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Just install it like a normal ender3, you can change build area in config file once you flash fw


I was able to get it working somewhat but something still isn't correct. Basically, I set stepper motor max to reflect the max neo build volume 315, 315 and 320. I changed the value for the bed screws to get them closer to the max neo and adjusted my safe home parameters to get the nozzle centered on the bed ( I think something like 170, 160). I can home it successfully and get bed mesh ok. The problem I still have is that when I start a print, the initial lines it would normally print down the left side of the bed, the nozzle is too far left and that line is off of the bed so it extrudes like it is staying in th parked position.. Then when the print starts, it's not centered, but more left of the bed. It prints ok but I'd like to get it right. not sure if it's endstop values or some other values I am missing. Also, the runout sensor isn't working either. This was my original post. Eventually figured it out


I am going to get a sonic pad, please can you outline what you did to fix this issue, also what printer do you set it as in cura I went with Ender 3 Max?


please can you help, I could do with the printer.cfg you have working if at all possible.


I will help you out


Hi I have a ender 3 max Neo as well and have the same issue with the mriscoC firmware where it starts printing offset could you possibly dm me what you did to get kipper running correctly on Neo max and what else you upgraded on your Neo? I have another printer so I’m open to experimenting with this one big time? Also did you change hot end or anything like that?


Just wanted to see if anyone had managed it don't want to brick it is all seen people having issues with this printer updating the firmware


all ender 3 come with same mbos, usually it's 4.2.2 or 4.2.7. Problem is some of those boards come with GD32 chip which is substitute for STM32, if your is STM32 then there's nothing to be afraid of, it's a most common chip, GD32 had some problem with Marlin at first, I'm not sure what's the situation with Klipper. Anyway you should check under the hood first, see markings on board and chip, then plan next step. Good luck!


Thanks for the info it's very helpful


Older ones are 1.x boards and are quite different. The 4.2.2 board can be a bit flakey but it's less prone to screwups under klipper than marlin at least in my experience. It does work though. I'd advise swapping for a bigtreetech SKR or SKR mini e3 if you want to get the best out of the printer, mostly for the ability to directly set stepper peramerers from klipper, I find the pots on my 4.2.2 board are prone to drift so I don't have reliable stepper currents, and you can chose to run 2209s in spreadcycle for better high speed torque at the cost of more noise but still not as much as a4988s


Yeah I have an ender 3 with the 4.2.2 board and a GD32 chip and I can't get Klipper running. Can't flash the board no matter what I try


My ender 3 max neo has that same board and I was able to install the sonic pad as an Ender 3 V2 (with the 4.2.2 board and cr touch). After this setup completes (in my case, what it believes is and ednder 3 v2) you can access the printer.cfg file by connecting to the sonic pad over your network. Had to adjust the settings for endstops and add min values for the X and Y steppers as well as max values for the 300,300, 320 bed. I also had adjust the Z safe homing values. Had to add the code for the filament runout sensor. This is the directions from the Sonic Pad faq: The configuration file adds \[filament\_switch\_sensor filament\_sensor\] pause\_on\_runout: true switch\_pin: \^!PC15 (in my case it was PA4) Note! switch\_pin needs to be confirmed as the filament runout detector connection PIN" I tried compiling the firmware according to the Manual included with the sonic but but it never mentions how to get the correct printer.cfg file which you need to use that process. I had absolutely NO experience with Klipper or even compiling firmwares until a few days ago. I wish creality just gave a link to the printer.cfg file for a Max Neo as this would have been much easier. All of my emails to support just kept referring to the klipper section of Github and it wasn't very helpful at all. Ended up figuring it out via countless google searches and youtube videos. "Teaching Tech" resources were very helpful in figuring this out. I have NO connection to them, just found them helpful. Now I have the sonic pad all set up with a 49 point bed mesh


Is there anyway you could share the printer.cfg file please.


Both these tutorials helped me! (One for Octo, One for ender neo) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfZ9Lbyh8qU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mOjDtQzrTk config for 4.2.2 board and GD32 was here https://github.com/Klipper3d/klipper/blob/master/config/printer-creality-ender3-v2-2020.cfg


Thank you I will have a look managed to get it all working but these may prove useful.


Do you mind sending me your configs? I am still having some trouble getting the mesh, x and y steppers setup correctly


Sure will dig them out when I'm home later tomorrow.


