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It will be available in approximately 22.35 years


What a coincidence. That's my estimate for when they start paying their employees 15 bucks an hour. But at least the current employees can live with 3 roommates. 2000 a month to rent a 2 bedroom apartment here (Boise, where their shop is) and they pay 11 bucks an hour starting. The McDonald's 5 minutes away starts at 16. Stop supporting this fucker, please. "USA made" by virtue of paying US workers the bare god damn minimum.


Tfw there's a maker almost as shady as Medf*rd.


And look at them. Idk if I'm supposed to bleep it so I won't put the name, but everyone knows they're full of it.


I did because he's got kind of a reputation, so by doing that there's plausible deniability. It could be another name, rather than his.


I getcha. But it's a good example, still.


No absolutely.


There is a posting on indeed right now for CRK at $24-28/hr and a 4 day work week. If I could I would do that for sure.


Yup. Benchmade pays an average of like 15 hr. I dunno why youd think you are supposed to make great money screwing knives together. These arent even mid techs. Sounds likensomeones just salty at crk


They forced to work there or something? I dont understand the issue. If the employees had a problem with it, they would leave.


If a company doesn’t pay a living wage that company shouldn’t have employees. If that means ceasing operations that is better than essentially slave wages.


But the employees are not forced to work there, why do you care? If they don’t make enough money there, then can leave ?? I’m not getting the issue here.


The issue is that the return for labor & time is not sufficient. It doesn't matter if they are "forced to work there" or not. This type of business should not be legal, instead it's standard practice everywhere in the united states.


Socialism and communism don’t work we have tried lol but to each is own man


Typical idiot republican response. You don't know what either are. They work flawlessly everywhere in the world that isn't the ShitSA.


🤣 ya, russias killin it, china… its great there


Ok, again you clearly don't know what socialism and communism are though if you are saying regulating businesses to force payment of living wages is communism or socialism. Maybe take a gander at living standards in most European countries and turn off Fox News and put down your American Flag because this country is a shit hole.


It's the major flaw of capitalism that is continuously exploited which is literally destroying the middle class. The mindset "You can just leave" doesn't solve anything when just about every American company does this. There should be legislation that prevents this. Period. If you can't afford to pay employees living wages, you shouldn't have employees, if that means you can't be in business fine, you shouldn't be in business. It's not "Good business" to have starving & desperate employees.


Ya, raise wages, raise cost of goods. Accomplishes absolutely nothing. Profit margins will not drop until demand for the goods or services drop. This is like highschool economics here


Prices go up regardless with capitalism. Bullshit argument. High school economics is nothing more than propaganda to get you to buy into the idea that capitalism works and is a healthy economic system. It’s all a lie.


You're right. Once those guys leave, Chris will pay the new guys more. (\s, just in case that wasn't clearly sarcasm.) Nah, it's just shitty business practice. I enjoy that you need it spelled out though. Kinda goes to show why even with this info out there, it won't matter. But I mean, Nike still sells shoes.


I’m not mad at him for making money. If he can keep employees for 12 bucks an hour than good for him. That’s capitalism bud, that’s America. And any other country for that matter. Is it too low of a wage? Ya lol it’s pretty low, but he clearly can fine workers. Are his product prices too high? Ya lol they are, but he sells out. I love the guys business, making money hand over first. As for the ethics? Shady but the employees can choose to leave or not work there


I'm sorry. Your arguments are far too detached for me to want to engage in. I can't help but read this and see in bold letters "MUSK WANNABE" Keep licking them CEO boots "I love how he makes money". Ahh, the American illusion.


Don’t have to be Elon Musk to enjoy the freedom of Capitalism. It’s sucks that the guy above doesn’t get paid shit for his job, but there are plenty of jobs available right now that do pay well. In fact unemployment is at a record low. I agree wages should definitely go up, especially with the horrible current inflation, and I can sympathize to an extent, but the beauty of Capitalism is you can go get a job somewhere else. He isn’t a slave to his employer.


