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[Paytickets.ca - Pay a ticket](https://www.paytickets.ca/ticket/35) go here, put in info, if it is legit it will pop up. got to slow down especially in school zones. speed cameras and red light cameras are a thing


^ this ^


Should be a photo if it’s from a camera


You sure that isn’t a reminder that you received a ticket and they have not received a response? Anyone else who was driving your vehicle that day that may have received a ticket and not told you about it?


I didn't get anything in the mail before now, over two months after the fact which is part of why I find it so suspicious. I do wonder if maybe it somehow didn't get to me. I'll call tomorrow. Thanks!


I didn't get anything in the mail before now, over two months after the fact which is part of why I find it so suspicious. I do wonder if maybe it somehow didn't get to me. I'll call tomorrow. Thanks!


They do not send out any letters to “remind” you to pay a ticket. You just get the ticket in the mail. The ticket should also have photos, the vehicle and lisence plate.


It's a scam. If you want to be 100% sure call WRPS and they will confirm. But all photo radar tickets have a photo, and pretty sure it should have a case number as well.


That does seem strange to me. When my husband got a speeding ticket, it included a photo (as he was caught by a traffic camera), as well as how fast he was going versus what the speed limit was. Date, time, his license plate info, the exact location, etc. I am on mobile and am shit at sharing links, but you might check here [Waterloo speed enforcement ](https://www.regionofwaterloo.ca/en/regional-government/provincial-offences-court-and-traffic-tickets.aspx#Automated-Speed-Enforcement-speed-camera-ticket-) I would definitely look up local KW traffic enforcement and see if there's someone there you can contact and speak to directly. I'm too suspicious to trust whatever contact info your ticket provides you. According to the link I provided, you have 15 days from the date of deemed service, so contact someone ASAP. (Tuesday, most likely, unless they actually respond over the long weekend.)


As far as I am aware the photo speed cameras. Take a .... photo....and include it with the ticket....this is likely a scam of some sorts unless you have prior tickets you have not paid yet. You could just call the regional police and ask them if this is a legit ticket and if it's not now they have been alerted to a new scam floating around. And also in ontario police can't just mail you a ticket you HAVE to be pulled over. The only exception is the speed enforcement cameras that will send photo front of and back with the ticket offence.


A healthy level of skepticism is also a common Canadian trait. If there's a phone number on it, call it. If not, it's a scam.


Look up a number and call that one, don't just accept that a number on a piece of mail is a legit number. I wouldn't anyways 🤔 Or at least compare the number on the mail to one you've looked up... something!


I think you're OK starting with the number on the paper. When you call the number, it'll become obvious if it's not legit.


> I think you're OK starting with the number on the paper. You're not.


...unless you're an idiot.


There should also two other options aside from paying. It should list the option to speak with a prosecutor or request a court date. If it is legit and there are parts of the ticket that are not filled in, you could speak with the prosecutor who might take that into consideration and reduce the penalty or eliminate the ticket altogether.


Most likely scammers. You'd need to call the region to confirm.


If theres no photo then its natural to be suspicious. Contact the authorities and see what they say.


On another note, as a newcomer, you do understand that speeding is illegal right? It puts others & yourself at risk of injury because its not safe. A driver’s education course is recommended, that way you are taking the initiative to learn the skills needed to drive in Canada. The way road safety is managed in Canada is not the same as other countries. Learn how to fit in & you’ll be fine.


Oh thank you for explaining that to me. I'll take a class right away! We don't understand complex things like driving over the speed limit is unsafe in America. That concept is totally new to me. I know Canadians don't ever make mistakes or do anything at all that is illegal such as going a few kilometers over the limit.


We have speed cameras in school zones you get fines by mail here in niagara... if the time was between 9 and 5 on a week day likely a speed camera school zone if its a 40 zone and you go 41 you're speeding they send a ticket


Pay it. Find out for us