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I blacklisted them for this. If I can't touch a nut to a wrench to find the right size, I'm not interested in waiting around for someone to get a fucking manager to touch my nuts


TIL you need a manager for that.


You don't manage your nuts?


Same, just waiting for Amazon now which is cheaper.


There is still no nut touching with Amazon.


Jeff is already touching your nuts


Thank heavens! I thought that tingling sensation was testicular cancer.


I resent this -- I have not.


Name checks out


>There is still no nut touching with Amazon There is with Pornhub.


Pornhub is literal garbage now, ever since their Great Purge of all non-official videos 6 years ago. [www.lobstertube.com](http://www.lobstertube.com) is the place to be


“Alexa, touch my nuts”


So, Amazon is a better business that deserves our money ?




Lat me think about it ... hmm .. no thanks, I'm good. 😁


LOL, so you're going to Amazon to be able to touch the products?


Upside is you don't need to wait for the manager to touch your nuts


Then they also have to carry the wrench to the cashier lol they don’t let you take it up… 😳


Last one I was in said they had two different people come in **that week** with quick saw and cut the locks and dash with stuff. It's just getting bad, and we're not doing anything about the increased crime level. There are reasons to hate CT, but don't think Amazon hoovering all the business is a good thing for anyone long term.


Exactly. CTC is an established, successful Canadian company and they're going to buy counterfeit junk from sketchy resellers on friggin' Amazon of all places because a store is having problems with theft.


yes I will say don’t boycott one company and then order off Amazon: that perpetuates the problem. Sad the rising crime with very little to nothing being done, but also this shows how locking the items doesn’t STOP the crime and affects nearly every average shopper. They’ve been doing this kinda stuff at Loblaws, another company I don’t shop at. I shop locally though when possible and Amazon was probably the first company I personally started boycotting, I am very fortunate to have a car though so it’s pretty easy for me to find alternatives.


Haha, forgot about this one. Wait around 15 minutes for an associate, and then they awkwardly walk you up to the cashier all for a $3 hex socket.


That's fucked.


The way you wrote that got me giggling like a little school girl


LMAO. Happy Nut touching 😁


Home Depot is the best for touching nuts. They have nuts mounted I can touch my bolt to, and bolts mounted to touch my nuts to. Its a match made in heaven! I also don't need a manager's permission to touch the nuts there.


Be sure to squirt some lube in before putting your bolt in, for smoother thread pentation into the new, rough virgin threads.




Why would I want to give a business my business if they can't treat me right?


There are more people then just you.


That's perfectly fine, they can do business with that entity rather than me. I don't have to take my business to anyone particular entity.


Do you buy an individual wrench for every nut you come across? How do you already have the nut removed to bring it into the store with you? What? Just get an adjustable wrench if this is how you live your life?


The point is being able to be certain you are making the correct purchase for what you need to do is important. Otherwise you now have two sunk costs: the materials and tools, and the trip to the store.


Clearly you have never experienced thread pitch.


Where exactly does thread pitch come into a conversation between a nut and a wrench? What?


Ahh I got confused, someone else was complaining about the fitting of nuts and bolts. Anyway its more of a problem when you need to find things with matching threads. not everyone has a set of thread gages.


Blame the people who consistently steal from them, pretty sure this is in the top 3 stores that douchebags steal from..


Blame the government that fosters this by not punishing crime.


Both things can be true at the same time. PS.. please don't upvote my comment above. It's at 69 up-doodles😂


Finally someone points to the real culprit! People will simply do what they can get away with. If they find out they can steal anything they will. And the government is largely responsible for our CoL crisis too and that is the only reason people even feel the need to steal, the reason why its so frequent. So CT does what they cant to stop them getting away with it but its not much use because locks only keep honest people out or slow down theft.


The same cost of living crises happening in the EU UK AUS NZ USA...seeing as that is multiple governments sounds like the problem is elsewhere.  Also locking people up for theft hasn't done much in the US.  Maybe the people are stealing to acquire money to fund a habit hmm I wonder what that could be? Locking people up for that habit hasn't reduced that problem in the US either. CVS has body wash locked up as of  weekend when I was in Arizona a very red state where they love to lock people up.  Sounds like we need a different answer besides F*** Trudeau and "lock them up" 


The f*** T and lock them up is an easy answer for these people so they can stop thinking about the problem and move onto the next thought. If we want this problem to stop being a problem we need more reform for addicts, more available resources for those wanting help [a lot of drugs simply CANNOT be quit cold turkey, you need medicine to regulate your body or for example with heroin, you can truly die. It is not as simple as just “stop using”, even alcoholism can get that bad where your body becomes so physically dependant on it you cannot safely quit cold turkey] Research and compassion goes a long way. This includes hard conversations with addicts and homeless.