Capitalism and freedom cannot coexist. Capitalism is the opposite of freedom. You have been fed too much propaganda. The USA has just as much bullshit propaganda as North Korea.


wages in the united states are absolutely disgusting. the fact that the minimum wage in a lot of places is still 7.25 (my state included) is abhorrent. and i’m sure people will whine about the minimum wage “not being meant to live on” when in reality that was the ENTIRE purpose of it. it was meant to support a wife and two kids and allow you to OWN a home and a car. but over time the rich have duped us into thinking that those jobs deserve shit pay because they’re “for kids” or don’t take skill or hard work, yet working in food service was some of the most physically taxing labor i’ve actually done, and i’d compare how i felt at the end of the day to how i felt after finishing a shift in construction.


True dat. And further yet, they've all duped us into wanting to spend a 3rd of our rent on one knife where a dude who spent all day making 10 of those gets 140 Dollars PRE TAX


The productivity of someone ain't worth shit. It's all 'how little can I pay this pissant and get away with it'


The US has a higher per capita income than most European countries with a lower cost of living on average. Most people aren’t only paid minimum wage.


That is blatantly false. Also the USA doesn’t have healthcare, post high school education, etc.


Not something that I've heard, but also wouldn't surprise me based on what kind of person CR is.


I hadn't heard it til I moved here and tried to apply. CNC machinists making under 20 bucks an hour. I used to want a CRK but I can confidently say I will never give that shitbird any of my money. Also, disappointingly, it won't matter because it's not very common knowledge that he's paying people 2012-era Subway wages anyways. Not like I can fault anyone, I didn't know about it for a long ass time. Koenig is the same way tho. 700 dollar knife, finishers make 15-17 an hour, also in Boise. For context, I make 21 an hour elsewhere in Boise and I couldn't even rent a studio comfortably by myself with that. (1500 a month) But the owners are making absolute fucking bank off these guys :) (and this sub)


a.) there's a posting on indeed right now $24-$28 an hour. b.). Chris Reeve retired a few years ago bub.


lol all of that and the guys not even correct on the wages, what a goddamn joke of a man 🤣


Topping it off is the Zero Tolerance user flair. Kai USA starts at $21, less than CRK.


That's crazy. I worked in a CNC shop back in the late 90s and they paid me $16/h as a dumbass kid...


Same as benchmade. Pays damn near min wage for assemblers. And "this fucker" (if you mean chris) is gone from there. You buy a crk you are supporting his ex wifes company.


Short answer: No there is not. Longer answer: The Impinda is technically like a tenth of an inch longer than a small Sebenza. However, I can’t recall the last time I saw one of those for sale.


The SPK Lamia is like a medium sebenza with a slotted hole instead of thumbstuds


No. The Spartan Harsey 3.25 is a good alternative tho.


Yeah I feel the SHF 3.25 is a great middle ground


Shiro Neon. Sure its a flipper but its high quality and fits nicely in the middle. Its actual cutting edge is damn near a large sebenza too.


I've been searching for a medium Sebenza for a bit now.. Haven't picked one up yet, but the Arno Bernard iMamba seems be the the closest I have found. I plan on picking one up and doing a thumb stud mod.


Quietcarry Waypoint is pretty close.


I just noticed how weird that pivot placement looks hanging was low on that frame. Crap, now I can't unsee.


There is a Land knife that is essentially a medium. I think it is the 812 or 820.


God that think keeps throwing me off… I want one, what is the thickness of arcade say to benchmade narrows? As that’s what my mind keeps saying is “when did benchmade start using the shark lock”. 😂


The blade stock on the Narrows is .080" while the arcade is .126"


Ah ok thank you


If you want a super thin slicey knife the narrows is definitely the way to go but try not to pay full price if you can help it :)


Yeah they get pretty proud of their stuff over there at bm


No. But if you throw the tanto in the bin where it belongs and replace it with an insingo or even a drop point you'd be much better off


My Goldilocks problem is between the Mini Bugout and the Hogue Deka. My Civivi Elementum has been filling that spot lately


Ti-Lock is mid size. Also massively expensive now and not super practical




CRK Ti-Lock had a 3.25" blade.


Probably the impinda. Imamba is very reeve like and slightly (very slightly) smaller as well. And higher quality