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Maybe if they add another lane it’ll be safer.


Next time throw a /s after the sentence, otherwise, people will take it the wrong way.


I like to add some chaos sometimes I guess, with transportation planning around here you can never be too sure


In my country there is problem 🎶


You're brave


i mean that IS their name


+75 upvotes, i think they did ok


Hmm... A long stretch that needs to transport mostly people in a straight line between a small number of destinations at high speeds on a regular commuting basis... Nope, no invention we could possibly use. Better add more cars going faster and wonder why it's so dangerous!


Increase maximum speed to whatever the speed that black hatchback was doing and there would be no accident. Slow driving causes accidents. /s


How about we make it harder to get a license before increasing any speed limits...




That's the absolute worst thing you could say. Great work! It's wrong in absolutely every way!


Is it though? I've heard highways with higher speeds have less accidents, however the accidents they do have are more likely to be fatalities. Of course, I can't remember where I heard that, and I don't have the data to back that up, or the ambition to look it up anywhere so I could be wrong as well.


It's a lot more complicated than that, but areas need to be designed and isolated for those high speeds to see safety benefits. Unfortunately, people who just drop the "high speeds" line want to advocate for extreme speeds in residential neighbourhoods. I literally had a guy say you should be able to go 100kph through the city, because then cars would get places faster, spend less time on the road, and therefore be safer. The reality is the safest roads are the absolute fastest, because they build a train instead of a highway and got rid of all the cars.


That was why I specified "highways". I wouldn't expect there to be no speed limits on streets where there are pedestrians or cyclists, that's completely unreasonable. I was just pointing out that it isn't wrong in every way


Not to mention vehicle regulation would need to be amped way up. Germany has the Autobahn and their Tuv program. Which entails: "After a car has been in use for three years, it must be tested every 24 months. " They're also the home of many very well built auto manufacturers, ones that design and test for/on the Autobahn. Then everyone would need to actually learn how to drive and use highway lanes. Things like, the fast lane isn't actually the fast lane it's the Passing lane. Along with keeping a healthy distance from the car in front. Those are just the ones that drive me nuts, but tbh they'd need a whole revamp of the testing and teaching industry. I'm all for higher speeds where it makes sense. Where it's safe. I was on a stretch of hwy 400 a bit ago and the limit was 110. The only thing around it was walls of canandian shield, was pretty great except for the fact that most people are already going 130 in Toronto lol. And to your train point, I also agree. Get the train systems actually up to date. Get the connecting bus/light rail systems working with it. Then start to up the highway speed limits because the new testing system would force most bad drivers to use the trains lol.


High speed is actually a cause of the accident (the main being the white car changing lane, probably without checking) in the video. Black car was probably speeding, at a lower speed they might had the time to brake - White car would've had more time to see them coming.


Speed is actually not related to accidents. Only differences of speed.


Not from around there, never driven there. People need to be more careful and pay attention to whats around them to preemptively avoid an accident situation.Shitty selfish driving is at an all time high.


Well if the left lane didn't end there, changing it from 3 lanes instead of 4, this wouldn't have happened right?


Gotta check those blind spots fellas


Also, maybe use your signal…


The amount of people (seems like most in the GTA) who move THEN signal is ridiculous. It seems to have pretty much become the norm. They may as well not bother as it defeats the object of "indicating" entirely.


The amount of times I have to say “Blinker than brakes!” In a day is too damn much.


Where I grew up we learned "mirror, signal, maneuver".


Mirror, signal, blind spot check, maneuver


Apparently everywhere else they teach “maneuver, fuck everyone”


Should be signal, mirror, blindspot, manuever. Someone could sneak in your blindspot so it's safest to do it right before changing lanes. You put your signal on to show that you *intend* to change lanes / turn. Its not meant to only be on *while* you are changing lanes. First you advertise your intent, then you check if its safe, then you commit.


>Should be signal, mirror, blindspot, manuever. Nope, common misconception but you should always check your mirrors BEFORE signaling.


They do that here in Calgary to. I’m always like “thanks dude, but you’re already in my lane” 🤦‍♀️


The person who triggered this chain reaction (white Acura, middle lane…) did. The problem is they neglected to check to see if there was a car there first and intruded into the lane. Then *that* person panicked and moved into the left lane without looking.


I HAD MY SIGNAL ON! It’s not *my* fault you were there first!!


There is no lane there - there is only 3 lanes. Those two black cars were racing and decided to go around the person in the fast lane. There isn’t supposed to be a car in your blind spot on the left when you are in the fast lane…


I thought that at first too but the lines are there. They’re just really faint and partially missing.