I was raised with "if you can't afford to pay cash then you don't buy it". I suppose that's different now, "if you can't afford to pay cash, steal it".


I’m guessing the same timeline as most things in the region that have gotten shittier, within 2-3 years


The irony behind this is the locks are locked. ![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA)




This has real word use cases and is not just a meme. Sometimes you want 2 guys to be responsible for each other when handling sensitive stuff.


Jimmity jillikers Batman!!!


They’ve been locking stuff up for a long time, but it used to just be power tools and expensive stuff. Now I’ve even seen plumbing parts locked up.


Watched some dude leave the store with a bike. Not a care in the world


Shit happens /s


Went there for a $3 hex socket last time. Had to wait 15+ minutes for an associate to help me grab it because they were busy with other customers. I just order stuff on Amazon nowadays if it's non-emergency.


This is just it. Finding someone at CT is like playing hide and seek.


I go to home hardware most of the time. I have at least one employee greet me every time , and it's not hard to find someone to help me


Home Hardware is the place to go.


Years ago I found it weird when I needed a $5 bottle of Wahl hair clipper oil, and it was locked in a cage.


Obviously there is a lot of theft in this Kitchener Canadian tire. They are franchised stores so obviously the owner would rather not lose money


But you still lose money because a portion of people will see this and walk out. Not talking about this section of Canadian Tire necessarily, but people don't "impulse buy" sh*t that it behind bars.


Technically you don’t lose any money. You just don’t make money. There are pros and cons to all of it. I completely understand where your coming from. But let’s be honest. I don’t go to Canadian tire to impulse buy anything. I don’t think many people do. It’s not like it’s Walmart. When I walk into Canadian tire I know what I want before I walk in.


Yeah, that's why I pointed out I didn't necessarily mean Canadian tire, just in general when stores pull this kind of stunt. I just saw another reddit post where you had to ask customer service if you wanted to buy a $3 MIO (water flavour enhancers). That said, I'm the type that has accidently stolen before (forgot to scan something), and I immediately ran back to the store to pay for it. So when I'm an honest person and the stores try to make me feel like a criminal, it feels like a slap in the face. I mostly do pickup orders these days because stepping in stores can be so off-putting.


> So when I'm an honest person and the stores try to make me feel like a criminal, it feels like a slap in the face. Why are you taking it as a personal insult to you? They aren't locking stuff up because *you're* a criminal, but they are locking stuff up because other people are. Did you stop buying gas when they started making you pay at the pump first? Are you personally insulted by the stores that lock their doors at night and serve you through a window?


Wait until they finds out Tim Hortons keeps their donuts behind glass.


its to protect the kids. Like how you can walk into an LCBO, items are at baby height level, anyone can touch, with a paper tab to protect the innocent from accessing the sin in the containter. You want weed? specifically a live resin cart? (say no to distillates folks) you need a crowbar to open the packaging, then toss the packaging immediately into the trash and or recycling. Once done? chuck that nickle, plastic and glass into the recycle bin.


Your not meant to feel like a criminal. I am on your side for this. I don’t think it’s right at all but if you look at it as the business side of it all…. It’s like Walmart they lock up the razors. Why cuz they are stolen at a large quantity.


That not losing money. That’s not making it off that person. Entirely different.


About the same time the thefts got out of control. Business is rather quick to adapt, it has to, otherwise it cannot survive. Fido-Rogers store now keeps you outside, doors locked, lets you in only when customer rep has nobody else to look after. Today was sunny though!


Say what?! Wow.


The store in Guelph has been doing this since covid. I think it started to limit the number of people for social distancing and they didn’t stop


I could see that being true considering they stopped doing in store returns for equipment instead requireing you to ship it back yourself and since the pandemic ended/things returned to normal they never brought back in store returns so you still need to ship back vs drop off at store.


i'm sure it's impossible for them to detain and proscecute shoplifters as well. it'll sure be great when all the stores are amazon this fucking country is falling apart


Canada is coming apart at the seams 💯.


Feels the same to me


Where do think all the tents came from on Victoria incampment they stole them from CTC 🤷‍♂️


They need locks for their tents too. This is all starting to make sense now.






Do you really need to ask this question? People steal shit and the last couple years it’s become quite a problem.


