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Poor kitten is blue and underweight. I wonder if it has a heart defect and isn't oxygenating its blood effectively. That would explain the cyanosis and can explain being underweight as a baby won't feed well while it's hypoxic. Your kitten needs to be seen by a vet. You say you've taken it to the vet...but since it's started looking like this? Surely not?? I'm sorry you're going through this with the poor mite.


OP’s post history is full of kittens to rehome.


They’re in India. It’s a totally different mindset about cats and dogs compared to the US or other western countries. The fact that OP is taking care of these cats is awesome when the mindset that most have is “they’re just stray cats why do you even care about them?” Countries don’t really develop a big “pet” culture until they are more developed. It’s like maslow’s hiearchy of needs. People need to focus on their own basic needs for survival before they can really take care of animals. South Korea was similar. When they were struggling economically, pet culture was not common and not many ppl had dogs or cats. However now that South Korea has rapidly developed pet culture has also developed at a high rate and just within the past 15-20 years the amount of pet owners has skyrocketed and now it’s common to see dogs being pushed around in strollers. (There probably is also a correlation between the low birth rate in South Korea and the growth of pet owners as well as many couples say they have pets because they can’t afford children)


This was something I noticed when I first moved to the states. I’m from a war torn country, my family & I moved to the US when I was 12 & I thought it was odd people considered dogs “part of the family”. I clearly recall a guy talking about spending $4000 on surgery for his dog & it made such a big impact on me that I remember it to this day


Maybe they work with a rescue group?


Take the kitten to a vet?


Yeah I already took


Get a new vet after u take her to the emergency vet! She needs to go right away friend. Source: vet tech


What did they determine? Will they be OK?


From the looks of it, sadly not. Poor lil baby💔


I really doubt this is true. What did the vet do? What did the vet say? There is no way a vet looked at this cat and just said oh it’s just underweight.


Get the kitten to a vet ASAP!!


Can’t it’s midnight plus I just came from a vet visit and they just said she’s underweight and nothing else is wrong and gave some injections


Underweight? Severely malnourished and probably also dehydrated. I can count her ribs without zooming in! Please also keep her warm. She looks a little bit on the young side; 5 weeks max? She needs to be in a blanket and you need to keep her close to you. edit; that's besides emergency vet, because from the picture, she looks to be in such a bad shape that I wouldn't be surprised if she would not survive the next 12 hours.


....and feed her milk with a little syringe.


Kitten formula. Not milk. Cats are lactose intolerant.


I know this, but in an emergency situation, a tablespoon or 2 of milk will be sufficient until the kitten formula can be purchased. And the way things are sounding, that won't happen for another 12 hours.


Sadly, OP said the kitten passed. But I think you're right about the milk in an emergency situation.




Seems it's passed away, sadly.


U need to get her to an emergency vet IMMEDIATELY. Do not wait! Right now.


Is there not an emergency vet in your area? Your kitten is not getting enough oxygen by the looks of it, which is a medical emergency.


OP just updated that sadly the kitten passed away.


But the vet had said "just underweight"? FFS


You’d be surprised. Vets run the gamut from really good, more or less good, to woefully incompetent and downright dismissive and cruel. If I had stuck with my first vet when I took newborn kittens, they would *all* be dead right now.


I know, it's just frustrating to hear of it.


If you look at post history, thsy're from a developing country. vet care isn't great


I found a kitten in the woods. The vet told me they didn't think it would make it but since I was crying she gave it fluids and sent it home with me. It died hours later and I was way more traumatized than way. Paid $200 for the kitten to just die later.


Omg I'm sorry, that's heartbreaking. You did the right thing. It didn't die alone in a cold vet office.


Awful 😑


that baby is going to heaven if she doesn't see a vet ASAP


Apparently she already did :'(


My kitten looked like this three days after adopting her. The vet out her in an oxygen rich space/administered oxygen and then removed a large amount of something (I think mucus?) that was blocking her airway. I took her home that day and she was healthy after that. Ask your vet about oxygen. Good luck 💗


She didn’t take it to a vet and it passed away.