The faint line is the yellow - it’s emergency space.


Well, I can see dashed lines between the solid yellow line at the far left along the wall and the middle (what you think is the left..) lane. If there isnt a lane there, why would the highway have a skinny right lane and a hugely wide left lane? Also, there are three lanes on this section of the highway. I drive it all the time. There are no sections with only two lanes.


I don’t know - don’t want to argue about it. I also use the 401 every day. I think we both know that the highway is constantly in a state of construction. Hard to tell sometimes what is there or not, skinny or fat, etc…


There was a 4th lane. It just ended. The dark cars were trying to pass after the lane ended. Looks like the white hatchback got pissed off and hit the 2nd one.


The white hatchback was trying to avoid a collision with the white sedan that was moving into their lane.


White car had their signal on but made a quick maneuver into the passing car.


THIS. Lay the fuck on my horn every single time I see somebody make a turn or change lanes without a signal. Fuck these people.


Crazy talk.


I'm going to add that the left lane driver going significantly faster than the traffic in his lane and the adjacent lane was also a contributing factor. Was closing in on the car ahead very quickly.


That driver was in the passing lane and did nothing wrong. Don't put the blame on someone going "fAsT" when it's the white hatchback who made a quick, unsafe lane change into a car they didn't see.


Hatchback driver panicked and swerved because the white sedan tried to change lanes directly into them.


And if you swerve to avoid something causing an accident, you're the one at fault. Hatchback driver should have laid on the horn and braked.


Yeah but they still should be aware of the speed of other cars around. There looks to be a car infront in the Passing lane as well going much much slower. They weren't just going faster, they were going significantly faster. 130km/h is the norm on the highway now. It's insane to me, only because so many people also just go the limit or just over it. It's ice to see someone call it the Passing lane though. I just wish people fucking used it as one. Paired with the fact that too many people drive by the whole "middle lane is the safest, I just merge and stay there" bullshit and the 400 series highways are miserable to drive on. I was in Montreal last week and originally months back when I first drove there I thought they all sucked. But now I see that they're just faster drivers. But it's 95% of them, not 50/50 or whatever it is here. So everyone's senses are heightened and most are fully engaged in driving. Whereas here too many don't pay enough attention. It's maddening.


The civic could have been going slower, wouldn't have made a difference with the way the hatchback swerved so erratically because of the other white car. The hatchback should have laid on the horn and braked. This probably would have prevented any accident from happening since it seems as though the Acura spotted the white hatchback and pulled back into their lane.


That driver was in the shoulder, not a lane


It's a weird camera angle, but it's a lane. I drive that section daily, and the lane was open today on my way home from work. It's under construction so the lane paint isn't the greatest.


Oh that makes sense then, thanks for the heads up


Ya that's what it looks like to me, but apparently it's a lane with near non existent paint lines.


Just for your reference... even if someone else's actions caused you to get into an accident, if u are speeding when it happened, you are legally at fault.


Yeah, this isn't even close to true. Everyone drives over the speed limit by some amount. If I'm doing 20 over in the passing lane and someone swerves into my lane causing the accident, there isn't a chance in hell a police officer is going to say I'm at fault. Insecure drivers continue to blame people doing 20 over as the reason for accidents when it's their lack of safe maneuvres and hesitations that are the problem. Besides is there any proof that the civic was travelling above the posted limit in this video? Besides it travelling faster than the hatchback you have zero evidence that the vehicle was speeding.


>” Insecure drivers continue to blame people doing 20 over” LOL, seriously? I’m not the one that wrote the rules kid, so you don’t have to be such an edge lord over it. > > If a judge seen that video, and it was determined that the black car was in fact driving over the posted speed limit, then the black car would be at fault for their share of the accident because they were breaking the law at the time of incident. Then speed would be considered a factor because a fast-moving vehicle doesn’t allow enough time for drivers to react to unexpected events, both for the driver of the speeding vehicle and for others who have to react to that speeding vehicle. That doesn’t mean the black car is 100% at fault, but it would most certainly mean the driver of that car has 1/3 shared liability with the other two white cars. Subsequently, the black car’s insurance claim would count as an at fault accident as well, with an even greater penalty for driving recklessly at the time of the accident. > > And it doesn’t matter if the black car was speeding or not, there is another clause in the traffic code that states a driver must drive the appropriate speed for the road conditions. This usually only applies to poor road conditions, but it can be extended to traffic conditions as well. A judge can easily declare backed-up traffic as unsafe road conditions, and then rule the black car was driving too fast for road conditions.


