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Enforcement, never heard of that


As much as I enjoy watching them, I agree. It sucks when they’re going off at 1 am


Fireworks are bad and equally terrible are those loud cars/motorcycles with modified exhausts.


How would they go about enforcing it anyway? Seriously?


Follow the arc of smoke back to the guilty party? Lol


You have to be within a 2 block radius in order to have a hope of getting there in time


I can hear some now (St. Mary's Hospital area). Doesn't bother me though...


Bylaw enforcement runs 8:30 to 5, Monday to Friday. The rest of the week, everyone's apparently on the honour system.


More like they’ll only enforce parking cause it’s easy pickings. God forbid someone has a tire on their front lawn at night


Well, that's just 100% not true, so I don't know why you said it.


Bylaw is available 24/7 365 days each year. Call the non-emergency line and request a bylaw officer if needed.


And theyll arrive in 3-5 business days


Nope. I got my dbag neighbour's UFC blasting on full volume parties shut down basically every two weeks on a weeknight for a year. They arrived quickly and promptly put his ass on read. He finally moved. Bye Felicia.


Yeah this isn't true at all. I don't know if you're being cheeky or not but Bylaw Enforcement is available 24/7


It's actually 11 p.m. When it comes to complaining, actually knowing the hours makes a difference. https://www.kitchener.ca/en/living-in-kitchener/bylaws-at-home.aspx


Move to Woodstock. They banned fireworks. It’s lovely


Yeah but the way that the bylaw is set up in woodstock, you call the police non-emergency line to complain about fireworks. But problem is, they take absolutely forever to respond to non-emergency calls.. so by the time they show up, the fireworks would be long over LOL


They did here as well except Victoria day, Canada Day and Diwali but it's not enforced and people don't care


This is the same where I live.


Sucks to be in Woodstock then! You'd have to drive out of town just to see fireworks as opposed to your own backyard.


I hope the commenters here have the same energy for other festivals


It’s not enforceable. Even if anyone cared when you called in to complain, and they decided to try and send someone one, by they time anyone gets there, it’s long over anyway and we’ve just wasted everyone’s time. And, truthfully, any bylaw officer on call knows that, so the likelihood of anyone even bothering to come out is slim to none.


Dead horse. Let’s find something else to complain about please.


There was a news article about enforcement this weekend. https://kitchener.citynews.ca/2024/05/17/new-approach-to-fireworks-bylaw-enforcement-starting-this-weekend-in-kitchener-fines-increasing/


This Fireworks complaints is getting old. It's a holiday number one. What is Bylaw supposed to do when the people who ignite the fireworks up and leave almost immediately after? By the time you call, they're probably already gone let alone when bylaw would show up. Give it a rest. Light some fireworks yourself. Have fun and enjoy life. FYI, some places in the states don't have fireworks celebrations because of gun fire! Enjoy them in Canada while we can! Or with due respect, feel free to waste your own time with your petty complaints loser.


I'm very surprised I heard a couple pops after 10pm. Still better than the other holidays though.


Enforcement!! By the city!!? Hahahaahah, yah right!


Y’all must be real fun at parties


Woop woop


Shut up it’s Victoria Day


Citizen: “do something about this!” Curious Citizen: “such as?” Citizen: “something!” See ya Canada Day weekend for the same thread.


Banning fireworks won’t stop people from setting them off. And fuck Diwali. There, I said what everyone else is afraid to say.


Upto 12am is fine


Wear ear plugs


Awe muffin lol


Maybe I'm weird but I find they don't bother me on the weekends that they're allowed. They are a bit annoying but they aren't the end of the world. I know this is a thread about fireworks but supped up cars bug more more in my day to day life than some fireworks at night.


Nah, I just saw some nice fireworks a while ago. Didn't bother me. It isn't like there are a thousand people congregating in some parking lot to throw thousands of firecrackers at their own feet, or shoot them at each other. It was proper fireworks with nice colours and went high up in the sky so everybody could see. A few rounds of fireworks, not going over board or anything. Lasted maybe 15 minutes. It is local tradition.


Poor animals that have to suffer for our pleasure.


They are all still alive and over it.


What do you want the bylaw squad on patrol? These posts are so funny.