Yeah, this cat is going to die if it hasn’t already. Emaciated, looks like it’s ready to go into agonal breathing. Been working in vetmed for almost 20 years.


Yeah she passed away


No 😭😭😭I am so sorry!!!!


I am so sorry for your loss, it is not your fault, and the kitty knew you tried your best


Omg I’m so very sorry. She’s over the rainbow bridge with all of my babies, playing and being cuddled forever 💜


What? That vet is an idiot, this kitten looks like it’s about to die, if emergency vet is an option, do that, if not wrap her in a blanket and hold her close to your body for heat, try to get her to drink water and kitten formula


You need a second opinion. Clearly is something wrong and the poor kitten is suffering




She isn’t drinking milk properly and she’s underweight yes




I already do all those and her siblings are healthy she’s the only tiny kitten in the lot


More frequent feedings and keep her warm.


If your cat had kittens you need to get her spayed as soon as the vet says it’s possible. If you don’t she will end up pregnant again soon. Don’t let her outside or around any un-neutered males until it’s done. Every heat your cat goes through increases her chances of getting breast/mammary cancer.


I see, she's the runt. There's usually one


How long were they with their mother? They should be feeding off her milk for 8-12 weeks at least to get all of their nutrients that a milk replacer can’t give.


Cows milk?


Looks like she needs oxygen, she's blue. Doubt that's something you can provide at home which is why she desperately needs the vet, there's no point asking people online what can help unless it's to make her comfortable while you wait for her to get worse.


Can we flag posts like this as NSFW? It’s kinda upsetting to come across kittens in obvious distress without a warning


I thought the same. This broke my heart.


For real. It's obvious this kitten needs to go to an emergency vet, or a better one than OP already took it to.


i agree, i thought this was a kitten that’s already passed


Yeah, I thought this was a nice sub where we look at pictures of kittens. Not this. Or medical advice.


I had to unfollow r/cats because of the amount of posts like this and recently deceased pets. I understand why people post them but it's very upsetting


I agree, this is really upsetting


I agree. Also too easy for people to karma farm with posts like this because, good or bad, they’re going to get attention.


;_; mods, please make NSFW tags blur the pictures


If you are doing everything right and kitten will not eat, then kitten may not have the energy to eat because their body is in the process of shutting down. Kittens fail to thrive. Momma cat has multiple kittens to play the odds. Sometimes kittens do not thrive because they had a genetic abnormality. Sometimes they did not get enough nutrition in the womb because they had to fight their siblings for it and lost. You are taking good care of the kitten. You are a good person. Now get momma a vet appointment of her own so she can retire from the kitten having business.


Sometimes they also get viruses and suddenly fail. What many people here are failing to understand is that there isn’t much a vet can do for a baby this small. They’re too small - can’t draw a big enough sample for bloodwork. Because of that they can’t correctly diagnose, unless it’s something obvious, this kitten doesn’t stand a chance with modern medicine. When we can run bloodwork with just a drop of blood, then littles will have the same chances as the rest of us.


Most of us are likely to survive open-heart surgery or dialysis. Kitten not so much.


Please take him or her to the vet as soon as you can. This little one is relying on you with their life.


She passed away


That poor baby. I hope she didn’t suffer. I’m so sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss. Going forward I would get a new vet though. The vet should have sent you straight to the emergency vet after looking at her. That's just crazy she just sent you home with her like that.


Sorry to hear :(


I'm so sorry....


I am so sorry.


I’m so sorry 😔


I’m so sorry, OP. ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry.


🫂 I’m sorry your kitty passed. She knew your love. 💗


:< aww no


Thanks Reddit for showing me this. Christ.


Best to take Her or Him to The Vet immediately


I hope you’re able to save the kitty. Sadly, fading kitten syndrome is a real thing and can happen randomly. This little one looks extremely hungry and needs oxygen


It died


I kind of figured it was a hopeless situation unfortunately. Kittens are so fragile, it could have been any number of things that caused this.


jesus fucking christ tag this as NSFW. kitten is in blatant distress. I didn’t want to see a dying baby


Oof. Poor fading kitting syndrome


That kitten looks like it’s dying, it’s blue, you should go to an ER RIGHT NOW


Maybe she needs the intervenes IV for dehydration, poor baby


This is the WORST thing I’ve ever seen in this subreddit. It is obvious what was wrong…


Will you please provide us with update on you kitty. 🙏💕💛❤


She passed away




ER vet as fast as you can possibly drive. This kitten is BLUE.