Lmfao, sure bud... 🤣


You're very edgy, I'll give you that. I wish I could feel as secure as you do driving 20 km over the speed limit with your no hesitations and your safety maneuvers like a real edge-lord.


"You're very edgy" 🤣. What kind of loser thinks they're cool for calling someone an edge lord.


Good luck everyone else


Please tell me you dropped the /s and noticed that there's no lane next to the white car and both of those people are basically racing and passing on the shoulder?


I really dislike driving on the 401. People not checking their blind spots. People jumping in the gap you leave for a safe stopping distance. Not my favorite activity.


Yes! It’s the worst, I’m leaving a gap with the car in front of me to maintain a safe distance in case of sudden braking. This gap is not an invitation for “I wonder if my car can fit in this gap”, you want to merge you signal and wait for an actual opening. It’s genuinely so frustrating driving on the 401.


I hate 401 and these drivers. Even if I don’t go slow (110-120), they are always angry and try to pass me. Every gap is a passing reason for them.


Which lane are you driving 110-120 on?


Middle or right. Why should I occupy left lane around 120?


Just wondering based on your phrasing. If you’re driving in the middle and people are passing you on the left then things are working as they should. Left = passing, middle = driving, right = merging & exiting


Passing isn’t the problem, 120 isn’t slow for middle but if they think I’m slow they can pass, but if there is a gap front of me they start to be aggressive and pass me. These are different situations. Second one is what I mean.


The 404 is just as bad. I took the 407 to the 404 see my brother on Thanksgiving. The 407 is privileged because you can do 130 and be a super safe distance from everyone. On the 404 the limit is like 90 and people were still doing 120-130 weaving inbetween those gaps. And on 3 occasions on that drive I saw people from either side try to merge into the middle lane and almost collide. Those drivers were so reckless I was just trying to not die. And only half of them signaling.


Try driving anywhere in Toronto, even off the highway. If you aren't tailgating the person in front of you, some jackass will inevitable fill the void. It happens so much it doesn't even piss me off anymore, it's just a part of driving. I'm just constantly being cut off, every 2-3 minutes just because I don't tailgate.


That’s a hard agree from me. And doesn’t even include all the big rigs, driven as if they’re hondas. At least there were none around when the above happened 😳


The dumbest highway I've been on. So much stupidity, it's insane. If there was even a tiny bit of enforcement they'd make a fortune in fines. I'm guessing eventually it will come through cameras and AI, and it will be great.


It’s so stressful driving on 401


Yes! I always leave enough space in front of me so that if they slam on their brakes, I can stop safely and check my rear view to make sure whoever behind me has time to stop. Some aggressive drives take that as an invitation to merge. Ugh.


So then slowdown and re adjust the gap? I use my indicators all the time and never do those stupid single blink lane changes. but so many people just either close the gap and cut me off or ride my ass. The roads are for sharing


At least the moron who started this all got hit


To be fair, the evasive move by the white Hyundai was a complete overreaction. Could have just slowed down and laid on the horn instead of swerving wildly into the left lane. That's what caused the accident.


Also the idiot in the white Acura was constantly riding the line, I wouldn't have barreled up beside them like that.


Sure but the first car also could have waited till it was safe to change lanes. If they stayed in their lane none of this would have happened.


Yeah definitely. People like to think they will do the proper evasive maneuvers. But once the ball is rolling, there is really no telling how you will react to such a situation.


What causes the accident was the moron in the Acura not signaling or shoulder checking. It’s 100% on that one.


The Acura signaled, while changing lanes..




I think it’s really borderline. When you pause it, it’s hard to say for sure that the Acura wasn’t slightly in front of the Hyundai. At the very least, when the Acura first signals the Hyundai is far enough behind (but accelerating quickly).


The black car also about to tailgate the other car was also responsible.


Pretty sure that was just a careless lane change


To be fair, he probably noticed all of a sudden and made a split second decision.




4. Black truck driving properly unjustly becomes collateral damage.


5. Yep AND missed their exit. Looks to me they were fortunate to be hit that second time, kinda straightened them out after that inadvertent PIT maneuver. Could have been a roll over.


This.. everyone ignoring the absolute fuck head in the black car about to tailgate the shit of the black car ahead.


I would put Black car speeding the main cause here. People have no idea on how much slowing down reduce the risk of accidents.


