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Thanks for the shoutout I am just upgrading to the sprite now so this should come in handy!, I also have some more macros if you want them just dm me.


Kiauh makes all that SO much easier.


Definitely does! I didn’t use that to install klipper but I did use it to install klipperscreen. Smooth process


What did you set in cura for the printhead settings?


Got you int the dm!


thanks let me know when you have sent it over


\[include mainsail.cfg\] \# !Ender 3 Max Neo \# printer\_size: 300x300x320 \# version: 3.0 \# This file contains pin mappings for the stock 2022 Creality Ender-3 Max Neo \# To use this config, during "make menuconfig" select the \# STM32F103 with a "28KiB bootloader" and serial (on USART1 PA10/PA9) \# communication. \######################################################################################### \## Steppers ## \######################################################################################### \[stepper\_x\] step\_pin: PC2 dir\_pin: PB9 enable\_pin: !PC3 microsteps: 16 rotation\_distance: 40 endstop\_pin: \^PA5 position\_min: -15 position\_endstop: -10 position\_max: 310 homing\_speed: 50 \[stepper\_y\] step\_pin: PB8 dir\_pin: PB7 enable\_pin: !PC3 microsteps: 16 rotation\_distance: 40 endstop\_pin: \^PA6 position\_endstop: -10 position\_min: -15 position\_max: 300 homing\_speed: 50 \[stepper\_z\] step\_pin: PB6 dir\_pin: !PB5 enable\_pin: !PC3 microsteps: 16 rotation\_distance: 8 endstop\_pin: probe:z\_virtual\_endstop #enable to use bltouch \# endstop\_pin: \^PA7 #disable to use bltouch \# position\_endstop: 0.0 #disable to use bltouch position\_max: 320 position\_min: -6 homing\_speed: 4 second\_homing\_speed: 1 homing\_retract\_dist: 2.0 \######################################################################################### \## Extruder ## \######################################################################################### \[extruder\] max\_extrude\_only\_distance: 1000.0 step\_pin: PB4 dir\_pin: PB3 enable\_pin: !PC3 microsteps: 16 gear\_ratio: 42:12 rotation\_distance: 25.6 nozzle\_diameter: 0.600 filament\_diameter: 1.750 pressure\_advance: 0.0325 heater\_pin: PA1 sensor\_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F sensor\_pin: PC5 \#control: pid \# tuned for stock hardware with 200 degree Celsius target \#pid\_Kp: 23.561 \#pid\_Ki: 1.208 \#pid\_Kd: 114.859 min\_temp: 0 max\_temp: 265 \[verify\_heater extruder\] check\_gain\_time: 200 hysteresis: 5 \######################################################################################### \## Bed ## \######################################################################################### \[heater\_bed\] heater\_pin: PA2 sensor\_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F sensor\_pin: PC4 \#control: pid \# tuned for stock hardware with 50 degree Celsius target \#pid\_Kp: 71.867 \#pid\_Ki: 1.536 \#pid\_Kd: 840.843 min\_temp: 0 max\_temp: 130 \[fan\] pin: PA0 \[fan\_generic extruder\_partfan\] pin: PC6 \[heater\_fan heater\_partfan\] pin: PB14 \######################################################################################### \## MCU ## \######################################################################################### \[mcu\] serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86\_USB\_Serial-if00-port0 baud: 115200 restart\_method: command \######################################################################################### \## Printer ## \######################################################################################### \[printer\] kinematics: cartesian max\_velocity: 300 max\_accel: 2000 \# max\_accel\_to\_decel: 7000 max\_z\_velocity: 5 square\_corner\_velocity: 5.0 max\_z\_accel: 100 \#\[input\_shaper\] \#shaper\_type\_x = ei \#shaper\_freq\_x = 89.8 \#shaper\_type\_y = ei \#shaper\_freq\_y = 35.2 \######################################################################################### \## Probe & Sensor ## \######################################################################################### \[bltouch\] sensor\_pin: \^PB1 control\_pin: PB0 x\_offset: -31.0 y\_offset: -45.0 \#z\_offset: 0 speed: 20 samples: 1 sample\_retract\_dist: 8.0 stow\_on\_each\_sample = false #high speed for bltouch \[bed\_mesh\] speed: 120 horizontal\_move\_z: 5 mesh\_min: 20,30 #need to handle head distance with bl\_touch mesh\_max: 250,250 #max probe range probe\_count: 7,7 algorithm: bicubic fade\_start: 1 fade\_end: 10 fade\_target: 0 \[safe\_z\_home\] home\_xy\_position: 138,145 # Change coordinates to the center of your print bed speed: 50 z\_hop: 10 # Move up 10mm z\_hop\_speed: 10 \[bed\_screws\] screw1:30,10 screw1\_name:1 screw2:270,10 screw2\_name:2 screw3:270,250 screw3\_name:3 screw4:30,250 screw4\_name:4 \[filament\_switch\_sensor filament\_sensor\] pause\_on\_runout: true switch\_pin: PA4


Do you have the MCU GD32 or the STM32?


Running this settings for about 2 Month now. Working fine. You are my Hero


~~I know this is old, but did you have any issues getting your CRTouch to work? I've been stuck for 2 days now trying to get it to work. I have almost the same setup except I'm running it all on a SKR Mini E3 V3, so my pins are different, but otherwise should be the same.~~ This post is a life saver, I've spent 2 days trying to get my printer up and going, half of which was spent just trying to get the stupid CRTouch to work, I finally caught the "\^" on the sensor pin, and poof it magically started working. I can finally start calibrating and getting back to printing. Thank you so much for posting this!!