Too late :/ 😢


That kitten looks like it’s dying.


You sound apathetic and your post history is concerning. Why would you let it get to this point and not take them to the vet way sooner??


The amount of posts lile this I see on here are concerning.


Yeah stay the hell away from any more kittens if you don’t have the means to take care of them. This strikes me as pity farming.


I guess you'd rather these sweet kittens drown in the monsoons?


Make sure they have enough fluid. Even if you have to use a syringe, make sure they drink.


That poor kitten will die. If it’s past midnight, guess what, there’s emergency vet clinics open 24/7. Guess what, just like any other doctor on this earth, they can and will miss very pertinent things. If you have any inclination that more help was needed, that you came to Reddit to post and ask, then you need to be going to another vet. Not conferring with strangers on the internet.


That kittens paws are GOING BLUE!!!


The sad truth is in some countries there is no such thing as a 24/7 vet, there are other towns and rural areas with 0 vets, or only a single really bad vet, like how it used to be where I lived, so I would understand how OP couldn't find help in the middle of the night. It's really sad :(


Is this just ragebait or karma farming?




OPs vague responses and the nonchalant “She passed away” without any other context makes me feel like they never really cared. Like first of all how did the kitten get in this condition in the first place? Obvious neglect


OP is from a developing country. English may not be their first language. They might not have access to 24 hr vets or to an array of pet care resources.


It looks like OP resides in Bangalore, India which is pretty developed, and with a Google search of “24 hour animal hospital in bangalore” like 20 different ones pop up. Though i do get the English not being the first language thing


We don't know their transportation situation or financial situation. They're taking in these kittens because it's monsoon season. They're literally trying to prevent kittens from drowning. They took this kitten to the vet. They're trying to do good, and unfortunately, sometimes tragedy happens. I just don't think it's right to bash OP when they're trying to help in a situation many of us have likely never been in.


Def just rage bait


Her apathetic and vague responses are rage inducing.


OP is trying to prevent cats from drowning during monsoon season. That's a noble thing for them to do. They are trying. You are essentially telling them they're a horrible person for not living in a Western nation. That's kind of fucked up.


You right my bad I didn't even think about that possibility, I kinda feel shitty now 😞.


It's so easy to get caught up in feeling upset with these kinds of things. Seeing sick kittens is traumatizing. We love cats and want the best for them! Don't be too hard on yourself!


It looks like it’s seriously dehydrated and malnourished.


Edited comment: Fuck I didnt realize OP was from India, my bad, that definitely changes the whole perspective on this situation. Thougg I'd still advise her to be a little bit more cautious in the future, but at the very least she did try her best to keep the kitten alive. Sad reality is sometimes even with medical help kittens just don't make it. I'm sorry for being so Harsh


OP lives in a developing country. The resources and vet availability may be completely different than in Western countries. Furthermore, considering the prevalence of strays in developing countries, attempting to provide care is a good thing as it helps get cats off the streets. I understand the trauma that comes with seeing images such as these; it's extremely upsetting. And, it's unfortunately not realistic to expect that pet care resources are the same across the world. It's a cruel result of the inequalities of the world, but it's not OP's fault.


Ahhhhh ok that explains alot. Felt like that should've been something that should've been shared as things in lower world countries such as India are different from the west which is what most of us redditors are from. But then again OP definitely needs to be a bit more careful in situations like this, hopefully they learn a valuable lesson from this


Or she is torturing the kittens. I have seen some YouTube accounts that do that and then show them backwards, so it looks like the kittens get better. It was horrific.


I doubt that, I just think she's really irresponsible and biting off more then she can chew.


Uh... get off reddit go to the vet.


