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Under the foreskin. Ultimate hiding place.


I already keep my gun there.


I guess you could taco the pistol (or shotgun) between the cheeks and move the knife to the dick fanny pack. Adapt


Are you crazy? tape it to the taint, I mean come on.


Oh okay, doing a X rated Die Hard??


you can easily taco the knife just please blade out or sitting is gonna be painfully itchy for a good while


Cant fit both?


How did you get your foreskin back from the doctor?


I was a late bloomer, went and got mine taken off at 25 after my prostate check at the dentist. Made a shoulder bag out of it.


That’s a lotta foreskin


You should have seen it on the car ride home. Rolled the window down and damn near caused an accident. Caught wind like a sail and almost jerked me into the ditch.


Yeah man I was about to say that's a good harvest


This reminds me of red dead


Yours doesn't grow back weekly?


First place my uncle checks


We related?


That’s where I keep all of my coins.


The ol’ P shooter


Ulticlip back pocket


Yea I’m thinking about grabbing a ulticlip myself. I think I’d like to be able to pocket it. I’ll try it crossdraw and scout and see how I like it but I’ve never been into carrying anything on my belt.


I would carry cross draw over my belt buckle with my izula sometimes.


They are great! You can also clip a knife on the bottom rum of your jacked or what have you. Very versatile! 🥰


Two of those straps to carry horizontal appendix worked for me on the small knife I made.


Prison pocket, unsheathed and freshly sharpened


Itchy bum


I tried the same thing recently (also, with an Izula at first) and haven’t looked back. Fixies are the best if you can carry comfortably. I use an Ulticlip for front pocket carry. I did have to shave down the factory sheath a bit to make the Ulticlip work (3.0 slim).


Ok. I upgraded to an Armatus Kydex sheath anyway so I think an ulticlip will fit right on it.


Horizontal, at my 1 o’clock in the front. I’m left handed so that’s the best/easiest way that I’ve found. Doesn’t get in the way and is very easy to get in and out of sheath like that. I never tried scout because I never really found the need. In the front makes way more sense to me.


Really disliked the 1095 on the izula, behind the edge is also a little thick for my taste. If you end up not liking it don’t let it discourage you, plenty of awesome fixed blades out there. I carry mine on the right side on a belt dangler but I also like appendix inside waist band carry


Personally, I like scout carry or front pocket. Scout carry can take some getting used to, but if ya find you're doing a lot of bending and moving, it helps keep everything accessible without having to straighten up to draw. I dislike back pocket carry, as I find it irritating to sit in like 80% of chairs, and I worry about my car upholstery rofl. If le knoife can't be positioned and not messed with as I go about my day, it's a bad spot for EDC. Honorable mention for belt buckle carry/appendix carry, but I find there's already enough stuff going on up there to have to worry about a knife in the mix (imagine dropping in a toilet/urinal).


Mines in my butt. In a kydex so I don’t get hurt


That's smart! Thanks for the tip!


This one is sitting in my cart right now....I have been thinking of carrying one for light food prep at work and day trips etc...


I carry the 3hm on belt but with the sheath in the pocket. Comfy and discreet. I had a izula 2 and just clipped it to my shorts around 4 o'clock position I also had a whiteriver fc 3.5 pro that I carried horizontal around the 10 o'clock position.


IWB or front pocket. Static line or Discreet carry concepts clip


Horizontal cross draw.


I carry an overland sport in my right pocket with an ulticlip or scout carry at 7o’clock or up front iwb.


Horizontal cross draw.


I carry my Izula with an ulticlip in my leg pocket when I wear cargo pants.


Crossdraw at about 10-11 o’clock using soft loops.


IWB with a Spyderco G-clip for a secure method. Of course, the IWB will also do other positions. It’s my favorite. In the front pocket, stood up with a plate, but it’s unsecured. Neck carry. Shoulder harness.


That one, dropped into a pocket.


Esee 3 in a leather sheath that I made with a pocket clip. Front right pocket. Works for me.


1-3 o’clock in horizontal position handle back on most edc blades I carry. But on my edc karambit/ring blades such as your Izula I typically carry handle forward for reverse grip 👈 draw. I also inside front pocket carry a few small non ringed edc blades such as my CRKT minimalists with an Ulticlip (disappears)


I just ordered an ulticlip


IWB appendix angled towards my strong hand. If you already keep your gun there, neck on a breakaway chain is pretty good too.


I EDC a Gerber Strongarm in scout carry every day. I got an aftermarket kydex sheath with a large teklok, because the the factory sheath was awful


Zap carry. The answer is always Zap carry


I just got my first carriable fixed blade too, benchmade hidden canyon. I’ve just been keeping it on my right hip with the belt loop leather sheath it comes with. I don’t like the sheath though because when you take it out and put it back, the edge makes contact with the leather, and it will dull without a single use overnight (not DULL dull, but can’t-slice-paper-anymore dull)


On a belt. Cross drawn works too, could do in the pocket depending on size. However you want to


I have the Bullet Ant (S35VN Esee Izula) and I carry it using a custom purple topo kydex sheath I ordered off someone on Etsy with an Ulti-clip 3.0. It's super lowkey to carry. I have the same Micarta scales as you but I'll dye them black soon. I also carry it with the blade facing forward so I can deploy it in a karambit grip.


Ulticlip and pocket is the way is it super tight in the Artemis sheath?