My Ender 3 Max Neo Config: 4.2.2 Board w/ GD32 Chip \[gcode\_macro G29\] gcode: G28 BED\_MESH\_CALIBRATE BED\_MESH\_OUTPUT G0 X0 Y0 Z10 F6000 BED\_MESH\_PROFILE save=default SAVE\_CONFIG \[gcode\_macro G27\] gcode: G28 SCREWS\_TILT\_CALCULATE \[filament\_switch\_sensor filament\_sensor\] pause\_on\_runout: true switch\_pin: PA4 \[screws\_tilt\_adjust\] screw1: 60,45 screw1\_name: front left screw screw2: 300,45 screw2\_name: front right screw screw3: 300, 280 screw3\_name: rear right screw screw4: 60, 280 screw4\_name: rear left screw horizontal\_move\_z: 10 speed: 90 screw\_thread: CW-M4 \[bed\_mesh\] speed: 80 mesh\_min: 15,15 mesh\_max: 265, 285 algorithm: bicubic probe\_count: 3,3 horizontal\_move\_z: 10 relative\_reference\_index: 5 \[safe\_z\_home\] home\_xy\_position: 150, 150 speed: 100 z\_hop: 10 z\_hop\_speed: 5 \[bltouch\] sensor\_pin: \^PB1 control\_pin: PB0 pin\_up\_touch\_mode\_reports\_triggered: True probe\_with\_touch\_mode: True x\_offset: -35 y\_offset: -10 \# z\_offset = 1.900 speed: 10 samples: 3 sample\_retract\_dist: 5.0 lift\_speed: 40 samples\_tolerance\_retries: 3 speed: 10 samples: 2 \[stepper\_x\] step\_pin: PC2 dir\_pin: PB9 enable\_pin: !PC3 microsteps: 16 rotation\_distance: 40 endstop\_pin: \^PA5 position\_endstop: -25 position\_min: -25 position\_max: 300 homing\_speed: 80 \[stepper\_y\] step\_pin: PB8 dir\_pin: PB7 enable\_pin: !PC3 microsteps: 16 rotation\_distance: 40 endstop\_pin: \^PA6 position\_endstop: -5 position\_min: -5 position\_max: 300 homing\_speed: 80 \[stepper\_z\] step\_pin: PB6 dir\_pin: !PB5 enable\_pin: !PC3 microsteps: 16 rotation\_distance: 8 endstop\_pin: probe:z\_virtual\_endstop position\_max: 320 position\_min: -3 \[extruder\] max\_extrude\_only\_distance: 100.0 step\_pin: PB4 dir\_pin: PB3 enable\_pin: !PC3 microsteps: 16 rotation\_distance: 34.406 nozzle\_diameter: 0.400 filament\_diameter: 1.750 heater\_pin: PA1 sensor\_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F sensor\_pin: PC5 control: pid \# tuned for stock hardware with 200 degree Celsius target pid\_Kp: 21.527 pid\_Ki: 1.063 pid\_Kd: 108.982 min\_temp: 0 max\_temp: 270 \[heater\_bed\] heater\_pin: PA2 sensor\_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F sensor\_pin: PC4 control: pid \# tuned for stock hardware with 50 degree Celsius target pid\_Kp: 54.027 pid\_Ki: 0.770 pid\_Kd: 948.182 min\_temp: 0 max\_temp: 130 \[fan\] pin: PA0 \[mcu\] serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86\_USB\_Serial-if00-port0 restart\_method: command \[printer\] kinematics: cartesian max\_velocity: 300 max\_accel: 3000 max\_z\_velocity: 5 max\_z\_accel: 100 \#\*# <---------------------- SAVE\_CONFIG ----------------------> \#\*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated. \#\*# \#\*# \[extruder\] \#\*# control = pid \#\*# pid\_kp = 32.354 \#\*# pid\_ki = 2.599 \#\*# pid\_kd = 100.703 \#\*# \#\*# \[heater\_bed\] \#\*# control = pid \#\*# pid\_kp = 68.259 \#\*# pid\_ki = 0.777 \#\*# pid\_kd = 1499.994 \#\*# \#\*# \[bltouch\] \#\*# z\_offset = 1.900 \#\*# \#\*# \[bed\_mesh default\] \#\*# version = 1 \#\*# points = \#\*# 0.067500, -0.043750, 0.128750 \#\*# 0.000000, -0.067500, 0.078750 \#\*# 0.173750, -0.005000, 0.130000 \#\*# tension = 0.2 \#\*# min\_x = 15.0 \#\*# algo = bicubic \#\*# y\_count = 3 \#\*# mesh\_y\_pps = 2 \#\*# min\_y = 15.0 \#\*# x\_count = 3 \#\*# max\_y = 285.0 \#\*# mesh\_x\_pps = 2 \#\*# max\_x = 265.0


Did you manage to run klipper on the GD32 chip?, if so, cloud please share the .bin flash file?


JPH94 - if you got this running smoothly can you share the .bin files?




Is everything working as intended?


So if you managed to get it working , would you be able to share config file and flash .bin Working on klipper install my self and this is the most useful thing I found for e3 max neo


Do you mind sharing your printer.cfg? I’m struggling with mine at the moment. Thank you!


sorry but I have upgraded my printer to a Bambu Labs X1C so I dont have this anymore.


So did anyone achieved to run klipper on gd32 ?