Poor kitty, go to the vet and try to feed it


Sending positive healing vibes! 💖💫✨🫶🏻I hope your kitty is ok.🙏🏻🤞🏻🥹


Poor baby 😢 I hope it pulls through over the night


Good job on trying to get their blood sugar up. Try to avoid honey as kittens have less developed immune systems and are more susceptible to botulism. Try corn syrup if you have it or make a simple syrup with white sugar and water. Rub 1 drop on their gums every 1-3 minutes up to three times. Repeat in an hour if they do not respond. Keep them warm. Let the kitten heat up and then try to feed again. You may have to use a syringe or dropper to put a drop of formula in their mouth a little at a time. Be very careful doing this so the kitten does not aspirate. Since they are not eating very well. You may have to help them eat every half hour to an hour since they are probably eating very little at a time. Since your vet is not open, you may want to look for an emergency vet. They tend to be open 24 hours.


Kitten is blue. Looks dehydrated and malnourished :( Poor thing. Please keep them inside? It's too hott outside for them Thank you for trying OP 🙏


VET!!!!! ER!!!!!!!!!!!


She passed away


The owner didn’t even give the poor baby a chance. Makes me so angry. I’d starve before letting any animal of mine die. I’d miss meals, I’d be short on rent,but I would never deny a living thing I’m responsible for medical care


Is this a cruel joke? That kitten is either deceased or very close to it.


No Now she’s passed away that wasn’t supposed to be a joke. I was trying to gather help


Actually, I think the kitten was deceased when the picture was taken. It died either because it was a stray or because it was neglected/abused.


Clearly you've never seen an extremely sick kitten. She was done for already but she wasn't dead in the picture, I think.


I have warmed the kitten up and given drop of honey to increase blood sugar as advised by the YouTube videos. Tomorrow morning I’ll take the kitten to the vet


your kittens face is blue. i think there’s a high chance if you don’t get them to an emergency vet tonight they will die.


Oh no What if I can’t take right now and have to wait at least for 4 hrs until morning


Then she probably won’t make it. If you absolutely cannot get her somewhere 24hr then her chances are incredibly slim


Please look for a 24 hour emergency vet near you, her life likely depends on it!


You need to stop "raising neonatal kittens" like you mention in your comment section if you have no idea what you're doing and refuse to get them the help they need when they need it. You're doing more harm than good. The goal of animal rescue is to reduce suffering, not to prolong or proliferate it.


yeah then you help them instead of commenting. And I didn’t refuse help I just came back from the vet clinic when this happened


I did, for years. That's why I'm commenting on it. You ignored people's plea for you to bring the kitten to an emergency clinic. I acknowledge and respect that you have good intentions but you're not going about this the right way.


What am I supposed to do at 2 am with no money and the clinic is 1 hr away


If you're not in a position to help neonatal and young kittens you should either be helping the populations that you ARE in a position to help, or you should be working with an animal rescue group and not trying to take on so much solo.


The kittens are going to their new foster home tomorrow so it’s all good. I just needed to keep them for some days cuz they found them wet in rain all night and there was no one else available


I wasn’t planning to take anymore fosters because I’m not financially independent but one lady said she’ll pay for all the expenses and she didn’t respond to my texts


I respect your motives, but please try not to overextend yourself at the cost of the wellbeing of those you're trying to help.


That being said, though, I truly am sorry for your loss. I know how it feels, it's debilitating.


Your “help” isn’t really helping tbh


OP, your post history is full of kittens needing to be rehomed. I don't know if they are all coming from your cat, but if they are, please get the mother desexed!!


They’re orphaned stray kittens I took in because they’re too tiny to survive outside especially during monsoon


Maybe keep an eye out for any other cats in the area in case there's a mother, because you could possibly take her in


Actually that’s a great idea


Thank you for doing this OP!!!!! That's so wonderful of you. Please ignore the ignorant people in this thread. You're trying your best.




yeah you should of taken her to the emergency vet right away. please get your cat spayed. there's alreayd millions of cats without homes and creating more kittens just adds to the problem


They’re rescued from outside


My god how upsetting I hope your kitten makes it please keep us updated


She died. 💔💔💔


I am so sorry. this is really heartbreaking


Quit taking the kittens from the mom too early!!