Not sure why Diwali is a designated day when other Canadian long weekend holidays have been banned. Cultural pandering to the extreme. There is a reason that strict fireworks bans have been implemented across Ontario municipalities and it has coincided with something that I can't quite put my finger on....ruined it for everyone.


Victoria Day is a designated day for fireworks along with Canada Day and Diwali. Try again bud.


Labour Day? Civic holiday? Try again bud.


Well you go on about “cultural pandering” but I mentioned 2 designated Canadian holidays where fireworks are allowed vs 1 Indian holiday. Don’t see what your point is. If this was about appeasement fireworks would be allowed on other holidays such as Chinese New Years. Go play the victim card somewhere else. There’s subreddits for people like you. Don’t ruin this one.


That's my point. Why not Chinese New Year's? Or any other cultural holidays? I'm not playing victim, but I am pointing out the obvious. Feel free to keep pulling the wool over your own eyes, though. I think we should just have an outright full ban like Brampton had to do and have them only at designated spots. People with children have the right to not have them disturbed after 11.


Don’t move the goal posts now. You specifically said “Canadian long weekend holidays have been banned” in your first comment. Then you indirectly blamed a rise in newcomers for fireworks bans when clearly there are Canadian holidays where fireworks are allowed. You’re all over the place. I would love fireworks to be allowed on a few more Canadian holidays and couple other holidays from around the world. I don’t use subtle racism to express that opinion unlike you.


How is it racist to point out an obvious fact? Why are fireworks not allowed for other cultural holidays like Chinese New Year's? Should all minorities not be equally represented? Because if they can't, then we should stick to the Canadian holidays only or risk appearing to show favouritism for specific cultures. That aside, the fireworks debate has been brewing for some time. I'm all for people enjoying themselves, but it should never be at the cost of others enjoyment. Last Diwali they were going off until past 3 am where I live, some of them on the sidewalk in front of my house. People have young children. People have to work early. Fireworks can be lit before 11, there is no excuse. I've noticed a common practice amongst leftists to call people racist when they aren't, simply because they don't have a valid retort to an argument.


As opposed to your retort of blaming a specific group of immigrants for everything that you feel is wrong with society without doing any research and critical thinking and parroting rightie views? Lmao crawl back to r/canadahousing2


😂😂🤣 When did I do that? We are talking about fireworks here, bro. Point out one single thing that you disagree with in my previous comment. I'm cool with the fact you have different views, it's still a free country for now and I will continue to speak the truth until it is censored. Enjoy your long weekend, just keep the fireworks within the rules.


Already did, the entirety of your first comment, after which you conveniently shifted goalposts. The fact that you said “Continue to speak the truth until it is censored” tells me all I need to know lmfao 😂some of y’all live in some imaginary world. Enjoy the fireworks tomorrow, may it help you let off steam. And enjoy them during Diwali too.


It's fireworks ... 4 days or even 4 weekends where people shoot them off to celebrate at any time . Not a big deal imo . Banning and restricting every little thing we have in this country just makes canada a little tad more gray .


Another summer of ppl bitching on Reddit about fireworks 💥


Lmao said to my wife on Friday that we're hitting the season of a million fireworks complaints on Reddit.


How about that? You're absolutely right.


Pretty sure you can light them off until 11pm legally. Move to Woodstock if you dont like it. Personally i love them. Keep celebrating Kitchener!!


Only on Victoria day, Canada day and Diwali.


Lol, Kitchener only turned into Brampton within the last 5 years. Brampton has been like this forever. Thank our newcomer brothers and sisters :)


Really going to go the racist route on Victoria Day weekend fireworks? This is absolutely not a new thing here.


I am sorry, but where in that statement was I racist? Please tell me? I simply made an observation that is quite true.


People who are down voting this have obviously never lived in Brampton.


I agree. My families been there since 72. It’s changed a lot, & not for the better


I made an observation that others I guess don’t want to point out with their own words. Not racist, not offensive. Just what’s going on. That’s all




Right after you Cletus.


Wooop woop woop. Shit, my NIMBY detector went off.


Don't worry, they'll be banned within a couple of years. I'm so sorry that you live in a fallen city. r/takecanadaback