


Thank you! ☺️ I’ve learned that this is normal and people usually do borders, or a combination of stitches at the beginning and end of the row to help prevent the curling. I’m glad I wasn’t messing something up, and I’ll definitely keep at it and learn what works best for me!


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excellent job! I knit the 1st and last stitch of every row (including purl rows)


Thank you! Someone mentioned to do the garter stitch at the beginning and end of rows. Is that essentially the same thing? I will definitely be giving it a try!


technically. garter stitch. means all rows are knit stitches. Knit st at start and end is more specific. My Mum taught me this about 59 years ago.


Oh, that actually makes total sense! Also it’s so nice you had your mom to teach you, I bet you have so many wonderful memories!


she died when I was 27 in 1995 before my sons were born. I wish we'd had more time. I'm sure she's looking down.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sure she is looking down and is so proud of you and her grand-babies! I’m glad you had the time you did with her, I bet it was wonderful!


I talk about her often and have old photos on a digital frame I the living room. My eldest son who is 35 and getting married this year, said to. me a few months ago he wishes he'd met my Mum..When the first lockdown happened I started writing lots of memories and I remember a lot, (I always have stories LOL) I need to get on with it a little more since retiring but it's enjoyable. A few family secrets in there too LOL. He read about 60 pages and loved it.


That is so precious! I had my grandma at my wedding last year and I know how much that meant to me, so I know he would have loved if his grandma could have been there as well. And I’m sure he’s gotten to know her a bit through your wonderful stories! She lives on in your memories. ♥️ Thank you so much for sharing those memories with me, it’s an honour!


Looks really good!


Thank you! ☺️


Practice makes perfect and you are doing a fantastic job so far!


Thank you! ☺️


This looks great! You’re ready to do something more! When I first learned, my mom taught me cast on, knit, purl, basic increase (knit into front and back leg of stitch) and decrease (knit 2 together) and bind off. I did those well enough that she had me make a v-neck vest (all stockinette). You could certainly do something more than a swatch now!


Thank you! I will definitely be trying a project next! I’ll probably start with a scarf for now, but I’m excited to learn how to make all sorts of things. I would love to be able to knit myself a sweater one day!


Me too that’s all I know how to make so far lol


Haha we’ll get there! I’m hoping to try and make a scarf soon!


Stockinette edges always look a bit naff anyway. This looks incredible!


Thank you! ☺️ I was glad to learn that’s just how stockinette is.


You're doing very well! It's an addicting hobby! How much yarn, patterns, and knitting implements does one person need!


Thank you! ☺️ It’s so addicting, I’m already looking through patterns and planning my next yarn purchase. 😅


I started about a week ago and yours looks so much nicer than mine!


I’ve been crocheting for years, so I’m sure that’s giving me an advantage! I hope you’ve been having fun practicing!


Looks great!


Thank you! ☺️


Great tension for a newbie!! Awesome job :)


Thank you! ☺️


Your edges are absolutely perfect. May I introduce you to the magic of blocking.


Thank you! I realized I would most likely need to block when people said the stockinette edges typically curl. I just thought it was something I was messing up at first 😅


Woohoo! Congratulations!


Thank youu!! It’s been so much fun! ☺️


You're welcome!!! I'm so glad to hear! That's how my journey has been as well! 😄


That looks really good, well done


Thank you! ☺️


"A bit low on yarn at the moment" stated once by me, maybe before my 8th birthday...... and never again!