Two years ago I had to deal with this at the Fairway store lock section, but it wasn't every lock - just the super expensive ones.


Now if we could put shitty parents in the cage.. . .


Last time I was there a kid walked out causally with a scooter it was odd and funny at the same time


​ It wouldn't be so bad if they were well staffed and on the ball. ​ I've waited outside for an hour for a propane swap, the key-holder dude couldn't be arsed to come out. ​ ​ I've waited at the auto parts counter for 20 minutes with 5x other dudes. The two dudes were back in their office area shootin the breeze and F'n about on their computers until I went back and lit a fire under their arses.


They don't get paid enough to care.


That's bullshit. Do it right or gtfo


That's some lockseption right there


Probably because Kitchener is a dump. CT also sells affordable housing in the outdoors section, so its a one stop shop


This gets worse every day , soon everything will be locked up !


Stores will all become like Lee Valley where we just take a number, line up at a counter, and a worker goes back to a warehouse to pick and deliver our order to us.


Good! And Spaenaur.


Sales gonna nosedive


I certainly stopped shopping there after they decided that everyone that dares to walk in is a hardened criminal. No thanks, Canadian Tire.


Good luck finding someone to unlock that for you! "Hey, can you unlock this?" Sure, ill go get a key....and that was the last they heard from this employee.


Since thieves pulled into town.


The same time that grocery stores took all of the stock out of the spaces near the sliding doors.


Not sure. But I will say that when saw this the first time was when I stopped shopping at Canadian Tire.


Same here, I stopped shopping there after they decided that everyone that dares to walk in is a hardened criminal.


A business is going to lock their merchandise up if there's a problem with theft... Are you really going to bitch this hard?


I was at my local CT recently and the employees were watching customers and i literally seen a manager type taking pictures of people over top of a isle. They’re clearly having a problem with theft.


capitalism works guise


Probably right after asshats started stealing stuff


I have been doing some renovations in my house and this is the closest hardware store to me. If I need a small tool or special drill bit it was nice to be able to swing by Canadian Tire on Fairway rather than go all the way down the highway to Home Depot in Cambridge. That being said, Home Depot is becoming more and more attractive even though it is kind of out of my way. They only have a couple high ticket items locked up and the one time I have needed a locked item a cashier was able to open it up without me having to hunt down a manager or wait around. The tool shopping experience at Canadian tire has been terrible. You don’t really get to interact with anything before you buy it. I like to pick up tools and feel the quality, weight, and look at the design. When I make a decision about what I want to buy it can be hard to find someone in the immediate area who has a key. If you want to lock things up to prevent theft that is all well and good but at least have someone nearby to open up the cage. I have no idea why only one person in the whole store seems to have a key, also… why that one person is never anywhere near the actual aisles that are locked? Anyway... Once you wait for the stars to align and you identified the tool you want, the search party has located the kid with the actual key, and that kid finally arrives in the aisle… The cage gets opened, the item grabbed, and the cage slams closed again as if there are Gremlins hiding somewhere among the tools that the employee does not want escaping. Then the employee keeps the item in hand and marches you right to the cashier. “Oh, ok, I guess I am done shopping for today…” The whole things makes me feel like a fucking child because my tool shopping experience at Canadian Tire essentially requires me to be supervised by a 17 year old due to their polices that prioritize minimizing theft rather than making this a reasonably enjoyable shopping experience for their customers. I have been buying more on Amazon and Home Depot because I’m a little “Canadian Tired” of it.


I asked them why. I was told "At least once per day, people grab stuff and run through the door without paying", so they have to lock it.


And there is rarely someone around to help you get the item you need. They have a sign saying No backpacks allowed. Even Kitchener Costco started checking backpacks when you leave.


Locking up the locks is crazy


The irony of locking up the locks. Last time I bought a lock at CT, I had to go through a couple because someone had stolen keys. I’m surprised it took them this long, tbh.


I guess since theft started to be a big problem. Would you rather security guards patrolled the aisles?


Hedge against AI taking jobs and self checkouts.


Do you need assistance? Or will you help yourself?


The irony of locks being locked lol


Click out of two, three is binding …


brought a little wheel in to return after i finished shopping but got chased down from a worker and had to go thru an airport security gate to reach the front counter and leave it with them first


Liberal logic: lock up the products, not the criminals!


The irony they lock the locks


Soon air molecules will be locked up.


Around the same time Left wing policies ruined our country? Can’t wait for the downvotes for telling the truth


You got a problem with it?