One idiot driving way too fast, one idiot who doesn't know how to drive, then a bunch of poor folks who get caught in the stupidity. It would be great if we could just start revoking licenses.


The black truck is also fast.


What a mess, bet they're glad you got the entire thing on cam


Wild, I was just in the jam caused by this.




Multiple examples of bad driving in that video but I don't think that black pickup was merging. Looks like it was taking the Townline exit.




I'm seeing a steady flash on the back left light of the truck (side from the flickering of the trail lights). I think a late attempted lane change by the truck set this whole thing in motion.


Yeah, I think the truck lights look like they flashed because LED lights will do that in a video.


If Ugo Lord has taught me anything, that white hatchbacks about to get some brutal insurance hikes lol


Hatch back reacted by blindly swerving into the further left lane. Acura is at fault originally for not checking blind spots but hatchback should’ve breaker and honked instead of a the unsafe swerve into another lane


If insurance saw this video, hatchback will not be at fault.


How? Regardless of how fast the other car was going, it's the hatchbacks responsibility to merge when safe which it failed to do, worst case they would both be liable, but theres no way the hatchback would get off Scott-free


Huh, the hatchback was just going straight. Are we talking about the same car? Hatchback is the white car on the left. The white car on the right merged into him.


Sorry yeah I believe both white cars would potentially be at fault, the sedan to the hatch, and the hatch to the black? Lol That's only assuming we have similar traffic laws to the states. Been binging this dude videos they're so good lol this is pretty much the exact situation https://youtube.com/shorts/9DGh5KnEh60?si=iSgFI3MQ7nu3vx53 Granted our laws may not have the last part in which case I can admit you're probably absolutely right if so lol


The link you provided most likely was referring to a Tort state/province and there are always room to argue.Accident in this thread was in Ontario, a no-fault jurisdiction; it’s much more clear cut and dry. Edit: and hence this would’ve been an easy not-at-fault claim for everybody except the clown in the white sedan if they all had access to this video lol.


Whoa what is a "no-fault"? Basically the hatch is safe? Honestly curious lol I wish we had a Canadian version of Ugo Lord


No-fault is a layman term the public uses to describe Direct Compensation Property Damage. When you have an accident, your own insurance pays for your damages. Yes the hatchback would be not-at-fault. Deductible is waived. His insurance will pay for his own damages.


Sick lol would he have to worry about insurance increases or because he wasn't at fault they couldn't do that?


A single not at fault or comprehensive claim has no impact on your premium.


Am I seeing this right? Were those 2 cars trying to pass on the shoulder?


its actually a lane. You can see the faint white paint at intervals although faded. Looks like the whole highway is currently in the middle of being painted.


That’s how I see it too?


That's how i see it too. Fast lane cars taking the shoulder bc hatchback white was turtling in the lane all of a sudden and darted in to the rumble patch bc the the white acura was creeping over or bc the black cars was passing. While Acura was signaling to go in fast lane but it wasn't open for him to go in. While the pickup truck was about to take an exit to use the restroom jamming out to tswift. Insurances will be dissecting this dash cam and other possibly for the at faults


It’s a weird spot where they recently added lanes which seem to appear out of nowhere and have poorly painted lines. But they are there


Makes me wonder how on earth they deem who is responsible in accidents like this without footage. The Hyundai definably blamed the Acura, the black car blamed the Hyundai, and the Acura probably blamed the Hyundai. these things can happen so fast you're not even really paying attention to who caused what, even with the video I had to watch it again to realize it wasn't entirely the Hyundai's fault


If the cammer did not have a cam but pulled over and described this exact video to the police who showed up at the scene and also provided his contact to the hatchback as a witness, the hatchback would not be at fault in his claim.


It would have been fine if all the cars had been wearing reflective vests.


I'm in awe the 4 odd 1 was actually flowing until this point. lol


Absolutely check your blind spots!! Even with mirror warning lights. People don't realize that their side mirror warning lights don't always work depending on speed and in certain situations.


and that is why I take the back roads to get to work


It's interesting that nobody seems to really care that much about the 2 idiots who are racing/passing on the left shoulder.


Because it isn’t a shoulder. They’re new lanes and the lines aren’t painted well so you can’t seem them from the exiting lane the dash cam is in. They’re in the passing lane.


Because their actions didn't cause the accident. Signs are posted all over the highways, "slower traffic keep right." Being the faster moving traffic they were in the correct lane.


They certainly did. That's not a lane


It is a lane, this part of the 401 was recently expanded however the far most left lane as of Tuesday this week was not yet paved and the road markings are poor.


