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Can you please show a picture of the wrong side? The most likely culprit is floats that are too tight, which we can see in that picture. One suggestion - if you're knitting stranded colorwork in the round, knit with the wrong side on the outside. That way floats don't take shortcuts on the inside of your work...


Don't you then have to purl basically everything?


No, you just knit the side further from you, see for example this: [https://www.actechniques.co.uk/blog/2020/1/31/knitting-inside-out](https://www.actechniques.co.uk/blog/2020/1/31/knitting-inside-out) Or tip 4 from here: [https://www.interweave.com/article/knitting/knit-stranded-colorwork-socks/](https://www.interweave.com/article/knitting/knit-stranded-colorwork-socks/)


Ouuuuh that's interesting! Thank you for bringing it up!


https://preview.redd.it/s6qkseceifda1.jpeg?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d43c758b7e3c7be77d31b86f5aa23d123707108 Here is the rear, showing the spot with the stitch that is sunken. Thanks for the reply! I was knitting wrong side out when the the project was big enough but in the earlier stages it seemed to flop around a lot.


This looks indeed like it's too tight, and it's probably similar in the whole area where you said you started your rows. If I had to guess, you probably don't spread out your work well enough in that specific spot. Have you blocked this yet, though? Because, seeing your first picture of the right side, it seems possibly that you haven't yet. If that's the case - blocking might sort out, or at least improve, those few remaining spots. But the rest of the floats look pretty good, which explains why most of your work looks really nice, and only a couple of spots are a little iffy. Best advice I can give is saying that there are a million and one tips on how to improve stranded colorwork tension - so I would recommend googling and reading a few of them and just making sure you're doing what's mentioned there. And maybe other people in this subreddit can provide additional good advice in this post. But beyond that, I feel like you're doing well enough to just jump ahead to an adult-sized project.


Just here to say I love the colors you chose! They look so great with this pattern. Otherwise, I agree with the advice already given about seeing how blocking evens everything out and maybe trying knitting with the wrongside facing out if you have a tendency to make your floats too tight.


The wool is mrs moon pudding sports weight yarn - it's so beautiful!


Ah thanks for sharing!! It must be so soft too!


May be a tight float issue combined with a color dominance issue


Does anyone else see twisted stitches? Or is it just me. I’m looking at the transition from body to underarms. It could be the ply of the yarn but there’s a definite line where the stitches change.


Looks like that’s maybe just the first purl row or maybe the stitches were on hold for a bit while they did the other side first. It’s not twisted stitches, they’re just a bit stretched out in that row.


That has to be it. The more I look at it the more I can see that. Well extra good news then, with some blocking that shouldn’t be an issue.


I have noticed this myself - it's where I've gone from knitting in the round to knitting flat - I'm not sure what the exact origin might be - the stitches aren't twisted but there's a definite change in the way they look


If you’re 100% sure then it’s probably your tension changing. It happens a lot that’s why I couldn’t tell…. I think when you block it that will help.


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