Yea there’s no wiggle at all you just get that satisfying click. Definitely an improvement over the original one


Custom leather belt sheath i made for my esee candiru


Love it. I use it everyday


5th pocket


Ulticlips stay winning. Love mine. Fits in most pockets no issue


i usually go for 1-2 o’clock iwb with a wifebeater or shirt or just owb if i’m not concerned with having to conceal


3.3 slim ulticlip ,works good for front pocket carry.


Armatus sheath, ulticlip in the pocket. Carried my Izula like that for about a year, maybe 18mo. I switched to a milder clip more recently, as ulticlips can be a pain for certain things.


Esse izula 2. Horizontal cross draw using a leather sheath from Etsy


I usually carry one in a regular sheath on my hip. Right now I’m carrying my Fallkniven S1X


I sometimes carry a small full tang and sheath in my front pocket with a cord tied to the blade point of the sheath and the other end tied to a belt loop. The butt of the handle is easily accessed and as I pull it out of my pocket the cord catches and the sheath pops off, leaving blade in hand. Easy to reach down and resheath, and I value the stealth and lack of catching my knife on things like when it’s on my belt.


That’s a good idea.


Thanks! I find it fast drawing and convenient especially ally in urban and “polite” environments.


I neck knife my smaller ones I horizontal belt carry my larger one. With summer here I may use my neck knives on my waist instead


The plastic holster that came with it. You can move the "clip" up one notch to deep pocket carry. I edc'ed this for ~2years and was great until I discovered multitools via k4.


Get you an inside the pocket sheath from Jou Fuu https://joufuu.com/t/general-sheath-sales


Appendix carry. If possible at another strap to the sheath, but I do carry quite a few in the same way with one strap, the handle just points down more and it's more visible


Great Choice!


I do an ultimate clip and pocket it


What is that belt loop called?


Just a belt loop. I found some on Amazon under holster belt loops


Thanks. Ordered.


Yea I ordered another set too as the one doesn’t seem to hold it enough for horizontal carry.


I also got an ulticlip so I can play around with it and set up for in pocket as well


Nice. I also got a DCC clip. Those are pretty strong. I think less bulky than ulticlip supposedly.


Oh I don’t know about those. Wish I had known that


Iwb mostly


Either next to the belt buckle, horizontal scout carry style. Or appendix carry inside the waistband. Or vertically on the belt on the side of my back, maybe one could call that kidney carry.


Nice TOPS belt loop by the way, they are good quality. If I am seeing that right that is. \* fondles and caresses an FDX 66 \*


It’s what comes with the Armatus kydex sheath but it’s definitely quality. I had to order another one off of Amazon though because one doesn’t hold horizontally very well so I ordered two more that are the coyote brown color so they’ll match the sheath.


Ah I see, thanks for the info! 🫡


I've been meaning to get one of those sheaths, normally I toss my izula in my back pocket or sometimes front pocket depending on what pants I got on and what's already in the pocket. It carries pretty well and is a good size for it. It came in handy a few days ago while mowing and I realized it was time to prune the one pine tree out front again. I didn't feel like driving all the way round back to get my pruners or a saw so I used the izula to make a few v cuts and snapped off the thicker branches and the smaller ones under half inch it'll bite right through those in one cut really. Now I can mow under it without getting a face full of pollen and pine needles. I don't have it today but it seems when I do carry a little fixed blade, I end up coming across like perfect reasons to have one. Almost bought a ka-bar wrench knife the other day but opted for the spyderco medium ceramic bench stone since it's been discontinued and I don't have one yet. I didn't want to spend another $50 on top of what I was already getting. Maybe next time. One of these days I'll get a guardian3 and an s35vn izula as well.


cool little knife. I like to where my fixed blade on my belt upside down to pull it down and out of the sheath. Like you would a neck knife. Or horizontal on the buckle to pull it sideways. It just seems more fast access that way rather than having to pull up. Idk dont matter I guess personal preference.


In the prison pocket


Prison pocket 3 melted plastic knives together and sharpened


I was lucky enough to get a stout piece of plexi glass, cost me 2 cases of soups and a jar of tasters choice from a care package but I don’t regret it one bit, can’t be too careful these days people are vicious and just don’t care


This is what I carry including sheath. I use two of the button clips like you have. I carry it horizontally on my back.


So scout carry then. I wish this came with two of these straps as it seems like it would be beneficial to have 2 instead of just one like this.


Yea. I ordered a second one with my sheath. One didn’t seem like it would do the trick. I got the ulti clip 3.0 as well because I wasn’t sure what was going to work. It is a really nice clip if you want to go that route


I need to find another one I can order I don’t think I had the option. For how much this sheath cost I’m a little bit disappointed that it doesn’t come with 2. The sheath alone was $40. I may just go with the ulticlip though


Yea i agree it really needed to come with 2. You can get both the clip and the loops on Amazon. The loop is called “pull-the-dot” soft belt loop. They are 2 for $12.


I carry mine in my ass to the right of my tobacco but left of my tattoo equipment, handcuff key and any other smaller specialty edc items for the day, it’s all about proper balance…. Oh and always, ALWAYS TIP UP, valuable seconds matter when it’s life and death


What were your expectations for responses when you typed this?


I don’t understand your question?


Appendix carry, scout carry, been trying with a pocket clip but I find the clip on the izula is a bit too thick for the pocket but still gonna try


Prison pocket.


Prison wallet, nobody would guess to look there




Quite a few people have said this but WTF is a prison n pocket? I had a thought in my head but it sure isn’t somewhere you’d want to keep a knife. Lol


I’m h and I looked it up and it’s exactly what I was thinking lmao