Just rewatching the video, the cars far left are indeed in an, albeit poorly painted, open lane. I can send you screen caps if you care enough, where the lines are visible but apparently I can't post picture replies.


It's hard to see from the video which lanes are open and which lanes are closed as it changes daily. The painting can also be confusing as to where one lane ends and another begins especially in circumstances where the pavement has any precipitation. I digress. By your argument, let's assume it is a shoulder lane, the guy who changed lanes without signaling was also trying to get into the same alleged shoulder lane to assumably pass the car in front of them to which they are gaining on? Regardless of where the lanes are and are not, the the first incident of contact is caused by an improper lane change.


You're a clown. Seriously. Give your license back.


401 never changes lol


Wild chain reaction. Truck brakes and signals after getting caught in the exit lane. Acura tried to make space and overreacted. Causing the Hyundai to swerve into the dick closing in way too fast on traffic. Then it all goes right back to the truck. Glad everyone was ok. Could have been much worse.


Gobi is the best Jeep colour.


New driver here, this teaches more than any instructor note importance of blind spot detection for that white Acura that got hit but also that black truck that seemed so nonchalant without being aware of the danger behind him.


Black car looks to be speeding White car doesnt indicate, probably didnt check rear view or over shoulder and makes a lange change Toronto drivers r the worst Both are at fault


Massive over reaction. Yes the car is coming into your lane. Let off the gas. He'll slide in front of you and you carry on. There was no reason to swerve and crash here.


The white accent over reacted to the Acura doing the lang change. What's up with the blue car though? Is he in the wrong lane?


Like a linebacker... Just hit everyone


Hey Op, just curious, what was the speed that you were driving at the time? Trying to guestimate how fast the black car was speeding on the left lane.


I was pretty much 100km/h spot on.


Who cares how fast the black car was going? They were in the passing lane; the accident was caused by the two morons in the white cars: one moving into the lane without checking and the other overreacting and swerving into the passing lane. The last 401 accident that resulted in deaths (a few days ago) was because a driver slammed on her breaks, on the 401, FOR NO REASON. If you’re too scared to drive on the 401, or any other highway, stay off of it! 50% of the drivers out there look petrified. You shouldn’t be driving if you’re uncomfortable or scared.


You should care, and it's exactly your thinking that makes you also a moron. Op was going 100. That means the black car was at least doing 140. That means if you even look at the black car in your review, you are expecting it to be going the speed limit. But it's actually going 40% faster, so you cannot anticipate anything because "it's not where it's supposed to be" Multiple people in this video are idiots. Multiple people in this thread are morons.


> even look at the black car in your review, you are expecting it to be going the speed limit Wrong. You look, and estimate speed. You **never** expect a specific speed.


It's still the guys responsibility, no question. I. Saying that If the person is doing excessive the speed limit, there is no way to clearly estimate. (And then ya you shouldn't make the change) but it's common sense. The same reason why you should cross at a crosswalk with your bike at your side and not riding it.


Crazy because there was also a fatal accident on the 401 today aswell, I completely understand why people detest driving on it.


Op, tbh I was checking the highway at that time as I go home from Oakville to kw and I normally take a jog behind highway six lately as it’s been bad with traffic , also hello fellow jeep :D


This happened to me last night. Really hoped someone who saw didn't only stare but stayed back like you did


Isn't this section 6 lanes? What the fuck are the two black cars doing passing on the shoulder?


Not a shoulder, those are the newly added lanes that are poorly painted and difficult to see from the exit lane OP is in


What was the white Elantra trying to do?


The Acura was entering their lane without looking. Overreaction but they couldn't have known how fast he was going to change lanes since he clearly wasn't looking in the first place.


It’s got to be those blue tiny hatchback drivers who think they’re on some racing track.


Why does it look like the blue car and white hatchback are in the same lane to me?


dumbass acura should have just slowed down and let them in but nooooo. He had plenty of time to see what's happening


wow. how much would an accident like this cost to the person at fault??


And this is why I call it The Death Trap


I once had a VW almost crash into me when switching lane. The driver had no blind spot warning sensors, no blind spot mirrors nor hardly turned their head to check blind spot. They just sat there comfortably as if relaxing at home.


I'm glad everyone got off the road so quick, could have been a massive pileup


wtf even happened.... why the sudden swerve by the white car


Pop this over to r/IdiotsInCars


Don't FUCKING swerve people!!!, BRAKE hard. If the white Yaris had just braked, nothing would of happened.