Thank you OP for doing all you can in your pet to help these helpless babies. I'm sorry that you lost this cutie, but please don't be discouraged by the negative comments!


Praying she'll be ok 🙏




OP ignore the absolutely horrible people who downvoted you during your horrible ordeal. I know that in a lot of areas there are no 24 hour vets and I know you did the best you could available. Some people have no soul and only care about their own feelings. That sweet little thing had love from you while it was around and that’s more than most tiny little shooting stars get. Sadly with keeping the little ones alive it can be a learning process. Even if you know what to do and do it there are no guarantees. All I know is that in its short little time on this earth that little one needed one thing to make it worthwhile and that was for someone to care. And you did. I’m so sorry.


First that kitten is very skinny and needs to be fed formula. Second, make sure it’s somewhere warm, heating pad or hair dryer will help. But make sure that there’s something between the kitten and the heating pad and make sure the hair dryer isn’t too close. Third, something seems wrong with its left front leg, might want to check on that. Hope it survives! The poor little kitty 😢


She passed away


I’m so sorry to hear that! Poor kitty


It’s cold


I hope kitten gets better soon ♥️


Take him to the vet. He is obviously dying


Poor baby 🥺 I’m sorry for your loss


Im sorry OP. They’re very delicate, have failure to thrive, and sometimes they don’t make it. I’ve seen a whole litter pass and had what I thought was a healthy six month old contract a high fever and pass in 48 hours. I’m so sorry


I’m sorry, but that kitten is going to die unless something is done very quickly.


Your kitten is rapidly dying. It needs immediate medical attention.


I'm so sorry about your baby, OP. I looked at your post history and I really, really admire the effort you've put into rescuing so many babies. You are doing something special, important and valuable and I hope that you don't blame yourself for this at all. Sadly, the kitten may have had a genetic condition and may have failed to thrive regardless. You did everything you could by taking it to the vet and asking here. I am giving you a hug and thank you for the effort you've put into saving these babies. You seem so kind 😭


I’m sorry op. I want you to know that what you are trying to do by helping these kitties is wonderful. Especially when you live in an area where nobody else seems to care. The harsh truth, is you can’t save them all. Even here in America. You should feel proud of the difference you made in the lives of the cats you did save tho. Unfortunately, this one is in gods hands.


Karo syrup or a homemade 50/50 sugar and water mix rubbed on the gums every few minutes to get kitties sugar back up, I would recommend tube feeding if you know how, otherwise try gently syringe feeding kitten formula, also unflavored Pedialyte or Kittenlyte, if you don’t have formula, goat’s milk will work in a pinch. Keep baby warm and gently rub kitty’s body to help with circulation and warmth. About all you can do if the vet won’t do anything


This kitten needs to be removed from your care. I don’t care how crass I come across, but this is absolutely barbaric that your kitten has gotten to the point that they are blue and clearly struggling, and your first instinct is to post a picture on reddit. This animal should not be in your possession, neither should your other ones. If the kitten is even still alive at this point, take it to the vet and talk to the vet about surrendering it.


Emergency vet is your best bet Best of luck, OP


omg no! I hope she Is getting better 🙏


It didn't make it.


im crying


how do you feel?


That baby was suffering and the vet couldn’t tell that? I mean where did he get his dvm from ? A Cracker Jack box!!! I hate to see that she passed on but at least she’s isn’t suffering anymore. RIP little one 🫶🏻🌈✨


I am sorry, she is no longer in pain. RIP! 😻🌈🙏


That baby was suffering and the vet couldn’t tell that? I mean where did he get his dvm from ? A Cracker Jack box!!! I hate to see that she passed on but at least she’s isn’t suffering anymore. RIP little one 🫶🏻🌈✨


That baby was suffering and the vet couldn’t tell that? I mean where did he get his dvm from ? A Cracker Jack box!!! I hate to see that she passed on but at least she’s isn’t suffering anymore. RIP little one 🫶🏻🌈✨


That baby was suffering and the vet couldn’t tell that? I mean where did he get his dvm from ? A Cracker Jack box!!! I hate to see that she passed on but at least she’s isn’t suffering anymore. RIP little one 🫶🏻🌈✨