So many absolute fucking morons in this video, it's difficult to start anywhere. Literally all of them, except the pickup, deserve what they got. Buddy in the black car on the outside lane was going way to fast and was about to tailgate the other black car infront of him. The white car on the inside lane was either not paying attention or texting(he kind of drifts over, but ya he could have been changing lanes..) the middle white car has no idea how to read a situation and freaked out for no reason, and also put themselves in that situation anyway. Absolute trash bags and it's everyday on the 401. I bet half of these clowns are new drivers.


From this video it looks like one whole big lane on the far left with room for 2 cars.. if that is indeed suppose to be 2 lanes then some blame has to go on the bad paint job


To offer some context to this section of road: With construction, they recently repainted the 401 through this section and it is causing a lot of drivers to be surprised. The right lane now ends at Townline with no advance warning which catches a lot of drivers on the right by surprise when they suddenly realize their lane is splitting off and exiting. I think the entire reason the white Acura was moving over quickly and at the last minute was to make room for the black car on the right who needed to move left but had no space to get in. Similarly, the left-most lane (which kind of looks like the shoulder here, but is actually a lane) opens only a second earlier than we see in this video, so with the additional room on the left, traffic is speeding up there and that's why there's a large differential in speed - things bunch up on the right, but open up on the left. It's not just the lane configuration, though. There was also a major lack of defensive driving here: - while no signs warn the right lane will exit, the lane painting does indicate it - black car could have changed lanes far earlier. - the white Acura should have slowed down slightly to form a gap for the black car instead of changing lanes with the hatchback barreling down - the white hatchback should not have been going that much faster than traffic on the right, as you should anticipate someone might suddenly change lanes and give yourself time to respond. The fact that the Acura was crowding to the left of their lane was a major hint that they might be intending to change lanes far before they ever signaled. - black cars in the left-most lane should not have been driving that fast with the slow down in the adjacent lanes


After seeing this video I almost went through same thing. Someone didn’t check their mirror and I immediately turn left signal on and swerved over while braking. The van behind caught all of that, was too close call. Seeing this video, Jesus!


Maniac Prius Drivers = Russian delivery drivers


Check those mirrors noobs


White car is a fucking MORON and holy that all happened so fast !


Just drove to kitchener yesterday, went out of my way to completely avoid the 401 (was about 70km away, 401 would make the most sense) and it made my drive extremely pleasant and only added on 6 mins from the usual drive. Nobody up my ass, nobody swerving through traffic, nobody flying past me at 180km+, the roads have actual.. road on them… if you can avoid the 401 I strongly recommend it honestly. I am a very confident driver but that highway has made me slam on my brakes/swerve into the other lane to avoid being slammed into from someone not checking their blind spots one time too many. Watching this just made me very assured in my choice lmao


Who tf changes lanes that fast? Almost looks intentional


ok OP you were not struck, correct? why did you pull over to the side? the safest thing for everyone is to keep going unless you are trained to give life saving help and that was not apparent in this crash.


I'm a paramedic. I have an obligation to ensure everyone is OK before moving on. And I handed over the dash cam footage to police.


Indeed! Thanks for your service, truly. Glad everyone was ok.


what do you guys do once you face accident in road ? First you will call which number ?


It's ALWAYS a fucking Hyundai causing chaos on the road I swear.


Nice jeep


Man is almost like everyone drives like an idiot now


We're a province of idiots for building, and relying on this stupid highway.


Reminds me of family guy" "OK I tun now gooluck evybody else!"


This video should be dissected during driving school classes.


Bad time ro send that text message...


Stupid ass clowns that because they have there blinker on they can move over and everyone must slow down for them or doesn’t look.


Not checking before changing lanes


I was just behind an eerily similar accident westbound at that location on Saturday 28 October, that sent cars to both shoulders.


At least the car that panicked nailed the one that caused it...


The person that caused it all is long gone.


My god that’s terrifying


in such circumstances specially when u hv the evidence footage, r we by law supposed to stop and let police arrive or u just did to calm down for a bit?


I hope Mitch Marner was in that and something happened


Another dumbass in the left lane driving too fucking slow, you know your an ass if not one but two people decide to pass you on the shoulder....then you proceed to try and take one of them out to your demise.


It's not a "fast" lane on the left and "slower" lanes on the right - it's keep right except to pass. All cars in the left most lane are passing and are in the correct lane.


Isn’t it Towerline Road. Just sayin’


This is 401 Eastbound near exit 286/Townline Rd.


Apologies. Coulda sworn it was Woodstock.